Here is the final chapter of Strawberry Wine...which is truly bittersweet. Sweet because I love happiness, bitter because I hate ending.

Tara and I would like to thank all you lovely people out there who have stayed with us from the beginning. To those who followed, read, favorited and alerted this fic, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

To our beautiful reviewers there are no words to describe how truly lovely you are. Each review has been so important to us and we are so grateful.

To Rose, Nicekittn5 and all you lovely samcedes and fanfic writers out there...You inspire me, pleeease don't stop writing :)

To my co-collaborator Tara...I thank you so much for your fantastic ideas. Always thankful and forever humbled. You are truly a beautiful being and a lovely friend.

This chapter is dedicated to Tara's son who has just joined the Military...'May the love of your family stay close to your heart and the blessings of God carry and protect you.' Praise :)

Disclaimer: Yeah own nothing in this fic except a few ideas.

Chapter 10

"So here we are with Miss Mercedes Jones, the breakout artist of the year," Ellen smiled looking happily toward the audience then turned to Mercedes.

Mercedes blushed, "yeah." She smiled nervously trying to avoid Ellen's eyes piercing blue eyes.

Ellen grinned leaning on the arm of her chair, "and so Miss strawberry wine, you're gonna marry my man Sam!"

"yeah…um…maybe!" Mercedes blushed and began wringing her hands.

Ellen grimaced, "what do you mean maybe?" Then she turned to the crowd waving her hands in the air, "Do you think Mercedes should marry Sam Evans?"

The crowd screamed "YES!"

"Well there you go Miss Jones! The people have spoken and once the people speak they have spoken," she grinned looking into the camera.

"y-yeah," Mercedes blushed.

"Well ain't you the most talkative thing? She mocked and then smiled warmly at Mercedes.

Mercedes took a deep breath, and then blurted, "ok, I'm just gonna say this, I think you are the greatest thing in the world and honestly, I would marry you, but I know your married," she quickly turned to Porsche who sat in the crowd," sorry Porsche, but I honestly think your wife is incredible," she babbled.

The audience cheered.

"Well what can I say …" Ellen smiled, "everyone wants me," she stood then walked up to one of the camera, stared down the lens and tried to speak seductively in a very poor French accent. "I am hot, hot, hot, I tell you!" she growled into the camera then strutted back to her chair.

Mercedes giggled, feeling so much more at ease as Ellen took her seat.

"So Miss Jones your album has gone multi platinum, you have sold millions of albums and now you're going on tour?" Ellen smiled as she settled into her chair.

The audience cheered and applauded.

"Yeah…" Mercedes smiled, "and I really can't wait, but my tours the same time as Sam's so they kind of clash, so I'm pretty disappointed because he's touring right now which is why he can't be with me and I begin my tour in two weeks so we are gonna be like ships passing in the night."

"Oh..." Ellen smiled mischievously, "but even ships come into dock,"

Mercedes smiled and nodded.

"Well we have a surprise for you, where is Sam's concert?" Ellen squealed.

"In Japan he left after the awards," Mercedes grimaced.

"Well we are gonna get him via web cam, I know he wanted to be with you today so here he is," Ellen smiled.

Mercedes beamed, throwing a hand over her mouth.

Suddenly Sam's face came on screen as he looked everywhere trying to focus on the camera.

"Um Sam look at the tiny circle in front of you, Sam…Sam…SAM!" Ellen yelled then rolled her eyes and leaned toward Mercedes, "he's supposed to be an actor and he can't even work a web cam, jesh!" Then she shook her head, "no wonder you're putting the engagement on hold, I think he's in need of a few spare parts," she snickered.

Sam adjusted his glasses glared into the camera, "I heard that!" He groaned looking directly at Ellen.

"Hey baby," Mercedes beamed, tears filling her eyes,

"Hey darling," Sam smiled and blew her a kiss,

"I miss you," she beamed as a tear ran down her cheek.

Sam looked down and away from the camera as he did not want to see his Mercy upset, he missed her so much, and then he grimaced, "I can't do this!" and then stood and walked away.

Mercedes stared horrified looking at Ellen as tears began to fall, "h-he's gone!" she gasped.

Ellen freaked, took Mercedes by the hand and said, "He's a dam idiot and No Mercedes it's fine!" Then she quickly ran to the exit.

Sam ran on stage and ran directly to his Mercy, "hey baby, I'm sorry I couldn't watch you cry!"

The crowd screamed and cheered as Sam kissed Mercedes passionately and as Ellen walked back onto the stage, obviously upset.

Mercedes smiled holding Sam tightly in her arms, and then they both turned to Ellen.

Mercedes quickly ran to Ellen and hugged her, "Thank you thank you, thank you!" she screamed.

And then quickly ran back to Sam clutching him tightly.

"Ok Sam Evans, you were not supposed to do that!" Ellen seethed trying to compose herself.

Sam tried to speak, but Ellen held her hand up to keep him quiet.

"No EVANS!" She continued and then she pulled out a script from her pocket, and began reciting it,

SAM: hello Ellen how are you it is a privilege being back on your fabulous show!

ELLEN: You are welcome, how is it going there in Japan!

SAM: It is fine but I miss my wife. (Then Sam turns to Mercedes) Hello Mercy I love and miss you (blows Mercedes a kiss!).

Ellen threw the script to the ground "it doesn't say runs off and breaks her heart!" Ellen feigned disgust at first and then she finally began to laugh as the whole scene got the better of her.

"I'm sorry Ellen!" Sam pouted.

Sam really did not play according to the script and he had really caught Ellen off guard. Sam then walked toward Ellen, Mercedes in hand and hugged her.

"Sorry…" he whispered, "I forgot to tell you I hate it when my Mercy cries."

Ellen smiled and took him into her embrace

"Lord have mercy on you Mercedes Jones!" she chuckled, "cos with a man like Sam Evans…life is unpredictable!"

Then Ellen looked at the camera and smiled, "we'll be back after the break with my most favorite couple in the world, oh hang on…sorry…unfortunately they couldn't be here tonight, so we will have to make do with Sam Evans and Mercedes Jones."

The crowd cheered as Sam, Ellen and Mercedes returned smiling, arm in arm back to the lounge.


Sam returned later that day to Japan returning to complete his concert circuit. Mercedes traveled with him and decided to spend a couple of days with him before she went on tour herself.

"Thank y'all Tokyo for attending, it has truly been an honour to play before you." Sam smiled.

The crowd roared.

"Here is my final song and you know what it is?" he smiled playing the introduction,

The crowd chanted 'Strawberry Wine!"

"Yeah, this is for my Mercy," he smiled and blew a kiss to Mercedes as she stood on the side of the stage.

Mercedes smiled and blew one back. Then turned around and left.

She was working through college on my grandpa's farm
I was thirsting for knowledge and she had a car

Sam turned to the side of the stage to smile at Mercedes but she had gone. He felt sad but ploughed on never the less.

Meanwhile backstage…

"Daddy do you think I'm doing the right thing?"

"It's up to you baby, only you can decide, yes I gave Sam my permission to marry you but baby, No way no how do I want you to marry him if he is not the one cos I will rip his heart out and stomp on it if he hurts you!" Mr Jones growled.

Mrs Jones yelled through the line, "No baby girl, if you don't want to marry him then we support you. You are first always and all we want is for you to be happy!"

"Especially after the botch up that your mother ordered me to do all those years ago!" Mr Jones moaned.

"It was you!"

"No it was you!"

Mercedes rolled her eyes as she listened to their banter, then giggled, "see yah later you two, I love you both," and then hung up.

Meanwhile on center stage…

Sam continued to sing amid tears of sadness.

Yeah, I was caught somewhere between a man and a child
When one restless summer we found love growing wild
On the banks of the river on a well beaten path
It's funny how those memories they last

Sam wiped away his tears, thinking, will she ever truly trust me, and then continued weakly as the crowd sung with him.

Like strawberry wine and seventeen
The hot July moon saw everything
My first taste of love oh bittersweet
Green on the vine
Like strawberry wine

Sam stared intently at the large circular moon which beamed before him and tried desperately to smile, playing their song with all his heart. Tears trickled down his cheeks.

Suddenly Mercedes walked on stage and began to sing the second verse. The crowd let out a great roar of appreciation.

I still remember when thirty was old

My biggest fear was September when we had to go

Sam was shocked and stopped playing, Artie and the band carried on. She took Sam's hand with her left hand and kissed it,

A few cards and letters and one long distance call
We drifted away like the leaves in the fall

Then she kissed it again, Sam looked at her left hand, realised and then stood, eyes wide open and mouth agape. She was wearing his ring, his grandma's ring!

But year after year I come back to this place
Just to remember the taste

The band played on and the crowd sung as Sam dropped his guitar and took Mercedes in his arms. Tears of joy were now falling down his cheeks. He held her so tight and kissed her over and over again.

Of strawberry wine and seventeen
The hot July moon saw everything
My first taste of love oh bittersweet
Green on the vine
Like strawberry wine

Then Sam spun around picked up his guitar and led his fiancé to his chair. The two of them sang their song, side by side.

The fields have grown over now
Years since they've seen the plow
there's nothing time hasn't touched
Is it really her or the loss of my innocence
I've been missing so much

Like strawberry wine and seventeen
The hot July moon saw everything
My first taste of love
oh bittersweet
Green on the vine
Like strawberry wine
Strawberry wine
Strawberry wine

As the song finished Sam smiled, jumped up down and screamed in the microphone, "I want you to meet my fiancé, Miss Mercedes Jones soon to be Mrs Sam Evans!"

Mercedes had sung with him, she had sung their song. Now Sam knew, that it would be them together forever, he knew he would always have his Mercy. He knew that on this day Mercedes gave her heart to Sam, just like she had those many years ago in a little old barn in Humboldt.

After farewelling the audience, receiving congratulations from Artie and the crew and attempting to do a number of back flips and cartwheels along the stage, Sam took his fiance into a warm embrace and whispered, "I love you Mercy, I love you…thank you for making me the happiest man in the world!"

Mercedes and Sam were married at their spot by the banks of the river as the sun set beyond the horizon.

Sam had set up the venue exactly how he had set it up the night he proposed to her, except this time there were hundreds and hundreds of tiny tea lights. White candles and wild lilies filled the area.

Each guest was provided with a long white candle with their names engraved on the candle holder and lit them with the candles that Grammy and Grandpa Evans held as they entered.

Sam stood nervously as he waited for his bride who rode carefully upon Charlie. As she slid off his back she ran a hand over his aging nose and smiled. "I love you Charlie!" Charlie nuzzled his nose against Mercedes neck and sent out a quiet bray. Then she ran a hand over her French lace full length gown which fell beautifully against every curve in her body. It had belonged to her mother when she was married and was adjusted especially to fit Mercedes. Stacy gathered the thin veil and placed it in front of Mercedes face and then lifted Mercedes train. Finn and Artie kissed Mercedes on the cheek. Artie handed Mercedes her candle which had Sam's name engraved upon it and then Finn handed her a bouquet of wild lilies, caressed her cheek, smiled and then whispered, "I love you Cedes, you are my dearest friend." Kurt, with tears in his eyes, then stepped forward and placed the necklace and signet ring Sam gave her those many years ago, back to it's home around her neck, and kissed her gently on the cheek. Stacey then kissed Mercedes on the cheek, took Kurt by the arm and led Charlie by the reigns. Then Mercedes father smiled as he approached her and offered his daughter his arm. Arms entwined, they walked carefully along the wild Lilly strewn path, candles in hand and were soon joined by her mother who weaved her arm through hers. Artie and Finn trailed behind, holding their candles as Charlie led by Stacy and Kurt, trotted slowly behind them.

As they reached Grandma and Grandpa Evans they all lit their candles with theirs, as violinists slowly played Sam and Mercedes song, 'Strawberry Wine.'

Tears filled Sam's eyes as he took in the beauty of his Mercy and watched his wife to be light her candle with his grandparents and then release her parent's arms and walked arm in arm with Grammy and Grandpa Evans. The aged pair's faces were beaming with pride and joy as they slowly walked Mercedes up the aisle, Mercedes parents smiled happily in tow, Artie and Finn trailed behind as they held lighted candles in hand and as tears of joy for their dear friend caressed their cheeks. Stacy released Charlie and her and Kurt followed tentatively behind them, beaming happily bouquet and lighted candles in hand.

As they approached Sam, Grammy and grandpa kissed Mercedes and took their seats, and then Mercedes parents kissed her and sat beside them, Artie, Finn Kurt and Stacy followed suit and then stood to Mercedes left.

Stevie handed Sam his wedding candle which had Mercedes name engraved on it. Sam smiled and lit his candle with Mercedes candle and took her right hand in his left and knelt with Mercedes upon the silken pillows which stood before them and bowed their head in prayer.

Sam whispered as they knelt and then bowed his head. "You look beautiful Mercy," then cast a loving gaze toward her.

"Thank you darling, you look handsome." she returned his gaze and then bowed her head.

The Pastor, Pastor Joe had been a friend of Sam and Mercedes for many years. He conducted a prayer of blessing and reminded everyone about the sanctity of marriage. Then he completed his brief sermon with, "God provided a help meet for Adam, one who was fitted to be his companion and be one with him through love and sympathy… Eve was formed from a rib from Adams side. It was taken from his side to signify she was not to control him as the head or to be trodden under foot as the inferior but to stand by his side as his equal to be loved and protected by him."

Then he asked Mercedes and Sam to stand to share their vows.

The two of them stood, placed their candles in the candelabra and then faced each other, and held each others hands as they tearfully recited their vows.

Mercedes began.

"Sam Evans.." she giggled looking lovingly into her eyes, tears still flowing, "you make me madder than I have ever been, so angry I want to pull my hair out. But...I would not have it any other way because you are truly my heart. Without you I am incomplete and all those years we were apart I knew it was only you who could fill that void. I love everything about you Sammy. You are my heart and my love forever and always."

Sam swept her tears away tenderly with his thumb and then began as tears continued to fill his eyes.

"Many years ago I met you here in this very spot. I knew you were mine the minute I saw you. I knew you were part of me and the years apart just verified the fact that I cannot exist without you by my side, I don't deserve you Mercy but I will spend the rest of my life making sure you know how much I love you. You are my heart Mercy I will love you always and forever."

Then Joe announced, "If anyone finds just cause as to why these two should not be lawfully wed…speak now or forever hold their peace!"

Suddenly a disheveled form jumped out of the bushes.

Mercedes gaped at Sam and then giggled as the sad blonde pulled twigs from her hair and pulled leaves from out of her mouth, dressed in a silk overly puffed sleeved wedding gown, holding her beloved cat. Then she held the large ginger cat high in the air and screamed, "Stop everyone Lord tumbledown speaks! What's that you say?" Bratney whispered and leaned an ear toward the large ginger fur ball, "he said he is very upset!" she cried, "and what's that?" she whispered again, "and he wants to stop this wedding!" She boomed sounding very much like a thundering foghorn.

Sam gaped and shook his head. Sam was terrified, no petrified that Mercedes would leave him. He was scared that the love of his life would decide not to marry him now. With tears in his eyes he held Mercedes hand as tight as he could and beg, "N-no Mercy, p-please don't leave me, p-please, I-I don't want that stupid b-"

Mercedes was too busy looking at Bratney and couldn't contain her laughter, but then seeing her soon to be husband absolutely distraught, she kissed his trembling hands and then stood upright, placed her arms on her hips, biting her bottom lip to contain the pending chortles, and yelled, "ok you dumb cat talking idiot what the hell-"

Suddenly she was interrupted as Grammy magically manifested her 22, and aimed it at the sad, ignorant girl. "You had better get your stupid cat and your scrawny little ass out of here! You've got 10 seconds, 9, 8…" Then she stopped and surveyed their surroundings and then squinted her eyes and screamed, "And that goes for all you other heffas too!"

Suddenly all the bushes surrounding them moved.

"Ok 3, 2 , 1, 0!" Grammy yelled and then she began shooting at the bushes as heffas galore ran from the bushes dressed to the utmost in their white and some black wedding gowns. The guests thought it was all part of the show and began clapping happily.

"Oh my gosh!" Ellen chuckled and started taking more of her exclusive photos, "this is the best wedding EVER! Let's get married again and do this!" she smiled at her wife Porsche and fluttered her eyelashes, "Pleeeease!"

Grammy turned to Pastor Joe and yelled, "Carry on I've got this!" and quickly exited the area as she chased the heffa's down.

All the guests turned back toward the ceremony and applauded the show.

Mercedes was laughing hysterically, and almost fell to the ground.

"It's not funny baby!" Sam pouted.

"Yes it is Sammy!" Mercedes mirrored his pout and then smiled.

"I love you Mercy," Sam whispered and moved to kiss her.

"Hang on there!" Pastor Joe grimaced, holding a hand between them, "I haven't got to that bit yet!"

Then he nodded to the ring bearers and asked for the rings.

Puck then stood forward and handed Sam Mercedes gold wedding band.

Stacy stood forward and handed Mercedes Sam's wedding band.

There was not a dry eye as they exchanged bands and Pastor Joe announced their union. Everyone carried their candles to the waiting carts and followed the bride and bridegroom who slowly rode their beloved Charlie back to the farm house. Ellen's media crew ensured they took as many photos and videos of the day's events.

The reception was held in the farm barnyard which replicated the barn yard in Humboldt except wild lilies adorned the silk covered tables.

Speeches and joy filled the air as crystal glasses rang and happy guests sang.

Grammy smiled and rested her head against her husband's chest.

"Hey momma, I hope you weren't too hard on those unfortunate women," Grandpa Evans smiled kissing her upon her head.

"oh they are fine," Grammy giggled as she recalled the terrified look in Bratney's and the other heffas eyes as they ran off into the night, never to return again.

Puck then announced, it is now time for the bride and grooms first dance as man and wife.

The orchestra began as Artie, Tina, Finn, Quinn, Kurt and Blaine sang 'Strawberry wine' and then their next favorite song 'A thousand years.'

Sam held his wife close and caressed her cheek, looking deep into her eyes.

Mercedes smiled and kissed him softly on the lips.

As the song progressed the rest of the guests joined the happy couple on the floor. Grandpa and Grandma Evans held each other close as they danced in each others arms.

When the song 'A Thousand Years' began, Mercedes whispered in Sam's ear. Sam smiled and then took his wife by the hand.

"Grandpa Evans, will you please do me the honour of having this dance?" Mercedes curtsied and smiled at Grandpa.

Grandpa Evans beamed from ear to ear and then bowed, crooked his arm and said, "It would be a pleasure lovely lady."

Sam bowed toward his Grandmother, "Grammy, will you do me the honour of having this dance?"

"I would love too!" she gushed, and took her grandson gently by the arm.

The four of them danced into the night smiles plastered across beaming faces. Grandpa Evans had got his dream. He looked at his wife and winked knowingly at her as he held his daughter in law in his arms. It would be one of the most memorable days of his life.

As the night drew on Sam and Mercedes stood happily submerged in each others embrace and watched as guests and family enjoyed the festivities. Mercedes giggled as she watched Ellen trying to do the foxtrot with Grandpa.

Suddenly Puck jumped behind Sam, cocktail in hand and smiled at his friend. "I have to say brother that was the most gorgeous wedding ceremony I've seen, apart from the gun shots," he giggled, "I couldn't stop the tears," he mocked shedding crocodile tears.

"Wait till it's your turn Puck, I'm gonna mock you to the hilt!" Sam chuckled.

"That'll be like… never," Puck chuckled chucking an olive into his mouth.

Suddenly as if cupid's arrow shot its way to his heart, fate intervened. Well actually not fate, God intervened because Puck surely needed something bigger than fate.

"Cousin where do you want me to put your gifts?" Kimberly Jones smiled as she ran up to her older cousin. Kimberley looked much like Mercedes except she was much taller, had less curves but full breasts, which were accentuated by the saffron chiffon she wore.

Puck took in the beauty of Kimberly and looked at her beautiful doe like orbs, her full ruby red lips and her voluptuous breasts and choked on his olive. He could have sworn he heard the song 'Dream weaver' playing in the background as she stood before him.

"Oh my Lord!" Puck gasped sight fixed firmly on Kimberley, and then fumbled as the olive got stuck in his throat and he almost dropped his glass.

Kimberley could feel the steely gaze of Puck still fixed on her as he fumbled and flustered and tried to catch his glass.

"What the hell are you staring at?" she growled looking disgustingly at Puck as he eyed her up and down.

"Kimi!" Mercedes mumbled frowning at her cousin.

"Um Kimi this is Puck, Puck this is Mercedes cousin, Kimberley," Sam smiled and tried to refrain from laughing at his friend who was obviously smitten by his wife's cousin.

Puck held his hand out nervously but suddenly tripped and then hit his head on hers.

"Um, ah, um s-sorry," Puck stammered, then clumsily touched her head, trying to tend to the pain he caused, but made things worse as he accidentally tipped the rest of his cocktail into her hair.

"What the hell? Leave me alone!" Kimberley gasped rubbing her head and trying to dry it with a napkin.

Kimberley then rolled her eyes and sped off quickly toward the wedding gifts trying to escape Pucks accident prone hands and nursing the bump caused by Pucks big head.

Puck was speechless. He bit his lip and blushed and then kicked himself for being a fumbling idiot.

Mercedes smiled mischievously, "Um Puck can you do me a favor? Can you please help Kimberley put the gifts in the guest room in the house?"

Puck quickly agreed and readily tailed Kimberley throwing his glass away and firmly placing his hands in his pocket mentally willing away his nerves and cursing his fumbling hands. Sam laughed hysterically at his friend as he left.

"I have never EVER seen him do that before Mercy except when he was around you!" Sam chuckled.

Mercedes laughed and slid her arms around her husband, "let's hope she is the one for him baby," Mercedes smiled as she watched Puck shyly approach her cousin. Mercedes and Sam smiled as the both of them took in the happiness which enveloped the barn.

"I love you Mrs Evans," Sam smiled and kissed his wife softly on the lips.

"I love you Mr Evans," Mercedes grinned returning his kiss.


Mercedes and Sam continued their careers but sold most of their homes and built a home at the Evans farm to be close to Grandpa and poppa Evans. They had a little girl one year later and named her Tara after Grammy. Then a few years later they had a son and named him Paul after Grandpa Evans. Finally they had their baby girl Rochelle, who was named after no one but they liked the name. Suffice to say, their children practically lived in their Great grandparents' home and even had their own rooms.

Charlie had an offspring by the name of 90 mile who Tara received when she was born. Charlie lived to a grand old age in horse years, and fell peacefully asleep under the apple tree amidst the love of the Evans family.


18 years later…

Sam, Tara and Paul rounded up the cattle. Paul, Sam and Mercedes 10 year old son scooted around on his trail bike. Tara rode her horse 90 mile. The dark steed cantered majestically around the herd.

Suddenly two of the cattle escaped the main herd and made their way toward the strawberry fields.

"Baby girl, they are headed towards the fields, you best guide them back." Sam cried ordering Tara who was now 17.

"Yes daddy," Tara smiled, and quickly veered the reins to the left and shot off after the wayward cattle.

"And make sure you get home by 7.00 pm, it's family and friends weekend and your momma said you have to wear that pretty dress she bought you," Sam yelled, and then snickered inside. Sam knew no way no how was his daughter going to wear a dress. Then he laughed loudly as he tried to surmise what she would do to escape dinner.

Tara grimaced and pretended she never heard him as she galloped toward the fleeing cattle.

Tara spent the entire afternoon tracking down the wayward cattle. Finally returning the beasts to the corral, she made her way home but stopped on the banks of the river to give 90 Mile a much needed drink.

Tara ran her hand along 90 Miles back, "here you go girl, you did a great job today," she smiled patting her beloved horse as it lapped up the cool water.

Tara turned and sat by the river bank throwing off her Stetson, gloves and boots as she decided to go for a quick dip. She felt hot and tired and the glisten of the cool water looked so inviting. Then she began to remove her shirt.

"A…hmmm!" came a quiet grunt from the distance.

Tara jumped, as she turned to see a young man positioned behind her.

"Sorry ma'am, I didn't mean to startle you but I am sure you…um…you don't want me to see your… assets." The blonde snickered, slowly looking her up and down.

Tara gasped tucking in her shirt, "W-who are you and what the hell are you doing here?!"

The tall handsome blonde with beautiful blue eyes offered her his hand.

"My name is Nathanial Firth Junior, but you can call me Nathan…and yes…" he lifted his hand up as an air of arrogance surrounded him. "I am of the famous Firth family and yes…" he lifted his hand again, "we are very wealthy. My family own the mansion over there, and yes!" that hand kept rising, "I said mansion…just behind those eye sores you call homes over there, frankly I think they should just tear them down because they are decreasing the value of our property!" He vacantly pointed to the cottages situated a few miles away in the distance and then to the large white Mansion which glistened from the top of the hill.

Oh. My. Gosh! Tara sneered, who in the hell is this? That's my momma's old cottage, I think I should just shoot his sorry ass, and placed her hand on the saddle moving it toward her rifle.

Then she began, "ok Mr Fish…"

"It's Firth!" he sneered.

"Ok Mr Fist!"

"FIRTH of the Firth family the wealthiest family in-"he grimaced

"Oh yeah, whatever, radah radah radah!"

Nathanial Firths eyes widened and his left eye visibly twitched as he seethed, she didn't just radah radah me did she?!

"Ok whatever your name is, this is private property!" Tara glared.

"So…my family owns most of this county!" he smugly replied.

"So you don't own this part so get your stuck up ass back over the other side!" she screamed.

"But y-you can't do this!" Nathan stammered.

"My 22 says otherwise," Tara grabbed her rifle and aimed it at him.

"You can't do this!"

"Yah wanna bet...I'm doin it right now!" she smirked, gun trained on her prey.

"Look" he panicked and then slowly walked backwards and turned to collect a couple of cool strawberry wine coolers which sat under the tree in which he sat previously, almost hidden from view. "Would you like a drink T-Tara," he stammered.

Tara squinted at him and frowned, riffle aimed at what she thought was an odd shaped head and moved to his odd face, which wasn't really odd but actually kind of handsome in a sickening way. He looked a little like this guy from an old programme her dad watched, 'Super Natural,' Jensen or Jason something, but with sandy blonde hair. Her gun trailed down to his chest. Wow, he looks kind of buffed, she thought, and then quickly shook it out of her mind, and almost spewed in disgust at her own thoughts. Then she grimaced, "how do you know my name?!"

"You told me it" he whispered, holding the wine coolers in his hands.

"No, I didn't!" she glared.

"Um, ok, um," Nathan bit his bottom lip, "well, ok then…" he huffed, shrugged his shoulders and walked toward her handing her a wine cooler, "I-I know…cos you go to my school and…you are in the glee club and you sing beautifully and I may be here because maybe I-I…was hoping I might bump into you by accident…or accidentally on purpose.! Nathan blushed and looked ashamedly down toward the ground.

Tara lowered her gun. She actually never really listened to a word he said, but she really needed a drink. Taking the wine cooler she grunted, "thank you," and then guzzled it down.

Nathan handed her another, Tara grunted, "Thank's," and then once again guzzled it down. After a few minutes silence the two sat by the banks of the river and actually enjoyed each others company. Tara laughed as he explained his reasons for attending public school.

"Yeah, um my parents want me to be 'normal' he grimaced rolling his eyes, "now what in the hell does that mean?" He inquired throwing his hands in the air.

Tara just bit her bottom lip and smiled as he spoke.

Nathan laughed when she told him that their mansion was dubbed the crypt, because it looked like a big white tombstone. As they chatted, Tara began to think that he wasn't as bad as she had initially supposed, but she would never admit that aloud.

"Well I better go Nixon," Tara smiled and then patted the dust off her jeans and made her way to 90 mile.

"It's Nathan," he whispered.

"Oh yeah Na…"Tara didn't want to get it wrong again, so she bit her bottom lip instead.

Nathan watched Tara as she mounted her horse.

She is so beautiful, he thought, he took in her tall stature and long curly light brown colored hair. Her green eyes were mesmerizing and her caramel colored skin was tantalizing and to top it off she had a body to die for. Oh so beautiful, he sheepishly grinned.

"Ok see yah Na…um…man!" she groaned and then forced a smile as she steered her horse toward the trail.

Nathan jumped into the small motorized boat and started the engine, and stopped as he arrived closer to the other side of the shore and turned back to Tara as she disappeared in the distance.

"I'll see you soon Tara Evans..." Nathanial smiled to himself as he watched her disappear beyond the horizon, "I'll see you soon!" he smiled as he etched her name on his heart and made his way up the old broken path toward the white marbled Mansion on the top of the hill.


Tara finally rode up to the Evans homestead, she was a mess. Dirt and dust covered her. Tara had two thoughts as she traveled home from the river and none of them had to do with the young man she had just met. Firstly, she thought it would be a fantastic idea to kill time and ride through the back roads which were dusty and muddy, from when the banks of the river had burst a few days ago. And secondly, she thought that if she took long enough she wouldn't have to wear a dress. Trudging toward the veranda boots caked in mud, Tara threw her hat and gloves onto the grass and threw her boots near the path.

"Miss you make sure you clean those boots before you go to sleep tonight!" Grammy growled as she stood on the stoop.

"Yes Grammy Gram," Tara huffed and then smiled as she took her dear old great grandma into a warm hug.

Grammy held Tara's pixie like face in her hands as green eyes met green eyes and chortled, "oh girly, you are gonna break a lot of hearts...but I don't have to worry about looking after yourself cos lucky Grammy taught you well."

Tara was tough as nails like her name sake. Everything Tara learnt was from the hard knocks school of Grammy. But family was their weakness.

Tara smiled as her fingers traced the lines of experience etched on her Great Grandma's face and kissed her on the forehead. She then moved to kiss her Great Grandpa who sat on a rocking chair nearest her and chortled, "Your biased Grammy Gram."

"Momma…" Grandpa Evans chuckled, "Get that shot gun ready cos any boys chasing my girl are gonna go down!"

Tara snickered at her great grandpa's remark and then turned and kissed her Nana and Poppa Evans who had flown in from Lima as they sat drinking wine on the stoop, along with Grandma and grandpa Jones.

"Hey baby girl, give your granddad a hug," Poppa Evans smiled.

"Hey darling…long day aye?" Nana Evans whispered and kissed her granddaughter on the forehead.

"Yeah Gran...a really long day," Tara groaned and then smiled warmly back at her.

"Hey pumpkin," Grandpa Jones grinned as Tara kissed him on the cheek.

Tara smiled and held her Grandpa Jones hand and then took her Grandma Jones hand and kissed it.

"Oh darling I love you," Grandma Jones smiled gently touching Tara's cheek.

Tara took in the scene on the veranda as a number of friends and family were seated on the old wooden deck, sipping wine, singing and sharing in happy conversation.

Every month Sam and Mercedes would invite all their close friends and family to their home on the farm for a weekend of fun and laughter. Family and friends were very important to Mercedes and Sam Evans, and it became more so as Grammy and Grandpa Evans grew older.

"Baby girl you are really late…" Sam growled as Tara stepped up onto the veranda, "it is 7.00 pm now and we had dinner an hour ago. Where on earth have you been? I was just gonna grab the bike and see where you were!"

"I was talking to some idiot who was on our land…" she mumbled, "and then I got stuck in the mud on the old miller's road!"

"W-what?! Sam growled, "Don't go talkin to strangers and don't come home that way, you know it can be dangerous! And who the hell was this boy…I'm gonna hunt him down?!" then he looked at Mercedes knowingly, rolled his eyes and smirked, "Look baby girl…I know you didn't want to wear a dress but c'mon darling, this is ridiculous…you worry me sometimes!"

Mercedes placed a gentle hand on Sam's thigh and looked into his eyes, Sam calmed, gritted his teeth and seethed quietly feigning a smile, "Who is. this. Boy. Baby girl?"

"I don't know I think his name was Nixon or Nathan First or Firth or something," she mumbled throwing her jacket off.

Quinn's eyes grew and she spouted. "Oh my, do you mean Nathanial Firth Junior the multi billionaire's son? He is a handsome young boy and they are so wealthy it's redic-"

"Quinn!" Finn interrupted her and gave her a knowing glance.

"Oh ok darling…s-sorry…um… that's n-nice Tara," Quinn smiled at Tara, then looked at Finn and fluttered her eye lashes. Quinn loved riches but she loved Finn more and one thing Finn had to stop her from doing was trying to set their three children and all their friends' children up with every eligible child in America.

"He's an idiot," Tara frowned, rolled her eyes but secretly smiled at the thought of him and then began greeting all the adults seated on the deck.

Mercedes furrowed her brow, "Isn't that the gentleman who rang a few moments ago darling asking our family to dinner next week? Mercedes whispered, looking at her husband.

Sam rubbed the back of his neck, "yeah um it is." Then grimaced as he whispered into Mercedes ear, "I was wondering why they called us, dam it, their son has his sights on our girl!" Sam turned red with rage and sneered, "I'm gonna kill him!"

"Oh stop it Sam, anyway our girls a tough one, I feel sorry for the boy!" Mercedes chuckled and then took Sam's hand, "look darling, you can't lock your girl away forever," she whispered.

"Do you wanna bet?!" Sam grimaced, eyes fixed forward as he thought of how to get out of the dinner invitation.

"Hello Aunty Quinn, hello Uncle Finn!" Tara smiled.

"Hey darling," Finn took her into a warm embrace, "the boys have been waiting for you in your room I think they're playing the game."

Tara smiled warmly at her uncle Finn. Tara loved her Uncle Finn and Aunty Quinn very much, even though Aunty Quinn was a little odd at times. Their son Arthur along with Uncle Artie and Aunty Tina's son Finn were her best friends.

"Hello Uncle Artie, hello Aunty Tina," Tara smiled, greeting them with a kiss on the cheek.

Uncle Artie winked at her then scowled, "tell that lazy son of mine to come here and grab his sister. She wants to play the game too."

"I'll take her Uncle Artie," Tara smiled taking the 10 year old girls hand who was seated quietly beside her mother.

"No Cedes you're gonna sing with me aren't you?" Paul looked pleadingly at the little girl, guitar in hand. Paul looked much like the best part of his parents; he had his father's green eyes and his mother's button nose. He was his great grandfathers heart, namely because he was his namesake, and loved everything to do with the farm.

"Umm," she pouted and lowered her head, because she really wanted to play the game, "um ok Paul, I'll sing with you." she finally relented, smiled and skipped toward Paul and sat tentatively beside him.

Tara continued her greetings, it was a drag but she could not miss anyone out, "Hello Uncle Stevie, hello Aunty Mila, hello uncle Puck hello aunty Kimberley,"

"Good to see you darling," Aunty Kimberley kissed Tara on the cheek as she sat on her husband's knee and smiled, "You are so beautiful darling, you are growing taller each time I see you. You are going to be as tall as your father soon."

"Just as long as she doesn't turn out as stupid as him aye darling?!" Puck laughed and kissed his wife on her cheek whilst cradling their 7 month old son in his arms. Kimberly playfully hit his arm then returned his kiss. Kimberley was the light of Pucks life and their baby boy was the sun, moon and stars. They had been happily married for twelve years now and Samuel was their miracle baby.

Tara chuckled and stared quickly at her father. Sam glared back at her which soon wiped the smirk off her tiny face. Mercedes chuckled in the background patting their baby girl, Rochelle lightly on her back.

"Look Mercedes, I really think Tara should become a model! She's tall, has the right bone structure and I really need a fresh new look for my new fall collection and Tara will be perfect." Kurt chimed clapping his hands in the air.

"She doesn't want to be a model Kurt she wants to work on the farm," Mercedes frowned.

"I think you should be a model Tara … you really should!" Kurt looked decidedly at Tara.

Tara smiled at Uncle Kurt and then looked at her mother, rolled her eyes and mouthed 'no way!' and then briskly made her way inside.

Sam laughed, "Good luck with that one Kurt, she hates wearing dresses and dressing up let alone trying to get her to walk the cat walk, hell her mother and I have to hide her jeans just to get her to wear a dress!" He then leaned toward his wife who giggled at his reply as Sam gently kissed her upon the head.

"I'll tell you what Kurt…" Mercedes grinned, "she will be a model as soon as your twin boys come here and work on the farm, how about that?!"

Blaine looked at his husband and smirked, downing a glass of strawberry wine, and then winked knowingly at Mercedes.

Kurt looked up into the air and grimaced, "my boys will not be farmers…anyway they are only eight years old!" Kurt then looked through the lounge window as his boys sat upright, piously reading their encyclopedias and waved confidently at their father when they noticed him through the window. Everyone else's children lounged around on the ground reading comic books. Kurt smiled at his intelligent sons and waved back. Little did he know was that they were actually reading Sam's comic books too and had just placed the encyclopedias in front of them.

"You never know they might!" Mercedes smirked.

"No way!"

"Yes way!"

Kurt glared at Mercedes.

Mercedes smiled at Kurt.

"Ok then, I won't say any more about Tara being a model…" He then turned toward his husband and mumbled quietly under his breath, "until tomorrow."

Stacy chuckled, "no I think she should come to the firm with me, law is her thing." Stacy had become a lawyer and took over Mercedes firm.

"Never mind law," Stevie interrupted, "she will never marry that way, look at you! Guys are following you around and you just want to work, she needs to become an accountant like Mila and I and come and stay with us in Tokyo."

Mila looked at her husband and started to speak to him in Japanese, and then translated it into English, as their 7 year old girl slept in his lap. "Darling did you not hear Mercedes?" she frowned, "she wants to be a farmer!"

"Farmer, accountant same old same old," Stevie chuckled and then smiled at his wife.

Mila giggled at her husband's response as he kissed his son on his head.

"Nah she's gonna join my firm and marry Arthur…or she is gonna run my bar," Finn flatly cried.

"Bar work hmm, maybe…but an architect?…w-why would she want to be an architect?" Mercedes huffed, " And…stop trying to get our babies together Finn!" She then rolled her eyes and looked at Sam, "Is anyone actually listening to me honey?"

Sam chuckled and shook his head, "since when do any of them ever listen Mercy?"

Suddenly the door burst opened as a tall confused soldier stood in the doorway, "Honey, B-baby's crying a-and I don't know w-what to-"

Mercedes laughed at her 6 foot tall brother and smiled as his wife Louise stood and placed a reassuring hand upon his muscular arm.

Sam snickered, "he can assemble and disassemble an M16 rifle but he can't even take care of baby!"

"What are you talking about Sammy I recall you being worse!" Mercedes leered.

Sam shut up immediately, but snickered under his breath. Finally he smiled as he took in the two figures singing beside him and his wife. Paul began playing the guitar and he and Mercedes Abram's belted out the familiar tune which had become the anthem of Sam and Mercedes Evans family.

She was working through college on my grandpa's farm….

Everyone on the veranda joined in when they came to the chorus.

Strawberry wine seventeen, the hot July moon saw everything…..

Sam and Mercedes had the perfect life on the farm. They had good friends and a loving family.

Sam rested his head upon his wife, and whispered, "I love you Mercy."

Mercedes looked lovingly at her husband, as he moved to gently kiss his baby girl as she slept and looked at the silvery moon as chortles of happiness and laughter filled the air. Oh how blessed Sam Evans truly was.

"Old moon…" Sam whispered looking into the Tennessee sky as their song rang around them "These are my friend's…this…is family…" Then he looked lovingly at his wife, his son and baby and the scene before him. Bowing his head he quietly added, tears of joy beckoning, "and this old moon…is what we call …love."

The warm breeze swept through the trees, the crickets played their song and all was right with the world as nature sang its harmony to Sam's song for his Mercy. Their life had had its ups and downs. It had had its bitter sweet moments and it always would. Yet no matter what, Sam no longer felt alone, Sam's life with Mercy was as delectable as the strawberry wine he had shared with her by the banks of the river those many years ago. His life with his Mercy was truly like Strawberry Wine and it was the sweetest Strawberry Wine in Tennessee.

Thanks again...Please Review. Praise and blessings always.

P.S...I've started a new story but not sure when that will be comin out...hopefully soon. I gotta keep writing cos I love it and you are all so beautiful to me. Peace :)