Get ready to learn about Tobias's past in this chapter. We will learn what made him join team Alpha as well as what pushed him to make his decisions. Please review to let me know what you think, sorry for the wait and let's begin


Chapter 139: Tobias's past.

Tobias put his hand on his face. "I said earlier I'd only tell you if I won but fine. Before we take you out, I'll tell you what happened." He said as he began to tell us his past.

(Tobias Flashback)
I wish I could say I grew up with an easy life. Of course that'd be a lie. My family was never skilled, or special, or rich. In fact, we were the opposite, as poor as you could be. We lived in a small wooden house. It was always simple and we were poor and not very powerful. Plus, our parents were always out struggling to keep us with food. It didn't matter to us though. While we didn't have much we had each other. The reason I say this is because I had seven younger brothers and sisters. 1 other brother and five sisters.

"Big brother Tobias are you making lunch now." My little sisters asked me at 1 in the afternoon.

"Of course it won't be much but each of us can have half a sandwich so we can all eat something." I laughed as a kid giving them some bread.

"Big bro I'm thirsty." MY youngest sister Liz said.

"GO outside to the well and get some water then." I said as she smiled and ran outside.

I won't lie, life wasn't easy for us. Being poor is never a fun thing but it's something you learn to deal with and as long as you have family life can work out.

"Hey if anyone here wants to wash up I finished my bathe in the river." My sister Yuki said walking in. She was only 8 but she acted like she was just as old as me. She had short white hair and even though she was mature, she was a little violent. Despite having mainly girls in my family, she made me feel like there were three boys with how much of a tomboy she was. Still she helped out and at times helped at more than even myself.

"Your goanna takes a break Tobi" She said teasing me and calling me by my nickname I hated. She went to sit down and coughed a bit sounding tired.

"Are you okay Yuki?" I asked

"Just the usual stuff." She said sounding tired. Despite acting tough, she always seemed to be tired and weak and got sick easily.

"Just let me handle cleaning right now okay." She said.

"Come on sister you seem tired, you should rest." I said as she hit me on the head annoyed.

"Shut up you idiot, I can do this myself. I'm not that weak." She said taking a broom and helping a bit.

"You really should rest you may be pushing yourself." I said worried.

"Stop sounding like a paranoid mother Tobi. Besides I can take care of myself. And besides who kicked who's butt whenever we fought as kids." She said

"Fine if you insist I said walking up to rest my eyes for a bit.

Later that night I was handing the rest of us food for dinner and noticed Yuki was missing.
"Has anyone see your sister." I asked concerned.

"She went outside for a bit Tobias!" One of my youngest sisters named Lily said happily. As I nodded and headed out to find her. I walked out through the forest and saw her sitting there with a few Stantler and some other Pokémon around her.

"Yuki are you okay?" I asked walking up to her she looked tired as always.

"Yea I'm fine, I just needed some fresh air. And to be with my friends." She said petting the Pokémon.

"Friends?" I said confused seeing each of the Pokémon looking at me strongly.

"Don't' worry he's not a trainer, he won't take you guys away trust me. Even if he was, has such a wimp he'd fail." She said laughing and I noticed the other Pokémon laughing as well.

"They can understand you." I said

"When you hang out with Pokémon all the time, you tend to understand their language. And on top of that they can understand you." She said smiling a bit.

"I see. I always wondered why you always came out here. So you just love spending time with all the Pokémon." I said looking at her.

"Yea they make me feel at piece. Hey Tobias, do you ever think that maybe there's more out there for us. I mean we stay with our familly and I love it here but why won't any of us go out and become trainers. Some Pokémon love battling. I see it in their eyes but we never take one or learn how to battle." She said looking down.

I looked known feeling sad. The truth was because Yuki was always so weak and couldn't move out we swore to stay home and not do the same. While we could leave and everything and become trainers it wouldn't be fair since she couldn't. Truth be told I wanted to become a powerful trainer and enter tournaments maybe even win them but I knew how crazy it was and how unlikely it was to happen. Until my sister was fully healed I vowed to never leave home. However, until I knew for a fact she was better I could never leave. The problem was she was weak and sick since she was born so it looked like she would never get better and always have to stay home and take it easy.

"Personally I'd love to go out and be a trainer. Of course with my health I don't think that is possible." Yuki said calmly.

"I know but maybe one day you will get better." I said trying to be hopeful.

"Well we can hope. Big brother did you ever hear the story of the legendary Pokémon Suicune. It's supposed to be able to purify any waters and make them able to cure anything. It could even save a person at deaths door." She said calmly.

This caught my attention. I had never known of such a Pokémon that could do this. If that was true, then maybe my sister could go traveling and get healed. "So then all we have to do is find one and you'll be healed." I said hopefully but from my sisters laugh I could tell it wasn't goanna be easy.

"Good yea but it's legendary so I doubt we can do it." She said sadly.

"I see. Where did you even hear about this Pokémon?" I asked

"The Pokémon told me." She said petting a Deerling.

"The Pokémon talked to you? So now you talk to animals huh Cinderella." I said making Yuki give me a dirty look.

"Don't call me that you idiot. Besides with the housework you do that nickname fits you just as much." She said annoyed

"Well for starters I'm a guy. And also last I checked you're the one who does just as much if not more work than even me. Plus, Cinderella talked to animals just like how you talk to Pokémon." I said

"Figures, you would just think I'm crazy. Your just jealous that they don't like you enough to talk to you. Right buddy." She said petting a Vulpix that smiled and nodded back to me.

A few nights' latter I was woken up in the middle of the night by a huge lightning strike. I walked outside until I saw Yuki outside with a Raichu behind her.

"OH brother, you weren't supposed to wake up and see me training." She said breathing heavily.

"What on earth are you up to. You know you can't take being a Pokémon trainer." I said worried.

"I'm fine brother. Look I helped the family all day, I think I can be allowed to play a bit." She said looking like she was about to pass out.

"What you need is to stay in bed and rest." I said

"I'm fine." She said dropping on one knee as the Raichu and a Meowth ran up to her.

"Get to sleep please before you hurt yourself." I said

"I know it's just that these Pokémon love battling. Some of the ones in the forest hate fighting but these guys love it. This Raichu, Marowack, Meowth, Sandshrew, Ratatta, and Vulpix all love to battle." She said happily as the six Pokémon stepped out and looked at me.

"I know that but you need to rest." I said

"Fine sorry guys guess I need to head back." She said sounding pissed off.

"Just come back and I'll cook tomorrow." I said

"Yay can't wait to eat cabbage stew." She teased.

"You know it's cheap and its food. Better it than nothing." I said calmly.

She laughed and kept walking but suddenly as she was trying to head back, she fell to the ground and looked like she was in a lot of pain.

"Yuki!" I screamed running up to her.

She didn't say anything but instead was breathing heavily unable to focus that much. I felt her forehead and I could tell she had a massive fever.

"Damn it, why now. Come on let's get home." I said picking her up as all the Pokémon looked heartbroken.

A day had passed and Yuki hadn't regained consciousness. I stayed home being worried that she wasn't even waking up and her fever wasn't going down. As time passed my father came home and when I told him what happened he nodded and walked in to see Yuki. After a few minutes he walked out.

"Well how is she." I asked

"Not well, she was always weak but this time she pushed her body to far. She's very sick now and what she needs is rest. Honestly it's lucky you were with her when you were. If not she'd be in bad shape." My father said calmly

"Dad what do we do. I don't know anymore. I'm trying, but she's always so sick. I'm a fraid that she'll push her body to far." I said crying.

"I'm just as much to blame. I which I could say I can help. As if this isn't bad enough I have some more news. News I'm happy of but also afraid of." He said.

"What" I asked afraid of what he would say.

"Your mother is pregnant again. She's having another kid. We are happy but worried, as you know money is tight. Heck saying it's tight would be an understatement. I don't what to do son." He said looking worried.

I was afraid too after listening with him. "How much money do Pokémon trainers make?" I asked

"IF they are good plenty. If they are bad, then nothing." He said

"Then please dad let me help this family. I know we all never leave the forest. But I'm afraid. My sister is sick and my siblings are hungry a lot. Just please let me save them." I begged. I didn't know how my father would react but he looked heartbroken and depressed hearing this.

"I knew you'd ask sooner or later. It shouldn't be you. You are my son and you shouldn't be needing me to survive. But I'm such an idiot and my job barley pays. Son I want you to do this. But it's a dangerous world out there." HE said

"And that's why he has to go." I heard a voice say as a very tired looking Yuki walked down the stairs.

"Yuki you should be resting." My father and I said worried.
"Yea I know but first I need to ask. Can Tobias please leave on a journey? I know it may be hard but he is good and I know he will do well." Yuki said smiling.

"Sister I appreciate it. And I intend to go but it won't be easy. Besides I don't have much Pokémon." I said realizing that.

"You have six you idiot. The six with me love to battle and they will come with you if I tell them. Use them to make a better life for yourself brother." She said in a demanding tone.

"I know but still he can't just leave you." MY father said

"I'll be fine. Right now Tobias has the courage to do this dad. Don't stop him please. If you do, then he's missing out on a huge chance. I believe in my brother. I know he can live the dream I have." Yuki said

My father looked down but then starred at me. "Are you sure you want to leave son." HE asked

"Yes if it can help this family then I will try." I said

HE nodded. "My only regret is that I have to ask my son to do this. But if you are sure then you may." He said as I smiled and nodded.

A few days later I had a small bag of some bread and water with me. I was ready to head out. All my siblings were sad but excited for me and each took turns telling me to do good and win. My mom was very worried but still allowed me to go hugging me before I was ready.

My dad smiled and put his hand on my shoulder. "I know I haven't been the best dad. I haven't given you kids the life you deserve all because of my own weakness. But I believe in you son." He said as I nodded.

"You loved us and were there for us. Trust me dad you did plenty." I said smiling as I walked to Yuki.

"How are you feeling." I asked

"Still burning up a little. IT's pathetic, my name is Yuki. That means snow yet here I am heating up. IT's so sad. When I feel better I'll take care of the house while you're gone." She said.
"Don't push yourself to hard Yuki." I said

"Look brother, I'll do as I please. But fine I will not push myself that hard. But don't hurt yourself either." She said smiling as I nodded.

"Of Couse not. Anyway rest up and please get better." I said giving her a hug and then whispering something in her ear. "I will try to find and capture a Suicune. I know it's almost impossible to capture legendries but I'll find a way to use them and then I will make you healed." I said

"Just don't push yourself too hard okay. It may be impossible. But if by some chance you succeed, I'll be eternally grateful big brother." Yuki said crying a bit.

"You won't have to be. It's what a family does for each other." I said crying a bit back.

After I finished hugging her, mom led her back to bed and I hugged and said goodbye to the rest of my siblings before leaving to begin my journey.

"At last I have all eight gym badges. They say if you win the league then that can be your chance to become an extremely powerful trainer and one that can make plenty of money." I said getting hopeful. Of course I knew I still needed to win the tournament here in Johto but still I was certain I'd be able to do well.

I walked towards were the Johto league was being held, but I stopped when my eyes caught sight of the one thing I needed more than anything.

"No way is that Suicune." I said looking at a small pond and across it I saw the legendary dog Pokémon. If I could capture it.

"You your Suicune right." I said as the dog looked up and eyed me coldly.

"Please don't run. I need to ask a favor. I heard of your healing powers. Honestly you're the whole reason for my journey. Suicune I come from the Ilex forest. I heard stories of how you used to go there a lot and how you have incredible healing powers. Please I beg of you go back to Ilex forest. There you will find a very sick girl. Her health has been bad since she was born. She's been fighting this disease her whole life. She's very weak and I fear he worse could happen to her. So I beg of you go to the forest and save her. You can ask any of the Pokémon there about how kind she is. She works hard to protect her family and all the Pokémon. Despite being sick she pushes herself so far for other people and Pokémon. That's why I beg you to save her." I said bowing down. When I was talking, I certainty got its attention because it was eyeing me for a minute. It looked me dead in the eyes for a minute and took a stand as if wanting to battle me.

"You want to fight. I'd rather not but if this is how I will get you to help then fine. GO Raichu!" I said sending out my electric mouse.

"Thunderbolt!" I said as Raichu shot out an electric blast that hit Suicune and brought it down to one leg. It stood back up smiling and then fired and Ice Beam slamming into Raich. Raichu recovered itself and looked like it was still ready to keep going.

"Single Beam!" I said as Raichu collided a Signal Beam with the Suicunes Hydro Pump. However, Suicune overpowered us and knocked us down. Raichu forced itself to stand back up looking tired but still able to continue battling.

"Volt Tackle!" I said as Raichu surrounded itself with electricity and slammed itself into Suicune pushing it back. It then surrounded itself with Electricity and went to hit Suicune again but this time Suicune dodged it and fired an Ice Beam Knocking us down.

Despite looking like it was about to pass out, Raichu was still struggling to stand back up. Suicune eyed this and then turned to leave.

"Wait where are you going. Please Suicune you can't just leave us. I'm begging you." I said but Suicune kept moving.

"No please this is my only chance, there has to be something." I said but Suicune continued to run and escaped from us.

"No damn it. That was my one chance. If only I was able to capture it." I said getting on my hands and knees feeling pathetic after failing my mission.

(Back too present, Paul's POV)
"I still don't get it. You tried to capture the Suicune to save your sister. But if that was the case then how on earth did you join team Alpha." I asked confessed.

"That is a very good question and one I was just getting to that part. But I warn you what happens next is anything but happy." Tobias said

"Tobias, I know what you're saying and I can bet it's hard to have a poor family. But if you are joking them for money then that isn't right. I'm sure there are other ways to get money." Dawn said looking concerned.

"You idiot, there's more to it than that." Sebastian said

"Yes I believe you heard my full story from chaos back when you were still a double advent isn't that right Sebastian. I'd ask you to tell them but I imagine it'll be best if I finish my little story." Tobias said as he got ready to continue his story when Janine suddenly spoke up.

"Sable use Dark Pulse!" She said as Sable jumped up behind the Mewtwo and fired a Dark Ball but Mewtwo put up a barrier and eyed Sable angrily.

"Well that was rude. Aren't you supposed to allow me to finish my story before attacking me." Tobias said calmly.

"Yea Janine that was a little messed up." Barry said.

"Look you idiots why would I just sit here and do nothing while he is distracted. If we were smart we'd attack him all right now." She said looking completely furious.

"You know she does have a point. That's why she's my favorite and the one I train the most." Sebastian said calmly

"Oh well I want to finish talking so I'll just take you out for a minute. Mewtwo use Ice Beam!" Tobias said as Mewtwo appeared before Sable and knocked it out with its Ice Beam.

"Damn it, now what should I do." Janine said looking at all her Poke balls to decide her next choice.

"Whileyour attempting to decide on your next Pokémon, I think I'll try to finish my story. Butword of warning, it won't be a happy tale." HE said growing serious and looking sad remembering things.

(Back to Tobias Flashback.)
I'd like to say that I easily won the Johto league like I did with Sino. Unfortunately, that wasn't how things went. I had to go home because news about my sister getting sick came. I hurried home and barley arrived to my house.

"Father where is Yuki?" I asked sounding worried.

"She's in bed, it's getting worse Tobias. You came back in time bur I'm afraid I don't think she will make it." He said with a cold emotionless look in his eyes. He looked as if all life had been drained from him and it pained him to say it. I couldn't blame him for it of course, hearing she may pass away crushed me as well.

"I see, so I failed." I said feeling crushed but my dad couldn't even reply to that. I simple nodded at him and walked up the stairs to see my sister with the rest of the family.

"We'll leave you two to be alone." My brother said placing his hand on my shoulder and walking away with everyone else. I looked at Yuki in the bed and walked up to her. She looked extremely sick and drained of almost all life. Just seeing her like this brought tears to my eyes and made me drop to the floor.

"What's wrong brother, you look as though you've had it rough." Yuki said sounding tired.

"Yuki, I'm sorry. I failed you. I tried to win in time and get strong enough to get money to help you but I wasn't good enough. I even fought Suicune and asked it for help." I said

She simple smiled and stayed lying down. "I just hope you had some good stories to share. Hey could you tell me some of them." She asked smiling.

"Yes of course." I said as I shared everything with her. I told her about the whole journey I went on and all of the Pokémon I captured. I also told her about my battles and when I finished I saw her smile.

"That sounds incredible. I'm glad you were able to successfully become a strong trainer." She said happily.

"I was hardly strong. I wasn't even able to enter the Johto league in time." I said feeling crushed.

"I'm sorry about that. Brother can I be honest with you." Yuki said looking serious and upset.

"Yes tell me anything." I said

"I'm scarred. Mother and father had another child. They tried to keep it secret but it's as sick as I was. If things continue to go the way they are, he will be sick and be weak. I'm afraid for him." She said saying news that was some of the worsted information I could've heard.

"There's got to be something we can do." I said heartbroken.

"All you can do is keep training and maybe one day you'll get the money to save our little sibling. Mom and dad were nice. They let me name the kid. I named her Hope. I figured she may need it." Yuki said looking down and coughing.

"Please rest and fall asleep sister. You need it." I said growing worried but she looked me in the eye.

"I'm tired of resting. I want to go to the forest. I want to see the Pokémon." She said

"Look at you, if you do that then you may die. I can't take you out of this bed." I said heartbroken.

"Living my life unable to move isn't much better my brother. Please I'd rather only have one day left and see the lake and Pokémon one more time, then spend another month doing nothing." She said in a begging tone.

I looked at her for a minute. She looked so determined and hopeful. I nodded feeling like I had to help her. I went downstairs and told my father and after a few minutes he said I could take her to the lake front using a wheelchair. He called my family and told them to all say goodbye to her before she went outside.

As the family was saying goodbye my father looked at me. "This may be the last time I see my daughter isn't it." He said coldly

"I don't know father, I hope not." I said putting my hands in my pockets and looking down.

"I already warned everyone. Please, stay by her side until the end. She needs you Tobias. I wish I could help but all I can do is ask you to look after her." He said heartbroken.

"I promise father I'll stay by her side." I said

"Thank you son. She will want to be with you until the end. I'm sorry I couldn't help more. I failed all of you and now we have another kid that is suffering from a similar situation." My father said crying.

"You didn't fail, you tried your best. If anyone I am the one who failed." I said

"You blame yourself for being the only one who tried. Please stop son. Just stay with your sister, until the end." He begged.

I nodded and waited until I saw Yuki come down in a wheelchair. I pushed the wheelchair outside and said goodbye to our family and pushed her to the lake area.

"Thank you brother." She said sounding extremely tired

"Just let me know how long you want to stay before we head back." I said

"Brother, I know what father fears, and he may be right. I may die here won't I." Yuki said sounding serious.

I wanted to lie to her. I wanted to say everything would be okay. But I couldn't that'd be lying and betraying her.

"Yes Yuki, you may. I wish I could say otherwise but I can't" I said looking at the sky as I saw it begin to snow.

"That's information you usually don't like to hear. I'm not goanna lie; it scares me brother. What am I supposed to do?" She said crying.

"Just stay strong. I'll be by your side until the end. Your brother is here." I said crying.

"Thank you Tobi. I just want to be able to spend more time with you, the family, and the Pokémon. I can see how wonderful they are. I wish I could help them and stop any people who use them as pawns. Unfortunately, I suppose that isn't an option. MY life is ending soon." She said

"I looked down not knowing what to say when all my Pokémon came out and walked towards her. I saw some other Pokémon walk into the area all looking at my sister.

"Look Yuki, the Pokémon are here to see you and be with you. They know how kind you are." I said putting my hand on her shoulder.

"My friends, thank you for coming. To see you all here, and in this snow, it's so beautiful. It makes me so happy." She said crying and smiling before her hands grew tighter.

"Yuki, please calm down. If you don't then." I said realizing she was getting worse.

"Calm down Tobi, it's okay. Who knows, maybe there's a next life and things will be better there. I just hope we will meet again." She said smiling.

"Of course, we are family after all, nothing can keep us apart.

"Thank you, I think it might be time. I can barely stay awake now, thank you for everything, you, my family, and my friends. I'm glad I could spend my life with all of you. You all really made this sick girl feel like she lived a good life." She said crying happily and moving forward hugging me and kissing me on my forehead. I saw her move back still smiling and crying but the I saw her start to breathe heavy and look tired. I couldn't do anything but watch as she looked worse and worse. Finally, I scarred at her and looked as I slowly saw her eyes close and her body tense up unable to move anymore.

I starred at my sister unable to believe what I was staring at. "Yuki…" I said touching her but she wasn't moving. "Yuki please wake up. You can't really be gone." I said crying starring at her body unable to believe the sight before me.

I Wish I could say that I went back and told anyone but as Istarred at her body I felt myself growing heavy and tired and I too fell unconscious. Ofcourse unlike Yuki, I woke up.

"Yuki…' I said waking up and rising hoping that I simply had a bad dream. I looked over and saw a pile of dirt with some rocks in it and I could tell that what I saw before I passed out wasn't a dream. I saw the Pokémon patting the dirt to make sure it was sturdy.

"Don't tell me, you guys buried her. All by yourself." I said looking at the Pokémon who just silently looked at me.

"Thank you. I just wish, I could've saved her. She was my sister, my family. As she passed away. I could tell you all cared for her too. Please tell me was she at least kind, did you all love her too." I asked as all the Pokémon nodded.

(Back too present, Paul's POV)

I stood there unsure of what to say after hearing that story. If I ever lost Reggie or Dawn, heck even Barry and Janine, I knew I'd be crushed. On top of that Tobias had the rest of his family to worry about.

"That can't be, your sister sounded so nice. Even Pokémon loved her. She couldn't have died." Dawn said heartbroken.

"I appreciate your doubt but still it happened. What's wrong is this your first time hearing such a sad story. Is it the only time you heard of a story with death?" Tobias said almost crying.

Dawn looked at Sebastian. "Not quiet, I heard ones that were sad and with death. But still it doesn't make it any easier." Dawn said

"No of course it doesn't girl. The world is a cruel a place were unfair things happen. I learned that the hard way." Sebastian said looking down.

"What's wrong my old partner, no retort to anything about my family. No jokes." Tobias said

"Well even I can't die about losing a sibling. It's not like that is a small deal." Sebastian said

"Sebastian." Dawn said smiling a bit.

"Hold on you said your youngest sister was sick too. What happened to her." Janine asked

Tobias smiled at this. "It appeared that in hopes case Arceus was kind to us. She was sick but shortly after Yuki's death she got better. It was a miracle. I of course am always cautious that she may get sick again but as for now, Hope is okay." Tobias said

"I see, for what it's worth, I'm glad one healed. Even if it doesn't make up for you losing Yuki." Janine said

"Tobias, before we continue I have two questions." What happened to Yuki and how did you join team Alpha." I asked

"I thought I told you about Yuki. She died and after herdeath I lost consciousness. When I woke the Pokémon already buried her. I went to get my family and tell them and we all went to the grave to pray for her and wish her luck in the next life. As forme I continued on with my journey knowing it would be best if I kept training. And as for team Alpha, I'll have to finish my story with that." Tobias said

(Flashback, in an abandoned mansion.)
I heard rumors that some monster lived in the mansion. I went searching it and that was where I met the Darkrai. It challenged me to a fight and attacked us. I knew if I could catch it then getting other legendries would be much easier. However, capturing Darkrai was no easy task. It had enough power to take out five of my Pokémon leaving me with just my Raichu left.

"Let's give it our all, Raichu use Thunder!" I said as Raichu shocked Darkrai and knocked it to the floor. It was challenging to take out the Darkrai and it was an intense battle but this time we were able to take down the legendary Pokémon. It took all six of my Pokémon but we did it and we won. I knew if I could capture Darkrai then catching another legendary Pokémon would be far easier than this one. Especially with Suicune. Even though my youngest sibling was cured, I wanted to find Suicune so I could make sure we never got sick again and could stay in good health.

I looked at the now tired Darkrai. I then grabbed my Poke ball and captured Darkrai but as the ball was shaking, Darkrai broke out. It starred at me and ran towards me when a strange looking ball with an A on it. When it hit Darkrai, it shocked Darkrai but this time it stayed in the ball. I turned and saw Gendo walking towards me.

"Who are you, that's my Pokémon." I said eyeing the man.

"Yours? But last I checked I was the one who caught it. I'd go on a rant telling you how life isn't fair and you have to do what you have to do but you know that already right Tobias." Gendo said surprising me at how he knew my name.

"Who are you, and how do you know me." I asked worried

"I'm a man with a dream. A dream involves making a team for my master. A team of elite warriors. However, in order to do that, I need help. That's where you come in. I want you to join my team in it we will crush all other enemies and prove we are the strongest." Gendo said

I looked him in the eye but shook my head. His plan sounded like a mad man's one. Take out all other teams and rule his way. That's not being a leader, that's being a tyrant. I wasn't about to agree.

"I'm afraid I'll have to refuse." I said turning to leave the haunted mansion.

"What if I can promise you power Tobias. You see the reason you failed to catch Darkrai is because normally legendries aren't meant to get caught. So how about a little deal. I give you Darkrai and in return you help us. I'll also give you the Poke balls to capture other legendries. Our weapons are called Alpha Balls and they can capture almost any Pokémon despite them trying to resist. We can help Tobias." Gendo said trying to sound kind but I could tell he was lying.

"Thanks but I'm good. I have my own business to do." I said walking away but Gendo grabbed my arm.

"Look the pays also good. Really good. Like you can support a family of 20 good." HE said making me tense up.

"How do you even have that much money?" I asked suspiciously.

"I think it's best if I don't share." Gendo confessed making it obvious he did nothing legal to get it.

"And will I have to hurt people?" I asked

"At first no it'll be easy things like catch Pokémon and win a league or two. After that I can't promise anything but hey we are starting an army aren't we. Come on my friend, I know a little chaos hurts some people but then again so does life. Besides even if you are good and live a kind evil free life, then this world still finds ways of screwing us over. I'm sure your sister learned that the hard way." Gendo said smiling making me throw a fist at him that he caught.

"Don't you dare, talk bad about my sister. She never wanted to hurt anyone." I said furious.

"Yes indeed and her reward for being kind was death. My it's a miracle you care about others. People lie, cheat, steal, and kill. And they become rich and live wonderful lives. Others work hard, defend their friends, and contribute in a fair way. But They end up getting sick or hurt. It's unfair isn't it. I'll admit to being a criminal. I'm no saint, heck I'm more like a devil then anything. But not you Tobias, your different. But let me ask you this, what's more important, strangers or family." Gendo asked me.

I looked down and went silent. "Family." I said

"Exactly, you see I'm a piece of shit, I only care about me. But you love your family. Yes, we will hurt people, but they are people who deserve it. Besides is it really that bad to hurt criminals to save your loved ones." Gendo asked as I looked down conflicted.

I should've just walked away and left. I know I was supposed to. But part of me knew that even if I did, he'd pull something else. I hated it but he had a point.

"I may hurt people, but I kill no one. That's my condition." I said as Gendo smiled.

"Of course, you won't have to. You won't kill anyone. Now welcome to our family. Your first job is to go to Hoenn and find and capture a LAtias and Latios. I figure they may help you. After that go to Sinnoh and win the league. It'll help get your name out there and make people fear you. You don't have to beat the champion but you must win the league. Oh and if you meet a purple haired boy in that league, kick his ass for me." He said handing me the Darkrai.

"I understand I said.

"Finally use these Poke ball cases to make the Alpha Balls look like normal ones. We can't reveal our hidden team yet now can we." Gendo smiled as I took the cases.

"I'll try my best then." I said.

"Good oh and Tobias… Remember if at any point you feel like we are going too far and want out, well I know where your family lives and it'd be a shame if anything happened to them." HE said suddenly sounding serious. I stared into his eyes and realized just how crazy this man was. As I looked I felt as though all I was seeing was pure evil and all I could feel was fear. I knew I couldn't disobey, this man had all the pieces and left me with no moves. Until I could save my family, I was doomed to be his slave.

(Present time, Paul's POV)

"SO my father is forcing you to do this. It isn't by choice." I said sadly.

"I suppose so. I have to fight for my family. I'm sorry Paul, I can tell you all are nice kids and I don't want to do this. I have no choice though. I will obey my orders and fight for them." Tobias said as Mewtwo made a stand.

"I wish we could help. But still we can't just allow you to win. I'm sorry Tobias but we have to stop you." Dawn said

"I admit what you went through is hard and you have my respect. But you have to know how dangerous Mewtwo is." Janine said

"OF course I know. In fact, after catching Mewtwo I asked them to leave but they told me if I even tried to leave then they would make my family pay. It's obvious they choose me because I am a decent battler and I had my family which they could easily use against me. So I'm sorry but now we will end this." He said smirking as Mewtwo made a stance.

I smirked at this. "You know call me crazy but I think it's about time we finish this. I'll give you this Tobias you're stronger than anyone I've ever fought. One day I'd like to have a battle with you without using legendries. But I suppose for now we just gotten take you out!" I said as Charizard nodded and we all got ready to start the final stages of this battle.

To Be continues

Next time Paul and the others will finish their fight with Tobias. Who will be able to come out on top and what will happen to our heroes after that. Thanks for reading please review If you liked it, let me know what you thought and have a great day.