"Half the time the world is ending, truth is I am done pretending

Too much time too long defending, you and I are done pretending."

Gavin Rossdale – Love remains the same

Richmond was only an arm's length away. A giant's arm that is, but they were to reach Rachel's contact the next day. So that might be their last camp in the wilderness. Charlie spent that evening, which she was sure their last calm evening, with his brother. Rachel was sitting a few feet away from them, still keeping her distance not to pry into the conversations of her children. She was just happy to hear them banter and laugh what only two people who love each other so much could do in times like these.

Charlie was happy. Unnaturally happy. She shouldn't be. The war of their times was upon them and hundreds would die. Maybe they would die. But she couldn't bring herself to care about that. Danny was here, her mother was here, and Miles was here. Although he was further seated but the stolen glances connected them like a bridge. Ever since that night in the woods she felt like they were attached with invisible strings. Whenever she searched for his eyes she found he was already looking at her. That always made her smile and sometimes he almost smiled himself. That was a progress. She looked up again just to check that he was still there and for the thousandth time that night she found him looking at her. Her heart fluttered.

"I don't get Uncle Miles."

Danny's voice interrupted her daydreaming.

"What exactly you don't get about him?"

"I don't know, you seem to think so highly of him but he's just rude and grumpy. And he doesn't even like us. I'm not sure he likes anybody at all."

Charlie instinctively wanted to protect Miles against Danny's misjudgment but she had to be careful what she let through about her feelings towards him.

"He may be a little rough around the edges but he's a good man."

Rachel snorted loudly in disagreement.

"Mom, do you have something to say?" she asked, irritated.

"Your uncle Miles is as far from a good man as it is humanly possible," said Rachel in a monotone voice like she was stating a fact.

"Why would you say something like that?" demanded Charlie.

"Because I know him better than you do. You don't know the things he did."

Charlie became instantly extremely maddened.

"Did. Past tense. I know his present self and he had saved my life a countless times and was there for me when no one else was. So as far as I'm concerned he's a good man. You couldn't know but he has changed since you knew him." sputtered Charlie in the need to defend Miles. Not just because she thought she was right but because she wanted her mother and brother to see Miles as his new self. She wanted them to accept him.

"You're right; I've been a little out of the circulation in these past few years. Guess whose fault is that!" Rachel said in an upraised voice.

Charlie was taken aback with her mother's sudden attacking behavior and the not so subtle accusation in her voice. She looked at Danny but he also seemed utterly clueless.

"What are you talking about?"

"Your Uncle Miles separated us that day on the road. He wanted me for his personal vendetta to right his wrongs. And then he blew it and I became prisoner. So I guess that's the reason I couldn't get to know his brand new righteous self."

Just after a few shaky breaths Charlie realized that the whole camp felt silent and everybody was an ear-witness to Rachel's bitter rant. Even Miles. She searched for his eyes again but this time he didn't look into hers. So it was true. Charlie felt her whole world crumble again. That was just too much to take. When she thought she could have it all, she had to hear those awful secrets again. She had to run. So she did. Without a word she jumped up and ran.

"Is it true?" she asked as soon as she heard someone stepping into the little clearing she stopped to think. She didn't have to turn around to know it was Miles.


His voice came closer than she expected, he was right behind her. Charlie had to reinforce her wall created by her fury not to let Miles affect her with his close presence.

"What else do you keep from me?"

Miles stepped one step aside and now he was at her right. Charlie stole a glance. He looked quite worn and guilty. His was playing with a ring on his finger at looked at it like it was the most important thing in the world.

"Nothing that I know of," he replied after a few heartbeats.

"Tell me everything," Charlie demanded, because she wanted to hear the story from him. Not that she didn't trust her mother, but… yes, she didn't trust her mother. And she sounded way to bitter to be impartial so she needed another opinion as well. And she knew Miles would say it as it happened, he wouldn't try to palliate himself or touch up the events. He might failed to tell her things but he wouldn't lie to her; not even when she would have wanted to hear some lies.

"Your mother's right. I'm not a good man, I never was. The irony is, back then with Bass I thought I was. I thought I was doing something good for the people. That I was creating order. But things went wrong and I couldn't right them myself. I had a plan. I needed your mother. She hesitated but I told her Bass was planning to go after you and Danny just to get information out of Rachel or Ben. So she came. My plan failed and I had to run. I thought Bass had her killed by the time I was face to face with him. That's all."

"That's all," Charlie repeated numbly.

Minutes passed and she couldn't force herself to think. She just couldn't see through all those different sides to every story. She was always more of a think-with-you-heart person, games and agendas were not her style. But this was way more serious just to follow her heart suggestion even if she wanted to. She needed time to think it over and she couldn't think straight with Miles there.

"Can you give me a few minutes?" she asked.

Miles nodded but hesitated whether to leave her alone in her state of mind or not. He could understand she was confused. Or angry. Or both. It was hard to tell, because her face was so distant. He left the clearing with the suspicion that they were over before something really could have begun. He collapsed on the forest ground a few hundred feet away where she was still in eyesight.

A good half an hour passed, during which he had to send Danny back to the camp twice by repeating her words. She needed time. Danny was not so convinced but walked back to their base nonetheless.

A few more minutes later Charlie turned around and walked right up to him. He remained seated with his hands on his pulled up knees and was waiting for the verdict.

"I forgive you," Charlie said softly.

"You don't have to," he answered quickly. He knew Charlie was about to say that but he wasn't sure he deserved that.

"Telling me what to do again?" she asked with her brilliant half-hidden smile.

"No, but if you're saying this to keep me here I'm telling you it's not necessary."

Miles knew he said the wrong thing again when her face hardened and anger swept through her features.

"So that's what you think of me? Do you think I'm trying to manipulate you with me feelings?"

Miles felt the frustration rise inside him again. Talking to Charlie always did that to him. While he was trying to reason and was being realistic and straightforward Charlie took everything to an emotional level.

"No," he groaned struggling with how to express his doubts. "I just don't understand why you're doing this. Why do you think I worth it?"

"Because I think you've changed," Charlie told him without hesitation.

"How would you know?" demanded Miles while rising to his feet.

"Because the stories they tell about you or the man you trying to set up as doesn't suit you. I didn't know you back then, but I realized that I find your past doings hard to believe because the Miles I know is not the Miles they used to know. You're different. And the things you've done… it doesn't matter. You're doing the right thing now."

Miles looked at her in bewilderment.

"And does it make it up to that?" he asked in a low voice and he was surprised to hear a trace of hope in it.

"In my book it does," replied Charlie with confidence.

"Good enough," was all he could manage to get out.

But it wasn't just good enough. It meant everything. And not just her words, but the things he saw in her eyes. Understanding. Acceptance. Love. It was too long ago since someone looked at him like that, and saw the Miles he was or maybe the Miles he had become. Hell, even he wasn't sure who he had become but Charlie seemed to get him better like he did himself.

He wanted that girl. But more importantly he needed that girl. She was so strong yet so pure. Even he felt himself a better man when he was around her. She was his salvation and he was ready to claim her.

His hands lifted from his sides to her face almost without a conscious thought. His body was reacting on his own and this time he wasn't about to stop it. His hands cupped her face and looked deep into her eyes looking for an encouragement or refusal.

Charlie smiled and he was lost.

The moment their lips crashed together in a desperate kiss was just like an explosion. Charlie was half expecting a sonic boom from the release of their suppressed feelings.

Miles's kiss was everything she expected. It was all like him: rough, raw with a touch of gentleness. He poured all his feelings into that kiss, like it wasn't their first time, but their last. Not that she minded the passion, not at all. The foreplay for this moment was building up her hunger and now that it was really happening nothing seemed to be enough. Nothing seemed to soothe her thirst not even when Miles grabbed her hair and pulled her into a deeper kiss. She just moaned but it still didn't feel close enough so she arched her back to allow their bodies to touch fully. The groan coming from Miles was the single most arousing thing she ever heard. Their passion was insatiable. They were two bodies tangled in a fervent and never-ending embrace. Just when Miles's hand traveled down her spine and reached the naked skin at the hem of her pants did she came up for air with a frantic inhale.

The sudden loss of contact stunned them both and they just stared into each other's eyes while panting heavily. Charlie saw the unmasked lust and emotion in Miles's eyes and that just made her want more.

"Dammit Charlie, what are you doing to me?" he whispered hoarsely while gently stroking her lips with his thumb.

"I love you."

She wasn't about to say it but it slipped out. Now she wouldn't take it back not even if she saw the shock take over his features. Charlie silently prayed for him not to back out now. He was motionless for a few quick heartbeats but then started to caress her cheek again.

"It's not advisable by general opinion," he said semi-seriously.

"You know me, I'm not listening to anyone," she added with a mischievous little grin.

And there it was.

A smile.

A true, genuine smile on Miles's lips.

No words were required. That was a promise she was waiting for. The one which meant that whatever happens, they were in it together. He was with her and she was his. That was all she needed.

And his kiss, a couple more times…

Sorry for taking so long to update this story but this chapter wasn't an easy one to yield. I had a little difficulty converting the scene from my head into words. Damn you, visual conception, damn you. But I hope I put it together fine. At least it happened something like this inside my skull… :)

Anyway, tell me what you think, I'm hungry for feedback!

This is not the end! More chapters are coming! Ye be warned!