Hello Nancy Drew fans. I wanted to inform you that I will try to update as often as possible. If you were reading Total Drama Unite, then I have to stop working on it because I ran out of ideas and am having a serious writers block. I may not update it again, and if I do, it will be after I complete this story. I own nothing so please don't sue. Anyway, on with the story.

Nancy was getting ready for a day with her friends. She had just finished her latest mystery, and was going out to celebrate it with her friends. They also made her promise that she wouldn't solve any mysteries for a week so they wouldn't have to worry about her safety. She laughed to herself, and left the house. Suddenly someone grabbed her shoulders,
and blindfolded her. She started screaming, so they shoved a gag into her mouth. They tied her arms behind her back, and carried her to a car. She smelled something powerful, and realized a second to late that it was chloroform. Her world went completly black.

Bess was thoroghly annoyed. She, Ned, and George had been waiting for her for an hour and a half, and Nancy still hadn't showed up. Suddenly she felt her phone vibrate.

"Hello." she said "Bess, oh good, you picked up." Mr. Drew said and Bess noticed he had anger, betrail, and something else. Could it be fear or horror.
She decided to let him explain before jumping to conclusions. "Is Nancy with you?"

"Umm, no. Why?" Bess asked, a little nervous.

"She isn't here either. I was really hoping she might be with you. I found her car keys and her purse on the driveway. I'm worried that she might have gotten herself kidnapped. Do you mind coming over. I know this is supposed to be your free day, but I will find a way to make it up to you.

"Don't worry Mr. Drew, we are on our way." She hung up and looked at George and Ned. "Change of plans, guys. We are going over to the Drew's to make sure Nancy wasn't kidnapped.

"Wait, how could she have gotten herself kidnapped. She promsied us that she wouldn't solve any mysteries." Ned cried.

"I honestly don't know, but we have to find her before it's too late." Bess responded honestly, and forced her freinds to get into the car.

As soon as they had arrived at the Drew's place, Carson had opened the door. "Thank gosh you are all safe. Have you guys seen her at all today?"

"No, Mr. Drew we haven't, we were waiting in the store when you called." Mr. Drew opened his mouth as if he were going to say something, but there was a bang on the door. He opened it, and no one was their. He looked down, and saw a letter. He brought it inside and tore it open.

We have your daughter. Either pay us two million dollars, or you will never see her again. We are giving you a week to deliver the money. Deliver it at the abandoned warehouse. While we wait for the money, we will have a bit of "fun" with her. This is ranson and payback.
Do not inform the police or we will kill her immediatley.

As soon as Carson had read the letter out loud, it slipped out it fell to the floor. Bess looked up. His face was pale, and she knew that he knew that Nancy wouldn't be able to make it out of this alive.

"You know what, I don't care what those blockheads are telling us. We can still go look for her. We have a week to investigate,
and I really want to put these morons to justice." Bess said firmly.

"We only have a week, and these people know that we will look for her, I say that we have no hope, but we should search anyways."
George said. It was really quiet, and they decided that it was time to go to bed. Mr. Drew offered to drive them home, and everyone left.

Nancy opened her eyes. She was on concrete, and was chained to the ground. Everything started coming back. She remebered how she got to this horrible place in the first place.

"Hello Sleeping Beauty, glad to see your awake." a person said, but she couldn't remeber who it was.

"Don't call me that," she snarled, and the person slapped her, so hard that a few involitary tears left her eyes.

"You are to stay quiet, and listen, or their will be so much more pain to endure. More than their is planned for you to endure.
Your useless freinds are holding a search party, but they will never be able to find you." The person started cackling.

"My freinds are not useless you big moron, they will find me,
and if they don't then I will find some way to escape. You will never be able to keep me in here, and we both know that you know that."

The person grabbed her by the hair and picked her up. His face was really close to her. "You will never be able to escape.
Your freinds have a week to find you, and if they don't then you will disapper, and people will find your corpse." Nancy shivered. "Until then, you and me will have a lot of fun."

"Who is this guy," she thought _
When Ned woke up, he felt sadder, and couldn't rember why.
He thought about grabbing a quick soda with Nancy, before he rembered what happened yesterday, and why he would never be able to fall in love with anyone. His knees felt weak, and he collapsed and started sobbing. Nancy was going to die, and their was nothing he could do to stop it. There was a knock at the door, so he brushed away his tears.

Bess and George were at the front door, and they looked like two very depressed cousins. Bess' eyes were red and puffy, and it looked like she hadn't gotten any sleep. George was trying to blink away the tears that were threatening to spill. He realized that they weren't going to get anything done unless someone took charge.

"Let's find that place that the letter mentioned. It would be better than doing nothing."

They drove the car over to the abandoned warehouse. They walked inside, until something really big started heading towards their faces.

So that is the first chapter of this story. Stay tuned for the next chapter. Don't forget to review, but no flames please. Thank you for finishing the first chapter. Bye.