I do not own Pirates of the Caribbean or its characters.

(a/n you might want to read Alice's insanity before this if you haven't already. Just so things make more sense.)

lina alessa thank you so much for your kind words and encouragement! I'm glad you can relate to Alice. To go through the trouble of translating a review for me is amazing! Thank you soo much

Here you are Ptroxsoraa sequel. Hope you like it even more than the first!

I wish I could respond individually for you all but 3 anonomus reviews! Wow! Hope you all like this one!

"I didn't know you were here yet." Jess choked out. Sweeping her short, straight, pale blonde hair out of her eyes where it was clumped.

"Give a girl a heart attack, why don't cha!" Taylah grumbled irritably. The shorter blonde/brunette scowled irritably, running her fingers though her chopped hair.

"Ha-ha! Chocolate!" Lauren laughed happily, grabbing a few more pieces of chunky goodness from the bowl. She was the shortest of the group by about two centimetres, not that that stopped the next shortest girl from hanging it over her. Rather than the other girls' blonde hair, Lauren had auburn hair which Alice swore was red.

"Where were you?! I checked everywhere! Even the roof! But no! I come back in and you all fall from the ceiling!" the mystery girl all but screamed at the four.

"Come, sit, eat chocolate." Alice instructed firmly, patting the couch behind her, for once having a serious expression on her face. She was the second shortest and held the position of most annoying girl in the group. It was a sort after position, which she defended. She had the longest hair; blonde and reaching her waist and was without a doubt the palest, she also oddly enough happened to be the oldest.

"Fine, fine. Chocolate, yes. Good. Logic? No. Chocolate? Yes." Tahlia sighed. She sat heavily on the couch. Taylah spun around so she was sitting the right way.

"Sooo. How are you?" Jess asked conversationally.

"Fine, apart from just seeing my friends FALL FROM THE CEILING!" Tahlia shrieked.

"Charlia. Shhhhhhhhhhh." Alice shushed.

"My god! My TV is fixed! YES!" Jess jumped up from the couch and did a victory dance.

"Yes. Yes it is." Lauren nodded.

"See. I told you it was fine." Alice sniffed dignifiedly, looking all the world as if they had all offended her.

"No you didn't! You just broke it and pulled us in!" Taylah shot back good naturedly.

"What's your point?" Alice asked in a confused manner.

"She's just grumpy she didn't kiss Jack." Lauren mollified her.

"Jealous!" Alice added in a sing-song way.

"What are you talking about?" Tahlia asked tiredly.

"We went into the movie. Wow, I sound like Alice. Get me a strait jacket." Jess answered.

"Just like the stories! Oh it was magical." Alice rested her chin on her hand as she spoke, a dreamy look entering her eyes.

"Just magical. At any moment you expected to die, or for someone to call 'cut'." Lauren nodded as she added to Alice's statement.

"Ahh." The two sighed dreamily.

"Rrright. I'll ignore the mentally unstable girls for now…"

"That's what James said!" Alice cried out happily. "I kissed him you know." She added seriously.

"…she isn't kidding, is she?" Tahlia asked worriedly.

"No, she's not. She actually kissed that stick-up-the-" Taylah was cut across by Jess quickly.

"She kissed him." Jess confirmed.

"Wow. What did you all do?" Tahlia asked awestruck.

"Alice lied to people, Taylah bashed people, I confused people and Jess magically wasn't harmed in the making of the film…wow, I sound like an add." Lauren trailed off, staring into space.

"…uh huh." Tahlia mumbled.

"Yeah, no joke. And now I can SEE THE FUTURE!" Alice cried happily.

"No you can't Alice. You lied to them about that, remember?" Jess asked patiently.

"Oh, damn." Alice scowled.

"…let's do it again!" Lauren burst out happily.

"Oh no. I had enough trouble already. It's all well and good for you guys, but I had no idea what was going on the whole time!" Taylah reprimanded.

"Well, I want to go." Tahlia gave her input, startling Alice and Lauren a little, as they had almost forgotten she was there and had been pelting popcorn at each other.

Jess gave the two shortest members of the group a dirty look at the mess they made on the floor. They gave cheeky smiles in return.

"Well, I want to go back too." Alice announced. She crossed her legs and her arms stubbornly.

"Me too." Lauren copied Alice's position perfectly. Upon seeing that they were seated the same, Lauren gave Alice's side a hard shove with her elbow, and Alice promptly crashed to the ground in a heap. She aimed a kick at Lauren's side but somehow ended up punching herself in the head. She never was very coordinated. The rest of the group gave a cursory glance at her yelp before turning back to the conversation.

"I want to go as well. That makes four yes's and one no. Tay, bad luck for you. We're going." Jess gave a firm nod.

At this Taylah scowled furiously. Everyone else ignored her.

"Yay! This is so exciting! Let's go!" Tahlia enthused.

"No." Jess disagreed.

"What! You were all for it a second ago!" Tahlia cried dejectedly.

"And I still am. But the rest of us, as you just said, 'fell from the roof' and jumped off a cliff. We are tired. We can all go tomorrow." Jess said firmly. Nodding to Alice, who was trying to hide a yawn behind her hand, to Lauren, who was rubbing her eyes with the back of her hand, and to Taylah, who was sulking on the end of the couch, with her eyes half-mast and her head resting on the couch arm.

"Fine." Tahlia huffed.

It didn't take long for Laruen and Taylah to fall asleep with blankets draped over them, courtesy of the maternal Jess and Tahlia. Jess succumbed to sleep a while later, leaving only Alice and Tahlia.

"Why aren't you asleep yet Alice?" Tahlia asked quietly. "From what you guys told me you've done lots today."

"It always takes me ages to get to sleep." Alice answered calmly. She turned her sleepy eyes towards Tahlia. "I'm not sure how you'll fit."


"How you'll fit into the story. Jack and stuff already know us, but they won't know you."

"Oh. I didn't think of that."

"Goodnight Tahlia." Alice closed her eyes and deepened her breathing, even though she was still awake, just making sure that Tahlia thought on what she had said. As Tahlia didn't move or speak, Alice lulled herself to sleep as quickly as she could.

Tahlia stayed awake, just watching them all sleep. Throughout the day they would wake for food or to go to the toilet before curling back up on the couch and sleeping again. Tahlia stayed awake and watched them until the sun went down. Then she slept.

It was just lucky that they were all staying at Jess's house, and it was the holidays, otherwise there might be questions. God help them if they all went to an insanity ward for saying they went into a movie. Stupid Alice was rubbing off on them.

The next morning saw the four girls bustling around, all grabbing clothes to change into, or quickly making breakfast. The early hour of the morning was causing tension to run high, as did the fact that they all were restless to go back into the movie.

"Eat breakfast!"



"You know I don't eat breakfast Alice!"

"But you should!"



"ALICE, LAUREN! Shut up! Alice if she doesn't want to eat breakfast, don't try to make her! Laruen, what have I told you about antagonizing Alice!" Jess roared angrily.

"Sorry Jess." Alice muttered, head bent.

"To not to, because she doesn't care about logic." Lauren murmured apologetically.

"Good. Now Alice, sit down and eat your own breakfast. Lauren, have you chosen what you're going to wear today? You are not going into the movie in your PJ's." Jess asked a little more calmly.

"Nah. I'll figure that out later."

Jess sighed, having finally calmed herself down sufficiently.

"Hey Charlia, did you know that Yaytah has a massive as crush on Jack?" Alice asked fake-innocently.

'Well, so much for that plan.' Jess lamented sadly.

"WHAT!?" Tahlia almost fell out of her chair at that.

"I DO NOT!" Taylah shrieked angrily, sending a death glare towards Alice. Alice didn't see this however, as her attention had turned towards a fly.

"She soo does!" Lauren cried out happily, as she sped from the room and Taylah's building anger.

Tahlia, at this point, had fallen to the floor and was breathless with laughter, this was a common state for her when around the girls.

Jess sighed quietly. Of course she found this whole situation hilarious, but she refrained from laughing to save Taylah's feelings…or rather so Taylah didn't turn her anger on her.

"Don't worry Yaytah, you'll see Jack again. We're going back today!" Alice consoled.

"Shut up Alice." Taylah snapped irritably. Alice just smiled and skipped from the room.

"You're all as bad as each other." Jess sighed tiredly.

"You've got to love them though." Tahlia chuckled. The two shared a smile as Taylah stormed grumpily out of the room to look for the two pesky girls.

"They are one of a kind. The both of them." Jess nodded.

Tahlia crossed her eyes in confusion at Jess's statement before nodding.

"SHUT UP!" Taylah's voice bellowed, followed by the twin laughter of Laruen and Alice.

"LAUREN! GET DRESSED! ALICE! JUST SHUT UP! WE ARE LEAVING IN HALF AN HOUR!" Jess shouted, feeling like the mother of two naughty kids.

There was the quiet rustle of clothes and Alice's light voice mumbling, before the two shortest girls in the group giggled. "Yes Sushia. Sorry Sushia. Right away Sushia."

"Why do I get the feeling that they're up to something?" Jess lamented.

"Because they are?" Tahlia offered with a shrug.

One room over, Taylah, Lauren and Alice all quietly turned to each other. Taylah's mood had taken an about-face, once she had seen what the two had in their grasp.

Smirking, she nodded and peered around the corner, to make sure Tahlia and Jess didn't get wind of their plan. Once this was confirmed, she rounded on the 'twins' again. The precious object was out of sight, showing that they had indeed stowed it away.

"Right! I don't care how ready you guys are, we're leaving NOW!" Jess shouted to the three in the other room.

"YES MUM!" Alice shouted back, grinning when both Lauren and Taylah grimaced at the sudden noise.

In short order, all five girls were standing side by side facing the TV.

"Well, first thing's first." Tahlia said. "How did you do this last time?" she looked around at the more experienced girls, who as one turned to Alice.

"Umm, I think we had the DVD in the player first?" Alice suggested rather than stated. The girls all began to bustle about. Turning on the TV, finding and inserting the DVD, and finally, manually switching the channels to the correct settings as they couldn't find the remote, which was admittedly the most important part.

"Alice, where did you put the remote last time? After you killed it?" Taylah asked carefully, to the girl she swore was actually a five year old in disguise.

"I…made…ice-cream. It was nice." Alice answered stutteringly.

"Alice…remote." Tahlia instructed slowly.

Alice nodded.


Alice continued nodding.


Alice turned and half jumped over the back of the couch. She threw shoes and blankets over her shoulders at them, until she found what she was looking for. She stilled before she revealed it to the other girls, and only showed it to them after a tense moment of concentration on her part. She pulled the TV remote from the back of the couch and started pressing buttons, seemingly randomly. Just as the TV started glowing, Alice pressed one more button, and the whole TV lurched forward before settling back on its stand.

"Alice! I swear if you almost break my TV one more time I will-" Jess broke off her threat and mimed choking Alice.

"Okay Sushia! I'll fully break your TV next time." Alice answered with a giggle.

As the sound of the opening credits passed the screen, the others either giggled with Alice or muttered angrily to themselves, depending on who they were. As the thunderstorm began, Jess took a tentative step towards the glowing TV.

"I can go in now, right?" she asked the 'twins'.

"Oh yeah." "Absolutely." The two answered, nodding franticly.

"Here goes nothing." Jess muttered. She reached into the vortex of colour, and her body promptly disappeared as she was sucked in.

Before Taylah got an option to back out, Lauren shoved her in after Jess.

"My turn!" Lauren insisted, but she didn't just jump in as Jess did. Instead she turned to Alice, who sniggered with her. Tahlia gave them a confused look.

"We don't want to go in to early. They go with them, we go with Jack!" Lauren explained excitedly. Tahlia nodded thoughtfully, after a second of translating Laurens words.

"You have a plan, don't you?" Tahlia asked suddenly. All three of them were ignoring the TV for the moment, and were idly sifting through the room's contents.

Twin evil grins met her question, before they both snapped back to the TV as screams emerged.

Lauren waved to them both, before jumping headlong into the swirly colours from the screen.

Tahlia sighed as she took a step towards the TV, her emotions wild and adrenaline in her veins. Just as she was about to touch the lights for the first time, Alice pushed her back forcefully and jumped in before her, with a quick "sorry!" thrown over her shoulder. Now, it wouldn't have mattered to Tahlia that Alice pushed in first. What did matter to Tahlia was that as soon as Alice disappeared, so did the pulsing lights, revealing the opening of the movie as it started again. But this time, including the four girls.

Sorry this movie has taken me soo long to start especially as I left you with a cliffy! I was just really busy with school and stuff. So I finished this chapter and decided that although I have the next chapter ready and sent to my editor I would hold off till I get back from Christmas holidays as I'll be really busy. Hope you liked the first chapter and your first glimpse of Charlia! Oh and remember I will stop writing this story if I get no reviews.