Ch 30

-6 months after the mating-

Terrified howls of pain rang through the sky within the Seiretei as a battle took place outside the Rukongai edges. Loud rumbles and sounds of collisions made everything nearby vibrate under the pressure as the combatants clashed.

No one knew who it was that were engaging in battle, and currently a certain brute, nii-san and best friend were heading in the direction of which they assumed the battle was taking place.

The closer they got, the stronger the waves of reiatsu became and the lower ranking shinigami that were following their captains' had trouble moving in the dense air.

Kenpachi had a deep scowl, Ichigo had been gone since morning and he was concerned for his beta. Somewhere between the battling reaitsus' Kenpachi was certain he had smelled Ichigo's scent and he hoped that his berry wasn't fighting out there. He was terrified of what it could do to the babies.

Ichigo snarled loudly as he fought the adjuchas, which kept taunting the weakened lieutenant of the 11th squad. The adjuchas was impressive in size, raging about 3 meters over the ground.

It had large metallic claws and bone's covered its entire body. Large dripping fangs showed between crimson maws, and a long slim tail swiped the dust on the ground. Its claws were raised to block an angry shinigami with a raised shikai, and it yowled as the large blade sunk deep into its arm.

Ichigo had been experiencing incredible amounts of blood lust lately, and his fangs craved flesh. In the very moment Ichigo was going against his ideals, and was trying to destroy the hollow's soul completely.

He roared loudly as he launched a new barrage of attacks, pressuring the asjuchas and cornering against the wall of a small peak nearby.

All the while the raging Kurosaki was unaware of the investigators heading in his direction and he smirked evilly as he ripped the throat out of the adjuchas. He made sure to not shred its mask so that it wouldn't dissolve and go back to his kingdom of Hueco Mundo…

Kenpachi, Renji and Hitsugaya watched in awe and slight disgust as Ichigo with a crazed grin tore out the throat of a large adjuchas. Their eyes followed Ichigo's bloodied hand as it was held in front of ashen lips, and a blue tongue licked the green blood off of pale fingers.

Golden eye's had yet to notice the audience, as Ichigo's pale fingers let their black claws shred through the flesh of the dying hollow. White lips pulled into a gigantic grin as Ichigo opened his mouth dropping a large chunk of flesh into his mouth.

He chewed on the meat making humming sounds of pleasure as he devoured parts of the very soul the adjuchas had been. He jumped on top of the barely breathing adjuchas and sat down nonchalantly.

He mercilessly ripped another chunk of meat from the body he sat on, earning a yowl of pain that somehow was like music to his ears. His long tongue came out to let the green blood drip down on a now pink tongue.

Kenpachi watched in awe as Ichigo let his arrancar fade and kept drinking the spilling blood from the piece of flesh he had in his hands. Kenpachi had never seen something so wild, ferocious and dangerous in his entire life before and subconsciously he noticed a sudden spike in Ichigo's otherwise weak reaitsu.

Ichigo finally let the meat touch his tongue and he dragged it into his mouth and devoured it with a purr. Just then he took a glance to the side and noticed the audience that was gaping at him.

Ichigo lifted his head slightly and looked down at his fellow shinigami like he had done nothing special. Ever since he had become pregnant he had just did what his instincts told him to, and now being in the final month of his pregnancy his body craved hollow flesh and so he hunted the hollows that set foot inside the Soul Society.

He kept watching the audience as he tore another piece of flesh, and smirked inwardly as they flinched to the yowls from the adjuchas. The yowls were so pitiful; it made the hearts of the other shinigami throb.

They had no idea Ichigo could be such a ruthless killer, and they gulped as he kept staring at them while he devoured the freshly torn piece of meat.

"What?" Ichigo suddenly asked taking them all by surprise. He didn't focus on Kenpachi much, because his Alpha had already gotten the picture and was sitting on the ground calmly enjoying the reactions of the other two captains along with his Beta.

"Ichigo… Why exactly… are… you eating… a god damn hollow!" Renji blurted out.

With that Kenpachi couldn't hold it in and erupted in a deafening laugh, all his concerns for his Beta gone out the window. Hitsugaya and Renji turned their faces to Ichigo for answers, while the rest of the accompanying shinigami just kept staring.

Ichigo simply shrugged and kept eating the hollow making humming sounds in the process. To the crowd it was obvious Ichigo was enjoying his meal, and he didn't stop at eating only half of the incredibly large adjuchas.

They watched as Ichigo licked the final last drops of green blood from his lips, and he grinned at them while picking his teeth with a single black claw.

"Did you enjoy your meal berry?" Kenpachi asked coming up to Ichigo from behind sneaking his hands around the slim waist of Ichigo to rest on his slightly round belly.

Ichigo really hadn't grown much, and Hanataro which had made it his personal mission to care for the pregnant Ichigo was deeply concerned that it might be something wrong with the offspring. Ichigo had only shrugged Hanataro and his concerns off, his instincts telling him that everything was perfectly fine the way it was.

Ichigo leaned into Kenpachi's embrace with a purr and looked up at Kenpachi with adoring eyes and a soft smile.

"Mhmm… I'm stuffed," he said.

Kenpachi smiled and he and Ichigo took their leave without a warning, leaving Renji and Hitsugaya to just gawk into the air.

-7 months after the mating-

Ichigo groaned as his stomach constricted over and over while he leaned on Kenpachi as they walked down the streets of the Seiretei.

"Hey are you ok Ichigo," Kenpachi asked with a worried tone.

"I'm fine… It's only…ummgh…labor constrictions," Ichigo assured his Alpha. "Just get me to the 4th division and I'll be fine," he continued.

Kenpachi couldn't help but continue to feel uneasy as he scurried down the street with Ichigo on his shoulder. Once they reached the 4th squad he simply barged through the doors with a panting Ichigo on his shoulders.

Hanataro immediately recognized them, and he felt tremendous fear rise in his body when he saw a panting worn out Ichigo on Kenpachi's shoulders.

"Kenpachi! What the hell happened to Ichigo," Hanataro shouted angrily, his usually calm and collected persona gone at the sense of Ichigo being in danger.

Kenpachi caught in the moment let himself get stunned by the small males outburst and simply froze. Hanataro was literally up in Kenpachi's face but backed down when a sweat covered hand kept him from punching Kenpachi.

"It's ok Hanataro….mhrrghhh… I've just… gone into….rghhhh…labour," Ichigo panted as the constrictions in his abdomen kept interrupting his words.

Hanataro's eyes widened in shock as realization dawned on him. "God damn, that's 3 months too early. Get him on a private room immediately," Hanataro screamed.

Just as he was about to pull Ichigo off Kenpachi's shoulders a pale hand came to rest on Hanataros small frame.

"You do not have to be concerned. Ichigo will be perfectly fine, this is completely normal," Ulquiorra said. He and Grimmjow had no trouble feeling Ichigo's labor pains through the special link they shared.

"Ulquiorra-sama," Hanataro stuttered.

Both brothers had rushed to Soul Society through their private Senkaimon to support their brother during his first birth, so now they were here.

Grimmjow smiled a reassuring smile, as he dragged Ichigo off Kenpachi's shoulders and guided him to a room followed by a nervous Hanataro.

Kenpachi had snapped out of his little trance when Ichigo stopped Hanataro, and had simply remained quiet and followed after his Beta into the room that had been prepared.

Ichigo's groans grew in strength as his constrictions came harder and more rapidly than before. He laid on the bed and panted heavily as he tried to catch his breath between the constrictions.

He smiled reassuringly to Kenpachi whom watched closely, making sure his love was all right. Ichigo yelped in surprise as something wet hit the inner of his thighs startling Kenpachi.

He waved off a worried Kenpachi as he realized what had happened.

"Relax it was just my water breaking," Ichigo smiled. "I think you should go outside and sit with the others now," Ichigo said and touched Kenpachi's cheek in a loving manner. "Hanataro and I can take care of the rest," he said and chuckled as the tiny Hanataro shoved the large brute out of the door.

Ichigo groaned loudly as another constriction tore through his body.

"God damnit, it hurts!" he complained before preparing for the next constriction.

Hanataro only smiled and grabbed Ichigo's palm.

"I want you to push as hard as you can when I squeeze your palm," Hanataro explained with a warm smile at Ichigo.

Ichigo only nodded and prepared for the ripping pain that was sure to follow. As Hanataro's lithe hand squeezed his palm Ichigo pushed, pushed as hard as he could and practically roared in pain at the strain it put on his body.

He had no time to catch his breath as Hanataro squeezed again, and another roar shook the walls of the 4th squad as Ichigo continued pushing for his dear life.

Roar after roar shook the walls and outside Kenpachi was literally running on the walls in frustration and fear for his mate. Pale hands came to rest on his shoulders, and a single green eye met two of equal color.

His shoulders sank as those jade eyes told him to relax and he slid down into his seat dropping his head into his palms. Next to him Isshin sat, and looking at his son in law he placed a comforting and strong hand across Kenpachi's broad shoulders.

"Relax Kenpachi, Ichigo will be fine," he said before wincing at another roar of pain coming from the room separate from theirs.

Back at the bed Hanataro kept squeezing Ichigo's palm in a steady pace. As an extra strong roar pained Hanataro's ears he inspected Ichigo's channel.

"You're doing great Ichigo, I can see the head!" Hanataro said in excitement. "Now push as hard as you can," he cooed, and Ichigo complied.

With a loud yowl of pain he pushed harder than he had ever done, and he could feel something leaving his body. Seconds later a loud cry could be heard and Ichigo smiled. He grimaced as he felt the second infant trying to get out, and with two more hard pushes the second one was out screaming just as loud as her brother.

"Congratulations Ichigo, its twins. One boy and one girl, healthy and strong," Hanataro cheered placing the infants in Ichigo's hands.

They were really small, but that too was normal as the children later on would grow with incredible speed. Hanataro hit a button, and shortly after Kenpachi came in and saw his mate lying in the bed with two children in his arms. Ichigo smiled lovingly and handed Kenpachi his daughter and son.

"Ichigo, they're beautiful," Kenpachi cried before kissing Ichigo deeply. The rest of the family was not allowed to see the children until the day after birth, due to Hanataro insisting on Ichigo having his rest immediately.

Laughter and cheers could be heard through the dining hall of the Kurosaki clan as the Seiretei gathered at the Kurosaki manor to greet the newborns into Soul Society.

-8 years after birth-

Renji sighed loudly placing his palm on his forehead as two familiar individuals strayed from their formation. He scowled deeply before his raging voice rang through the air.

"Zaraki Norio! Zaraki Kasumi! Get back in the formation right away!"

Two young shinigami laughed loudly before apologizing.

"Sorry Captain Abarai," they shouted in unison as they found their place in the troop again.

"Damn you Ichigo, why did your kids have to become just as obedient as you," Renji cursed.

The 6th squad was on its way to take care of some large adjuchas that were terrorizing a Rukongai district, and they could hear the shouting of the adjuchas in the distance.

Norio and Kasumi looked at each other and grinned widely, their teeth sharpening at the thought of fighting adjuchas. As they finally arrived at the scene Renji made the squad come to a halt.

"Norio and Kasumi, don't you even think of…" That was as far as Renji came before two shadows flew past him.

Norio laughed loudly as his claws tore down the chest of the first adjuchas, basking in the pleasure of hearing the yowl of pain. Eyes of green irises and black sclera locked with the adjuchas, as Norio grinned wildly.

To his right his twin sister seemed to be having as much fun as her older twin Norio, as she dove down feet first ramming the shoulders of the four legged adjuchas, laughing at the yowl.

At the sidelines Renji dragged a palm over his face while the rest of his squad stood frozen except for a few that were engaging in battle with the third adjuchas.

"Those damn Zaraki twins can't follow a god damn order," he muttered.

Back at the 11th squad Ichigo and Kenpachi looked at each other as chills ran down their spine. Both of them sighed in unison, dropped everything in their hands and rushed out of the office. Ikakku and Yumichika smiled as the couple brushed past them.

"Looks like the twins are at it again," Ikakku laughed earning a punch from Yumichika.

Kenpachi and Ichigo flashed through the air towards the reiatsu of their children, and after about 10 minutes they were at the scene. Ichigo couldn't help but smile inwardly at his son and daughter that proudly sat atop one adjuchas each, happily indulging in what seemed to be a delicious meal.

Noticing the reiatsu of their mama, both twins gulped and cowered. The black in their sclera disappeared as their arrancar faded away under the doom promising gaze of Ichigo.

"Norio and Kasumi, how many times have I told you to follow Captain Abarai's orders no matter what?" Ichigo raged at his children.

Renji watched at the all too familiar display, chuckling as the twins cowered in fear beneath their mother.

"We're sorry mom…umm…Lieutenant Kurosaki," they said forgetting to announce their dam with the correct title that was used at work.

"But we were so hungry," Kasumi complained.

"Tch…Like we haven't heard that one before," Kenpachi growled. "This was the drop. I'm tired of you brat's interrupting me and Ichigo's work all the time. I'm placing reaitsu constrainers on you for a month," Kenpachi continued.

"But daaaaaaaaad," Norio and Kasumi bawled together.

"No complaining, I agree with your dad. And it's captain Zaraki while you're at work," Ichigo reprimanded. "Now go back to the squad, I'll be taking the remains of what you haven't eaten," Ichigo said scowling at his children.

Inside both he and Kenpachi were proud of the twins for having taken down the adjuchas. Then a thought came to Ichigo's mind, he knew an ever better punishment.

"You know what; I'll add something to that punishment. I'm sending you to Grimmjow for a month along with the constrictors," Ichigo said with an evil smirk.

He paid no mind to the now pale features of the twins as they tried to beg for mercy. They hated going to stay with Grimmjow, he trained them till they couldn't even walk anymore.

Tail between their legs they slinked back into their place with the other squad members, a gloomy aura surrounding the two twins. Ichigo walked up to Renji and gave a smile of aplogy.

"I'm sorry if the brats caused you any trouble. Just bear with me and my kids until they mature old friend," Ichigo said.

"It's ok Ichigo," Renji said with a chuckle.

The kids had grown incredibly fast and during 8 years, they reached the size of a 18 year old human. However their maturity level was still not much to be spoken of, and truth to be told the whole Seiretei hoped that the twins would mature soon.

They always made some kind of ruckus to either get attention, or to have fun, and Ichigo and Kenpachi's excuses and apologies were beginning to run thin.

Renji had been the only captain willing to take the twins in for part time work until they matured, and you bet he regretted it afterwards, even though he hated to admit he had a soft spot for the outrageous twins in which he acted as a godfather too.

Ichigo had to smile when he got back to the manor, having just finished off his day at the office. The past 8 years had gone so quickly, and his beautiful children had grown so fast

. Both of them were already fully capable of defending themselves, and switching between their arrancar and shinigami form. Both had mastered their resurrection, but they had yet to learn the names of their Zanpakuto's.

Ichigo really looked forward to that, he was curious as to what powers they would gain. His little sister Karin, had happily married her crush Hitsugaya and she now went pregnant with his child.

Ichigo had blessed their marriage along with his father, and they were all living like a large happy family at the Kurosaki Manor. Kenpachi had long since moved in, and he was a full-fledged family member.

Ichigo had chosen to give his children the name of their father, and to say so himself they really lived up to the Zaraki name. Both of them loved battle just as much as their father, and no matter how hard they were beaten they never truly went down.

Both parents were extremely proud of their still growing children, and even though the Seiretei complained over the twins and the ruckus that always came with them, deep down the people loved the twins that brought light into their lives like the sun itself.

Some even said the twins were destined to rule the Soul Society after Shunsui, and several mentors stood ready to educate the young twins as soon as they matured enough for the task.

Ichigo's life and happiness was complete, and he purred at the promise Kenpachi had made earlier that day. It was that time of the year, when Ichigo needed physical contact the most, and Ichigo smiled as a bare chested Kenpachi appeared in the doorway to their room at the manor.

The end!

Yeah, there you have it. The end of BoaS :D I am really pleased with how this story turned out, and I had a lot of fun writing it. Thanks to everyone that has reviewed my story and inspired me to keep writing it. *huggles ya all* :') It's sad though that the story has come to an end. I wished I could write more, but put simply I am now officially completely out of ideas for the story and I had to wrap it all up. Thank you so much for following the story and giving me your support :D Now then, for those of you who want some information on the twins, you can read the paragraphs below :D

Zaraki Norio (adult):

Appearance: Norio comes across as a tall and lean built but still fairly muscled man. He has green eyes and long ashen hair with golden that reaches his waist, often tied in a pony-tail or a long braid. He wears a sleeveless Shihakusho with a golden sash. His zanpakuto lays sheathed in a golden scabbard, and its hilt is covered with white bandages similar to Kenpachi's zanpakuto. He wears his zanpakuto is located at his back, held horizontal much like Rangiku stores her katana.

Norio's name means man of law, and as a grown-up he is just that. Noroi is a calm and calculative man like his uncle Ulquiorra, and like his mom Ichigo he has a strong sense of justice. As an adult he is even tempered much the opposite of what he was as a kid. He will do anything to protect those whom he holds dear, but he had a tendency of hiding his emotions and pains from those around him, making him very similar to Ichigo. Norio always judges his enemy before he decides if he should kill or not, and is known to be able to show mercy if he finds his enemy in need of it. If angered badly, such as when someone hurts one of his family, Norio is prone to change personality completely. He'll become ice cold and brush of anyone and charge straight for the one responsible for hurting his loved ones. He'll ruthlessly kill his enemy without any mercy at all, and would gladly behead and devour his enemy in the process. Therefore Norio is highly respected in the adult community and is said to be the next heir to the Kurosaki househould.

Norio's ressureccion: His release is called Ranbou na Daifensu and means violent defense. Norio's release is quite simple really. He resembles his father greatly and his power is just that. Raw power just like Kenpachi. His appearance does change, including his height increasing along with dragon membrane like wings sprouting from his back. His body turns dark grey while he features scales on key points of his body, such as on his forearms and on areas where vital spots are located. He also sports a long and strong tail with a sharp blade attached to the end, accompanied by shredding claws on feet, hands and wings. His sclera turns black, and horns similar to Ulquiorra's erupt from his head. His hair also grows considerably, nearly reaching the ground while his ears become long and pointed.

Norio's zanpakuto: Norio's zanpakuto is called Denki Tenjou, meaning electric heavens. This goes with Norio's personality well, seeing as the thunder lays dormant until the skies are provoked. It has the power and soul of the Thunder Dragon and when entering Ban Kai Norio can be found to look much like Hitsugaya. All dragon spirited Zanpakuto have similarities in some ways so Denki Tenjou and Hyorinmaru can be considered as sibling Zanpakuto, Hyorinmaru being the older one. Denki Tenjou possesses the ability to generate a thunder storm anywhere and anytime, and Norio's command is the will of the lightning. With his electric abilities Norio can paralyze his opponents through the nerve system, or shock them so bad that they faint from the high voltage. He can also use his zanpakuto to start a stopped heart. His lightning banishes all evil and is incredibly powerful.

Zaraki Kasumi (adult):

Appearance: Kasumi comes across as an average heighted woman with mid back long black hair with golden tips. She usually lets her hair hang free, and she has big warm golden eyes. She wears a sleeved Shihakusho tied together with a traditional white sash. She also sports bandaged forearms as well as wearing her Zanpakuto scabbard like her uncle Hitsugaya.

Kasumi's name means mist, and it fits her personality. Kasumi is generally very warm and welcoming but is known to just simply vanish from the face of the earth whenever she feels like it. Thus the name of mist, seeing as she disappears just like it. She has a soft spot for children and loves to help out the poor ones living in the Rukongai. However she has very strong opinions and there's little she won't do to get what she wants. Like her brother, father and mother she enjoys fighting but unlike her brother she rarely or never shows any mercy towards her opponent at all, be it just a friend or a true foe. She's strong willed and determined and will stop at nothing to protect her family.

Kasumi's ressureccion : Her release is called Hogosha, meaning guardian. Like her brother she has a fairly simple ressureccion, but it is not raw strength. She comes across as a bit taller, and has large grey wings of steel feathers. Her body is covered in armor like plating, similar to Grimmjow's Pantera and sheh as an incredibly tough Hierro. Her speed and force increases considerably, although her release focuses on defense unlike Norio's which focuses on attack power.

Kasumi's zanpakuto: Kasumi's zanpakuto is called Chimeiteki na Kiri, meaning fatal for or deadly mist. Kasumi's zanpakuto is a water zanpakuto and is able to create thick mist which is impossible to see through. With this power Kasumi can hide herself and attack her opponents from multiple directions without ever being caught. However she can also use her zanpakuto for frontal attacks so long as there is water nearby. She can shape and manipulate the water making it into deadly long distance projectiles. She can also use the water as armor, which can soften the attacks to make her take less damage. The zanpakuto also allows her to become the water itself, so if need be she can turn her body in to water although this drains lots of reiatsu.