Before you go all Hulk on my ass - I know, it has been ages and ages since I last updated this story. And I get it - it can be frustrating when it's suddenly just stop for months on end. So, sorry. But hopefully (though it might not be) back in business, my little Jelly Babies.

The reason I haven't updated, and I really don't want to make excuses, I really don't, but it's probably because I'm in my last year at school, and I'm doing all my mocks and shit ready for the ones I have to take in June, and I've been busy revising and shit, so...sorry :D

Anywho, this is the next one.

Pairing: Derek/Stiles - some Papa Stilinski thrown in here as well.

Summary: Papa Stilinski can only take so much; his son getting pregnant so young is one, and that is understandable. But moving out and moving in with his boyfriend who is six years older is a little too much, right?


The Sheriff liked to think that he wasn't too hard on his son. Because, come on, he did let his son mate and date a twenty-something year old man who just so happened to be a werewolf as well. And he did let his son become part of a mish-matched, werewolves and humans and hunters and whatever-that-Martin-girl-was. He did it to make his son happy, and he was glad that he got to see his son smiling a bit more often.

Finding out his son was pregnant was shocking, yes, but Mr Stilinski just expected it - well, after a few drinks and maybe one or two sleeping pills to help him sleep (nightmares about giant half wolf half human babies had popped into his head to frequently for him to have a peaceful night) - but he expected it. To make his son happy. Because it made his son smile.

However, when told that said son, who John loves so very much and loves to see him so very happy, is going to move in with said twenty-something year old werewolf and a few of the mish-matched pack that he let his son become a part of, well, you could say John almost turned green.

Well, he did.

Derek and Stiles had come over for some of his famous breakfast - cool shaped pancakes with crispy bacon and scrambled eggs - when they had decided to drop the news like a bomb.

Suddenly, John's stomach had shrivelled up and died, and he was looking as pained as ever, as he watched his son watch him with a careful, steady eye, pleading with him. He didn't notice Derek was talking to him until he was shook.

"Sheriff? Are you okay?" asked the werewolf - huh, the werewolf - with some degree of concern.

John nodded, and then shook his head, placing his knife and fork down on the table. He saw Stiles take a deep sigh of relief. As if he was going to stab Derek...

"I don't think so..." John trailed off, studying them both. "Let me get this straight. Stiles, you want to move in with Derek?"

Stiles nodded. "Yeah. This is his baby too, and that way I'll be closer to him so he can help me out, and you know, be there when the baby comes instead of having to travel half way across town."


"Dad, are you okay with this? You were perfectly fine with the werewolf stuff, and the pack, and me dating Derek and me mating with Derek and me being pregnant with Derek's baby...why are you being so stiff about this?"

"Stiles, you're eighteen," John said slowly, listening to his son's words. Had he really expected that much? Perfectly, to quote his son? "I mean, getting pregnant is one thing, but moving out?"

"Dad, I'm legally allowed to move out now I am eighteen," Stiles said, frowning now.

John sighed and scrubbed at his forehead. "There are only something's I can overlook, Stiles. Your boyfriend being older than you by six years for one. When you started dating him, you were seventeen. I should have had him arrested. But I didn't, because it made you happy and I hadn't seen you smile like that ever since your mother died. So I turned a blind eye on it and left it alone. Then I find out not only is this guy an ex-criminal - and yes, Derek, I know you were exonerated - and six years older than you, but he's a werewolf as well. And that he has made this pack, pack of teenagers! The ones I was sent to look for because their families were worried sick about them disappearing! But it still made you happy, which is weird, by the way, and so I left it. But then you got pregnant!"

The Sheriff noticed that Stiles had moved his hand to his belly. "I'm over the moon to be a grandparent, really, I am, but not as young, maybe. But you looked so pleased and you and Derek had been trying really hard, so I thought I'd let it go. So I did. But this, Stiles. How much more of this do I have to deal with and ignore? And I love you, I do, but can't you stay with me just a little be longer? I'm just a little pissed that I've had to overlook so much stuff, and now you think that you can be all blaze about moving in together because I'll jut except it. Well, I'm not excepting. Yes, in a few months when the baby is a little bigger then my hand, yes. But right now? No."


"Stiles, I'm just voicing my opinion. I've excepted a little too much for my human brain to comprehend. I didn't think I'd have to deal with werewolves and vampires when you were born, but obviously, I do. And I will. But you are staying here until at least three, or four months, maybe. Okay?"

Stiles swallowed and nodded. "Okay. But you are saying that I can move in with him?"

"Yes, just that I am not as okay with it as you would like me to be."


John rolled his eyes. "Would you expect me to be okay with it? Stiles, you're my only son and you're only eighteen. You should be going to college and getting a career for yourself. Not getting pregnant and basically marrying Derek. I'm just voicing my own opinions, son. Anyone with a son or daughter would say the same. Even you, eventually. Just think about that, okay? What would happen if this was your son or daughter telling you that they want to move out and in with their much older boyfriend or girlfriend because they are pregnant with their baby."

Derek growled. "I'd be angry. Very angry."

"I'm not very angry, but I'm a bit pissed. Just, don't expect me to be so excepting of what you're doing, okay?

"Okay, Dad," Stiles said.

John sighed again. "Right, enough with the heavy. Would you guys like some more bacon?"

So maybe he was a little harsh, but this was his baby boy they were talking about. Nobody was taking him away until he had to be taken away.

Liked it? Loved it? Hated it? Disliked it?

Would just like to say thank you to everyone that reviewed, favourited, and followed still, even though I didn't update like the asshole I am. Anyway, hope you enjoyed this one.

I thought it was rather sweet, you know, protective!PapaStilinski :D