And once again, after a long arse hiatus, i have returned. What can i say; college is a bitch. I have no time to myself, except when i write one-shots in class, like this one. Hopefully i can take some time in the near future to write more, since i feel my muse coming back. And i need to write things that aren't Article Review forms and i need to read Reviews rather than my History textbooks. Remember; reviews help me write faster. That's all from me for today. Thank you kindly, my few readers.

Disclaimer: I do not own Fullmetal Alchemist. But boy, do i wish i did.


Winry balanced on the chair, her hands reaching above her to grasp the curtain rod. She grunted as she lifted the heavy drapes up onto the rod, and when they were in place and perfectly aligned, she let out a sigh of relief.

"Finally. I'm done," she said, preparing to jump off the chair.

A loud bang resounded through the house, and, startled, Winry lost her balance and started pin wheeling her arms to regain it.

"Honey, I'm home!" Edward shouted as he walked into the living room. As he did, Winry went airborne, finally losing the rest of her concentration on balancing.

"Shit," Ed hissed as he ran forward. Winry felt the air leave her as she landed in Ed's strong arms.

"Oh, Edward," she cried. Then she raised her hand and smacked his chest. "How many times have I told you not to barge into the house like that?!"

"Gee. You're welcome," he replied, grinning. "I'm sorry. I was just so eager to see you that I forgot that you're a scaredy cat."

Winry smacked him again, but this time it was followed with a light laugh.

"What do you think?" she asked, gesturing to the new window hangings. They were dark blue with silver trim, matching the silver paint of the walls.

She was answered with a few beats of silence. "Ed?" she asked, still lying in his arms.

"I love them," he smiled. "They're almost as beautiful as you are." Winry blushed fiercely.

Edward started walking towards the bedroom with Winry comfortably snuggled into his chest.

"So much excitement," he whispered, smiling at his wife's closed eyes. "Are you sleepy?"

"In fact," she purred, eyes snapping open. "I'm wide awake. And in the mood to break the curtains in the bedroom too."

Eyes bright, the two closed the door to their bedroom, and Winry made a mental note to buy more curtains.