Part One

'Damn that bitch! Can't she find anything better to do?'

I am, yet again, walking around the school campus. I ran into Amber this morning and she, yet again, insulted me in front of her brother ( who happened to be passing by), saying that I'm always late in class and when I attend class, I always sleep through classes. And those are not true!

But Nathaniel, he always believes in whatever lies his sister says. He scolded me, not even bothering to hear me out or weigh things out.

'Great! Just great!'

It's true that I'm rebellious type of girl but I can be studious, too! I admit that I am a punk most of the time but I can be a nerd at school as well!

I just sigh. I guess the reason why Nathaniel refuses to believe me or listen to me is my constant flirting with him. Yes, I flirt with the Student Body's President. I just can't help it. I like him for crying out loud! But he sees my flirtation as a sign of an improper student (person).

"Done being scolded by your boyfriend?"

I stop dead in my tracks at the voice and look up to see my favorite friend (in school) and rival (outside the school), Castiel. Yes, we are what you call the best 'frenemies'. In school, we are best of friends but outside the school, we are rivals on our daily bet competitions.

"Well, he's not my boyfriend, YET," I grin at him as I cross my arms.

He chuckles. "How about we make it a bet?"

My eyes glint at this. (By the way, I have a bet obsession which Castiel found amusing that's why he always makes some kind of a bet with me) "What are the stakes?"

He smirks. "Make that idiot of a president your boyfriend after one month and I will be your personal slave for one week."

I smirk back. My mind is starting to think of new ways of flirting Nathaniel. (and of ways on how to make Castiel's life as my slave a living hell.)

"BUT," Castiel continues. "If you lose, which is highly expected of you," I glare at him as he grins widely at me. "You will be mine."

And my jaw drops.

~~~~~~~~First Week~~~~~~~~~~

Undoubtedly, I agree to Castiel's condition about the bet. No way in hell that I'm going to lose to that jerk! And why in the freaking hell does he want me to be his girlfriend, anyway? Oh right, 'to beat Nathaniel at something' as he puts it.

I walk up to Nathaniel boldly at the lockers.

"Hey, Nattie!" I cheerfully say.

He face-palms and faces me. "What do you want this time?"

"You," and I swiftly kiss his cheek.

And he scolds me like there's no tomorrow and in the middle of his ranting, his sister comes and she takes his position, insulting me over and over again until Nathaniel holds her back and together, they both leave. But wait, is that the faintest of blush on his face?

~~~~~~~~~~Second week~~~~~~~

"Nathaniel~" I call him in a sing-sang voice.

He turns away from his paper work and faces me with a faint smile and a twitch on his eyes as if he's thinking: 'Here we go again…'

"What can I do for you?" he asks.

I smile at him 'sweetly' and confidently sit on his lap, lacing my arms around his neck. "What can you do for me? Well…You can…make me your girl…" I whisper in his ear.

Are my eyes playing tricks at me? No, they're not. Nathaniel is definitely blushing. His eyes look anywhere but mine.

"W-Why will I do t-that?" he asks, trying to pry my arms away.

"Because…" I lean closer to his ear, kissing it lightly, "I know that you want to as much as I do," and I bite it gently.

And that causes him to jerk away and pushes, landing my butt on the floor.

"Ow!" I cry. "What was that for?"

"Stop playing these games on me, will you please?" he breathes, his face red with both embarrassment and anger. "And if you don't have anything better to do then why can't you at least try to behave yourself?"

And with that, he walks off with his hands clenched.

I just smile faintly with mischief. "You will be mine, you'll see."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~Third Week~~~~~~~~~

"Looks like you still haven't got even the slightest of his attention," Castiel smirks at me as I sit beside him on the bench of the school's courtyard.

"Well, I know that he's just playing hard to get," I smirk back.

His smirk gets wider. Slowly, he wraps an arm around my shoulders and leans to my ear. "You know, you can just give up and admit your defeat and just be my girl."

I slap his arm away. "Hell, no!" I laugh. "Why of all things did you choose that as your reward if ever you win?"

He simply shrugs his shoulders. "Well, it seems fun to look at it. The girl who is constantly flirting Nathaniel is owned by his sworn enemy," he says as if in a speech.

I simply chuckle at this. "You're so full of yourself."

"By the way, I saw that president of yours with a girl," he informs, "And that girl is definitely not his sister or his sister's goons."

"Maybe, it's just a new student asking for help," I reason though my heart is thudding nervously at the idea of Nathaniel finding another girl. "Or maybe his cousin. Or—"

"I saw the girl clinging to his arm," Castiel continues nonchalantly.

That's when I whip my head to his direction. "What?"

"I saw them walking in of a restaurant and it seems to me that they were on a date."

My heart is starting to break with every word.

"I saw—"

"Just don't!" I snap.

Castiel looks at me, not with his usual smug face but with an odd one. I can't point a finger on it but he seems worried?

"I—" he sighs. "It's nothing. Just good luck with your next move."

"Thanks," I smile at him. He then takes a hold of my chin. I look at him and my eyes meet his. "What?"

"Just remember, if ever he rejects you or doesn't feel the same way about you…I'm always here. You can always have me," and with that, he softly kisses my cheek.


Amber watches as her crush kisses the girl she dreads the most with slanted eyes.

"Wait until my brother hears of this you slut," she hisses through gritted teeth and huffs away to where her brother is to tell him that the girl he is secretly falling for is a real bitch and flirts with boys for real other than him.

~~~~~~~~~Last week (Note: One month=4weeks)~~~~~~~~~~~

I just hope that he will now give in to me because this plan of mine is the most daring flirtation that I will allow myself to do. He should give in to me or all of this will be for naught. Once he rejects me again, I will lose in the bet and Castiel will claim me as his. Well, I'm not saying that having my best friend and rival is bad for a boyfriend, but I just don't like him in a relationship kind of way.

I am now walking to the Student Council's room. As I come in, I see Nathaniel reading a book. It seems that he's so focused on the book that he doesn't notice me as I sit beside his book on the table.

I take a mental not of my outfit today. I wear a red tube with cross straps for the top, red mini shorts with a black jacket tied to my waist, black stockings and black heels with skull decorations, black net wrist warmers, and a simple necklace around my neck.

I absentmindedly play with the silver ring on my ring finger as my eyes linger upon him. "I can't help to notice that you're focused on that book, love."

I see Nathaniel tenses up and a twitch on his eyebrow is fairly visible. He tilts hi head and looks up at me with an odd look of surprise. It seems that my outfit catches his attention.

He clears his throat. "What are you doing here?"

"Why?" I lick my lips. "Can't I visit my favorite Student 'Body' President?" I whisper as I briefly lean down to his ear and sit back straight on the table as I cross my legs.

I see a small shiver on his body as I did that. He stares at me for a while.

'Yes! This is it! My plan 'Seduction' is working!'

I slowly lean down to his face. "What is it, love? Cat got your tongue?"

And just as I am about to place my lips on his, he pushes me away and stands up in a huff. He is slightly panting. Is he restraining his self?

"Stop this absurdity!" he snaps. "Don't you have some decency in you?"

I just blink at him, unable to speak because of my shock from his strong self-control.

"My sister is right! You are nothing but a flirtatious girl! I almost believe myself that you're just pulling a prank on me with your flirtations, but this-!" he closes his eyes in annoyance and opens them again to glare at me. "I will not be one of your victims!"

My brows furrow in confusion. "Victims?"

His glare at me intensified though I can tell that the glare he is giving is not meant for me. "Yes! My sister saw you flirting with another guy last week and she saw how that guy fell into your trap! And I refuse to be like him!"

"What?!" I exclaim. I'm dumbfounded. What in the hell is he talking about? Doesn't he know that he's the only guy that I flirt with? "Wait a sec Nathaniel. Who's guy? And you said that you heard that from your sister, so are you sure that that is even true?"

In an instant, he seizes my arm, "My sister will never lie to me, especially about you! She saw you flirting with that Castiel in the courtyard and with her very own eyes, she saw you kissed him! Now tell me if what she said isn't true, huh?! I know that you hate my sister but how can you flirt the only guy in her life? And how can you show up yourself to me as if you're so innocent and all?"

"Nathaniel! That's not true!" I scream. "Please listen to me-!"

"NO!" he then yanks me towards the door and opens it widely. He throws me outside that I ended up on the ground, looking up at him.

To make it worse, Amber is there as well as her friends. Some students are there, too, including my somewhat friend Iris. Right now, there are tears on my eyes. This is the worst humiliation I can experience! And also, this is the worst rejection.

"Leave before I force you to!" Nathaniel shouts. It's the first time I see he lost his cool. "Begone and never show your face to me!" and he shuts the door of the Student Council room close.


I look up and see that Amber has taken a picture of me crying.

"I'll be keeping this as a remembrance, bitch!" she laughs and she and her friends walk away.

The students are staring at me. Iris just shakes her head sadly at me before going to the classroom. I want to scream. I want to shout but I can't. I feel so humiliated. I never knew that Nathaniel has that bad side of his. I thought he's gentle and caring. I thought that he never loses his cool. But I guess the rumors are true of him being cruel. I guess the rumors of him bullying his sister when they are younger are true, too, and it seems that that is the cause as to why his sister is a bitch.

After a brief while of staring at the ground, I recollected myself and slowly stand up only to be pulled to a hard chest and to be covered with a jacket.

"What the hell are you staring at?!"

Castiel?! I look up and see his outraged face. He's glaring daggers at the students and that makes them cringe.

"Are you alright?" he asks me with a hard voice but with an undertone of worry.

I just weakly nod my head.

"Let's get out of here," he whispers as he drags me away from the burning stares of the students. "By the way…" he softly whispers as he continues to hold me as we walk outside the school, "It seems to me that you lost the bet."

I sigh.

"Don't I know it."