I don't even know anymore...

Disclaimer: I don't own Sherlock. If I did, series 3 would be out already!

1. The TARDIS was on the edge of St Barts, and he fell into the swimming pool.

2. He really did die, but Castiel 'gripped him tight and raised him from perdition'.

3. Superman caught him.

4. He gave the dead Moriarty polyjuice potions, to make him look like Sherlock, then chucked him off instead.

5. Sherlock used his air-bending powers to slow down his fall.

6. Molly made a deal with a demon to bring him back from the dead.

7. Molly used the spell 'Aresto Momentum' on Sherlock, as he was falling.

8. Merlin used his powers to slow down time for Sherlock.

9. He jumped and landed on a Griffin, who flew him to the ground.

10. He used fairy dust and a happy thought to fly to the ground.

11. It was miracle day when he fell.

So there you go. Hope they cheered you up a bit, and that you got at least some of those references. If you got them all, you're awesome!

Got any of your own 'theories' then post the in a review and I'll put them up :D