ATTENTION! That's right you there staring at the screen probably skipping all the bold letters! Look at the pretty, bold, underlined letters!

HEY THIS IS IMPORTANT if you guys don't review I will get realy mad!

Seriously read above!


Two, tall figures were pushed though the heavy, steel door. One was tall dark and tan. The other was tall bright and pale. FANG AND IGGY! Iggy was brutally shoved in to the dog create on my right, and Fang was shoved into the create on my right. Ari then whispered something to Fang then winked at me and Iggy. What did you do my idiotic boyfriend?!

"What was that about?" I whispered to Fang. His head shot up; I realized that he just noticed I was right beside him.

"A brilliant plan with and old time friend." Okay now he's scaring me.

"Ari?! He's nothing but a huge scum bag!" I was outraged and Fang just smirked!
"Really? Because he's helping us out of here."

"What, he is, when?"

"Couple of days."

"Okay, good, we can get out of here before we are hurt to badly." Just then a scientist came and got Iggy. Oh no, let the touchier begin.


I was drug down a hall and into a room and, SUPRIZE! It was a white room. I was strapped down to the table wings and all. Then a scientist spoke up.

"Experiment 16b234 we are going to enhance your night vision." And the anesthesia started. I was knocked out cold.

/\/\/\/\~~~~~~- line break-~~~~~~~/\/\/\/\

I opened my eyes; at least I think they were open. I couldn't see any thing but black. I knew I was back in my create, and I knew Max and Fang were there, but I couldn't see a thing.

"Guys, umm I can't see… I'm blind!" I yelled accepting reality.

"Iggs, what do you mean by blind?" Fangs worried voice came from about five feet over to my left.

"I can't see anything but black. Oh and by the way Ari is coming to put the plan into action." I could hear him from a whole other room, well that's new.


I walked down the hall I already got Fang's sister, who I had to carry because of her cast, and the twins, Max's siblings. We walked into the room labeledTEEN AVIAN/HUMAN HYBRID. I opened there creates, Iggy stumbled out of his I wonder how eye surgery went. We escaped easily; no one really wants to stop an eraser. We flew back to Arizona. While we were flying I realized Fang fluttered small growing wings under his shirt. When we landed in Max's room we gathered our stories. Okay let's do this; please let them like me, please. Don't let then use me like my dad.


The flock and Ari walked down the stairs as three worried faces turned and looked at them. There parents sighed in relief there babies were home! The moms started to inspect injuries. Fang put Angel down on the couch. No one paid attention to Ari, except Fang; for the first time ever Fang knew how he felt, sad, lonely, and needing love.

"Guys this is Ari, he's homeless and he was wondering if he could be Max, Gazzy, and Nudge's new sibling!" Fang yelled over everyone; making everyone jump; his voice had a tendency to get deeper when he yelled, so that startled everyone. There was a long pause, and Max's mom went to Ari and gave him a big hug filled with love. She whispered in his ear.

"Of course, you can."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~line break~~~~~~~~~~~~

The next morning Fang woke up and Max was in his arms they had fallen asleep like that on the couch. Max started to stir. Fang got a feeling that he had to tell her something right then.

"Max you know I love you and will forever but you have been on me all night and I can't feel my feet."

"I love you too." She whispered in his ear.


"forever." Just then Iggy fell down the stairs.

"Hey think I need to tell Mom that I'm blind?" Iggy asked. Then Fang and Iggy's mom walked into the living room.

"You're what, Iggy?" She asked.

"Iggy tell her!" Max and Fang yelled.

"Fine, CHILL! Mom I'm kind of, uh, blind." Iggy said. There was dead silence then she started to cry; Iggy comforted her and she calmed down. Over time she accepted it, and it got harder and harder for you to tell that Iggy is blind.


~~~~line break three years later~~~~

It was the after party at mine and Max's wedding. Max threw her bouquet and Angel caught it, great! Now I have to put up with that! I thought. Then as if on cue I heard Angel though my thoughts. I heard that! She yelled I rolled my eyes. Dang she can get stubborn and years around Max only made it worse!

"I'd like to make a toast… to forever." I said remembering that one day three years ago. Max smiled at me, remembering the same thing.

"To forever," she repeated and touched my glass with hers.

"To forever," everyone repeated. And forever it was.