Mew Nina: I am SO sorry. SO SO SO sorry, guys!

I know that it has been over a year now, since I updated this. I also know, that there's not much I can do to apologize properly. There isn't really a reason, that would make up for not updating a year. And it really makes me happy, that so many people read this! Your comments were and are just too cute!

Anything I can do now, is posting the latest chapter of this fanfiction. I hope you can forgive me, because I somehow can't. No idea, why I ever abandoned this story. Have fun with the new chapter, I hope I can get myself into writing this story once again!

Pudding: We're back! MewNina doesn't own anything but the OC scientists and the idea, na no da!

Taruto: Since nobody of you seems to suggest this: I think it would be helpful, if you read a bit through the last chapters, because you might have forgotten what had happened in them.

"Welcome, welcome, my test-objects!"

Tarutos eyes widened and he stared at the loudspeaker. Test-objects?

"Hello, voice from the off! My name's Pudding and what is yours, na no da?" Pudding happily grinned as she asked the question, seeming awfully happy about the fact that she and Tart were captured in a dark room with nothing but a creepy voice.

Taruto had the sudden urge to hit his head against the nearest wall. How could this kid survive even a single day?! She was so naive, she'd probably go with that guy who creeps up on you in a dark allyway and asks if you want free candy. And she'd gladly cuddle with... Taruto thought a moment. What was he called...? Treatduck? Nope. Pedopear? No, but something like that.

The voice from the off chuckled slightly. "My name is completly unimportant for you. But if you want to, you can call me Mathew."

"Okay-dokay, Matty-nii, na no da!"

Ichigo was about to cry. Nobody could find the little girl. They went through half of Tokyo, to every place she could be, but she wasn't there. It seemed, like she left the city. But that was completly illogical. Pudding wouldn't run off without her siblings.

The, right now, pinkhaired girl was thinking of just sitting down and sobbing, when she heard a rather unpleasant voice.

"What's wrong, Kittycat? Lost your wool? Or did Romeo dump you?"

"Go away, Kisshu. I don't have time dealing with you.", she replied quietly.

"Ah, as hurting as it is... Me neither. I just came here to ask you something other for once, than to be my girlfri... uhm, pet."

Quite surprised but slightly annoyed with him, she looked up. "What is it then?"

"You remember our last fight?"

"Which one? There were too many."

"You know, the battle-like fight. Not one of our word fights."

Ichigo nodded. "What about it?"

"Do you remember that little brat with the two piggy tails?"

"Taru-Taru?" Kisshu raised his eyebrows and grinned. "Yes that one."

"Yeah, so what about him?"

Kishhu seemed annoyed, worried and guilty at the same time. "Well... You know, he's gone and we can't find him. You or your little monkey friend haven't seen him, have you?"

"Why should Pudding know where he is?" Another grin from the greenhaired Alien.

"I think he went to see or talk to her."

The Catgirls ears perked up. "When?! Since when is he gone?!" Surprised he lifted his hands as to remind her not attacking him, as he came in peace for once.

"Yesterday afternoon."

So they both weren't seen since then. Something told the Mew Mew that some bad things were going to get started. And something also told her, that she liked talking to Kishhu without stupid fights. But that something was quickly pushed away, since there were more important things to worry about than a cats stupid, unbelievable feelings.

Mew Nina: I really hope, that was good enough four you guys. I would have made it longer, but I have a terible headache and no intention to do this tomorrow.

Pudding: Pudding thinks, Matty-nii is fun, na no da! Pudding likes him!

Taruto: I'm not sure that your brains really okay...

Mew Nina: You guys just wait... It's not rated 'T' for nothing... I could have made this K...