Please enjoy 8D In this story Sakura will be very OOC for the simple fact that oh iIdon't know she's turned into a emotionless puppet? If you don't like the dramatic change then go find another story that fits your expectations -.-

Swearing, character deaths, and minor role OC.

No big changes just fixed the mistakes best I could.

Porcelain Sakura Doll

Chapter 1


I, ilovetimbits do not own Naruto

"One hundred yard's ahead Dove" I fiddled with the radio in my ear.

"Understood get into your positions" A chorus of 'Hai' where heard through my radio. This mission was 'A' ranked, nothing too bad something we could handle, easy. I became ANBU captain after I trained so hard with Tsunadae. I knew many justu's and had my own group, imagine what Sasuke would think if he saw me now, definitely not the weak kunochi I once was.

Checking my surroundings this building was in ruins and smelt of death. We where supposed to investigate this place, sighting's of floating people rumours went out, but Anbu knew better it was a puppet master. My mind subconsciously went to Sasori but I killed the bastard so it wasn't him, it was another puppeteer the reason why I was sent, due to my previous experience against a puppeteer.

"Dove, Boar made it to the south gate do we initiate?" I was 'Dove' and I was leading this ANBU group none of them where close to me, I hardly knew them we didn't know each other, but I'd still risk my life for them. "Yes" I answered after making a sweep of my surroundings.

'Let's get this mission done and other with' I ignored the voice in my head that I've regained. I sneaked into the place to reveal an arena like place, it was a circular structure a collosum if you will. I saw my teammates looking around scanning the area, looking up to a ledge I swear I saw movement. 'Boar' was still looking around meaning he couldn't trace a particular scent, his wasn't as strong as Kiba's though. Boar turned to the right "I saw something it's moving"

"Well, what does it smell like?" Jaguar snapped.

"Smells like death!, but it's moving!" Boar yelled aggravated unable to identify the smell. I felt for the chakra and found it, it was very slim. The person came from above we jumped out of the way and faced him he was wearing a mahogany robe and had a butcher's knife, blood all over.

Suddenly Boar attacked jaguar "The hell you doing?!"

"It's not me I swear!" He yelled frantic, for ANBU us three are very unprofessional. I looked to him and I saw the chakra strings, jaguar was dodging his attacks when I spotted the person behind the corner "30 degrees north twenty paces" They both looked I dodged the dead body with the butcher knife.

"How perceptive you are Haruno-San" I narrowed my eyes how did this guy know whom I am? "You killed Sasori of the red sand did you not?" I didn't answer "well it just so happens I look up to him, I know he would have loved you to be his puppet"

I looked to jaguar who was busy fighting off boar I dodged 'the butcher' as I so dubbed the dead human puppet. This man was sick twisted and insane just like Sasori. I punched the puppet but it didn't crumble or break apart like a puppet it was a human body that just reacted as flesh would if it where to be hit with blunt force, fly back.

It came back up it was disgusting the body was damaged, and the skin was peeling it was a dead body and it was coming back at me, the butcher knife in hand. This is ridiculous, I'm losing to a dead body I punched the body out of my way and ran towards him he smirked then I heard a pained scream.

I halted and looked to Jaguar who had the poisoned katana thrust-ed into her heart Boar yelled "no! I love you Aida!"My heart clenched they did know each other. I ran to Boar to free him but I froze pain coursed through my body looking behind me the dead butcher was there, cleaver in my back. How could I let my guard down like that? I yanked forward the cleaver and puppet fell back I stumbled forward.

I healed my back and restrained boar, thankful the anbu armour took most of the blow. I broke him free of the chakra strings and supported him he was still horrified looking at jaguar's body the blood flowing from her motionless body "your sick!" I yelled at the puppet master.

He chuckled jumping down from the ledge "You could have gotten to me, but your compassion for others has brought you down"

Boar was still in shock "Get up snap out of it!" I yelled to him i needed him with me, to stay focused.

He shook his head "I killed her, I did with my own hands..."

I cursed the puppet was missing I sensed it and jumped in front of Boar last minute the sword piercing through "D-Dove"

"You idiot, pay attention. Do you think Aida would want you to die so easily?"

"aw touching" I turned the puppet master was right beside boar he took a kunai and plunged it into boars mask, his face, the blood leaked down from the mask. The puppet master just left the kunai in letting go, boar slumped forward falling face first he plunged to the ground. I punched the puppeteer but re griped my side. He fell back then used his puppet to grab me the same puppet prickled me with something my eyes slowly closed as the puppeteer advanced towards me a smirk on his face.

I awoke in a cage snorting I punched it breaking my hand 'OW what the hell!'

"ah ah ah Sakura, That cage is built especially for you"

'I have a secret admirer'

I growled "Who the hell are you, how do you know my name?!"

"Your the famous one whom killed Sasori, the greatest puppet master. I bet he would have wanted to see you as a puppet"

I all but growled out"I asked who you are as well. What do you want me for?"

"I'm your new master, and I'm going to make that true you'll be my puppet, my living puppet"

My eyes widened as I processed his words 'Puppet?' 'Hell no!' I glared "your not changing me"

The man grinned finally coming into the light to reveal himself, he was about 50 years old looking with short white hair, a small beard and thick figure. Your average old person, and that could be very well dangerous, no one would ever think that he did this, but then again she didn't look like she could rip the ground apart. He moved to the side showing bit's an pieces of Sasori's old puppets one being the third Kazekage I stared in horror "You see I've gotten hold of many of Sasori's scrolls as you probably recognized, the iron sand"

I glared wishing this man's death I was angry at myself as well for failing my team and this mission so easily.

"I believe you'd be the most powerful living puppet, even more powerful than Sasori himself"

"keep believing I'm not changing!"

The man grinned, it was sickening his grin "You don't have a choice Sakura, you will become the most powerful puppet ever and under my control"

"You wont control me! I wont let you!" Tear formed in my eyes, I don't want to die I can't die! I have to prove myself!

"Emotions make you weak, you hold back, I could use you to your full potential"

"NO!" I yelled shaking my head.

The man snickered "First I need to know what your capable of" I lamely crawled away as his hand came close my hands and legs where tied.

He placed the seal on my head still trying to fight it he needed to place a second seal."This will take over your spirit until the next step" I succumbed to the darkness once more.

He grinned "Your ready to become the ultimate creation, I'll be the most dangerous puppet master with you hmm Sakura?" He looked at her emotionless eyes her pupils where almost completely gone with the seal on. He took the supplies on the table he laid her on the table he had to do many things. One was to put her soul in the core,imbed her body with the Kazekages metallic body then do the rest, he grinned he needed to take measurements and got the seals and saw ready.

I watched horrified as he changed my body he was able to do it without killing me, but the fact he was doing it while I was awake. I felt empty mentally like that alter ego was gone and physically. I watched as he finished my legs and arms those things could be replaced and they where with wood then he took my shirt off I yelled in my head since my voice was gone he paid no mind. There across from me was a pupper that look just like me, ball jointed slim and he gave it curves it looked really human. He took the brush and drew over my heart then he was doing hand seals my eyes widened then I screamed in utter pain as my literal essence was taken out.

She stared at him she didn't feel anything though she knew she hated the man she wasn't human, now she was a puppet she felt absolutely nothing "You changed me" her voice was different she had no tone, for that required some type of feeling.

The man grinned "Oh for the better Sakura, look at you, a weapon beyond comprehension your spirit I sealed away in this seal (Her forehead had a small diamond on it[like Tsunadae's]) could you heal yourself?"

She looked away not wanting to follow his orders however she had no choice as her hand did it on it's own controlled by his puppet strings. She tried to fight out "Don't bother, I made your body so that you cant resist my chakra"

She was a medic who relied on the human physical feeling to know things and now she couldn't. She knew she should feel something she was changed against her will forever changed and she felt nothing. He was just watching as her hand healed herself she knew what he did and she knew the things inside her she knew what her new body was capable of now.

She was stronger but she never wanted it like this she couldn't face Konoha like this "I wont work for you" she stated not hissed her voice she should be yelling at him, but she doesn't feel the need to nor could she get her voice to even do it.

"It seems you don't get it, you have no power" he said smugly

"yes you have power but only while you have chakra bound me with strings you cant keep them on me forever"

The man seem to flinch then recovered "your right" He took another seal she watched and he placed it on her lower back she lost whatever else control she had on her body. She was just now watching as he dressed her up in fishnet to cover her toned stomach. She had about three seals on her one to keep away her spirit, one so she cant resist his chakra and another so she has less control over her body.

She had a sash bra on it covered her heart but didn't cover the compartments on her back she had leggings on he put a black hooded cloak over her body. Grinning at his work she was violated but, for some reason didn't feel anything towards the man she only knew what she was supposed to feel and it seemed that's all she'll get. She was controlled to followed him "We are going to test you out" she mentally glared since her face wouldn't do it for her, her body was going on controlled didn't want to be used. What sick thing would he make her do?

In an open field with him, in the middle he was a good distance testing her out. She watched as her own body moved without her will, her palms showed it was a plain hand then a cylinder on each hand showed he pointed her hands forward and a fire jet shot out. She would have been surprised but didn't feel anything she knew Sasori had this on his body, next he used the water, cylinder's retracting back into her palms.

Her palms where out again as a spear like blade came out of each palm attached to a chain that was in her forearm. The blade split into four revealing a long small, but sharp blade cloaked in poison he retracted it back in after spinning it and testing it out.

Next he made her take her forearm off showing an blade where her elbow would be Sasori also had that he placed the forearm back on.

He opened her mouth and a poisonous gas leaked out her mouth. He made her open her cloak, the compartment on her lower back dropped petals that had metal in it. She had the metal component's the Kazekages body did, The petals where controlled moving fro and from then he controlled it gliding them back into her back.

Her hands where stretched out again something rotated within her forearm and a cylinder came out of each palm the iron sand flowed out like sand he formed it from grains to solids he did a whole bunch of sharp spikes that floated all around there was so many it was hard to count it surrounded her in a shield then he retracted the sand.

Next her boots heel opened revealing two cylinder's the scrolls where used and she was floating very slightly off the ground. Trying to get her balanced, he used the strings to make her fly. She was going to free herself from him soon when she get's her feeling back she knows she wouldn't allow some enemy just to use her like this.

...Three Months Later In Konoha...

"Tsunadae baa-chan we have to keep searching for her! I know she's alive!"Naruto yelled frantically he wont, will not lose another teammate

"Naruto! Stop your yelling you know damn well after two months it's called off!"

" Sakura wouldn't give up so easy what if she's just captured?"

"Where we sent her the only people wanting to capture her would be a rouge nin and they'd put a ransom"

"oh Sakura-chan! They might have sold her to another group that wouldn't do that! Oh Sakura-chan!"

"Naruto! If it bothers you that much come back with five other shinobi that will continue this search, I will allow it for two more months. If you cannot find her she will be marked KIA with her team" Naruto nodded running out of the office through the window Tsunadae frowned. Her daughter figure, Tsunadae didn't want to admit she may have died, but it wasn't just her that didn't show up it was her and her team at least one of them would have survived. Whatever happened it has caused all three of them to be gone and it wasn't common with anbu.

...Five Months in Total...

She stared she should feel sad,remorse GUILT! but she didn't. she only knew she was supposed to feel that, she only stared at the man controlling her. She stared expressionlessly at the dead bodies of the family that was on their way out she just killed a whole military of ninja. She was used to the sight of death now it was an everyday thing and she's just allowing this man to do that, allow herself.

The man seemed amused and proud of her, she was a weapon. Now she knew what it was like to be used she wondered 'now I know what Gaara went through'. She watched the whole time no control over her body. She knew all her knowledge but no feelings she says to her self she does, maybe to feel more human again, but she doesn't she doesn't feel a thing. She didn't feel a thing when she kissed the man that was complete stranger, who died to the touch of her poisoned lips, It was her first kiss but she didn't feel anything. She didn't feel anything when she ripped the mans still beating heart.

she doesn't feel anything as she is standing over the half dead child, crying on her mother with her leg missing. She only watched as the man controlled her, using her to end the small girls life. The man grinned at his accomplishment he killed many people with his new puppet, the ultimate weapon even beyond Sasori himself he grinned.

She was hanging looking at the other puppets. He was asleep, he was human, she didn't sleep, wasn't human. she could think, she daydreamed rather than dreamed, she thought about her new life,Konoha, anything and everything, even the colour of the floor below her. She knew she hated being weak, she was weak for getting caught by this guy, and for allowing him to use her for his own needs. She got used to death now her mind didn't think anything of it she only knew she was supposed to hate this she looked at her fingers no-one was allowed to touch her and she cant touch them not that she could feel it...

she looked in the mirror through the corner of her eyes she couldn't turn her head. Her face was to the 'T' she looked exactly the same and looking in the mirror you couldn't tell she was a puppet under the cloak. she looked at him while he slept what was sleeping like? even though its been five months she forgot she knew but she forgot. Can puppeteers control dreams? one thing he cant control.

she tried to move.


she concentrated harder trying to gain access to her chakra anything. Her finger twitched she tried again her arm moved almost robotically it shook with her effort. The man turned in his sleep she looked at him but didn't find him awake. She concentrated on her chakra again trying to grasp it the seal was burning her then she reached it.

she fell limp to the ground the seal on her lower back disappeared, she only had one seal left the diamond on her forehead the thing keeping her emotions inside. She turned her head looked up, he didn't wake up she felt like a child trying to stand up. She had to control her chakra, place it evenly, she lifted herself with her hands shaking with the effort.

Holding the dresser for balance, she let the spear produce from her palm by a foot length. she steadied herself letting go of the dresser slowly she made her way to him then she got the hang of it.

she thrust-ed the poison drenched spear in his heart.

Blood flowed from his mouth, that too was something she'd never experience and she knew what it'd look like if she where to die it was purple the only human thing left in her. She retracted the spear back into the seal on her palm she looked at her wrist the tube that shot senbon out was visible. she absorbed his chakra being completely drained from trying to gain control.

she left the building slowly step by step, she was officially on her own she didn't know what to do. She couldn't go back to Konoha could she?What would they do? She wouldn't care but perhaps it was best for now, until she would figure out what she'll do.