Hello everyone! Thank you for giving my fic a shot! Not sure if to make it a one shot or a multie chapter fic. Let me know what you think. Hope you all enjoy!

Disclaimer: This is purely fan fiction! I do not own Teen Wolf or any of the characters except the ones I created!


Beacon Hills where I spent the first best fourteen years of my life and the worst year of my life; the year I watched my mother slowly die. Now coming back to Beacon Hills might be the happiest but possibly the hardest thing for me to have done but really what choice did I have. My father believes being the best cardiac surgeon in the U.S. is more important than raising his sixteen year old daughter and my Uncle Jack didn't agree with that. He told my father that he would bring me back to the place I grew up, where he would raise me and give me the attention and care I deserved. My father didn't even put up a fight he just sent me on my way. Not that I am complaining because I love my Uncle Jack and my favorite and only cousin Stiles. This last year I spent in New York practically living alone and having the constant reminder that my mother was gone and that I was truly alone. For the past year all I did was eat, school, and sleep every day on autopilot. I didn't talk to people didn't make friends just shut everyone out even my cousin Stiles and our best friend Scott. I guess that was a red flag for my Uncle Jack and he went to New York to visit about two months back and declared I live with him. When I saw his face and my cousin Stiles reaction to how I was just a shell of who I was that was when I decided that if I was going to go back to Beacon Hills I was going to be a better me. One who appreciated the life I still had and was going to love the people who were willing to love me and let me love them back.

"Earth to Aria do you read me?" Stiles says with a hand waving in my face.

I quickly am brought out of my thoughts and back into the reality. I look at him and then back at my now soggy cereal.

"Sorry I was on Mars but now Aria has crash landed onto Earth." I say and smile.

"Awesome! You should have come with me Scott last night to look for the other half of the body!"

"I just got here yesterday afternoon and was exhausted plus you got caught!"

"Yeah but maybe if you'd gone we would of found the body and Scott wouldn't have gotten lost on me."

"WHAT?! Stiles is he okay?"

"Yeah! Got home fine just got bit by a dog."

"Oh poor Scotty!"

Stiles quickly runs his hand through his face and laughs nervously and starts to fidget like crazy.

"Stiles are you talking to much Adderall again? You know how your father and I always tell you not to take too much because it makes your ADD worse."

"NO! Maybe…Okay a little. Well you ready for school?" He says as he laughs nervously.

"Yup, ready as I will ever be." I say as pick up my backpack and skateboard.

"You're going dressed like that?"

I look down at my outfit and see nothing wrong with my off the shoulder Pixies t-shirt that shows a little bit of my stomach and my dark blue torn up skinny jeans that I paired with my favorite purple sequins high top Vans.

"What's wrong with the way I'm dressed?"

"You're showing way too much skin!"

"Last I remember Beacon Hills High School doesn't have a dress code and plus you know if you don't drive me to school I'll just skate my over there." I say knowing he wouldn't let me do that. "Fine lets go." He says in a defeated tone.

Before we're out the front door he throws me my leather jacket and my purple hoody.

"I can't make you wear more clothes but I can at least try. Plus it is a chilly outside so you're going to need both with what little clothing is actually on your skin."

"Awww…you care if I'm cold! You do love me! I am your favorite cousin!" I say and bat my lashes.

"You're my only cousin! Let's get going."

Parking in the school parking lot I see that this place hasn't changed in the least bit. I see Scott walking over to us with a huge grin on his face. I immediately run over to him and throw my arms around his neck as he picks me up and twirls me around.

"Ari! I've missed you! Can't believe you came back!"

He puts me down and takes a good look at me and raises his eyebrow.

"Scotty! I've missed you too! Are you okay dim wit told me about the dog bite?" I look at him with concern.

"Oh actually I think it was…Ugh….hey you're showing a lot of skin. I can't believe Stiles let you out of the house."

I turn around and Stiles is holding my backpack that has my skateboard attached to it and both my jackets.

"She said she would skate here so I had no choice but to let her out of the house."

He rolls his eyes at me.

"Put these on before..."

I grab both jackets and my backpack from Stiles before he can finish his sentence. I quickly put on the jackets and put my backpack over my shoulders.

Stiles has a triumphant smile plastered on his face.

"Only because it really is cold. See you around boys got to go to the office and pick up my schedule."

I wave and head to the front office before Stiles can make a comment. As I'm walking I see Lydia giving me dirty looks not only doesn't this place change the people don't either. That girl and I have hated each other since middle school when believe it or not Jackson was my best friend till that little wench dug her claws into him and he stopped talking to me. I shot her the bird and of course she opened her mouth for some snarky comment but I beat her to it.

"Oh shut it ginger! We got all year for this."

I walked off and toward the direction of the office I look back and notice Stiles and Scott heading into the school. I start walking not paying any attention to where am going and I bump into someone and books and paper fall to the floor. I quickly bend down and start picking up the papers.

"Shit! I'm so sorry." I say and am met by some beautiful blue eyes.

This guy is amazingly beautiful light curly brown hair and amazing lips! WOW!

"That was my fault I'm sorry. I wasn't paying attention." He says as he starts to stand up and I notice that he is wincing as he straightens up. He smiles at me but I can see a hint of shyness coming off of him.

"I'm Aria Stilinski." I hold out my hand.

He shakes my hand gently.

"I'm Isaac Lahey. Nice to meet you."

Isaac Lahey I remember him now his brother died in the war. He was never the same after that. I never spoke to him but I'd seen him around and when his brother died you could see the sadness buried deep in there. His eyes still have the same look.

"Well Mr. Lahey I hope to see you around."

I smile and walk off.

Isaac Lahey had grown up a lot in the year I was gone I barely recognized him. I always thought that he was cute but never really thought of talking to because at the time I was secretly in love with Jackson. Two years ago Jackson was my best friend and secret crush we were inseparable. I use to go over to his house all the time even had my own room to sleep in when I would sleep over. He was different back then, the complete opposite of what he is now.

I walk into the office and see a girl with dark brown wavy hair and nervous brown eyes seating on the bench and she fidgeting with her purse. I look at her smile and walk up to the front desk.

"Aria, it's nice to see you! Glad you decided to come back!" Mrs. Jefferson she worked in the front office of the middle school.

"Mrs. Jefferson! How long have you been working here? Last time I saw you was like two years ago!" I say with a huge smile because she is the nicest adult I have ever met. When I was getting into trouble with Stiles and Scott she was always nice to us no matter how big of trouble makers we were.

"I came to replace Mrs. Copperfield about two weeks after you left to New York. How was the Big Apple? I bet very different from our town."

"Awesome! It's good to see a familiar face! Oh yes it was very different in all honesty I hated it! There is no place like home! I was so happy to be coming back!" I say with a huge smile because it was true. Even though this place is where my mother died, she is buried here so this is my home.

"Your right Aria there is no place like home. Well sweetheart it was really nice seeing you again here is your schedule locker, and locker combination. Have a great first day!"

I smile thank her and walk out.

I walk over to my locker and see Stiles and Scott talking but can't hear anything they are saying because their lockers are so far from mine. I start putting my books and skateboard in the locker when I hear someone open the locker next to mine. I take a peek at who it is and can't help the smile that crosses my lips when I see who it is.

"Well Mr. Lahey fancy seeing you again."

He turns to look at me and has a shy smile on his face.

"Since we are locker buddies I was wondering if you wouldn't mind looking at my schedule to see if we could possibly have some classes together."

His smile widens a little. Oh that smile is to die for!

"Yeah sure." He says and looks over my schedule.

"We have Art, History, and Gym together. Oh…and lunch."

He hands me back my schedule and I can't help but notice his hand is shaking.

"Awesome! Looking forward to seeing you in class then!"

I close my locker wave goodbye to Isaac and head over to Scott and Stiles.

"I'm Scarlet nerded." Stiles says to Scott.

"Actually I think it's the other way around. You're the biggest nerd." I say

Scott starts laughing and Stiles turns around and rolls his eyes.

"If you're still pining over Lydia you're an idiot."

"I'm not an idiot and Lydia is amazing!"

I roll my eyes at that statement.

"Please tell me you guys take English right now!"

"Follow us!"

I put one around Scott and the other around Stiles.

The English teacher is so boring I quickly drown him out and start flicking Stiles' head. The whole time I'm flicking Stiles' all I think about is how cute Isaac is.

"Class this is our new student Alison Argent. Please do your best to make her feel welcome." The principal says and walks out.

That's the girl I saw in the office and she goes to sit right behind Scott. Scott turns around and hand her a pen. She smiles and takes the pen! Well way to go Scotty!

Walking to my locker I see Lydia talking to Alison, poor girl. As I'm about to get to my locker I'm met up with a shocked Jackson. He stares at me like he's seen a ghost and I'd be lying if I said seeing him now doesn't hurt.

"Ari? I thought you were in New York."

I look at him and then just swallow my emotions and walk past him.


I turn around and I know my eyes are dangerously watery. Looking at him hurts but talking to him is killing me. I can tell by his reaction to my face he wants to say more but I cut him off before he can.

"Leave me alone Jacks."

With that I quickly walk up to my locker open it and let a few tears escape. Why is it that my heart just doesn't know how to forgive him?

"Hey? You okay?"

The new but familiar voice is nice and I can't help but smile.

"Yeah. I'm good."

I look at Isaac and smile but I know I must not look alright because his face seems to sadden.

"Really I'm good." I wipe my cheeks and smile again but this time it's real. "Are you ready to walk me to Art?"

He nods his head and motions for me to walk with him.

Once we get to class Isaac and I set in a table to ourselves. The teacher instructs that we are to draw something that we love or someone we love.

I look down at my tablet and know the only person I have ever loved is my mom but I can't draw her it's still to fresh. I look over at Isaac and he is just staring at his sketch pad deep in thought.

"Isaac? Isaac? Hello?" I keep repeating over and over but it's no use so I place my hand on his shoulder and when I do he shrinks away.

His face look like a scared little puppy and I can't help but feel like something is wrong. He has pure terror in his eyes and it's so unsettling what could make someone so scared.

"Sorry." I say and turn around to look at my tablet.

I see through the corner of my eye that Isaac desperately trying to say something but then just gives a defeated sigh and starts drawing in his sketchpad. I turn to look at him and smile. Hoping that he knows it's okay.

The rest of the class period and day goes surprisingly fast and uneventful.

"You're going to come to see me try out for first line, right?" Scott asks me.

"OF COURSE! Stiles told me you've been working really hard. I wouldn't miss this for the world. Just got to head to my locker see you all at the field I'll be in the stands yelling my head off!" I smile and walk off.

"GOOD LUCK!" I yell and turn around to see Scott and Stiles wave back.

Once at my locker I pull out my skateboard and attach it to my backpack.

"Ari, can I talk to you for a second?"

I look up to see none other than Jackson. My heart drops again but this time I put up a great front.

"I told you to leave me alone."

I sling my backpack over my shoulder and start to walk off but before I can get passed Jackson he grabs my wrist.

"I'm sorry about your mom. I know it's a year late but I'm sorry."

I pull my wrist out of his grasp and turn around this time I don't let my eyes get watery or show that I'm hurt.

"Yeah well the least you could have done was shown up to the funeral. I needed you! You were my best friend and you couldn't even show up to her funeral! Why? Oh I know why because Lydia told you to never talk to me again. We'll let me say this thank you. Thank you for not being there for me and not paying my mother respect! You know Jackson she loved you like a son! If you couldn't go for me you should have gone for her."

I see his face fall and he opens his mouth to say something. I quickly turn around and walk away as fast as I can because I can feel my tears threating to slip.

"Ari? I'm sorry." Jackson yells as I walk out the doors to the school.

I quietly walk behind Stiles who is sitting on the bench as usual.



Stiles jumps up and falls off the bench. I immediately start to laugh so hard tears come to my eyes.

"That's not funny! I got to be tuff here!"

"Sorry I promise I won't do that again!"

I walk away but not before noticing Stiles stick his tongue out at me.

"Oh yah real tuff Stiles!"

I walk passed some of the players and see Isaac running toward the field and decide to go up to him and wish him luck.

"Hey!" I say as I step in front of him.

He smiles and looks surprised to see me.

"Hi. What are you doing here?"

"Came to see Scott tryout for first line and see my cousin ride the bench."

I point at Stiles who is sitting on the bench and looking over at Lydia.

"Stiles is your cousin?"

I start to laugh at that comment.

"Stilinski isn't a common last name."

"I just…true…sorry."

"Don't be sorry."

The coach blows the whistle and I look at Isaac who is smiling a gorgeous smile at me.

"I better let you go. Good luck out there! I'll be cheering for you."

He smiles and runs to the field. I can't help but check him out as he runs off.

I walk to the stand when I spot Lydia sitting with the new girl Alison.

"Aria. If you needed clothes all you had to do was ask I had plenty of last season clothes I was getting rid of. Seeing as your clothes don't fit and are torn everywhere, you poor thing."

"See Lydia the thing your clothes wouldn't fit me as seeing you're like four sizes too big for me. I'd be swimming in your clothes."

I turn around and sit but not before I see her mouth open wide.

"I'm not fat!"

I sat down and chuckled to myself and then I stop because I see the coach put Scott in as goalie.

I quickly get up and started cheering!

"Alright lets GO SCOTT! You can do this! WOOOO!"

Everyone around me looks at me like I'm crazy.

"What?! Turn around watch the tryouts!"

I roll my eyes and keep clapping.

The coach blows the whistle and the first guy throws the ball and it hits Scott right on his helmet. Everyone starts to laugh and Stiles turns to look at me and mouths "this is bad."

"It's alright! Scott you got this!"

I keep my hands clasped and bracing myself for the next guy to throw the ball at him but I'm surprised by what happens next.

He caught the ball! The one after that and the one after that!

"Alright Scott! You got this!"

Then Jackson comes up to go and I can tell by looking at him he doesn't like Scott being good. Jackson is used to being the star player and doesn't like to share the spotlight with anyone else. I would be lying if I said he wasn't always like that because when it came to lacrosse he has always been very competitive. I cringe at how fast Jackson is running toward him and place my hands over my mouth. When the ball goes flying toward Scott I'm nervously biting my bottom lip. The unthinkable happens next Scott catches the ball effortlessly!

"OH MY GOD! WOOOOOO! WAY TO GO SCOTT!" I am yelling jumping up and down with everyone else.

I run over to Stiles and jump on top of him!

"Why didn't you tell me Scott was that good?"

"I didn't know." He said dumbfounded.

I looked at him and realized that he is just as shocked about Scotts new found athletic ability as I am.

I look over at the stands and see Lydia checking out Scott while the new girl looks at him curiously.

Scott comes running up to me and Stiles and hugs both of us.

"I made first line!"

"Congrats, man that was awesome!" stiles high fives him.

"Way to go Scotty! Congrats! I am so loving this new found side of you! Apparently so is the new girl." I say jerking my head in the direction of Alison.

"What?! Really?!"

"Hell yeah! She was totally scoping you out the whole time."

Scott looks up to the girl in the stand with hopeful eyes.

"Where going back to where Scott found the dead body and look for his inhaler. You want to come?" Stiles asks nonchalantly.

"What!? Scotty you found the half of the body? How come you all didn't tell me?"

"Must of forgot but all I got to say is that I'm going to have nightmares now!" Scott says with a shudder.

"So you coming?"

"Nope I don't want to be anywhere near where there was a dead body. I'll see you later Scott congrats and tell your mom I will be going by to visit her soon." I

I give Scott a hug turn to Stiles.

"I'll see you at home."

I turn around and grab my backpack and unbuckle my skateboard.

"Wait, how you getting home?"

I turn around hold up my board.

"I'll be fine. See you at home."

I take out my iPod from my backpack put on my ear buds and skate off.

The cemetery use to give me the creeps when I was younger, always thought a ghost was going to pop up or that a hand would suddenly start sticking out while I passed a grave. Now it feels different. It feels like home. I guess knowing my mom's here makes this home. I sit next to her head stone and lean my head and trace her name Helena de Santiago Stilinski. I eventually dose off.

I feel a hand caress my cheek and I start to wake me from my nap.

"Mom, please just five more minutes." I say groggily

"Aria it's me. Isaac you fell asleep at the cemetery."

As soon as the words leave his mouth my eyes shoot open and I meet his perfect blue eyes.

"I was working on a grave nearby and saw you. At first I didn't know it was you and thought maybe someone had fallen hit their head on the tombstone and then when I saw it was you. I freaked thought you were hurt. I'm sorry if I scared you."

Oh crap he is going to think I'm a total loser! I hope I didn't drool. I start to look around and see that it is dark outside I must have been out a good while.

"Crap! You must think I'm a total weirdo." I say as I get up and grab my backpack.

"No, not at all by the looks of it you were just visiting your mom. I'm the one you probably think is a weirdo for working at a cemetery." He gives me a smile.

I smile back and feel my heart stutter.

"No. that's totally not creepy." I say sarcastically joking.

His face falls and I realize he didn't get that I was joking. I'm such a jerk.

"Isaac, I'm sorry I was joking. It really isn't creepy. If it wasn't for you working I probably would of stayed here all night and my uncle would have had the whole police force looking for my ass." I say trying to lighten the mood.

He chuckles and looks at my mother's grave.

"Helena de Santiago Stilinski, beautiful name."

My eyes well up just hearing her name makes my heartache.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to pry or anything."

He waves a silent goodbye and walks off.

"Wait! Don't go!"

He turns around and looks at me with a sad expression.

"Aria, I know what it's like to lose your mother and a brother…. I just wasn't thinking."

"Isaac it's not you …I…just….it's…hearing her name…makes me want to break down but…. I won't. I won't do that anymore her death made me realize that life is far too precious to let time pass crying hating the world and my father because in the end it won't bring her back. So instead I'm going to live it." I say with a smile.

His expression suddenly changes and I can see a light in his eyes that I hadn't seen there since before his brother died.

"Your amazing." He says more as a statement.

I feel my cheeks redden at his words. His eyes are locked on mine and I can feel him searching my eyes and into my soul. I shiver at the intensity of his stare.

"T-thank you." I stutter.

I'm such a dork I just stuttered!

"I better be getting back to work. See you at school tomorrow." Isaac says with a shy smile.

I put my backpack on and grab my skateboard. I walk straight to him so that we are practically eyes to chin. Well eyes to chin because he is a good few inches on me.

"I definitely will be seeing you. Thanks for the talk."

I lean up and kiss him on the cheek and as I'm doing so I can feel my cheeks heat up. I look at him and his eyes are closed with a cute half smile on his face.

"See you tomorrow."

I walk off.

"Wait! How will you get home?"

I wave my board at him and he smiles but a worried look crosses his face.

"It's dark out and not very safe you should call someone to pick you up."

"I'll be fine, really. Bye see you at school."

I wave and he waves back but with a worried expression on his face.

My stomach flutters at the thought of seeing him again. Why am I so taken by this guy I hardly know? For the past year I've been shutting everyone out even Stiles. Not till it was decided that I was coming back that I really started to open up to Stiles again but he understood and so did my Uncle Jake. Isaac is someone I've never had any kind of relationship with and here I am feeling all giddy inside and I can't say I do not like this. I guess I'm ready for a new start in Beacon Hills. Yes, to everyone else I will always be that girl who lost her mom to cancer but to myself I want to be Aria Stilinski, the girl who kept living. Even when she lost the one person she loved dearly, she kept living not just for her but for her mother; to show her mother didn't die and leave nothing great behind, she left a daughter who was going to be thankful for the life her mother gave her and live it.

Thanks for reading! Please tell me what you think! Should I continue or leave it as one-shot? Please review and let me know!