Hello everyone. Just wanted to let you know this is just a small part of the chapter. I will be going to visit my parents so I won't have time to finish this chapter. BUT never fear I should have it all done by Tuesday! So this should tie you guys over till then! Trust me the chapter is a lot longer than this. Thanks for reading! MUCH LOVE!

Chapter 27

Why does it have to be this hard?

I stumbled into to my room feeling exhausted. Bringing back Derek from the edge of death, dying, and then coming back to life was exhausting. I slipped my shoes off and hugged Scott's hoodie that was currently over my body hiding the blood strained dress. I turned on the light and gasped in surprise. There Isaac stood looking at me in complete despair. I felt my stomach tie into a million knots. The I love you between Scott and I had me feeling like a terrible person because to me it wasn't just a platonic thing. How could I love two people and how was that fair to Isaac?

The buzzing of my phone and Isaac's face appearing on my screen pulled me out of my thoughts. I hit the red button and opened the door and I walked into my father's loft. I hadn't really thought about where I was going when I picked up my keys and headed out the door. Standing here in now I guess subconsciously I was yearning for my father's presence. Which was something really knew to me. I felt a sudden pang of disappointment as I looked around at the packing boxes sprawled across the floor. I thought he decided to stay in town, but from what it looked like that wasn't the case. I gulped down the growing sadness that was making itself known in the pit of my stomach.

"Aria?" My father's voice echoed from behind me.

I spun around to see him. With his deep short brown hair, the same shade I had inherited from him, disheveled and chocolate eyes looked surprisingly tire. He was standing there looking at me with surprise etched across his face. All the while he had bubble wrap in one hand and duct tape in the other. Which if it wasn't for the hollow feeling in my stomach I would have laughed.

"I thought you were sticking around." I stated trying to hide my disappointment, but sadly it was piercing through my words.

My father cocked his head to the side. The surprise expression was now replaced with confusion. He stood there for a few seconds till I gave the duct tape and bubble wrap a pointed look. His eyes widen with realization.

"Oh. This." He stated as he shrugged his shoulders and picking up the items.

"I was going to surprise you but you've caught me red handed." His voice is light but I could see he was nervous.

"So, where you heading out to now? New York, again?" I asked as I looked down at my tattered black canvased vans, that had seen better days.

I hear his footsteps come closer and his large hands grab my shoulders. I blinked back the tears and look up at my father giving me a bright smile.

"I am moving, but not out of Beacon Hills. Just this place."

The ache in my chest dissipated as his words hit me. I instantly through my arms around him and hugged my father tightly. I can't remember the last time I hugged him like this. With just pure joy and love. It felt nice.

"I am not leaving you. I want to be apart of your life." He said as he hugged me tightly.

"Awesome." I whispered into his chest causing him to give a little laugh.

My father pulled back and gave me a huge smile. I couldn't help the smile that spread across my face in return. I was really happy to be around my father for the first time in a long time.

"You know I am moving to fairly reasonably sized home. I was hoping you'd like to live with me." He scratched the top of his head and looked down at his feet nervously.

I felt really bad that my own father would feel insecure about asking his own daughter to live with him. In total honesty I wouldn't know if I would want to though. I love my Uncle Jack as if he was my father and leaving him kind of puts a hole my heart. Especially that I wouldn't be around my cousin's presistent rambling and hyper active moods. That sometimes cause great annoyance but were the foundation of my love for him.

"Dad." I watched as my father looked at me with hope filled eyes. "Can I think about it?"

I watched as his eyes saddened but he smiled anyway.

"Take your time darlin. I was going to let you know at dinner tonight. I was hoping we could discuss this as a family. You know with Uncle Jack and Stiles." Dad added.

"Sorry for not calling first." I replied as I looked down at my feet.

"Don't be. I'm really glad you've come to see me." He flicked my nose causing me to chuckle because he hadn't done that since I was a kid. "So, what do I owe the pleasure, my darlin." My father asked as he gestured for me to sit on the chair beside a lone table full of packing boxes.I quickly complied and sat on the lone chair. I didn't know why I was here. So, I said the first the thing that came to mind.

"I hope you hire someone to decorate the new place." Dad's eyes lit up and he laughed pretty loudly causing me to laugh.

We were both laughing when suddenly the laughs started to go from happy to sad chuckles.

"I was killed." The words blurt out like vomit.

I looked toward my father. His face was filled with so many emotions but pure confusion and terror were prominent. His face fell and his chest begins to rise and fall rapidly.

"H-h-how…How?" His voice trembled and by the rapid emotions that played across eyes. I could see that the one word held so many question .

"Matt, that kid that was found drowned. He was the Kanima master and he shot me. Orion." I looked down at my trembling hands. Trying desperately to hold back the tears. "He might of done something that could cause him harm to save me." The traitors tears are now flowing down my cheeks.

My father's strong arms encircle me and I let out all the guilt I was experiencing from Orion risking his life, for being happy Matt was dead, for what happened between me and Scott, and for avoiding Isaac.

"I saw Mom." I whispered as my sobs lessened.

He pulled back and looked at me with wide eyes. His chocolate iris's darkened to almost a black color and his tears threatened to spill.

"She said trust the one person who's been there since the beginning. To trust in him. I don't know who him is." I began to cry again and my dad wiped my tears.

"We will figure this out. I promise." His voice filled a reassurance I didn't know I needed till the words hit my ears.

"But right now, I'm just so happy you are alive." My father pulled me back into his arms and kissed the top of my head.

My head hung over the edge of Stiles' bed. I watched him spin in circles in his desk chair. We'd been in his room for about an hour in complete silence. We hadn't really spoken about anything pertaining to my death or the kanima. Everytime I brought it up Stiles changed the subject. Here we were sitting in complete silence. The vibration of my phone on my bed caused me to look at it. On the phone a picture of Isaac and I smiling lit up my screen. I pressed the red ignore button and through my phone back on the bed.

"You know Scott told me what almost happened between you two." He said as he stopped the chair and looked straight at me.

Stiles' words cause my heart to race. I close my eyes and let out a sigh trying to control my emotions. The almost kiss between Scott and I had been on my mind for the past few days. It had me feeling guilty to the point of avoiding Isaac. Once I had known he was hiding out with Derek and the pack safely. I had made little to no contact. I couldn't find myself to talk to him. I just couldn't. The guilt caused a queasy feeling to take root in my stomach every time I heard his voice.

"I figured this would happen sooner or later. To be honest I thought the latter." His words are so nonchalant that I my eyes immediately open.

I sat up quickly and looked at Stiles for a few seconds contemplating what he said.

"What do you mean? You figured this would happen?"

"Aria, come on. You and Scott have always clicked in a way that he nor you have ever with anyone else. Yeah, you always had Jackson and pined over him. But, you always found yourself gravitating to Scott."

I shook my head furiously.

"I am with Isaac." I tried to sound sure of myself but Stiles wasn't buying it.

"Isaac? Really?" Stiles gave my phone a pointed look. I glared at my cousin causing him to clear his throat nervously.

"I love Isaac and Scott loves Allison." Stiles rolled his eyes and shook his head with disbelief.

"Scott is crazy about Allison. That is the truth but it isn't what you two have. You can't deny that you weren't jealous of him being with Allison. You hated her." Stiles looked at me smugly.

"I didn't hate her." Stiles gave me a pointed look. "Strongly disliked." I corrected with a faint blush creeping up my cheeks.

"Whatever, you two have always had this connection."

"We are best friends. I've know Scott since we were babies." I countered. Stiles let out an exasperated sigh and ran a hand over his shaved head.

"Scott would kill me if he knew I told you this." He looked like he was really contemplating what was going through his mind.

"What?" I questioned annoyed but also really curious.

"Scott has had a crush on you since as long as I've liked Lydia."

"Wait. What?"

"He was always really good at hiding it. Of course not from me because well I'm me, and totally awesome." Stiles added comically but it wasn't working.

I was glued to the mattress and my mind was reeling with questions at Stiles' revelation.

"I think though you dying brought those feeling forward. He let his guard down for a few moments."

If what Stiles said was true did that mean Scott still felt that way about me? Was Stiles right about me and Scott having this connection I had overlooked? I had all these questions but knew sitting here wasn't going to help.

"I've got to go."

"Hey! Wait!" Stiles called out but I needed answers not more questions.

"I'll see you at the game!" I called out as I reached the front door.

Thanks for reading guys. Remember this is just a small piece. I will upload everything by tuesday. Feel free to leave a review. MUCH LOVE! XOXO