As Nancy Bobofit walked across her street at night to get home, she saw a shadow move beside her.

She immediately tensed, and prepared herself for the worse, it could be a mugger. But no, the shadow was just a boy, a teenage guy, probably of her age, that was standing there, searching for something with his eyes.

He had jet black hair, and tanned skin, he was wearing an orange t-shirt, and jeans. His t-shirt had large cuts, like he had been attacked, but there was no one near.

"Hello?" she said "You looking for someone?"

Nancy knew it wasn't wise to just talk to the stranger near you, in the middle of the night, without witnesses, but she was reckless, and stupid, and a teenager. Hey, she was Nancy Bobofit, after all.

The guy turned, and Nancy gasped.

He had gorgeous green eyes. They were always-changing, like the waves of the ocean. They were a beautiful sea-green color, and Nancy couldn't help but be absorbed by their beauty. His good looks made Nancy feel uneasy, with her red average hair and dull emerald green eyes. Something bothered Nancy, as if this face was familiar. But she didn't think so, the guy was obviously good-looking, and she would remember at least his eyes.

Then the memory came, and sixteen year-old Nancy gasped again. Her eyes widened.

"Percy Jackson?" she said at the same time he said: "Nancy Bobofit?"

She shook her head, "Of course, stupid, it's me."

Percy blinked, and Nancy noted there was a ballpoint pen in his hands, "Well, it's been a long time."

"Yep," Nancy answered "like, what? Four? Five years?"

Percy smiled, and his white teeth shone in the night, "Wow, it seems longer. Nice seeing you Nancy, I can see you're not so peanut butter throwing now."

Nancy blushed, remembering how awful she had been at twelve, "Yeah, those days are over."

Percy laughed, and he smiled at Nancy, "I got to go, Nancy. Take care."

Nancy smiled back, "You, too, Percy Jackson."

And as he disappeared into the night, Nancy thought he could have been a good friend.