
A/N 1: So here it is, the moment you've all been waiting for… (Insert drum roll here)…the Graysons!

Just like in the comics, Dick is a police officer with the Blüdhaven Police Department. Zatanna is a first grade teacher. Any spells Zatanna uses will be translated at the end of the chapter for you.

Any characters you recognize are the property of DC Comics and Cartoon Network. The Grayson children belong to me.

Ships: Dick/Zatanna with minor Wally/Artemis, Conner/Megan, Kaldur/Raquel, and Roy/Jade

The Graysons

Zatanna Grayson knows right away that she's pregnant. She just knows. She's not officially late and she hasn't taken a test or anything, but there's a feeling in the magician's gut that she can't shake. It tells her she better start preparing the room down the hall for a new arrival.

She lies in her bed, staring at the ceiling. She's still trying to process the bombshell that her body has provided her with. From the other side of the bed, Dick smiles at her. Then he pulls her in for a kiss before getting out of the bed and starting to get ready for work.

When Dick is done showering, he brings her a cup of coffee. She smiles at him in thanks but puts it aside. She's pretty sure she read somewhere that pregnant women aren't supposed to have caffeine.

The magician is still in bed when Dick comes in to kiss her good-bye. He reminds her that after work he's going on an overnight mission with the League. He tells her he loves her and misses her already. She tells him to be safe.

Eventually, the dark haired woman manages to rouse herself. She gets ready for work and manages to arrive in one piece despite her preoccupation.

Zatanna is a first grade teacher. Seeing all those little faces makes her wonder why she's panicking at the thought of becoming a mother. Zatanna became a teacher in the first place because she loves children and has dreamed of having her own for years.

But if she's honest, she thought she might get to have a little more alone time with her husband before their lives changed in an irrevocable way. They had a long engagement while Dick finished at the police academy and got settled at the police department in Blüdhaven. They've been married for five months now and while it's been wonderful, Zatanna selfishly wants to have her husband to herself just a little while longer.

The magician puts these thoughts aside and focuses on getting through the day. At her lunch break, she finds a text message from Artemis on her phone waiting for her. It says, Are we still on for tonight?

She smiles and writes back, Yes and types in a smiley face after it.

With all of her internal chaos, Zatanna realizes it never occurred to her to consult with Artemis. The archer is not only her best friend, but she's also a mother to two sons. If anyone can give her some much needed perspective, it's Artemis West.

The rest of the school day passes in a blur. Before Zatanna knew it, she's heading home. As she pulls into the garage, she realizes she doesn't even remember driving home. If she's going to have a baby, then she definitely needs to pay attention to the little things.

Zatanna climbs the stairs up to the second storey. She changes into more comfortable clothes, suddenly eager to get to Artemis's. On her way back downstairs, the raven haired woman finds herself drawn to the empty room at the end of the hall. She stands in the doorway for a moment, imagining the room as a nursery for her child. "Tniap ti eulb," the magician murmurs, and in an instant the walls are coated in a sky blue color perfect for a little boy's room.

Then Zatanna realizes what she's doing and shakes her head. The heroine snaps her fingers and the room reverts to the plain off-white color it had been before.

She locks up the house and heads for the zeta beam tube. She punches in the familiar code for Central City and ends up just a few blocks away from the apartment building where the Wests live. On the way, Zatanna stops in at a pizza place Artemis recommended and picks up a couple of pizzas.

Once the magician arrives at the building, she takes the elevator up to the second floor where the Wests' apartment is located. Zatanna smiles as she catches sight of Artemis, who has evidently just arrived herself.

"Hey!" she calls to the archer, who spins to face her. Artemis smiles and then breathes a sigh of relief once she spots the two pizza boxes clutched in Zatanna's grip.

"You're a life saver," Artemis informs her. "Look boys, Auntie Zee is here. And she brought pizza."

The adorable faces of the West sons peek out at her from the double stroller. Their green eyes are sparkling at the prospect of pizza night.

Zatanna helps the boys wash their hands as Artemis gets plates out and pours drinks. When they're all together at the table, the little boys scarf down their food in a way that reminds Zatanna of Wally. "Are they speedsters?" she asks suddenly. It hasn't even occurred to her that she and Dick's baby may have her own magical abilities.

Artemis nods, a grim expression on her face. "Wally thinks so," the archer says.

When the boys are done eating, Zatanna indulges in a little bit of gossip. Artemis has been at the Watchtower more recently and fills her in on everything, including the fact that the Kents are expecting.

Zatanna's first thought is that her child may grow up being best friends with the Kent baby. It's a nice thought. She smiles to herself.

Artemis looks over at her sons and sees that they are busy coloring. "Would you mind keeping an eye on them while I go change?" she asks. Zatanna shakes her head and goes to sit on the couch where she can see them better.

A few moments later, Richie brings her a piece of paper decorated in random places with swirls of color. "For you," he says, beaming. It's obvious that the toddler is very proud of his artwork.

"Thank you, sweetheart," Zatanna murmurs to the boy. She ruffles his blond hair and then Richie returns to his brother and his crayons. 'It might not be so bad,' Zatanna muses. 'Not if I get one like Richie or Cal.'

Artemis plops down next to her. Zatanna looks up at her friend, startled by the archer's sudden reappearance. But with the way she's been preoccupied today, maybe it's not so much of a surprise.

The archer peers at her with storm gray eyes. "You seem distracted," she says. Zatanna has a response ready, but something apparently has fallen into place for Artemis. "This is the first overnight mission Dick has gone on since the wedding, isn't it? I'm sure he's fine. Wally's with him. You know how those two watch each other's backs."

"It's not that," the magician assures, but it occurs to her that Artemis's words are true enough. This is the first overnight mission Dick has gone on since they got married.

Artemis looks intrigued. Then she looks over at her sons, who are still coloring happily. "It's bed time, boys," she says.

Zatanna waits for the archer to put the West boys to bed. She hears Artemis tell the boys goodnight and that she loves them. Then Artemis rejoins her. "Tell me what's going on."

The magician takes a deep breath. "I think I'm pregnant," she says finally. "I don't know for sure, but it's a gut feeling I just can't shake. I guess that's why I've been distracted."

Artemis smirks. "A little robin," she says. Then she smiles and adds, "That's good though, isn't it? When I found out about Richie, I felt so unprepared and panicky. But you seem calm enough. Having kids is scary and the idea of childbirth was obviously thought up by a man. But if I can do it, so can you."

"What's it like?" Zatanna finds herself asking. "I don't really know any other moms. I never even knew my own mom. So I need lots of advice."

Artemis looks thoughtful. "It'll be different with you because your kid won't be a speedster, but during my pregnancies I ate a lot. Even more than what a normal pregnant woman eats. Like I said earlier, childbirth is no joke, let me tell you. I'd recommend taking whatever they'll give you." A nostalgic look crosses the archer's face. "But it's worth it. When they look at you and smile, there's nothing like it."

"You old softie," Zatanna teases, and the archer smiles.

For the next few hours, Artemis fills Zatanna in on all of her various experiences with motherhood. All in all, by the time she's ready to leave, Zatanna feels a lot more prepared.

"I think Dick will be excited," Artemis tells her as they head to the apartment's front door. Zatanna, grateful for her friend's tips, gives the blonde woman an extra tight hug.

"I hope so," the magician replies.

She takes the zeta back to Blüdhaven and makes her way home. She's very tired as she climbs the stairs up to her room. The raven haired woman is only vaguely aware of putting on some mismatched pajamas before collapsing into bed.

The next thing Zatanna knows is that it's very early in the morning and that Dick is crawling under the sheets next to her. "It's Saturday; go back to sleep," he murmurs. Then he reaches for her, smoothing his hand over her hair. "Everyone is fine. The mission was a success. Let's go to sleep."

But Zatanna is suddenly wide awake. "I have to tell you something," she says as she sits up.

Dick looks at her with tired blue eyes. "Can't it wait for a few hours? I'm really tired."

"It's important," the magician insists. Her husband merely continues to look at her with the same tired expression on his face. Zatanna takes a deep breath and grasps his hand tightly. "I'm pretty sure that come next summer, there will be a new addition to our family."

The acrobat's features switch from sleepy to confused. "Pretty sure? You don't know?"

"Not exactly," Zatanna admits. "I haven't been to my doctor or taken a test yet. But there's this feeling I have that's telling me to get ready to be a mom." She lays back down beside him, resting her head on his chest. "So what do you think?"

"I've learned not to question your instincts," Nightwing replies.

She frowns. "You know that's not what I meant," she tells him in an accusatory tone. He chuckles softly. Then Zatanna feels his lips press a kiss against the top of her head.

"I'm happy," he tells her reassuringly. "So happy that I may just have to make up a new word to describe it properly."

And coming from Dick, that's the best response Zatanna could have hoped for. She smiles again before closing her eyes and drifting off to sleep.

A/N 2: Tniap ti eulb= Paint it blue.