[less than three, less than three]

Here we are! Back by popular demand.

More smutty goodness. Still rated M. Still PitchxJack but what if one of the other guardian's was to find out about their scandalous relationship!? Well darlings, keep reading. And as always, I do hope you enjoy.

[less than three, less than three]


Jack squirmed and rolled in his bed, trying to get Pitch off his mind. It had been two days since he had last seen the Nightmare and he was already driving himself mad, wanting to run to his forest and be with him again. It wasn't just for the sex. He liked the warmth of Pitch's arms around him. He was made to be cold but that didn't mean he hated warmth every so often. But then there was the sex. He'd be lying to himself if he said he didn't want it. Every time it changed. Sometimes Pitch was gentle with him, treating him like he was as fragile as the thin layer of ice that he brought just as winter began. And then there were the nights when Jack had to stay the next day to recover, the nights when Pitch treated him rough. When he came back to the other Guardians hiding bruises on his wrists and thanking his lucky stars that all of them were polite enough to knock before entering his room so he had time to pull a shirt on to hide the bruises and bite marks Pitch left behind.

"Shit…" He grumbled, rolling onto his back and watching his ceiling. He couldn't sleep with all the thoughts running through his mind. He could go to Sandy for some of his dream sand but he didn't want to explain himself. He also didn't want to try to hide his 'problem'. Then again… Sandy probably already knew. With all the dreams Jack had been having about Pitch there was no way he couldn't have seen. Jack supposed he could kill two birds with one stone, so to speak. The white haired spirit rolled over onto his back and ran his hand down his pale chest with a soft moan.

'Oh Jack, look at you. So perfect.' Jack could hear Pitch's voice in his mind and he looked around his room. There were plenty of dark corners he could be hiding in but the Guardian was convinced he would have noticed had someone gotten into his room.

"Mmmn… Pitch…" He moaned out softly, the same hand sliding down his boxers and wrapping around his half-hard cock. He loved the brief moments of warmth that Pitch's hands brought before his cold skin chilled his lover. He arched his back, thrusting into his hand as he moaned, desperate to finish himself off quickly before he was noticed. A soft blush rose to his cheeks and he moved his hand faster at the thought of someone walking in on him now. His mind fled to Bunnymund for a moment and he let out a surprised little gasp when he felt an extra jolt of pleasure. Now he almost WANTED the other Guardian to walk in a see him. He wanted Bunny to hear him moaning Pitch's name when he came. The white haired boy shivered at that thought. It excited him beyond belief. "Bunny…" He whimpered softly, knowing his room was close and knowing that the walls were fairly thin, hoping he would be heard. "Bunny!" He panted, a little louder. "Pitch!" The thought of having both of them was almost enough to drive him over the edge.

"Oi! What are you goin' on about ma-…"

"Fuck! B-Bunny! P-Pitch!" Jack all but screamed as he came, his mind barely registering the open door.


Bunnymund shut Jack's bedroom door and gulped, trying to process what he had just seen. Jack? Masturbating? With his name and Pitch's name on his lips? There was no denying that he had always found the winter spirit attractive but to see him in that state.

"Gotta keep it together." He muttered, putting his ears back. "Damn…"


[less than three, less than three]

Sorry chapter 2 is so short. Want a chapter 3? Review you perverts! Review!

I love you all, I'm sorry I called you perverts ;3;

Less Than Three and Blessings Be,


[less than three, less than three]