This is my first published fanfiction, so I hope you like it! Any reviews are gladly accepted! Enjoy! :)

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Guardians, just Jessamine.


That's all that I could see, all I could feel, all I could hear.

And I was scared.

Then, as the earth cracked around me, I gasped for a breath of air, and the first thing I saw was the moon. He seemed to take the darkness away. I continued upward, no longer enveloped by the darkness. I closed my eyes, and the brightness of the moon was still there, continuing to comfort me.

I was slowly set down on the ground, and I looked around. I was standing on a comforting bed of clovers in the middle of a clearing. There were trees surrounding me, a forest. I took a few steps and heard a faint sound behind me. I turned around, and saw that little flowers had grown in my footsteps. I stepped backwards slowly, astonished, and bumped into a tree. I turned and looked at it. An intricate pattern of vines appeared. It was beautiful.

I laughed and started to touch everything, and stunning botany appeared. In the midst of my running around, I saw a glimpse of fiery light from the south.

People... I thought.

I started to run in the direction of the light, and the world faded around me as I dashed through the forest toward the beacon of light.

I was wondering why I was going so fast, and when I looked down, my legs were blurs. I gasped and stumbled to a stop. I looked at my hands and feet, and then started to run again. I was running super fast, and I laughed. It was fun!

When I got there, I fell to the ground, tumbling as I skidded to a stop. I popped back up, though, and started to walk around the village.

"Hello!" I said cheerfully to everyone I passed. They gave no response, perhaps it was because they thought me strange for being so, dirty. I realized I was covered in earth, but nonetheless, I continued to greet everyone. After a while, I thought it strange no one was speaking to me. I walked up to some children running around and crouched beside them.

"Hello!" I said, looking at their bright smiling faces. They ran in circles, chasing one another, until suddenly they started to run towards me. It was sudden, so I prepared for impact, but right as they were about to hit me, they passed through me. A bluish glow emanated from me as they ran through my body, and they continued running, unaware of what they had just done. I gasped and stood, a nauseating feeling coursing through me. I walked toward someone else, and reached my arm out to touch them, but it passed right through them. A horrible sinking feeling made it feel as though a rock had been dropped through the bottom of my stomach. I took a few steps back in disbelief, and then ran away. I had to know if it was like this for everyone I encounter.

It was days until I was convinced that no one could see me. I went home, the forest I was "born" from, and cried, feeling so alone.

My name is Jessamine, but I prefer to be called Jessa. You may think I'm crazy, but the moon told me that. I have long, brown hair, weaved into a braid with little yellow flowers embedded in it. I have hazel eyes, and I wear a pale yellow dress with vines weaving through the fabric. I don't know why I'm here, and I'm afraid I'll never know. Oh, and another thing, the moon told me something else. I am known to you as "Mother Nature".