John walked into the flat, juggling three shopping bags and humming We Wish You a Merry Christmas.

It took Sherlock approximately three minutes to say anything.


John smirked, grabbing the empty milk jug from the fridge and replacing it with the jug that he'd just bought. "Hm?"

"How many times must I ask."

"You haven't asked me anything, actually." John caught Sherlock's gaze and smiled widely, before noticing the bag of thumbs festering on the second shelf. "And I've asked you to put this stuff on the bottom shelf!"

"Eye for an eye, John."

John muttered a few choice words under his breath, dropping the bag of putrefying thumbs onto the bottom shelf. He put the rest of the groceries away silently.

He was flipping through telly for ten minutes when a Christmas-themed mobile phone advert flashed onto the screen.

It was, therefore, not his fault when he started absently humming Do You Hear What I Hear to himself after the advert was long finished and the programme back on.


John laughed, twisting around to look at Sherlock. "It's not my fault, Sherlock. It's everywhere. You can't avoid it."

"It's annoying. Stop humming that atrocious tune."

"Which one?" John asked innocently.

"All of them!"

John only laughed under his breath.

I decided to write an advent fic! (Even though it's the eighth.)

Reviews would be lovely, as would be follows and favs! Thanks!