Lazura: Okay so I did a giant time skip, but remember I'm still following the story at any moment.

Disclaimer: I don't own Digimon at all except my ocs.

"Head straight into the eye, Arresterdramon!" Miyuki directed.

"Yeah, Let's go!" The four dived yet again, only this time into a digimon.

A digimon known as Quartzmon.

"So this is a sea of everyone's data..." Tagiru started as they slowed down speed.

"Everyone's data is here?" Arresterdramon glanced around, the whole place was completely filled with data.

"It seems so," Miyuki began, "We better not let our guards down easily, Quartzmon might spring anything on us."

"Yeah," Dianamon nodded.

Soon a familiar head rised out of the sea of data, "Welcome to my body."

A smirk was soon formed on Tagiru's face, "We can't."

"Because we're here to...hunt you!" Tagiru and Miyuki raised their xros loaders up as Quartzmon aimed to attack the two.

As Arresterdramon swung the brave snatcher, Dianamon backed him up by sending her hakuren over to the clones of Quartzmon to send over to Arresterdramon's view.

By the time all of the clones disappeared, Arresterdramon jammed the brave snatcher into the center of Quartzmon's face. The face lost all it's color, but it wasn't over yet.

"Tagiru, I don't think that was Quartzmon," Miyuki commented.


"If you think about it, defeating Quartzmon this easily is too...simple," Miyuki explained, "I mean when I tired to face him alone, I ended up losing my memories along with the fact that I had to rely on my xros loader to escape."

"You're right," Tagiru agreed, "Then the real body is..."

"Well done," Another body of Quartzmon appeared behind congratulating the four, "Even I am no match for the power of the heroes hidden within the brave snatcher."

"Then shut up and..." Tagiru and Arresterdramon aimed the brave snatcher toward the digimon, "Disappear!"

"Along with this?" Quartzmon revealed in his hand, was none other than.

"Nii-san!" Miyuki cried as Tagiru along with Arresterdramon stopped their hit.

"Don't worry about us," Taiki weakly responded, "Just take out Quartzmon!"

Tagiru called out, "Taiki-san!"

"What's going on around here?" Arresterdramon questioned.

"Wait, didn't he absorbed everyone's data as well before we left?!" Dianamon reminded, "That means he has everyone's data within him!"

Miyuki gritted her teeth as she sent a glare toward Quartzmon, "You did the same thing to my'll pay for this!"

"Oh, I didn't forget about them as well," Soon Quartzmon's hands formed tree-like mutations each of the hands holding hunters with their digimon inside his arms. In fact Quartzmon revealed two hands showing the faces of...

"Oka-san...Tou-san..." Miyuki's eyes flooded.

A young woman who held a similar face to Miyuki along with a young man held the same hair color as Miyuki's.

"Miyu..." Her mom began, "Don't worry about us..."

"Yeah, we just wanted you to be safe. That is all we wished for."

"No...I'll save you now!" Miyuki leaped forward trying to reach her parents.

"Miyuki wait!" Tagiru warned.

Dianamon gripped over Miyuki's arm, "If you go over there you'll end up getting absorbed!"


Arresterdramon interrupted, "No, just stay with Dianamon. Me and Tagiru will handle this."

Reluctantly Miyuki followed Dianamon as she jumped out of Arresterdramon's way.

"Go ahead and hurt me," Quartzmon started, "Hurt me, and the humans along with the digimons within me will also suffer."

However Tagiru and Arresterdramon couldn't neither could Miyuki and Dianamon aim an attack as the horde of arms landed at the two hunters including their digimon.

By the time Miyuki awoke she found herself and Lunamon still retaining their forms within a sphere surrounded by boxes.

"Where are we?" Miyuki ponderd as she scooped Lunamon into her arms.

"You're are within the inner sanctum of my data." Quartzmon spoke, once Miyuki realized what was in front of her it was a box bearing the face of Quartzmon, "Without the brave snatcher, you won't be able to defeat me."

Miyuki felt her anger boil,"You!"

"Miyuki don't listen to him!" Lunamon reminded, "Believe in Tagiru and Gumdramon! They'll be here!"

"Yeah, you're right..." Miyuki raised her voice, "Tagiru! I know you can hear me! Don't give up!"

A golden light enveloped Lunamon as she digivolved back into Dianamon, "Arresterdramon...Don't you dare think of returning to data!"

Above them, Tagiru and Arresterdramon floated down as the broken brave snatcher fell along with them.

"Hey, Arresterdramon..." Tagiru weakly spoke to his partner,however enforced strength into his voice, "Can you tell what I'm thinking?"

"Yeah, I was thinking the same thing," Arresterdramon continued, "Not only that, I think Dianamon and Miyuki are calling for us."

Nodding in affirmation, Tagiru and Arresterdramon readied as they started their last shot.

"Arresterdramon Superior Mode!"

"Digixros!" Tagiru began, "Arresterdramon Superior Mode! Brave Snatcher!"

"Xros up! Arresterdramon Superior Mode!"

Tagiru smirked, "We are hunters...We're able to identify the prey's weakness!"

"Because we are digimon hunters!" Arresterdramon added.

Dianamon pointed over to the charging figure as they floated close to the roots of Quartzmon,

"It's Tagiru and Arresterdramon!"

"No! This can't be!" Quartzmon cried.

"You can do it!" Miyuki cheered as Tagiru and his partner break through Quartzmon's barrier.

"You leave me no choice! I'll erase this as well!" Quartzmon decided as his hand stretched out from the box.

"Miyuki! Dianamon!" Tagiru and Arresterdramon rushed as Dianamon covered Miyuki, however the hand was halted at mid-point. Miyuki'a eyes widened as the blocks of her parents stop the hand.

"Oka-san! Tou-san!"

"It's alright, Miyuki. This is probably the last thing we'll do as parents. As of now we'll serve as Quartzmon's shackles." Miyuki's mom proclaimed.


Miyuki's parents shook their face, "You have a future. That is all we wished for."

Tears streamed as Miyuki turns her head away.

"Now, boy...hunt Quartzmon!" Miyuki's father instructed.

Tagiru grits his teeth as he charges forward, to hunt Quartzmon.

A Few Months Later...

Sadly after the battle against Quartzmon, Miyuki's parents data along with Quartzmon data were sealed into his egg as a result of protecting their daughter from Quartzmon's attack. However Miyuki knew that she wasn't going to be alone. Staying with her new family, friends, and digimon.

Miyuki sat a top of the grassy hill staring at the blue sky.

No she was not bored out of her mind. Just waiting.

Simply waiting. For who...?

AN: Now I know this is a wrong time to stop the story, but after looking over and over the poll results...I felt that it would be awkward to not have an ending for those three :( SO for those who wanted her to end up with someone else will be included before the actual ending.

Yuu (What if...)

A tap was placed onto her shoulder,"Hoshino-san."

Miyuki frowned, "Shouldn't you be calling 'Kudou'? After all that's the name I decided to go by from no on."

Yuu shook his head, "Even if you're the adopted sibling of Taiki-san, I still see you as the same Hoshino-san I met from the beginning."


Yuu stared down at his feet, "You know, Hoshino-san, there's been something I've been meaning to tell you."

"What is it?"

"I...I know it seems that I may be no match for Tagiru as of now. However," Yuu faces Miyuki, only this time with determined eyes, "I want a chance. Just a chance, because I...I!"

"Yuu-kun!" Suddenly Yuu jumped up in surprise as Airu made her way over to Yuu, "A-Airu-san..."

"Oh and Kudou-san, your brother was looking for you," Airu explained as Miyuki dusted off the dirt from her skirt.

"Thank you, well..." Miyuki stopped next to Yuu muttering back to him, "I'll think about it."

Yuu sputtered,"Eh?"

"So what were you and Kudou-san talking about?" Airu pondered

"Nothing," Yuu smiled to himself, "Nothing at all."

Ryouma (What if...)

Standing beside, Miyuki felt a familiar presence.

"Ryouma," She greeted, "It's been awhile."

"So it has," Ryouma answered as he sat beside me.

"What are you going to do from now on?" Miyuki asked.

Ryouma shrugged, "As of now, I'll probably wait until Psychemon returns. You?"

"Same. After all I promised Lunamon as well."

The two continued to sit there in silence, until Ryouma broke it.

"You chose Tagiru?"

"Ryouma, I've told you this over and over again," Miyuki responded, "I like...Ta!"

She was about to say 'Tagiru', until a hand was placed against her cheek.

"R-Ryouma, please let go."

"No," Ryouma answered, "If you truly like Tagiru, you wouldn't be blushing like that around me."

He was right. Miyuki tried to hide her face, "Idiot. Stop looking at me like that."

A smile was placed upon his face, "Then, know this...

"I don't give up someone so easily."

Miyuki blushed furiously as Ryouma walked away.

Tagiru (REAL ENDING, sorry but this was the official OTP for this story!)

"Oi!" A familiar voice came into the area, it was none other than Tagiru waving over to her.

"Hi, Tagiru!" Miyuki greeted him in return as Tagiru sat beside her.

"Lunamon and Gumdramon had to go help Shoutmon to deal with another digimon incident. They're looking into the matter as we speak." Tagiru explained,"Ryouma is happy that Psychemon returned to him without being under Quartzmon's control."

"Yes, I think we have a lot to do now that we're back to our jobs as hunters," Miyuki's head leaned onto Tagiru's shoulder.

"Yeah..." Taigru agreed, he was glad that Miyuki liked him.

In fact after that incident of seeing Ryouma kiss Miyuki on the forehead months before might have triggered some of the feelings he felt for her.

Tagiru was about to hold Miyuki's hand when all of a sudden. A hand pulled Tagiru away from Miyuki immediately.

"Wait just a minute there, Tagiru." Good old Taiki wearing an evil smile separated Miyuki from Tagiru,"What do you think you're doing?"

"T-Taiki-san..." Unfortunately Taiki still had his 'big brother' attitude no matter what happened.

As Miyuki sweat dropped watching Tagiru get lectured from Taiki, a certain silvered haired person walked next to her.

"So you've chosen Tagiru?" He asked her.

"Of course, Ryouma," Miyuki answered.

Ryouma moved her face closer to his face while cupping her chin,"Are you sure you won't reconsider that?"

Miyuki's face began to heat as she tried to move farther away from him,"Y-You...!"

"OI!" It seems that Taiki and Tagiru have spotted what Ryouma was doing.

"And there they go," Miyuki spoke as she watched Taiki and Tagiru chase after Ryouma.

Well life seems to be peaceful, although Miyuki is quite unsure of what the future that has yet to come between.

"Miyu," Tagiru jogged back to her after Taiki went straight for Ryouma, "I can call you Miyu, right?"

Miyuki nodded, as her hand held onto Tagiru's hand.

"From now on, let me be the one to protect you," Tagiru stated as he placed a kiss against her cheek.

"Tagiru!" Taiki and Ryouma yell angrily as Tagiru drags a blushing Miyuki off with him. Laughing as they Time Shift to see their friends again.

Lazura: I might think about re-writing this story later on, however I am glad that I finally got to finish this. Although I'm still wondering which story I should continue after this one since another one of my stories will sooner or later end. Although by the look of the poll, it seems I may be writing another digimon fic. ;)

Please review.