This is my first Rise of the Guardians fanfic so it might not be good. Tell me what you think in the reviews. Also, I haven't seen the movie yet so forgive me if I get anything wrong. This is before Jack died.

I don't own anything! I only own Crystal.


Crystal POV

It's time for action. I thought as I held a water balloon in my hand. I quickly swept my curly, light brown, hair out of my eyes(Link in profile) before hearing my best friend, Jack, talking to his little sister as they were walking in the woods. As far as he knew, I was helping my dad with something.

"Really? What did she say to you?" He said in shock. I'm telling you, his voice brings chills down my spine. I admit it. I've had a crush on him since about 7 years ago. We were 8 or 9. I honestly forgot what I was doing at the moment. Oh, right, I'm pulling a prank on Jack.

"Yeah. She said that just because I couldn't ice skate, that I was useless."

He bent down to her level, "That's not true, Lilly. You know that. Just because you can't ice skate doesn't mean that you're useless. It's not like ice skating rules our lives. I'll tell you what, day after tomorrow, I'll teach you how to skate. Just not tomorrow, I'm meeting up with Crystal."

"Jack, you know that I've tried before and I kept on slipping." She said, sadly.

"Well, this time, you have me."

"Fine. I'll try to survive."

"That's one of my favorite girls." I knew the other one was me. The other girls just got on his nerves.

"LILLY! I NEED YOUR HELP!" I heard in the distance.

"COMING, MOM! Jack, are you coming?" She asked, turning to her brother.

"Nah. I'll just walk around for a little bit. Ya' know, enjoying the snow while it lasts."

"Jack, you've been saying that for the past 2 years. The snow's not going anywhere." She said, rolling her eyes.

"You don't know that. Maybe one day, we'll wake up and the snow will be mysteriously gone. Ya' never know,"

"LILLIANA HANNAH ROSE FROST!" Man, that woman has a temper.

"I gotta go." She hugged him, "I love you. Promise you'll never leave me?" He hugged her back.

"I love you too. I'll always be right by your side."

She ran off. He chuckled. "I know you're there, Crystal. And don't even think about throwing that water balloon." He said, turning around to look at me. He smirked and crossed his arms. I dropped my arms and walked out of my hiding spot.

"Wha-? Ho-how did you know I was here?" I asked in shock. He walked over to me and put his hands on my shoulders. I flinched. He sent a confused look my way but quickly got over it.

"Crystal, you've been throwing water balloons at me since you could walk. You get used to it." He said with a smirk. Okay, maybe not since I could way. We only officially met when we were...what, 4? 5?

"But it's funny seeing your face when I throw it."

"Hmm. You like seeing my face anytime."

"I do not!" I lied.

"Come on, Crystal. Admit you have a crush on me." He's been doing this since about 5 years ago. Lucky for me, I'm a pretty good liar.

"I don't have a crush on you!"

"I think you do."

"Ya know the phrase 'He who saith, doith'? If you're saying that I have a crush on you then you must have a crush on me," By now, our faces were only a couple inches apart.

"That's a good one. You usually can't think of those things until later." He's not lying.

"You're not denying it." I ignored his comeback.

"I believe this conversation is about you having a crush on me." Our faces were only an inch apart!

"Whatever." I couldn't think of anything to say. He leaned in more. Our lips were about touch, but then we heard a sound of crunching leaves in the bushes. We both jumped apart. The universe hates me. "What was that?"I said. I squealed and ran behind him. A couple seconds later, a little bunny rabbit jumped out of the bushes. Seriously? This is it? I though we were gonna have a, knight in shining armor saves the damsel in distress, moment! Like I said before, the universe hates me. He chuckled.

"Be careful. It can probably smell fear."(Okay, I might have stole that from the movie 'Tangled' But I love that scene!)

"I hate you."

"I know. But you love me anyway."

"That made no sense at all."

"I know."

"You are incredibly weird, Jackson Frost." He winced. Woops. I should've known not to use his full name...

"You know I hate it when people use my full name!" He whined. I found it cute.

"Yes I do, Jackson." He cringed again. He looked at me and made his eyes go all big(Think, Puss in Boots?).

He knows that I can't resist those eyes. "I-uh-um-"

"Pwease don't use mwy fwull nwame." He said in a cute baby voice. I don't think any girl can resist him at this moment. But then again, any girl won't resist him at any moment.



I rolled my eyes. He slung his arm over my shoulders as we walked to our special spot.

"Whatever you say, Jackson."

"And here I thought we were friends."

To find out how Jack and Crystal met, read 'How it all Started'. Review!