Hey guys! I'm starting a new story. If it's too similar to another just let me know and I'll take it down. We don't need 20 stories that are all the same. If it is too similar, tell me in a nice way. There's no need to be blunt. Anyway, Rick owns all, I just write the fan fiction...


Poseidon smiled down at the baby boy in front of him. The child had his black hair and sea-green eyes that were unique. Poseidon had fallen for his wife's maid, a lovely lady by the name of Sally. They had had the boy who, by rights, was a prince. The only problem was that if Amphitrite, his wife, found out he would be a dead man. Sally and Poseidon had decided to send her to the outskirts of the Underworld so as to keep away from Poseidon's palace lest the people find out about the new prince. Sally also agreed to never tell the boy his royal lineage. Thus, Poseidon was saying goodbye to his son.

"Be safe and stay strong for your mother." He whispered to the child. He handed the boy to his mother.

"Name him Perseus. Maybe he will inherit his good fortune, especially where you are going." Poseidon said. He was sad to see Sally go. He loved her more than he ever did Amphitrite. Sally Jackson nodded.

"Goodbye. Maybe he will. Will you eventually tell about the fact that he's a prince?" Poseidon shrugged.

"Maybe. I will wait 12 years or until Amphitrite finds out. It might end up sooner with the amount she gossips." Sally nodded again.

"I will see again, just maybe not when we expect it." She kissed his cheek one last time before turning and walking briskly off into the Underworld to find a decent home.


(12 years later)

A young boy of twelve years opened the door to his home.

"Mom?" He called. There was no answer. He walked further into the living room and grimaced at the sight of his step-father, Gabe. He hated the old sot but his mother insisted that he was good for them, how, Percy didn't know. Perseus Jackson, more often known as Percy, lived in a lighter part of the Underworld. He had some friends that actually lived in Tartarus, the worst part of the Underworld. He shook his head when he saw the Gabe was drunk again. Percy trudged up to his room which Gabe dumped all of his junk. Empty beer bottles, cigarettes, lighters and papers littered the floor of Percy's room, in some places the mounds rising two feet high. It was disgusting and no matter how much Percy cleaned the room, it only came out worse. He had learned that when he had cleaned the room completely. Gabe had noticed and had invited all of his drinking buddys over. By morning, the room was once again dirty. Percy shook his head at the thought as he picked up two beer bottles and threw them out the window into the bin he had hidden when he was younger. He heard a thump downstairs which meant that Gabe was up. He pursed his lips and walked down to the kitchen. Sure enough, Gabe had his stupid head in the fridge looking for some dip that Percy's mother had made. Percy cleared his throat and Gabe spun around.

"What do you want, bastard?" He snarled.

"Maybe if you could clean up a bit, asshole." He sneered back. If his mother was here, he wouldn't have said that word at all. (A/N: I don't actually swear unless i get really angry. If you live where I live it's hard not to swear. Sorry for any cussing in later chapters.)

"I wouldn't be so pleased brainy boy. Your school sent your reports home. I wouldn't be talking if I were you!" His step-father shot back. Percy shrugged.

"Getting kicked out of school is better than sitting around drinking beer and smoking all day!" Gabe snarled again.

"Shut your trap, loser!"

"No I won't!"

"Do you want me to hit you?" Percy smirked.

"Like to try, would you?" he advanced a bit and Gabe took a step back. Neither noticed the scaffolding on the kitchens side was loose. Gabe took another step back and lost his footing. He crashed through the scaffolding and landed in wet cement, breaking his neck. An hour later the Legionnaires as they called the guards came and found a boy of twelve with black hair and green eyes, staring with an expression of relish, shock and worry. The guards took it the wrong way.

"Get the boy. He killed his step-father!" The head of the Guard commanded. His name was Octavian. He was 14 and the spoke powerfully. The boy's head snapped up.

"No! He fell!" The boy exclaimed with wide eyes.

"Your are at the scene of the crime. You will be charged with man slaughter." Octavian spat. Young Percy glared making the guards shrink back.

"Gabe couldn't fit under the title of man. He was a pig." He growled. "You won't find me Octavian. I'm leaving." With that Percy ran off, the guard chasing after him as he wove through the streets of the Underworld. Eventually The Guard came to a dead end with no sign of the boy.


(4 years later. Percy is still on the run.)

"Please Pipes!" Annabeth Chase, the princess of Athens tugged her friend, Piper's hand.

"Piper, I really need that book for my latest architecture!"

"Ugh! Fine Annabeth. But if we get in trouble I have every right to blame you!" Piper pointed an accusing finger at her long time friend who smiled back.

"Come on then!" Annabeth resumed her pulling. They ran and ran, taking streets and asking directions until they reached a dead end. They turned around, ready to go back the way they came but found a boy about their age (16) leaning casually against a wall and sharpening a knife.

"Hello ladies, Welcome to the Underworld." He said lightly, not looking up from his knife sharpening. Annabeth moved to go around him but he swiftly stepped in her way.

"Ah ah ahh. Nope, I don't think you'll be leaving." He said finally looking up. His eyes were a gorgeous sea-green and his black hair partially covered them. Despite the fact that Annabeth thought he was a good-for-nothing scoundrel she had to admit he was good-looking. He slid his knife into an invisible sheath that must have been hidden in his jacket. He cocked his head to one side and studied Annabeth and Piper thoughtfully.

"Might get a good price if I went to Tartarus. Good-looking enough." A boy's laugh echoed in the alley way.

"That's low Perce. Even for you." A boy no older than 14 appeared out of the shadows. He had olive skin, wavy black hair that looked silky and dark brown eyes. All his clothes were black. He had a black jacket on, ripped black jeans, black boots that had buckles on them and a thin, black sword hung by the boy's side. Instead of a belt he wore a chain, his shirt was covered in pictures of skeletons and a skull ring adorned his right hand. In all, he looked emo. The thought almost made Annabeth laugh out loud but he shot her a glare fit to kill. A female voice cleared their throat.

"Watch what you say Death Boy. You can't talk." A girl the same age as the younger boy walked confidently down the Alley way and stood on the green-eyed boy's left whilst the younger boy stood at his right. The girl looked a bit goth but a hell of a lot more punk. Her hair was spiky and a dark black like the two boys beside her. She wore skin tight jeans that were ripped a bit, combat boots that went up to her knees with socks peeping out the top, chains hung from her sides, a shirt that had a picture of a doll with an arrow spewing blood adorned her and it said 'Death to Barbie', a black leather jacket went to her waist and had studs on the shoulders, the sleeves were rolled up to her elbows showing black nail polish a beautiful silver bracelet that should've been wrong with the outfit but fit just fine. She wore heavy grey-black eye shadow and lots of mascara, making her pale complexion paler. The light freckles on her nose didn't match the nose piercing she had, her eyes were startling, icy blue that looked familiar but Annabeth couldn't place it. Her left ear had earrings like steps going up them whilst the other ear had only two and finally on her head, a beautiful diadem that looked like it matched the bracelet. The girl had a confident, mess-with-me-and-I'll-kick-your-ass type of aura which was weird but made her very intimidating. The body language of the three made it apparent that they were close. The 'Perce' guy glared at them.

"We have a job to do. If I don't get drachmas soon, I'll be a dead man." 'Perce' spat. The girl laughed.

"Your already considered a 'dead man' Percy. Look, they've put up new posters. Your lucky your the leader of the Half-Bloods otherwise you would have everyone on your doorstep." Percy sneered.

"You keep to your business Thalia and I'll keep to mine." The girl rolled her eyes.

"Over-dramatic much?"

"Watch it Hunter." Percy growled at 'Thalia'. The last of the trio pouted.

"Guys I am not feelin' the love here." Percy snorted at what the boy said.

"Keep thinking that way Nico and you'll be like G-man."

"Percy! You shouldn't have said his name! They're witnesses!" She hissed pointing at Annabeth and Piper who had been watching in rapt fascination. Piper backed up only to run into something. Annabeth looked behind her friend and saw a large guy, maybe 18 with dark skin and a kind smile.

"Sorry about those three. We call them the cousins." His voice was deep and calming. Percy snorted rudely.

"Have the Stolls finished their run yet?" The big black guy nodded.

"They'll be here soon. I found another one too." He pulled a hispanic boy dressed in the royal colours of Hephaestus out from behind him. He was maybe 15 with a trouble-maker smirk. He was cleaner than most of the people here too, like he could afford a shower. He grinned round while pulling out some nuts and bolts and fiddling with them, making something. Piper gasped beside her and she looked at her friend.

"Leo?" She whispered, eyes wide. The hispanic boy looked up grinning like a madman.

"Hey Beauty Queen." He greeted. Piper looked furious.

"Don't you dare use that name Repair Boy!" She shot back at him. He threw a small, metal plane at her.

"That's for using that child-hood nickname!" He poked his tongue out at her childishly. Percy growled and stepped in grabbing Leo's shirt.

"Look kid, either your here to trade or not. What'll it be?" He threatened. Leo turned whiter.

"Um, I've got nowhere to go. I'm good with machines." Percy shoved the boy and Leo stumbled backwards.

"Beckendorf, take him under your wing. I don't have time to train him. Besides, if he's good with machines, it might just work to our advantage." Beckendorf nodded.

"Sure Perce." The big guy led Leo off down the alley way. Annabeth turned to Percy.

"Why are you so mean?" She demanded. He snarled.

"Look Blondie, when you grow up in the Underworld, you don't trust anyone but your closest friends. You learn to toughen up and don't take shit from people you know you can take down. The people you can't, you treat with respect and stay vigilant. People are unpredicatable. You learn not to trust them. I learned that the hard way." Annabeth glared at him.

"Don't-call-me-blondie!" She said through gritted teeth. Percy laughed.

"Well, if you gave me your name I wouldn't have to." She sneered at what he said.

"If you knew who I was you wouldn't mess with me." Percy glowered and got in her face.

"If you knew who i am, you wouldn't be so forward with me, Blondie." He spat on the ground near her feet. The sound of laughter and footsteps reached their ears. Percy turned, a scowl on his face. Two boys so alike they could've passed for twins were standing there laughing their heads off and leaning on each other. They looked up and saw Percy. Their grins disappeared quickly.

"'Sup Perce." One greeted.

"Hey Percy." The other said. Percy nodded to them both.

"Travis, Conner. D'you get those drachma? I need them, now." The supposed twins grinned and held out hands full of the golden coins the size of 50 cent pieces. (A/N: Aussie coin if your asking. Yeah I know, Australia is just too awesome...;P)

"Thanks." Percy grabbed them and stuffed them into a pocket in his jacket, his face considerably happier about the money. Money loving idiot, she thought. Travis, the taller one she wasn't sure. (A/N: Neither am I for your information.) He slung an arm around her shoulders, grinning at her.

"Ahh, my dear lady what may I do for you?"

"Steal that lovely necklace that I could sell." Percy grumbled. She pursed her lips. Percy whatever-his-last-name-was seemed to be quite the bargain man. She almost wondered why. Instead she shoved Travis off her shoulder making him frown.

"That's not nice."

"Get going Stolls. House in Asphodel needs breaking into. Maybe you can get some other valuables?" Percy shooed the brown haired boys off. They grinned and disappeared.

"How do you do that?" Piper glared at them all. Nico looked surprised.

"What disappear into shadows? That's easy." He said in amazement.

"And a good get away from Guards." Percy added under his breath. Annabeth glared at him.

"Loser." She mumbled. His eyes blazed.

"Just because I live here doesn't mean I'm any different to anyone else." He said clearly but Annabeth could hear the quiver in his voice. It was almost like he was broken but that couldn't be right. Here he was, a hardened criminal with no shame or history.

"Yes you are. Your a scoundrel, good-for-nothing son of a bi-" Next thing she knew she was against the wall with a knife at her throat and his face in her's.

"Don't you dare finish that sentence." He spat. She glared at him.

"Your lucky I don't kill people unless I have to." He said quietly. He let go of her. Now it was only Piper, him and Annabeth.

"You still haven't answered my question. Who are you?" He asked with a bit of distaste.

"I'm Annabeth Chase and this is Piper McLean." She gestured to herself and her friend. "Now who're you?" He drew himself up a bit and looked into the shadows.

"Percy Jackson and if you don't keep quiet, your worst nightmare." He said simply. Annabeth and Piper gasped and he smirked.

"Leader of the Half-Bloods at your service. Tell Octavian I send my love. Run little princess, we wouldn't want a scoundrel to attack you, now would we?" With that, he disappeared into the shadows like the rest of his team. Annabeth was shell-shocked. She had just come out of an encounter with the deadliest man in the Underworld. She shook her head and checked her pockets. They came up empty.

"PERCY JACKSON!" she screamed. She heard faint chuckling which made her even madder as she stormed down the alley way, towards home.


Yes? No? To similar to another? Should I continue? It's up to you peeps, your the audience... R&R please.