Okay, uhm… I can't believe that I'm really gonna write this now, but…

… this is the last chapter….

When I started writing this chapter, I planned it to be the second last one, but during writing this one, it felt like the story had to end here. And so it does.

Some readers lost their interest in this story, others found it. And some of you were loyal readers throughout the whole story.

I want to thank everyone who read this story and my very special thanks goes to the ones of you guys who left some words. It was encouragement to keep on writing it and it helped me getting better.

I'm a bit touchy-feely right now, because this story has grown up and leaves its mom to go out into the big wide world, so to speak ;3

Now, I think I've said enough. Again, thank you, guys, and enjoy!


A year ago

"You ready?" John said softly, breathing a kiss to Randy's temple.

The expression on Randy's face was something between being nervous, happy and maybe even a bit scared and he knew this wasn't easy for him. He'd been away from here for so long now and the time before the accident hadn't been easy, too. Their co-workers hadn't been all to happy with the way Randy had acted. And that was an understatement. Some of them had been outright pissed and Randy knew that. It had taken John a bit of work to put oil on troubled waters, but after he eventually told them the truth about why Randy had been like that, things were okay again.

He hadn't told anyone about them though. Not yet…

There was a slight nod and a breathed yeah from the younger man and placing another kiss to Randy's temple, he stepped up to the door to the main corridor and opened it. The way from the underground garage had been quiet and lonely, but now life came rushing back and it was busy. Holding the door open, John watched as the other man took a deep breath and began to move the wheelchair, passing the doorway slowly. Following the younger man, he stepped behind the wheelchair and pushed it down the corridor. Randy drew his hands back and rested them in his lap, interlacing his fingers… kneading them nervously.

It's been five weeks now since Phil had delivered Vince's message and four weeks since John was back at the company and in that time life... had changed. Had become so much better. This… they… worked. No holding back or being pushed away. This was a real relationship and with every day it was getting better. They had a bedroom and a big bathroom on the first floor now and Randy didn't need that much help anymore.

But the best thing was… that Randy's sight was practically back. Things were still a bit fuzzy around the edges, but he could see. And right now he did see, because as John tilted his head to get a view on his love's face, he watched as those grey orbs jumped back and forth, taking in the mass of people running about the corridor. The expression on Randy's face slowly became tense, maybe because it was simply straining for his eyes or because of the impressions raining down on him. John guessed it was the latter. Contrary to popular belief Randy was pretty sensitive and the time of pushing people away, living in his self-imposed exile and getting back on his feet had left him kind of afraid of people. And the by now regular visits from Sam and Alanna… and Phil… didn't help much to solve that problem, although Phil and Randy had even become… well, friends would probably have been said too much at the moment, but they were actually nice to one another. The bickering was friendly.

He could leave the room, come back and the world was still okay. It was almost scary how good they got along.

For the last four weeks John had talked to Randy to come with him to the company or to a show, but without success. Until yesterday. They had been sitting in the garden after Phil had dropped in and they had been talking about the show for a while.

I wanna come with you tomorrow.

It had come out of the blue. And now they were here. Together.

Some of their co-workers passed them, said their hello and good to see you again, before continuing their way to wherever and John thought that he really needed to thank Phil for getting here earlier and instructing all of them.

One more thing on the long list of things he had to thank Phil for and he had no idea how he should ever make it up to him.

Eventually they reached John's locker after making the way there practically as if nothing ever happened. The closing door shut the noise out, leaving only faint sounds behind. Kneeling down in front of the wheelchair, John took Randy's hand in his and scrutinized his face for a moment, taking in the strained expression. The grey eyes were fixed on Randy's knees, a pensive note lying in them and only slowly the other man seemed to relax, to understand that things were… okay. But for a moment John wasn't sure if this hadn't been too much, too soon.

"You okay, Babe?" John asked hushed, bringing a hand up to brush over the short hair.

Randy blinked slowly, a sigh dropping from his lips.

"You talked to them," he replied quietly and it wasn't a question.

"Yeah, I did. And I asked Phil to make sure they won't overrun you once we get here," John admitted.

Another sigh passed Randy's lips and with it he met John's gaze and he still didn't look easy with all this, but there was a smile growing on those sweet lips.

"Thanks, Johnny. Don't know if I could have coped with questions and strange glances and… yeah, well... things..."

Humming, John lifted the hand he was holding and breathed a kiss to the palm. The doubts if this had been a good idea became stronger, now that he saw how difficult this was for Randy. In a few minutes he would have to go out for his first match after his time off, would have to leave Randy alone… well, no, not alone. Phil was there, too, and he was a good watch-dog.

"You need to warm up for the match," Randy sighed regretfully, tugging his hand out of John's hold. "You've got only a few minutes left."

And Randy was right. They had come here late, because the physiotherapie had taken longer than planned. Nodding, John got up, changed into his ring gear and began to warm up. It was what he had done for more than a decade, coming to the arena, change into his gear, warming up. A ritual.

It was strange though that now that he was here, this very moment... that he suddenly felt nervous like hell. As if this was his first match ever. But maybe it wasn't because of the match but because of what he planned on doing afterwards.

He wanted to make it official. Them being a couple. Fuck the consequences. If it meant he would have to quit the job again because his co-workers had a problem with it, so be it. No job in this world was more important than Randy. Still he felt nervous.

I have your back, Phil had said as he'd told him about it and he knew that Phil wouldn't let them down. Althtough John wasn't scared about telling the world about them, it was good to know that there was someone standing at their side.

The minutes passed too fast and when the door opened and Phil came in, he knew it was time. There was a strange mood lying over them on the way from the locker room to the gorilla position with Phil talking and making jokes and John trying to fight the nervousness, doing his best to keep up with Phil, while Randy simply kept quiet. And to the nervousness John felt added the urge call the match off, pack Randy in the car and head home, where everything was good. But he couldn't do that, could he? Randy wouldn't allow that anyway and Phil would most likely kick his ass.

When they got there, John squatted down and rested his hands on his love's knees, gazing at him for a few seconds while telling himself that everything was fine, that he wanted to go out there, because, fuck, he did want it, badly, and that Randy would be okay for the time of the match.

"Okay then, I'll be back soon," he said quietly, receiving a nod. "Phil will wait here with you."

Another nod. A small smile grew on Randy's lips.

Then: "Go kick his ass, Johnny and show the world that Super-Cena is back. Have fun."

Letting a hand wander further up to meet Randy's which was resting on his thigh to tenderly rund his fingertips over it, John mouthed I love you.

With that John got up, giving him the sweetest of smiles and when the music hit, Randy felt a strange electricity running through his body and the glint in John's eyes told him that his lover felt that electricity run through his own body, too.

And then John turned around, running out there where he belonged.

This job had been his life and although they had a life together now, Randy knew that John had missed this. Badly. Randy knew it because he missed going out there, too. And now at least one of them could be center stage again. For a long moment he stared into nothing, while he felt the smile on his lips broaden.

Hands on his shoulders, giving them a gentle pat, shook him out of it and when he dipped his head back and looked up, he found Phil gazing down at him with a crooked smile and although he would never have admitted it aloud, he was glad that Phil had been there all the time for John… was there for them now. Phil stuck to his promise to keep his hands off John. And Randy had utter respect for this man, because, really, the situation must be hurting him like hell.

The hands left his shoulders then and muttering something about him being a heavy as lead, Phil brought him over to said screen and squatted down beside him. They came over just in time to see Cesaro trying to find a good hold on John, ending up having a hand on his backside.

"I miss that," Randy muttered, pursing his lips.

"What? Cesaro grabbing your ass?" Phil grinned, quirking an eyebrow.

"Funny, Brooks," he snapped half-heartedly. "I meant me grabbing John's ass out there."

Phil's raised eyebrow crawled a bit more towards the hairline.

"Are you just telling me that you liked to grope his ass even before the two of you became the couple of the century?"

Pursing his lips, Randy murmured: "Not my fault. That ass just feels nice to touch."

"Oh yeah, it does, very much so," Phil replied totally innocently. "Good thing he's got enough of that nice backside or else it would already be worn through."

Phil's hand came up and reaching out towards the screen, mimicking groping John's butt that was to be seen in a closeup.

"Punk," Randy growled warningly but without actually really meaning it, since he knew Phil only wanted to annoy him a bit.

And playing along, Phil replied with the grin lacing into his voice: "Randal."

The grin on Phil's face became smug.

"I can see you smirk. Stop that."

"See that?" Phil asked, giving him the finger while the smirk stayed in place.

"You're an ass, Brooks."

"Yeah, and I'm in good company," Phil snorted and then suddenly the smirk faded, giving way to a tiny and fond smile. "He's shining for you out there, so watch the match, you lucky devil."

And Randy did and although his sight was still a bit blurred, he saw John shine. And he was shining brightly… maybe for Randy… maybe because he was back home. He watched him doing his dance out there. A dance they had been dancing together so very often. One he'd loved to dance with John, because there had always been that special chemistry between them since day one. And this now, it was sight he hadn't been sure he would see ever again.

Getting more lost in the pictures on the screen with every passing second, Randy felt a strange sensation running through him. He felt the match. It was as if his body remembered the matches with John, the memories flooding him, pumping through his veins and it fed his determination to walk again someday. He knew he would, because he fucking wanted to and because John was at his side on that stony road.

He would be able to walk again. Maybe even down that ramp…

Giving Phil a quick glance, he found a sad expression there he'd seen so often in the past weeks, always when Phil thought that no one would notice and while he gazed back to the screen, his hand dropped from the armrest to the other man's leg, seeking the hand that was resting there. Phil flinched slightly, but allowed the touch.

He really hoped Phil would soon find someone who would make him happy. Maybe someone who was like John… yet not.

The hand under his moved and fingers curled lightly around his own. If someone had told him a few weeks ago that he would sit like this with Phil, ever, he would have thought that they've got a screw loose. But they did sit like this and it was good this way.

Eventually the match as over and suddenly he felt nervous for no apparent reason. Funny, wasn't it, because he wasn't the one being out there front of millions. But there was also a fond little something tugging at his heart, distracting him a bit, as he watched John celebrate out there, because John… he was home. It was how it should be, how it should have been all the time and once more he became aware of how much John had been willed to give up for him…

He felt his hand being squeezed gently, before Phil let go, stepped behind the wheelchair and brought him back to the gorilla position. There were a few of their co-workers waiting there, too, and when John walked in, Randy's heart did somersaults in his chest at the joy he found on his love's face, at those dimples he loved so much. John looked so goddamn beautiful…

Their eyes met, the blue orbs beginning to glow in love and suddenly Randy knew why he was nervous.

It was the same reason why John was nervous, too, as he stepped into the backstage area, his gaze falling on the man who owned his heart.

I think we should make this an official thing.

John's words. Always with Randy's quiet yeah echoing in the background.

But now that John was back at the company, back out there, it was different. Making them being together official wasn't done that easy anymore. How would the others react? What would happen if the world got to know about them? It could destroy John's career...

A few more quick strides and John dropped to his knees in front of the wheelchair, his hand coming up to frame Randy's face and whispering his name, John leaned in and kissed him.

For a second of surprise Randy held his breath, because he felt a dozen pairs of eyes resting on them. But then he felt John's tongue swipe along his bottom lips, asking for entrance. This was John, kissing him in front of everyone. This was his John, giving a flying fuck what consequences this kiss would have for him, showing Randy once more that he chose him over everything else. And with a sigh, Randy melted into the kiss.

It was as sweet as innocent. It was tender and thorough, made warmth coiling up in Randy's chest and a tingle running through his veins. This kiss was bright and pure and it told anyone seeing them… that they belonged together.

When the kiss ended, the room was filled with quietness. The expressions on the faces surrounding them were mixed. There were unreadable expressions and surprise, shock, there was embarrassment, confusion. But most of all… there was silence.

John took his hand, entwined their fingers as he gazed into the round and with his heart pounding heavily in his chest, Randy looked up to Phil who had been standing at their side the whole time and he found a grim expression on the other man's face as he stared at the people surrounding them.

Careful what you say now, it said.

"Randy and I, we're together," John stated the obvious, his voice low and calm and without the slightest trace of hesitation or uncertainty in it. "We don't want to hide and if it makes you guys feel uncomfortable, tell me and I'll go to Vince and quit. It's okay, really. I love this job, but I'm not gonna hide or give Randy up for it."

It was Stephen who suddenly stepped out of the line of silent people, walking over to them.

"Congrats," he said with a honest smile, but that smile became a grin as he added: "But yer know tha yer got yerself a life-task with tha spoiled brat?"

"Yup, I know. He's a full-time job," John grinned back, shrugging.

Stepping up to Phil, Stephen chuckled at the glare Randy shot him and John and maybe this short interlude was the reason the ice broke, because suddenly the faces around them lightened up with smiles as their co-workers stepped up to them, too, congratulating them.

The dimpled grin on John's face became even brighter as his baby blue's jumped over to Randy and it was bright enough to lighten the whole room and bring ease along that washed over Randy, chasing nervousness and the last bit of tension away.

This… it had been another big step in their life together…


The room was dipped in a warm, soft light and dimmed voices, adding to the calm music which was waving through the air. Most of the guests had already left and those who were left were sitting in small groups, chatting, laughing. It had been a perfect day. No… the most perfect day ever.

His body was humming with that perfection and his heart was brimming with love, so much that it felt as if it would burst any second.

Nuzzling his face against short cropped hair, John relished how it tickled against his skin, while his eyes swept through the room once more, stopping at two figures which were sitting at a table at the far end of the room and he thought that this sight was making the most perfect day ever even more perfect.

Phil was sitting there, totally lost in talking to… Stephen. Still. For about an hour now and it seemed as if the two men where surrounded by their own little world over there. In that hour he'd seen Phil laugh heartily, had seen him so often drop his eyes to his drink with a tiny smile on his lips and all the time there was that soft happiness radiating off him. And Stephen… well, Stephen hadn't taken his eyes off Phil, not for one second, and there was this gentle smile and the sparkle in his eyes.

He knew the signs. He'd seen them before, always only the tiniest of glimpses. Gazes, smiles. Stephen dropping by at Phil's locker room to bring him a cold Pepsi after a match. Stephen seeking him to talk to him, even if it was only a hello. Stephen who tried everything to make Phil laugh, or at least smile. And Phil? If Phil had been aware of Stephen's advances or not, John had no idea, but over the time he had started to give in, unkowingly maybe, but did it matter? Important was that there was someone who was about to erase the pain in Phil's heart. Someone who could take Phil's side blows, who could thwart him if be fell too much into Punk-mode. Someone to love and worship him the way he deserved it.

He felt relief, born out of the knowledge that Phil wouldn't be alone any longer.

A quiet sigh passed John's lips. In response he felt the arms around his neck pull him closer. He loved the feeling. He simply couldn't get enough of it…

"You okay, Johnny?"

Being pressed tightly against Randy, John felt the low, rumbling voice roll through him. Another thing he loved. Randy's voice alone was enough to make his whole body tingle and in those moments when they were as close as they were now, he could even feel it.

Breathing a kiss to Randy's shoulder, he murmured: "Yeah. It's just… Phil and Stephen. I'm just happy that Phil won't be alone anymore."

A hum.

Then: "Has been a tough job for Stephen to get a foot in the door."

"Huh, yeah," John sighed again, giving Phil a soft nod and an encouraging smile as the other man looked over to him and, yes, he could read on Phil's face that he was ready to let go of John… and let Stephen in. "Good thing Stephen can be so persistent."

"Being persistent can be very good, yeah," Randy laughed softly and it chased goose bumps all over John's body. Randy's voice was a mere whisper though as he added: "Sometimes it can save a life."

Drawing back a little, John met his love's eyes. Beautiful eyes. Glowing with love and the same happiness he was feeling. There was the softest of smiles on those kissable lips and John leaned in and tasted it. It was perfect. Addictive. And it belonged to him.

He brought a hand up to Randy's face, tenderly brushing his fingertips down the side of the other man's face as he whispered against those lips: "I love you, Randy."

"And I love you, Johnny…"

Another sweet kiss, before he rested his forehead against Randy's, his eyes closing on their own accord while his mind wandered off to their moment, only a few hours ago…

"He'll be here in a minute, Sunshine, no need to freak," Phil murmured beside him, gently taking hold of his arm as he wanted to go searching for Randy.

Randy should have been here a few minutes ago already and it didn't help a bit that Stephen had left to go looking for him and hadn't come back yet. Clenching his teeth, he kept his eyes fixed on the door at the far end of the small chapel, but from the corner of his eyes he noticed the people which were sitting along the aisle looking at him, then back to the door and then over to him again, heard them speak hushed. The room wasn't big and they had invited only a little number of persons. Their families and closest friends, a few of their co-workers. And here he stood now, waiting for Randy, while his mind still struggled with the fact that this was real, that it was happening.

Not even half an hour and they would be… married…

"Where is he?" John breathed nervously, clenching his hands to fists and he felt Phil move closer to him.

"Maybe he's got a problem with his hairdo or he can't find his lipstick?" Phil said hushed, a grin clearly seeping into it.

"Funny," John muttered.

Giving John's arm an encouraging pat, Phil added: "Stop worrying. Your bride won't leave you standing at the altar. Randy loves you. Come on, listen to your best man: take a deep breath, calm down and give him some more time."

Calm down. Easier said than done… He was sure that Randy wouldn't do that to him, yet there was that small voice in the back of his mind, whispering those what-ifs which began to nag at him.

What if…

No, he had to stop that. Randy would be here any minute.

And then the door opened, causing a relieved sigh to run through the guests and a crushing weight to drop off John's shoulders as it revealed Randy and Stephen, who was pushing the wheelchair down the aisle. There was a small frown on Stephen's face and Randy looked somewhat tense, nervous, and his hands were lying in his lap, clutching each other. John felt his chest clench and he did his best to focus on the smile he found on Randy's face.

Coming to stop beside John, Randy closed his eyes for a moment and exhaled a heavy breath, while Stephen stepped aside, not going back to his place in the rows of the guests though and John squatted down, taking one of Randy's hands.

"You okay, Babe?" he said quietly, worried and even a bit scared what Randy would say.

But Randy wouldn't be here now if he didn't want to marry him, would he?

"I'm just, you know, nervous," Randy breathed. "I, uhm… I asked Stephen to be my best man. That okay for you?"

"Sure," John smiled and the whispering in his mind stopped, the what-ifs fading away and the bliss that had filled him in the past days flooded him again, coming in a big wave. "Ready?"

"Yeah, I'm ready, Johnny."

Straightening up, he gave the hand he was holding a light squeeze before he let go of it and turned around to the marriage registrar, nodding at him and while the man began with his speech, John noticed Phil taking out the wedding rings. His plan to have Alanna hold the rings had been crushed by Sam, who had declined the invitation to the wedding although she had accepted them being a couple and was okay with the situation. She was of the mind that it was too much for Alanna to see her dad marry another man and maybe she had been right. Maybe Alanna was too young to understand what was happening.

The reaction about him and Randy being a couple had been mixed. Most of their co-workers had reacted good, some needed a while to accept the facts. John's family had been surprised but it had never been a question if it was okay or not. It was. Randy's family though... difficult. But in the end they had accepted it, too. Bitter was, that a good handful of those people they had called friends had broken ties. On the other hand... they didn't need those kind of people in their life, did they?

John listened to the words which were flowing through the small chapel, filling it. He heard the unmistakable, stifled sounds of sobs coming from the rows behind them and he felt tears rise to his own eyes. His attempt to blink them away wasn't much successful. Giving Phil a quick glance, he felt a sharp sting in his chest as he found him staring down at the rings, looking happy yet sad at the same time and it made him feel guilty for asking him to be his best man. But he had to. It had to be Phil. The question had been lying bitter on his tongue back at that moment half a year ago when he'd asked him. He' would have understood Phil if he hadn't said yes, also had told him that, but Phil… had simply pulled him into a tight embrace.

His eyes dropped to the rings Phil was holding. He still couldn't believe that he was about to marry Randy. After all they had to go through to get to this point, alone and together, this was like a dream.

Looking up to the registrar, his mind focused back on the speech just in time to hear the man say that it was time for the wedding vows.

John's heart began to pound furiously in his chest as he turned around to Randy, watching him arrange the chair. For a brief moment he gazed over to his mom, seeing her dab her cheeks while smiling brightly at him. It had been her who made contact with Randy's parents more than half a year ago to fix the cracks between them and their son.

Phil stepped up to him, the rings shining in his outstretched hand. Broad, mattfinished platinum rings, as simple as elegant.

Taking Randy's ring, John smiled at his soon-to-be-husband and wanted to speak his vow as Randy whispered: "Wait."

For a long second John stared at Randy in confusion, not sure if he'd misheard him, before his heart stumbled and dropped to his feet at the unreadable expression that guarded the other man's face. His hand dropped to his side, his fingers closing tightly around the small jewellery while he tried hard to keep on breathing.

"Randy, what…?"

But Randy stopped him with a slight shake of his head, reaching out to take John's free hand. And then that unreadable expression gave way to determination and love.

"There have been times when I thought that my life is over and I gave up on me. I wouldn't be here if it hadn't been for you. You have saved my life, my heart and my soul. You have saved me in every possible way. I love you, Johnny," Randy said in a voice that was full of affection. "A year ago you said that the day would come that we sit somewhere, having a drink without losing a thought about all that has happened and when we go home, I would be walking out there on my own."

And John wanted to say something, anything, but he could only gaze at the man he loved more than his own life while his heart ran and whispered… and it whispered Randy's name. And then Randy let go of his hand and Stephen stepped up behind the wheelchair and…

and the world stopped turning.

John's heart stopped running, stopped beating at all and his breath got stuck to his throat as he watched Randy… stand up. He watched in confusion and shock as Randy braced on the armrests of the wheelchair, pushing himself out of it, slowly and not without effort… coming to stand on slightly unsteady legs.

And John didn't hear the gasps coming from the guests and he didn't see the shock on their faces and he fucking didn't care that the tears which had stung in his eyes began to run down his face. His whole world narrowed on Randy who was standing on his own feet, smiling at him brightly.

"Randy..." John breathed while his mind still fought to accept the image in front of him.

"Four months ago I suddenly began to feel my legs again and I know I should have told you about it, but I… you know, I wasn't sure if I was just imagining things and if the feeling would return fully and I wanted to wait and see. I didn't want to raise your hopes too soon," Randy explained, guilt glinting in those grey orbs. "And then I realized that there was the chance that I would be able to walk again and I wanted to surprise you. I thought that… that being here with you is the right moment. I wanted to stand on my feet when I say yes and I want to walk out of this chapel at your side."

Taking a deep, shaky breath to fill his burning lungs with air, John closed his eyes, his hand clenching tightly around the ring in it. His mind was spinning and his emotions tugged at him in a current so strong that he couldn't even say what he was feeling.

Randy was standing on his own feet, could walk again… he… he could walk again…

The breath that passed his lips then was carrying a tiny sob and he heard Randy whisper his name, uncertain, guilty, even afraid and when he opened his eyes again and met the other man's gaze, he found a plea lying in them.

Please, don't be angry.

He wasn't. God knew, he could never be angry at Randy, because this… this was… like a wonder.

Bringing a hand up to Randy's face he cupped his cheek, whispering: "Oh god, Randy…" Brushing his thumb over Randy's cheek, he stepped closer and he looked up to his love. The tears kept spilling from his eyes. And his heart, it was singing. Stretching up he breathed: "Ran… oh Babe…"

And with those words fading into the still shocked silence that was lying over the chapel, he kissed Randy, because he needed to feel him now.

It was only an innocent touch of lips and it didn't last long and when John drew back, he found those beautiful grey orbs glistening with tears.

"Uhum… uh, usually the kiss comes after the vows," he heard the registrar say, a smile coating the words and there was soft laughter coming from all the people his mind had faded out all the time.

Lifting a hand, Randy thumbed some tears away from John's face. Taking the hand, John kissed the palm, before gently putting the ring on a slender ring-finger.

His voice was stained with tears of happiness and love as he said: "I, John, take you, Randy to be my husband, to share both good times and bad times, side by side. I give you my hand, and my heart, and hope that my love will always be a safe haven for you. Just as this circle is without end, my love for you is eternal. Just as it is made of a permanent metal, my commitment to you is forever. With this ring, I thee wed..."

"Where are you, Johnny?"

"Just been marrying you again," he smiled, placing a kiss to the tip of Randy's nose and he was rewarded with something close to a purr.

"You're not angry or disappointed that I didn't tell you sooner that I can feel my legs, are you? I promise from now on I'll tell you everything. No secrets anymore."

Blue met grey as John leaned back a little and Randy's eyes were deep and mesmerizing. Prescious.

"Don't worry, Babe," he assured, letting his eyes roam the handsome face as he felt a soft tremble running through the body in his arms. "You're looking tired. Don't you want to sit a little?" he asked then, wrapping his arms a bit tighter around the slender waist.

For the past twenty minutes they had been dancing slowly to the calm music. Too much maybe for Randy, since he wasn't that good on his feet yet.

"Not yet, Johnny." Randy leaned in to deliver a peck to his lips and another. And a third. It wasn't really surprising, was it, that Randy didn't want to sit in the wheelchair so soon again. "You take most of my weight anyway. A few more minutes, okay?"

Shifting his hold on Randy a bit until he felt the trembling stop, John buried his face in the crook of the other man's neck and took a deep breath, felt a affectionate kiss being dropped to his neck. A couple of people joined them on the dance floor. Every now and then his eyes found back to the small table at the far end of the room, finding Stephen sitting closer to Phil. And closer. And closer… Seeing him taking hold of Phil's hand. Seeing Phil smile happily.

He still couldn't believe that this was real, that they were married now. That Randy could walk again, that they were here now, dancing. Perfection… He drifted in the soft swaying of their dancing, while his mind painted pictures of the future and from between those pictures emerged a question.

"Do you want to walk over the threshold yourself or do you want me to carry you?" he said, turning his face a bit to nuzzle against Randy's neck.

"I want you to carry me," Randy replied, angling his head a bit to give better access.

"So, you're the wife?"

A half-hearted smack to his shoulder.

"I would carry you if I could, but right now we would end up as a heap right in front of the threshhold. But you can sit on my knees and I wheel us over it?"

"Nope, I'm totally okay with carrying my wifey over the threshold."

"John," Randy muttered.

"Yes, wifey?"

Another smack and a growled: "Cena…"

Pulling back a bit, John dropped disarming kisses to Randy's temple, to the corner of his mouth and then to his lips and he chuckled lightly as his mind hopped to something else.

"Since you can move your legs… you know, it gives us unexpected options to spend our wedding night," he purred against those lush lips, ending the sentence with a soft peck.

And those lips stretched to a smile against his as Randy replied amused: "Oh, yeah. I could fuck the dear life out of you."

"Is that so, Randal?"


"My physiotherapist told me to train my lower abs. Fucking you would be a perfect exercise."

John couldn't help but chuckle: "Well, if your physio says so?"

For a moment there was quietness as they only looked at each other, before John watched Randy's features soften, watched his eyes begin to glow in the same pure love that made his own heart swell and sing.

"I love you, Johnny."

"And I love you, Babe. So much. This is forever, Ran. We are forever…" John said, tasting the words on his tongue.

The world around them blurred, faded away as sparkling blue and prescious silver got lost in each other, until there was only them left and the golden-warm glowing of a perfect life… together…


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