Daddy, What is That?

Summary: It's a question all parents dread their parents will ask, but instead of giving them a sweet answer that would make them go away, Giotto, Daemon and Alaude gave three totally different answers. Three-Shot. Papa!Giotto, Papa!Daemon and Papa!Alaude with Child!Tsuna, Child!Mukuro, Child!Chrome and Child!Hibari.

Chapter Two

Daemon was sitting in his make-shift office, drinking coffee with a headset attached to his head, talking about plots and ways to drive people bonkers- namely Alaude, since his reaction of trying to kill him was amusing.

What he wasn't expecting was his two children, Mukuro and Chrome, to come rushing in, Mukuro chuckling loudly as Chrome clung to his sleeve. At seven and five years old, there was still too much of a personality gap for them to be considered siblings. Daemon didn't know what had caused it.

Mukuro had turned out like him, wanting to taunt and mentally torture all around him, while Chrome was shy and timid, like Elena. Not that he minded, having Chrome was sort of a reminder of his now dead wife.



Daemon could tell straight away that there was something wrong. One, Mukuro sounded too cheerful for his own good, and Chrome sounded timid and unsure. His first guess was that Mukuro had told Chrome that Santa was dead (since Mukuro never had believed in Santa to begin with) which would only cause him a lot of pain and crying from Chrome (who is an extremely avid believer of Santa Claus)-

Yet what came out of their cute little mouths was something that he never expected in the slightest.

"Father, dear Chrome-chan asked me what sex was, but I don't know~."

"M-Mou! Everyone in school keeps talking about it! But Sawada-san said it was exploding chocolate that makes you feel... um... tingly?"

Daemon just sat there, as if contemplating on what to say to them. He was very tempted on telling them both separate answers just so that he could traumatize the whole school- yet he knew that two people would be on his ass for it later- both Giotto and Alaude- yet he might end up getting the rest of them on him too.

"Nufufu... Well~," he thought about what to say, since he could drive his son delusional or make his daughter mentally traumatized for the rest of her life. "Sex is... This beautiful thing... that makes people go mad~."

Chrome then squealed loudly and then hid behind Mukuro, nibbling her lower lip as Mukuro tilted his head, clearly interested on what the hell Daemon was talking about.

"Make people go mad~?" Mukuro's eyes were shining with getting to know how to break a few peoples heads- specifically Tsuna's, since he knew it wouldn't break someone like Hibari Kyoya.

"I'm not eating that exploding chocolate! It must be cursed! Daddy, I won't go to school until it's all away!"

Daemon looked amused as ever before he took his headset off and picked them both up, settling them both on one knee each.

"My dearest Chrome, there is no such thing as exploding chocolate-"

"Yes there is! It's in Harry Potter!"

Daemon wanted to face-palm. The day he could get his fingers round the throat of the Harry Potter actor was the day he could finally die happily. Seriously, the person who wrote that must be insane herself.

"Kufufu, Chrome, Harry Potter isn't re-"

"Mukuro," Daemon didn't want Chrome taking a hissy fit right at that moment in time. "Lets not get off topic shall we? Anyway, there is no exploding chocolate in sex."

They both stared at him, Chrome curious, Mukuro just full out amused.

"Sex is... something that you do to..." he then whispered in Chrome's ear, making her head perk up. "Something where you give the person a huge hug and say 'I love you, marry me' and then tackle them to the ground."

Why Daemon was setting Chrome up to fail drastically in learning what sex was in a mystery- and why he was telling them both seperate answers was going to lead to a long school meeting with concerned teachers.

Daemon then popped Chrome off his lap before he whispered in Mukuro's ear.

"Sex is... where you torment the person you really love to drive insane to the point they're trying to throttle you~."

Advice- never listen to Daemon when it comes to lessons on sex. He just told you nonsense.

So he was now expecting to get a phone call from school saying Chrome had randomly hugged someone and screamed about marriage and then another one saying Mukuro provoked Hibari Kyoya- since it was obvious that was the case. Mukuro's usually victim of torment was Hibari.

Then again, Daemon liked tormenting Alaude, maybe there was some form of connection. Chrome clapped her hands happily before she ran towards the door.

"Thanks daddy! That was a big help!" she then ran out the room, Mukuro sliding off his lap and looking at Daemon knowingly.

"You will actually explain the real meaning of it to me later, right?"

"Nufufu, of course~. I just couldn't do it with your delicate little sister here~."

Mukuro chuckled loudly and then walked out as well, causing Daemon to hum and then put his headset back on-

The sound of Giotto freaking out was a lovely sound, really.

"Daemon! What the hell did you tell your kids? For the love of god, tell me that they never asked that question?"

"Nufufu... it is none of your business Primo~. My kids asked me a question, and I gave them an answer~. There is nothing more to be said about this," Giotto was still freaking out as Daemon disconnected the call and then hummed. "Now... how to anger the birdie..."

Seriously, he needed to find something to do with his life. Stat. Or else he was going to get no where. Actually- maybe he should just make some videos of driving people insane and make money of that? That sounded lovely.

Meanwhile, outside in the playground at school:

"Sawada-san! I love you, marry me!" poor Tsuna was sprawled across the ground, looking cross-eyed as Chrome clung to him tightly.

At the other side of the playground...

"Kufufu... don't get your panties in a twist Kyoya-kun~," Hibari could be seen chasing Mukuro around the whole school, threatening to bite him to death.

This is how Chrome ended up getting sessions with the school therapist and how Mukuro and Hibari became the best students in physical education- through insanity and threats.

A/N: Hope you enjoyed~. Reviews are GREATLY appreciated~