"Here is the number of our finest home care nurse Mr. Gold, I'm sure you will be very happy with her. Your leg will need round the clock care for six weeks if it is to heal properly. Surgery can only do so much, now it's up to you to stay off of it, that means no working." Gold's scowl was plain as he accepted the card from Whale.

Dr. Whale held out Gold's release papers and he all but snatched them away from him as He scribbled his name on the bottom so he could get out this hell hole and back to his own home. "Thank you Mr. Gold and I'll see you in six weeks, here's your appointment card and please, hesitate to call if you need anything." Gold thought he must have heard him wrong as Whale looked over the discharge papers.

"You mean don't hesitate to call?" Whale flashed Mr. Gold his fake plastered on Doctor's smile, "No You heard me right, have a nice day." With that he turned around and left the room. "Bastard" Gold mumbled under his breath as he looked down at the piece of paper Whale had given him.

His eyes narrowed as he read the name of the nurse, Bella French. Oh this was just perfect, the hospital staff try to kill him and on top of that even the doctor is some kind of asshole and now they are going to deliever him into the hands of the clumisest girl in all of storybrooke, "Probably hoping she will finish the job" Gold muttered as he folded the paper with her number on it, sticking it in the breast pocket of his shirt. He had every intention of doubling everyone's rent that had treated him in this hospital, maybe even tripling the rent for the good Doctor.

Gold felt out of place without his tailored suits but they weren't really an option when you've been through hell. His knee had given out on him two weeks ago causing him to take a nasty spill in his shop. After an ambulance ride and the entire town watching with the Mayor having a frount row seat as they took him out on a stetcher, Gold had to go though a five hour surgery to repair what tendons and cartlidge that still remained in his knee and leg. The pain had been excruiating for him. He even had to take up residence in the first floor bedroom after he just couldn't do the stairs anymore. Now he couldn't go to work for six weeks and sure that he would be forced to call this girl who masqueraded as a nurse to help him. He huffed a sigh as one of the inept nurses rounded the bend with a wheelchair for him.

"Here's your cadillac Mr. Gold" she gave alittle laugh, but Gold was taking everything as an insult today. "Now use the walker like you were instructed when you are at home, and remember NO weight on that knee." How dare she talk to him like he was a child, he was the most powerful man in this town."I think I can manage, thank you. Now if you will kindly just take me to the cab, it should be waiting." The nurse patted the seat of the chair with her hand, beckoning Gold to the seat. He rolled his eyes as he scooted his bum leg over to hang off the side of his bed. "Do you need...?"

"I'm fine dearie, just concentrate on holding that chair and I'll get there in due time...no thanks to you," he muttered that last part under his breath.

the nurse had about all of Gold she wanted this past two weeks he had been on her floor. The staff intended to throw a party after he left. She wanted no more of his fits and he had no patience what so ever, he was the worst patient she had ever had the pleasure of escorting to the door. She stood there and watched as he managed to hoist himself into the awaiting chair, God forbid if you assisted him, surly old bastard she thought. No wonder no one had even bothered to visit during his stay here.

The trip into the cab was even worse than getting into the chair Gold thought as he gritted his teeth though the pain as he slid into the seat as far as he could, trying to drag his injured leg in with him. How was he ever going to manage this at home, plus the care of the incision all by himself. Dam it, he was going to have to swalow some of that pride and call Mrs. French for help, no telling how much it would cost and her father owed him money, so with his trademark scowl on his face he pulled Bella's number out of his pocket.

The phone rang and rang, how irritating and unprofessional he thought as he listened to the seeminly endless sound of the phone. Gold was about to hang up when a woman's voice finally picked up on the other end. "Hello?" Gold cleared his throat before responding, "Hello, Mrs French?"

"Yes, Bella French...Is this Mr. Gold?" Now how did she know that, he wondered, "Yes Mrs. French. I was given your number by Whale." "Yes, yes He called me about you. Said you would be needing alittle T.L.C. for a few weeks."

Gold sighed, why was everyone in this town so...so...dam irritating. "Yes, well, they released me this morning and he said you could help me for a few weeks."

"Of course, that's what I'm here for Mr. Gold. I tell you what, I can be there in two hours and we can go over the proper care for your situation, what do you say, is that alright with you?"

"That'll be fine dearie. I have nothing but time apparently." He tried to put on his most sarcastic voice but Bella just laughed, "Wonderful, see you then, your still in that pink house at the end of town?" Gold's mouth became a hard line,"Yes, that's the one." why did everyone call it pink, It was Salmone God dam it! He pushed the red button on his cell disconnecting him, she sounded just way to happy to suit him, well, he could fix that.

The cab pulled up in his driveway and stopped. the driver looked at Mr. Gold in his rear view mirror but made no attempt to at least open the door for the injured man. "Would it be that terrible if you could get into your trunk sir and hand me the walker so that I could get out of this damnable cab and into my house, I need to rest." The cabbie gave his most irritated sigh before stepping out of his door and opening the trunk and getting Mr. Gold's walker out. Gold grumbled the whole time but he finally managed to get himself out of the car and half way up the stairs before he turned around and payed the impatient driver. "Seems you'll have to retieve my bag dearie, if you could just bring it in the house." The driver took his money and deposited the bag on the porch, leaving Mr. Gold standing there in shock as he turned about face and got into his cab and left him there. "What the hell is wrong with everyone, don't they know I'm injured and in pain?" Gold cussed under his breath as he fiddled with his keys and finally got in only to leave his bag on the porch. He didn't even care, he just needed to lay down, the pain was killing him, now where were those pills Whale had given him.

Holy shit, they were in the dam bag on the porch. No way was he going to use this stupid walker for six weeks he grumbled as he managed to shuffle to the much needed bathroom. Gold felt very relieved when he finally made it to the couch and after propping up his injured leg he ran his fingers through his messy hair, laying his head back. Gods his head hurt he thought as he tried to relax closing his eyes. He could really use a drink but it was too far away.

A few hours later a knock on the door brought Gold out of his sleep. He coughed a few times before trying to sit up."Aggh!" Sitting up was proving to be quite painful and he hadn't took his pills at the right time so of course it hurt to move. "COME IN" he bellowed impatiently. A petite girl stuck her head in the door and smiled at him, "Mr. Gold I presume?" At the sound of her voice Gold knew he was in trouble.