AN: Well, I'm horrible. I had this written some time ago just forgot to upload it. Intheyasha is working on the next part of this and I'm back off to Yugioh for now with more work on Stolen Hearts universe. til then enjoy this part! Sorry its so short. My next part will be longer...

Sora really didn't know how it happened. What to do. Riku had been right there, not half an hour ago. He had been sleeping on the couch! Where could he have possibly gone without a sound? It was like Destiny Islands all over again, his best friend vanishing in front of his eyes no matter how he tried to stop it. At least on the islands he saw it coming. He had had the chance to try to pull Riku back.

Sora dropped down on the couch, still warm from where Riku had lain. … still warm. It meant that Riku couldn't have been gone long. It wasn't an illusion or a spell that Sora had come home to. Riku had definitely been here. He couldn't have gone far. It meant that Sora could still find him.

Suddenly inspired, Sora ran into the bedroom. Riku had convinced him that it was the light from the keyblade that made Sora so noticeable everywhere he went. Despite that, Sora could not risk being far from it. So he hid it somewhere he thought would be safe- here where he and Riku could protect it. Where it would be in reach if he should need it.

Sora ripped the loose floorboards up carelessly. There was nothing. No key blade, no key chains, just empty space and dust. He gaped at the floor, surprised. Where was it? Riku wouldn't have moved it- not without telling him. That meant something else had. Something that probably had Riku too.

Taking a deep breath, Sora steadied himself. Panicking wouldn't help. It never did. Besides, what would Riku say when Sora got him back? He didn't need any more reasons to tease him. So he wouldn't panic. Instead he'd calm down and… and what?

He could do what he always did. He had never had steady plans before, so why should he now? The plan before had always been find Riku, find Kairi, get back home. He could do the same thing now. It all worked out in the end.

Sora glanced around the apartment, wondering if he should take anything with him. It was a bit strange- having a chance to prepare himself. Before he was always thrown into the situations with nothing. The closest thing he had to preparing was when they were building the raft. If there was one thing he learned from all this… He would need munny. Every world he had gone to used munny some how, this one was no different.

He grabbed the small pouch of money he and Riku had saved up. Everything else could stay. He would be back, with Riku.

"Okay… here we go." Closing the door, Sora let his feet guide him. They hadn't lead him wrong before. He hoped they wouldn't do so this time.