Binas: Another bunny... This one is a DP/Movie!Underdog crossover. Oh boy... Simon's gonna have fun chasing a Halfa around... And he is already chasing a super powered talking dog! XD

Oh by the way, Danny was captured by The GiW, his parents are NOT involved because the GiW killed them because they wouldn't give info on Danny's ghost form's where abouts. No his parents didn't catch him but almost did. Also this during the first half of season one and Danny meet the GiW early. Some powers may come early and he still has control problems. What? Him not having much control over them is funny! Also I'm giving Danny a nifty tool that his parents made.

I WILL NEVER OWN THESE! Get your facts straight.

Bold is animal language.


Danny was flying as fast as he could. He escaped the GiW and now was running for his life. He learned of his parent's death when the GiW killed them because of the lack of information. Those jerks even forced Jazz to live with Sam. He couldn't see his friends anymore due to the constant searches in Amity Park.

He had no idea what city or state he was in. He touched the ground and transformed back into human form. This would be a good place for resting.

Soon he saw a large black Rottweiler.

"Well lookie here boys... A human trespasser! The name's Riff Faff.", the black Rottweiler barked.

"Huh?!", Danny said turning to the dog in fright.

"Nice... A midnight treat!", A bulldog barked coming out.

"Boss. He's just like Speed Bump! He's barely table scraps!", A miniature schnauzer whined.

"Your right... Let him become like Speed Bump and get run over...", Riff Raff barked, "Maybe a vulture would like him."

The three dogs walked away.

"Why were they barking at me?", Danny asked to no one.

Soon two bright lights came rushing twords him and BAM! He got hit.

"Yep. Another Speed Bump...", Riff Raff barked from a distance.

"Did I just hit something again?", A man asked as he got out of the car.

He saw Danny lying there.

"Oh my! I'm so sorry!", The man said, "Poor guy. He must be homeless. You can come and rest at my house."

The man placed Danny in the back of his car and buckled him up. He thought he was seeing things when his hand flickered from visible to invisible and back again. He thought it was just the lack of light and hopped into the driver's seat and drove off.

Danny woke up on a couch.

'Why am I on a couch?', Danny thought and sat up.

Danny saw by his side a beagle.

"Hi there.", Danny said to the dog expecting it for it to just bark.

Like that the beagle barked as it ran off. Soon a 13 year old boy entered.

"Keep it down Shoeshine.", The boy said.

Shoeshine sneezed.

"Blesh you.", The boy said then truned to Danny.

"Where in the world am I?", Danny asked.

"Well... How to explain this without sounding bad... My dad accidently ran you over on his way home. That's also how I got my dog, Shoeshine.", The boy said.

Danny saw Shoeshine glare at the boy. Also because of his enhanced hearing he heard something he shouldn't have.

"Jack... Don't make me pee on you... That's personal!", Shoeshine whispered.

"Did that dog just talk?", Danny asked.

"Uh... no... He didn't talk.", Jack said.

"Your lying... I heard him say he was going to pee on you... eww. But a talking dog is so AWESOME!", Danny said, "You know I always wanted a dog but couldn't because of what my parents did..."

"What do you mean? Did they hurt you?", Jack asked.

"No. The GiW killed them. I'm not sure why though.", Danny said sadly.

"Uhhh... What's the GiW? Some sort of code used to call dogs?", Shoeshine asked.

"No Shoeshine. The GiW is a government agency from what I heard. I am not sure what they do but I heard they are pretty lousy at whatever they do.", Jack said.

"They are ghost hunters.", Danny said.

"Huh?", Jack and Shoeshine asked.

"When you live in Amity Park, you know what the are lousy at. Trust me, never caught a ghost.", Danny said, "Besides they are always chasing one."

"Really? Ghost hunters?", Jack asked disbelievingly, "They have some real issues..."

"You live in a park? I though all people lived in houses!", Shoeshine said.

"Shoeshine, Amity Park is a name of a small town.", Jack said, "That's also where the most dilutional people are from. They believe ghosts exist when they don't."

Danny rolled his eyes. Shoeshine's ears picked up at the same time Danny's ghost sense went off. Danny frowned while Shoeshine barked three times.

"Uh excuse us for a second.", Jack said and took Shoeshine into another room.

Danny checked to see if there were any way to see him. When he was sure the coast was clear, he transformed and flew intangibly out of the house.

'Note to Self: Remember where the house is.', Danny thought, 'I wonder how stupid the people here are...'

Danny took off flying. He soon spotted what he was after... The Box Ghost.

"Aw come on!", Danny said frustrated, "You again?! How many times do I have to stuff you the thermos?"

"BEWARE FOR I THE BOX GHOST WILL DEFEAT YOU WITH THE MIGHTY POWER OF HOT DOG BOXES!", The Box Ghost said stealing the Hot Dog Guy's hot dog boxes.

"I rather have a chilly dog!", Danny said freezing the hot dogs with a few ice rays.

Not too far away, Underdog was stopping a robber from stealing from Molly and Polly again.

"You would think those robbers would have learned from the first time...", Underdog said to himself.

His ears picked up an echoy conversation.

"Aw come on! You again?! How many times do I have to stuff you the thermos?"


"I rather have a chilly dog!"

"Alright, who attacks the hot dog stands?", Underdog asked and flew over, "Whoa!"

Underdog saw two flying people that were glowing. One of the two was a little chubby blue guy that looked like a mail man crossed with a mover. The other was a tall skinny teen with a tan and wore a skin tight jumpsuit that was black and white with a insignia that was a D and a P.

"TREMBLE BEFORE THE BOX GHOST GHOST-BOY!", The chubby blue one said.

"Really... What kind of name is that? I'd rather fight with a hat.", Underdog said and bit The Box Ghost's rear end then spit it out, "BLEH! That tasted awful like that cat!"

Underdog spat out the Ectoplasm from his mouth.


"Boxes?! Are you serious?! How are boxes dangerous?", Underdog asked.

"Uh I hate being the stick in the mud but do you only talk in rhyme?", The tan guy asked.

"My rhymes are merely said in fun... okay I'm done.", Underdog said.

"Good. They are annoying to me. As for you Box ghost, go back to the Ghost Zone!", The tan one said and pulled out a thermos.

Underdog just looked at the thermos.

"Really? How's THAT suppose to do anything that isn't embarrassing?", Underdog asked trying not to laugh.

The tan one pushed a button on the thermos and it sucked The Box Ghost in like a vacuum.

"BEWWWWAAARE!", The Box Ghost screamed as he was sucked in.

The tan guy banged the thermos on a building with frown.

"Now that feud is done, who are you and who was that blue guy? I can say, humans aren't suppose to be blue.", Underdog said.

The tan teen just laughed.

"We aren't humans. Were ghosts. Are you one? The only things that I know that fly are ghosts.", The tan teen said.

"I thought ghosts didn't exist!", Underdog said.

"Most like staying in the Ghost Zone, which is were ghosts are from. Now in you go Boxy.", The tan teen said pressing a button on a bracelet, which created a green vortex.

The tan teen opened the thermos and blasted the Box Ghost into it.


"I so don't want to have to fight that guy ever again..."

"Who are you exactly without beating up the bush?", Underdog said.

"I'm surprised you haven't heard of me. I'm Danny Phantom.", The tan teen said, "Some still call me Invis'o-bil. But that is NOT my name!"

Underdog tried not to laugh.

"Invis'o-bil?! Better than accidently calling yourself Underwear!", Underdog said.

"Your right on that.", Danny said, "See ya!"

Danny disappeared from sight and flew away. Underdog was surprised to see him turn invisible.

Jack was watching the news to see what happened.

"I'm here at the scene where an unusual confrontation between Underdog and two flying people. I'm standing here with Underdog to report on what has happened.", The reporter said, "So Underdog, can you give us any insight on the two?"

"Yes ma'm. The two had claimed to be ghosts. One was called The Box Ghost. The other was called Danny Phantom. I can tell that the name Box Ghost is NOT original. And all he was doing was throwing boxes. I have seen villains who are more threatening than that. As for Danny Phantom, he was very annoyed to see The Box Ghost. He also had managed to suck up The Box Ghost in a thermos.", Underdog said.

"Are they a threat of any kind?", The reporter asked.

"The Box Ghost tries to be a threat but really isn't, just annoying. Danny Phantom, I'm not sure. We should wait and see. And one thing I don't recommend is biting them. I did and I still got this terrible taste in my mouth. They taste worse than the stuff under your house.", Underdog said.

All I could think of.