I believe in running through the rain and crashing into the person you love and having your lips bleed on each other

-Billy Bob Thornton


I was running after Katniss, calling her name but she wouldn't turn.

And just like in the movies, and for most of our time together, rain fell magically upon us.

"Katniss, aren't you tired of running?" I asked.

And just like that she stopped.

She slowly turned towards me, and even with the rain I could see that she was crying.

"Running is what I do well. I am perfectly fine with running." She said, trying to steady her voice.

"Away from me?" I asked hurt. I couldn't believe how she could think of doing that to me.

"Yes." She said, her voice finally breaking.

"Why?" I asked.


I did not let her finish what she had to say. Lots of words have been exchanged over the whole course of our time with each other, and nothing was settled. Instead I acted on what I felt.

I rushed towards her and crashed my lips to hers, holding her body tightly to mine.



Peeta crashed towards me and kissed me. I was shocked initially as to why he was doing this. But my emotions and rain overruled me so I kissed him back with as much fervor.

We kissed as if we were thirsty, drinking the rain from each others lips. We kissed each other until the need we felt was satiated.

We did not break from each others hold, our foreheads resting upon each others.

"Why?" I asked, my chest heaving from the passionate kiss and from exploding with too much emotion.

He lifted my chin, intense blue meets stormy gray.

"Because I love you"

"But I thought-"

"Stop thinking and enjoy the moment. It's raining. There is no else for me but you. I love you Katniss"

It was like an arrow to my heart. I can't help but cry this time out of happiness. He loves me.

"I love you too, Peeta. I have always loved you."

Finally I was able to say what I've been keeping from him, the words I have foolishly whispered behind a curtain of rain.

We were walking home hand in hand, sopping wet.

Rain was indeed my friend today.

The boy I loved, he loved me too.

I don't know what will happen from now on, but there is one thing I am most certain of.

I no longer have to wait for rain.

Love happens a lot like rain

It is hard to predict when it will fall

But you absolutely know

When you're already getting wet