Chapter 14 part 1

Dante paced back and forth in his room as he contemplated the events that had just happened, everything, the horrible vampires who almost killed Yuki by draining her of her blood, Kaname, him and Zero discovering Yuki and killing the vampires, rushing her to hospital and then Kaname's unexpected marriage proposal… he didn't know what to think about that, besides Yuki had said no, actually she said she wanted to think on it, but now she was in the hospital with Zero… He knew Zero loved Yuki and would probably die for her, he knew he would be really pissed if Yuki married someone else, especially if they were a vampire, but right now Dante had to focus on getting the young Patty Lowell ready for school.

Because Yuki was in the hospital he had to look after the young child now, atleast until Yuki left her bed, but even then, after Kaname's marriage proposal, she may never attend high school again, not to mention that the high school is full of vampires and after Yuki was attacked by three of the… Dante knew that Yuki would probably never stay in high school again, he wondered if he would miss her, he didn't exactly like her as much as Zero but he felt fond of her, like she was a sassy sister or something…

"Well, I guess I'll just have to ignore Yuki for now and focus on Patty", Dante sighed, he didn't hate Patty Lowell, but the girl was a handful and… Just then a young blonde girl with her hair in pigtails flew into the room, "Dante, why are you sitting on your bed? You should be making my lunch and ironing my clothes and brushing my hair before I go to school and…" "Calm down, Patty, I will do some of those things", and this was Patty Lowell, a spoilted rich blonde girl that was used to being the centre of attention, her family was murdered by demons and Dante knew what that felt like, he couldn't let her grow up alone in an orphanage.

"I'll make you lunch and then drive you to school, I'll iron some of your clothes later okay?" "But Dante, why can't you brush my hair so it's long and straight, that's what Yuki did every morning?". Dante sighed, he knew Patty Lowell really missed Yuki, yeah she spoiled her and the last thing Patty needed was being spoiled, but Dante knew that Patty really missed Yuki so.., "Okay sit down and give me the brush, I'll brush it for you", "Okay Dante this is going to be fun! After this I'll put on my clothes and you can make my lunch and then drive me to school! But don't look at me while I'm changing or else I'll tell the principle you perve!" Dante groaned, he forgot just how bitchy miss Patty Lowell was… Oh well, It can't be helped now.

Half an Hour later Dante was finished with driving Patty to school (it was a short drive because he lived close to the campus) and was ironing some of her clothes, "man I really should have appreciated just how much Yuki did, she really worked hard caring for Patty, I should thank her sometime", just as he thought that he heard a knock on the door, he stopped ironing and went to go answer it, and he saw Kaname at the door.

"Kaname, just what are you doing here", Dante was surprised to see the pureblood vampire prince at his door, he couldn't help feeling annoyed that he was here, he still didn't like and trust Kaname Kuron. "Have you seen Yuki lately", Kaname asked, "Well, not since you asked her to marry you, Zero sees her every day though, Is there a problem?" Dante grinned knowing his answer probably pissed off Kaname, "Well, no, there is no problem, I thought you might have seen Yuki, since I have been expressly forbidden from seeing her by the school and headmaster Cross". Dante didn't know that, "why", he asked. "Because I am a vampire and Yuki was attacked by vampires, she is not allowed to be visited by them and headmaster Cross has suspended all night classes, he wishes us to stay in our dorms until he deems us trustworthy again."

"Wow, I had no idea, but I haven't patrolled since the attack, I had no idea they had suspended night classes, but I see that headmaster Cross no longer has blind faith that vampires will not attack humans, now that it is his adopted daughter that has been badly injured by the monsters, can't say I blame him" Kaname gritted his teeth and Dante knew he was angry, the great Kaname Kuron wasn't used to being talked to like that, but Dante had seen his fair share of monsters and demons, he knew that they could look human, that didn't mean that they were and he had no problem disrespecting them, he hated demons just as much as his father who had betrayed demon kind, even though he was one.

"Dante, I know you do not like me, or vampires, in your line of work I believe you may have a good reason for that, but you have only seen the worst of my kind, those that have given in to the bestial elements that are within us, the level E's for example, I am not like them, I would give my very life to protect Yuki, and I believe you know that, I am not accustomed to begging, but in this case I will make an exception. Please Dante, please ask Yuki to talk to me, I wish to know her answer and I wish to know above all else, that she is not badly hurt, It pains me deeper than any wound I can imagine, to see her weak fragile body in pain in that hospital bed, please at least let me know that she is okay".

Dante was taken aback by this, he knew that it pained Kaname's ego to say such words to him, and he also knew that the only person he cared about, other than himself of course, was Yuki Cross. Dante nodded, okay I will go see her now and I'll let you know how she is doing". "Thankyou", Kaname bowed and left and Dante felt oddly relieved that he was gone, he went to get is car keys and then drive to the hospital.

Dante got to the hospital and was pleased to see that Yuki had been moved to her own room that she looked comfortable.

"Dante, so nice to see you!" Yuki had her head on a pillow and was watching a TV that was on the wall, some daytime soap opera that was overly dramatic; Dante had no idea why women like those things… "Nice to see you Yuki, you look better which is really good, Patty really misses you".

"Aww, that's nice to hear", Yuki smiled at Dante, "I really miss her too, give her a kiss from me, okay?" "Well, if I did that she would probably call me a pervert", Dante and Yuki both laughed, "Yeah, she is a very forceful child", Yuki stopped laughing. "So where is Zero", Dante hadn't seen Zero at school at all, which meant he was still staying here, "He's getting me some lunch right now".

"Okay, he hasn't left your side at all?", "Well, I wanted him here so that I felt safer after the attack, and he insisted that he wanted to stay so…" "I understand", Dante sighed, he didn't want to ask Yuki this but he knew he had to "Have you talked to Kaname since your… accident?" "Well…" Yuki trailed off, she didn't want to think about Kaname and everything that he has said (about marriage), she loved Kaname, and he had saved her but she was having second thoughts, Kaname said he loved her but after leaving her alone at his party and the attack on her, she wasn't sure if she still loved him. And she could feel herself becoming closer to Zero every day, she could tell that he really cared for her, probably even more than Kaname did, and she cared for him too.

Dante wasn't happy with her answer, "I know you've been through a lot but Kaname asked me to talk to you, he's very worried, he wants you to talk to him, and you also need to answer his question. That's all I have to say about him, now it's up to you to do the rest, I don't want to pressure you but you need to make a decision now, you can't keep leading on both Kaname and Zero…" Yuki was surprised Dante would be so direct, but she knew that was him, and he was right, she didn't want to call Kaname because she didn't have an answer to his question and because she hadn't yet decided, Zero who cared and loved for her beyond all else and would do anything to protect her, or Kaname, who also loved her but would be dangerous for her. She really couldn't make up her mind and she knew both were waiting for her answer. "I… know Dante, I just haven't figured it all out yet", Yuki sighed and shook her head, "I love both Dante, but I don't know if I can choose, I know I'm being selfish, I don't even want to choose", Dante cut her off, "Yuki, you know you have to choose".

Just then Zero walked in the room carrying some lunch for him and Yuki, "Hey Dante!" Zero was pleased to see his friend they both hugged each other after Zero put the lunches down. "So good to see you Dante, how are things at the Academy?" "Well, you know that after Yuki's attack Headmaster Cross was pretty pissed off, he actually banned the night class students from attending classes and Kaname isn't allowed to visit Yuki". Zero grinned "Yeah I heard, I don't blame Headmaster Cross, he has a duty to protect his students, however Yuki still think's vampires are okay", "Zero it is not the fault of Kaname or his friends that I was hurt, they shouldn't be punished.." Zero sighed and shook his head, "dear Yuki, must you always be so trusting and naïve, after your attack I thought you may have learned, those vampires are dangerous, and people like you need to be protected from them". Yuki remained quiet, she was annoyed by Zero's attitude but she understood he was just caring and protecting her, he saw vampires as a threat to her and he hated the for it, but she could never bring herself to hate Kaname, she knew that he would die before harming her.

"Well, I'm off now, I'm glad to see you are okay Yuki and I've said what I needed to say, see ya Zero", he turned and left the room, "Bye Dante" Zero called out after him, he turned to Yuki, what did he say to you before I came in, "Oh just about Patty and other stuff…", Zero nodded, he knew she was lying it must've been about Kaname, he couldn't believe that guy's nerve.

Dante went home to his dorm, he was glad Patty was in school and he had some free time, he started thinking about all the occurrences in his life, why he had taken this job, it had been a long time since he had hunted a real demon, and he remembered why he hated demons so much, how they had taken so much from him…


Dante is playing with his younger brother Vergil. The two children are messing about in the dirt and getting dirt and mud on their clothes. "Mother won't be very happy" Dante stops playing and looks at the large mansion. "Maybe we should go back?"

"Ha, you're such a goody two shoes", Vergil doesn't care what Dante or their mother thinks, he only wants to do what he wants. "I am not a goody two shoes", Dante yelled. Although Dante was the nice one compared to Vergil and he was his mother's favourite. "Well I'm not going inside, I'm going to play here until its dark", Vergil started building a sandcastle and Dante looked nervously at the house, "well, mother is going to yell at you". "I don't care" was Vergil's reply.

It was already getting dark and Dante wondered when his mother would come out, he was unsure what to do, he didn't want to get any dirtier so he just stood there watching his brother until he saw a strange man approaching the house. "Vergil who's that?" Dante asked. "I don't care" Vergil was still playing, "I'm going to see where mom is" Dante left his brother and waked towards the house, staying out of the sight of the mysterious man.

Inside the huge mansion Dante sees that there are some people here, he doesn't know who they are. He can sense something wrong with them, that they are evil somehow. He sneaks through the mansion without being spotted and uses a secret passage to go to his mother's bedroom. When he enters his mother's bedroom, he sees her frantically locking the door and closing windows. "Dante", she sees him and runs over to him.

Dante's mother is a beautiful woman with thin blonde hair and blue eyes and is tall and fair skinned. She used to be a priestess for a religion that worshipped a demon, but that was a long time ago.

"Dante I'm so glad you're here. I knew this day would come I have waited many years, now you must do as I say without questioning it" Dante nodded and Trish ran over to her dresser and took something out. It was a long pendant with a large red stone in the centre. "Dante you must promise me to always wear this pendant and NEVER take it off and give it to anyone else for any reason. Okay?"

"Yes, but…" Dante stammered, "Now Dante, you have to hide, go back in the secret passage and hide, do not come out for anything, and I mean ANYTHING okay?" Trish said and Dante heard a loud banging on the door, "but mom", "no Dante you have to hide". Trish led Dante back to the hidden passage and she locked the door and covered it. As she did that the door burst open and four men ran into the room.

"Trish, so this is where you've been hiding, did you really think we wouldn't find you after all these years?" "Baul, Modeus, I knew you two traitors would come here but you're too late, the ones you want are already gone".

"Oh, are they", Baul the tall one, took the small child Vergil from under his arm, "Nooo", Trish screamed, "don't worry, we won't hurt him, he has what we need", Baul took the pendant from Trish and put it around Vergil's neck, "where is the other pendant and the other son, they are a matching pair, Sparda had two children".

"It is too late, he is gone", Trish whispered as she looked at Vergil and she told him, "no matter what happens never forget this day", Vergil just nodded he didn't know what was happening. "Don't lie to me", a fat and large man called Modeus, went up to Trish and slapped her hard in the face. SMACK

"Ha, you can do what you want, you'll never find him". Baul and Modeus knew they had to find Dante, but they could see he wasn't here. They told their men to search the grounds of the mansion. Baul took Vergil and left the room and Modeus took out a sword, "this is for all the demons that your traitorous husband Sparda murdered", "You two were his apprentices, does that mean nothing to you, how could you murder his family?" Trish asked,

"He sealed his fate, the moment he went against the great demon lord Mundus, now DIE!" Modeus yelled while stabbing his sword through Trish's stomach. Dante could hear his mother scream and knew she was being killed. He wanted to rescue her, but he heard her words, "don't ever leave this passage way for anything", her last words to her son Dante, rang through his ears and he sat there for hours until he was sure that the demons had left.

Once night was set, he left the secret passage and crawled to his mother's room, he saw her there, she was on the floor with a huge sword in her chest. Blood covered the carpet and made it look red, it was slick with blood and cold, Dante crawled over to his mother and held her face, he looked at her but he knew she would never look at him again. He closed her eyes and laid her on her bed; he removed the sword from her chest and took it. He left the mansion, using the secret passageways and took his pendant and the sword that he demon Modeus had used to kill his mother and he left the house and walked towards the city called Fortuna, where a lot of people lived. He didn't know what he was thinking he just knew that he had to find somewhere to sleep.

Dante had wondered into the town of Fortuna, a large and rich looking town. It was especially famous for its cathedral. Fortuna Cathedral, a great looking building that was home to a famous religious leader that was the head of a cult Dante had heard of called Order of the Sword. The people here actually worshipped a devil called Sparda, and were very religious. They also had knights that fought with swords and armour, even though that was out-dated.

Dante was wondering through the town when he saw a group of men with swords walking through the streets, he didn't know why but something about them felt evil, so he stepped into a dark alleyway that was to the side of the street and waited there until they passed, just as he was about to leave he heard some noises.

He looked towards them and saw some rats running and he was about to leave until he heard footsteps.

"So it is the young Dante, son of Sparda, who walks among my presence, how exciting, I have always wanted to challenge the kin of the legendary demon Sparda". Dante just stood there spellbound, as he saw a man who was dressed in a suit come out of the shadows, he looked like an English gentleman, "so Dante, are you up for a little duel", he said and withdraw a sword from its sheath.

"Who are you?" Dante asked and pulled out his sword that he took from his mother's body, he had taken some sword lessons when he was younger and often played against his brother who almost bet him all the time.

"My name is Belial; I am one of many demons who your father Sparda sought to oppose. He sealed the demon world for more than 2000 years but his power has waned and his seal against the demon world broke".

Dante's head hurt, "what are you talking about, demons? I don't believe in them, and I don't know who my father is but I know he isn't some demon named Sparda". The gentleman sighed and sheathed his sword, "you really don't know who you are? Let me tell you then, before we begin our fight. I like giving history lessons." The gentleman told Dante, of a demon named Sparda who saw the injustice that demons, the ruling race had treated the human with. They held contempt and no mercy for human, who were like cattle and slaves for the demon masters, particularly one demon called Mundus, ruler of all demon kind.

Sparda was his greatest and most loyal general but he saw how Mundus was a tyrant and he grew to feel pity and loyalty towards the humans. He felt that Mundus was a tyrant that needed to be deposed and that humans should live free, not as slaves. He started a rebellion and he led the humans, and single hand idly defeated legions of demons before sealing Mundus and the rest of demon kind in the underworld, he used a ritual with the blood of his human lover, who was a priestess to seal the underworld. And for hundreds of years Sparda ruled over human kind as a fair and just ruler, he never married, because his one true love was the priestess who he sacrificed to seal the demon realm, but the descendants of the priestess founded a cult that worshipped Sparda, called the Order of the Sword, Sparda eventually realized that although he was a great ruler, he was still controlling the humans, he stepped down as ruler and let the humans do what they thought was best.

Unfortunately after Sparda disappeared the humans began many wars against their own kind, fighting over land, money and religion, and it wasn't long before the humans wished for the return of Sparda who would stop the chaos and the cult which worshipped Sparda gained many followers, until it became the largest religion in the world.

"But there is something that most people don't know about Sparda that he fell in love with another human girl called Eva and gave birth to two sons, with magnificent powers, you Dante and your brother Vergil are destined to be the greatest demons on this earth." Dante stood still for a moment and couldn't believe what he was hearing "You mean I'm a demon? No that can't be right." Dante shook his head and walked away from the gentleman, there's no way what he said is true, he has to be some kind of crazy person. Dante needed to find a place to hide from the people who killed his mother. He looked at then man who called himself a demon, he didn't know why but he believed him, he always sensed that he and Vergil were different, he especially knew that Virgil thought that they were far better than normal humans, even though he was a young teenager, he still didn't know how he had speed and strength beyond any adult man he had ever known, his sword teaching instructor was amazed at him and his brother's abilities and only taught them for months before declaring that he had nothing else to teach them and their abilities were greater than his own.

He knew this man wanted to kill him, he could see beneath his exterior as a gentleman that he was dangerous, like those you killed his mother Trish, this man said that his mother was Eva, but he didn't know why… "My mother was Trish not Eva" Dante told the man, "Ha, that girl is not your mother she is a priestess who's task Sparda entrusted to the order, she is to look after you both and keep you and your pendants from the hands of demons… clearly she failed. Now all we need is your side of the pendant and we can unseal our great ruler Mundus, Lord of the Underworld, Leader of Demon Kind, he shall be the one to reconquer this world and when we find Sparda he shall be punished for betraying us".

Dante was still extremely confused, where was Sparda, why did he let demons kill his children, who is Mundus? Dante still didn't believe him, but he felt that he did know that what he was saying was partly true, he knew that this gentleman who called himself Belial… He was far more dangerous than he looked, "Now I have educated you, at least as well as I could, time to take back what rightly belongs to us, demon kind, your pendant", Dante felt the pendant on his neck and remember Trish's words, never to allow anyone to take it, these bastards had killed her because of this pendant and she had willingly died to protect Dante from people like him, he would not let her die in vain. He withdraw his sword, it was large and looked heavy but felt light and nimble in his hands, he gripped the long hilt with both his hands… "Ahh, I see you understand, good now prepare yourself, 'En garde" Belial rushed at Dante with his small sword a rapier, Dante parried him and swung to the left, his sword was bigger than Belial's and could easily block his, but Belial couldn't block him, Belial saw Dante's sing and ducked under it he stabbed at him with his rapier and Dante rolled to the side just avoiding a direct hit, but it scraped his side, and he felt a fresh sting of pain. Belial laughed, "You are clearly the son of Sparda, and no human could move so quickly and with such foresight, I am glad to see I will have a challenge!"

Dante was extremely angry now, his mother or caretaker killed, his brother kidnapped and now this person or demon was trying to kill him, He ran at him and stabbed straight at his stomach, Belial parried, his thin but strong rapier batted Dante's sword slightly to his side and he dodged his straight attack and thrust his sword into Dante's left shoulder, "Ha!" Belial yelled triumphantly but Dante didn't react to the pain, he swung his sword at Belial and Belial quickly jumped out of the way and Dante barely missed him, but Belial didn't have time to react as Dante stabbed his sword straight at Belial as soon as his feet hit the ground, Dante's sword range was much longer than Belial's and it penetrated his stomach, Belial cried out in pain as Dante advanced towards Belial driving his sword deeper and deeper into his stomach, "Uggh, no how could you?" Belial grunted as blood flowed from his mouth, he looked up at Dante, and he know how, he no longer saw a young teenage man with silver hair, but a demon with glowing silver eyes and hair that stood on its ends, his skin was no longer soft human skin but a mass of red and black scales, Belial had seen this before, he was staring into the face of Sparda, no Sparda's son in his devil trigger form.

Dante kept moving his sword forward until the hilt was pressed against Belial, "this is for Trish" he said and then withdrew his sword, Belial was dead and Dante looked at his hands, he dropped his sword and it clattered unto the pavement with a sharp clang, he didn't know what happened but he didn't look human anymore, he knew now that what Belial said was true, he was a demon. Slowly he could feel himself getting weaker until he collapsed and entered a deep sleep.

Dante woke up, and looked at his hands, "what but what happened", they looked like human hands with soft skin, not scaly like he remembered, and he looked and saw Belial dead on the ground, "Shit!" Dante looked around him, it was almost dawn, he had to leave before someone saw him, he picked up his sword and left the alley, walking along an empty street he was glad that no one could see him, he had two cuts and a deep wound on his shoulder but he didn't feel any pain, he still couldn't believe what happened and that he was a demon, he remembered that his father Sparda had been a great demon warrior and according to Belial there was a religion called Order of the Sword here in Fortuna and they might look after him, he saw a large cathedral in the distance and thought it was his best bet and so he started walking towards it.


Vergil was deep in thought as his assistant Arkham interrupted him, Rido Kuran is awake and he says he wants to meet the man who is responsible for his awakening. Vergil stood up at once, this was everything he had wanted, he just needed to take his brother's amulet and he could open a realm to the demon realm and meet with Mundus, leader of demons, with him under his control, he would easily rule this world, just as his father once had. He would not let humans wage war and create waste any longer, he knew that they didn't have the ability to rule themselves, they are a weak, superficial, fragile, stupid species that are too prone to doing what they want at the expense of everyone else. He knew he had the right to rule over them as his father Sparda did, it was his destiny.

Vergil, dressed in his blue coat that came down to his ankles, and carrying his favourite sword, a Japanese uchigatana called Yamato, he walked towards the cell where Rido Kuran was being kept, even after freeing him, Vergil didn't want to take any chances he wanted to be sure that Rido was on his side and would help him. He opened the door where Rido was being kept, he was chained to the wall like an animal and he sat on the floor with his head hanging down, "Rido I'm sorry for keeping you like this but it is a precaution until I can be sure that you have earned my trust and are willing to cooperate for my cause." Rido still kept his head down, but Vergil saw him smile, "so you wish to use me, an ancestor of the pureblood Kurons, like you would use a toy, something to control, there is no possibility of that."

Vergil shook his head and came closer to Kuron and lifter his head he looked at his face and his eyes, one red, one blue, they were unusual and rather striking, Rido, even in his dishevelled state was rather handsome, even beautiful, although it had been a long time since he had seen a mirror, he almost forgot what he looked like. "You misunderstand me, Kuron, I wish you and I to have a partnership, I am Vergil, son of Sparda and you are Rido Kuran, an ancestor of the great pureblood Vampire family that was once the ruler of all vampires. We both have had our heritage stolen from use, I the right to rule man, and you, the right to rule vampires. If we join together as partners we can both reclaim our rights from those that took them from us."

Rido Kuran looked at Vergil, he didn't know that Sparda had a son, but he had heard rumours, the vampires had greatly respected and certainly feared Sparda. A great demon general and warrior he had ruled over humanity for many years and had even waged war against vampires, he was responsible for the deaths of many famous vampires including many in the Kuron family, it was largely because of this that vampires swore not to reveal themselves to humans and also to hunt down Level E vampires that couldn't control their will to kill humans, Sparda had made sure the Kuron family had agreed to his terms or else face total war against him. He was a great adversary, now his "son" had decided to declare a truce and wanted Rido's cooperation, for what reason?

"Why do you want my power, if you are the son of Sparda, and have his power you would not need an ally to rule humankind, you could take power back yourself." Vergil was glad that Rido was talking to him, and listening to his plan, he further explained, "humans are no longer the weak cattle they once were, once they fought with swords and arrows, now they command great weapons that can annihilate entire cities, I need to reawaken the Great Mundus, ruler of demons, and raise an army if I am to take back leadership of the human world. I need an amulet to do this, to open the gate to the demon realm, my brother Dante, has the second half of my amulet and he is in the protection of a relative of yours. I believe you may know him, he is Kaname Kuron".

Rido Kuran's eyes opened and gazed at Vergil, "I know that name, that brat usurped MY role as leader of the Kuron family and he imprisoned me", "Yes in a coffin of blood", Vergil nodded, he had broken Rido out of the mausoleum that had been his prison for many, many years, and now he wanted Rido to have his revenge, "You wish to pay Kaname back for his deeds against you, and to take leadership of the Kuron family? Because that is all I need from you, after you succeed you and I will be allies, and we shall rule this side together, this is what you have wished for isn't it?" Vergil spoke softly and Rido hung on his every word, Rido nodded and smiled, "I believe you and I will have a long and fruitful partnership". Vergil smiled.

Part 2 is coming soon, I hope you liked reading please review.