A/N: Hey everybody *waves* I know it has been quite a while since I have updated anything, but that wasn't entirely voluntarily. The past month have been hard for me and I simply didn't have the time or the health to write. But finally things are looking up a little, so here comes a new chapter and I hope that you are still interested in my stories and you will like the new chapter.

It is the last one, yeah, that was a surprise for me too, but I quite like how things turned out and I hope that you do too.

And I will also write that Quinn/Eliot companion story, which explains in more detail how Quinn and Eliot got together and how they got Sam. I don't know when I'll post that story, but it will come eventually *smiles*

But now have fun reading the last chapter of this story and I really hope you will like the chapter. And comments are, of course as always, most appreciated *smiles*


And also a big thank you to Jesco123, Quiet Ryter, ILoveAnime89, FictionMaker007, krazylicious, darkmoonlady, SivanShemesh and Melpomene Themis for all your kind comments *hugs* Your words really always mean a lot to me *smiles*


Warnings: SLASH, a little OOCness and a few swear words


Disclaimer: None of the Leverage characters belong to me, I just borrowed them for this little story. This isn't meant to offend anybody, this is just for fun and not for money


Chapter 6


A loud knock on the door woke Eliot and Quinn relatively early the next morning, way too early for Quinn's liking.

"Q, El, get up, you really need to see this!" Shelly's excited voice came through the door. Eliot simply grumbled and buried his face deeper against Quinn's chest, obviously not ready to wake up completely right now. Quinn, meanwhile, turned his head to look at the clock on the nightstand to find out what time it was exactly. Maybe they had overslept and Shelly had every right to wake them. But that wasn't the case. Today it was Shelly's turn to feed the horses so that they could sleep in and Quinn had made that clear that especially Eliot needed this after yesterday. The only thing that should have woken them was Sammy, but the boy was still deeply asleep, judging by the noises that came over the baby monitor.

So he was quite annoyed that Shelly had broken that deal they had made. He groaned a little and then he called towards the door: "Go away, Shel. I'm sure whatever it is, it can wait a few more hours." To emphasize his words, he grabbed one pillow and threw it against the closed door, hoping that this was enough for Shelly to understand that they wanted a few more hours of rest.


Well, obviously not, because Shelly simply knocked again, even louder this time.

"No, it can't wait, because I'm really not sure what to do about this," he admitted and Eliot finally raised his head, blinked a few times and gave Quinn a quick peck on the lips. Then he turned his attention towards the door too.

"Just spit it out, Shelly," he demanded, voice still rough from sleep, making his annoyance even more prominent. Quinn had to chuckle at the expression on Eliot's face. It was adorable, not that Quinn would ever say that out loud, he valued their sex-life too much for that. So he simply pulled Eliot into another short kiss, while they were waiting for Shelly to finally tell them, why he had woken them this early. There was a moment of silence and for a second the two hitters wondered if their friend had decided to leave after all. But then they heard him again.

"No, you really need to see this, because I'm not that equipped to deal with crazy" Shelly insisted and Eliot groaned, while Quinn simply sighed. Whatever it was that had Shelly wake them, seemed to really be urgent. So they resigned themselves that they had to get up.

"Okay, we'll be out in ten minutes," Quinn told the other, sitting up, helping Eliot to sit up too, he knew that the other was always sore after days like yesterday, not that his lover would ever admit that.

"I'll be down and keep an eye on things," Shelly said and then they heard his retreating footsteps. Eliot rubbed his shoulder and ran a hand through his hair to untangle it a little.


"What do you think is going on?" Quinn questioned, while rolling out of the bed, searching for decent clothes to wear. Eliot took a moment longer, rubbing his injured leg to stop any cramps from getting too bad. He shrugged and watched his lover dress.

"I have no idea," he admitted, before putting his feet on the ground, wincing a little when he tried to stand up and his leg nearly gave out, which wasn't a surprise, given how long he had stayed on it yesterday and after the wild night he had spent with Quinn. He caught himself on the nightstand and gave Quinn a dark look, when his lover reached out to steady him. He hated to feel so week and Quinn knew that, so he stepped back and waited, anxiously looking for any signs of further distress. But Eliot simply took a few calming breaths to work through the pain and when finally felt steady enough he took a step forward, giving a relieved sigh when his leg held.

"You okay now?" Quinn asked, concern written all over his face. And Eliot simply nodded, not needing to say anything, because his husband knew how much Eliot hated being so weak. So they didn't talk further about it and dressed in silence, Eliot took a little longer than Quinn, but with his bad leg it was to be expected.

"Are you okay to go without the crutches?" Quinn questioned, when Eliot only reached for his cane. At the dark look that Eliot gave him, he held his hands up in defense.

"Okay, forget I said anything," he said, stepping closer to Eliot, giving him a long, lingering kiss.

"I just worry about you, you know that, no matter that you're still Eliot "fucking" Spencer, I can't help but worry," he explained, asking for forgiveness. Sometimes he couldn't help the mother-henning, even though he was mostly good about it and could keep it to the bare minimum. But Eliot seemed to have forgiven him, because he smiled and kissed him again.

"Come on, let's go and see what has Shelly so in uproar," he said and Quinn nodded. The two men left their bedroom, Quinn pocketing the baby monitor, just in case Sammy woke up, but a quick look into the little boy's room revealed that he was still sleeping peacefully. So the two finally made their way downstairs to see what was going on, both playing through different scenarios in their heads.


But what greeted them, when they finally exited their house, was something neither of them could have dreamed up.

"What the hell?" Quinn asked, while Eliot stopped, stunned and only muttered: "Seriously?" He was leaning heavily on his cane, too shocked to move for a few moments. Quinn, however, caught himself a little sooner and he stormed down the two steps towards where a black van was parked.

"What the hell are you doing here?" he questioned, anger more than evident in his voice, while he faced Hardison, Parker, Sophie and Nate, who were busy unloading equipment from the van, carrying it somewhere and it took Quinn a moment to realize that they were carrying it towards the empty farmhouse that Eliot and Quinn hadn't had any use for so far.

Parker, who had spotted Quinn first, dropped the box she had been carrying, ignoring Hardison's "that's fragile, woman" and walked over to Eliot's husband and smiled at him, bouncing on her feet a little.

"What does it look like? We're moving in," she said, before turning back around, skipping to the box she had dropped, picking it up again, before carrying it towards the house, not caring that Quinn was gaping at her like a fish out of water.


Shelly appeared beside Quinn, looking a bit sheepish.

"So, do you see, why I woke you up?`They were already moving stuff in when I got up to feed the horses," he said. Quinn had his hands clenched into fists and was about to chase them from their property, when he suddenly heard a thud behind him. And when he whirled around, his eyes widened and he took the few steps back towards Eliot. His lover was standing stock still, face pale, the cane lying a little away from him.


Quinn was by Eliot's side in an instant, worry etched clearly in his features.

"Are you okay?" he questioned, while glaring at Nate, who had come closer to see if Eliot had hurt himself. The Hitter only shrugged, completely ignoring Nathan for the moment.

"Just a little spasm. You know that those happen sometimes, when something completely unsuspected comes out of the blue."

The last part of that sentence was directed at the now assembled around them Team Leverage. Quinn snorted at the words, before he picked up the cane and handed it back to the Hitter, glancing at him, still concerned for his partner's health. Eliot quickly assured him that he was okay again with one of his looks and Quinn breathed a sigh of relief.


Then the Hitter finally turned his attention towards his former team-members and glared at them.

"I second Quinn's earlier question. What the hell do you think you're doing here?"

There was a moment of silence where Sophie and Nate looked at each other, while Parker only shrugged and Hardison simply waited for the scene to unfold.

"I told you, Sparky. We're moving in," she said, as if that was the most normal thing in the world that they were trying to move themselves into the empty farmhouse on Eliot's property, especially after the way they had left the day before.

"Oh hell no, you're definitely not doing that," Quinn pressed out through gritted teeth, clearly still angry at Eliot's former team and the Hitter himself couldn't really blame him after what they had talked about the night before. But Eliot also wanted the whole story first, because there was this part of him that was ready to forgive the team for what they had done to him, if they only apologized with the right words. And if he didn't like what they had to say, then they could still send them packing. But the Hitter could also admit that the was more than a little angry at their audacity to just come here and start moving their stuff in, especially without consulting with him first and without considering his feelings on that matter.


"Did someone blow up your offices again or why are you trying to set up new headquarters on m property?" he finally asked, trying for indifference, but he could admit to himself that he was failing at that and that he couldn't help but let the hurt from yesterday seep through. Nate sighed, ran a hand through his hair and then took a step closer to Eliot. He hesitated for a moment, but then he put a hand on Eliot's shoulder, well aware of Quinn's cold eyes on him, but also glad when his former Hitter didn't pull away immediately. That at least meant, that Eliot was willing to listen to what they had to say. If he would be okay with what Nate and the team had thought up, well that was a completely different story.

"Eliot, I'm really sorry how we, well mostly I, have acted yesterday. That was completely out of line," he said, trying to sound as sincere as he was. He had felt and still felt terrible about how he had reacted the day before and he had no real excuse. It had been bastard Nate making an appearance when he had found out all the tings about Eliot and how he had moved on after leaving the team. It had thrown him for a loop, because with all scenarios he had thought up, he really hadn't expected things to go this way. And Nate really hated it, when he wasn't in control. And so he had reacted violently, again, that wasn't a good excuse, but he hoped that the Hitter would understand, especially since he had worked with Nate for years and knew how he was.


Quinn only snorted at Nate's words, obviously not likely to forgive Nate for his actions too quickly, but somehow Nathan respected him even more for that, because that showed how much Quinn loved Eliot and Nate was glad that Eliot had found someone like Quinn to share his life with and had found happiness somewhere else after the team hadn't been able to give him that. Of course it had taken Nate a while to admit that to himself. His attention went back to Eliot, who finally spoke up.

"Yeah, it was," the Hitter said easily, crossing his arms in front of his chest, the cane still in one hand. The move was so practiced, that Nate could almost picture Eliot doing that a lot in exasperation.

"But that really doesn't explain, why you suddenly thing, that you can move here," he added, obviously still unsure, where this was going to lead. Nate once again ran a hand through his hair. He had expected this to be hard and he had told Parker, Hardison and Sophie that it might not work and might backfire on them. The plan had been a risk from the first minute they had come up with it. But they wanted their Hitter back and had been desperate, so they had decided that it was worth a try. It could hardly make things much worse than they already were.


"Eliot, we've made big mistakes in the past and you've always been the one to pay for it and I can't tell you how sorry I am that I misjudged all of this so badly, but please Eliot, give us one more chance to make this up to you. And if we mess up again, you can tell us to go and we will leave." Nate ended his little speech and looked at their former team mate, trying to convey how sorry he really was about all that had happened between them and that he should have noticed something sooner. Eliot studied the other man intensely, trying to figure out if Nate was really serious and also if he was ready to forgive them. To be honest, the second question was the bigger one, because Eliot knew that his team, well, still former team, was serious about this.


Quinn snorted again and crossed his arms in front of his chest, once again the one, who wasn't ready to kiss and make up already.

"Again, that still explains nothing, especially not why you're trying to move in without our permission," he said harshly, This time it was Sophie who spoke up.

"Well, we thought we could do some sort of test run," she started to explain and Eliot raised an eyebrow.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" he wanted to know, unconsciously taking a step closer to Quinn, showing his team where his loyalties were now and that they couldn't simply waltz into his life and expect him to conform to their desires.

A small and this time honest smile made its way onto Sophie's face.

"Well, since you're not ready to leave this place, something I can totally understand, because this is your sanctuary and your home now, and we're not ready to give up Leverage Consulting, there is one solution that will make all of us happy," she explained. Eliot's eyes widened and he looked at Quinn, who seemed equally as shocked as Eliot at what Sophie had just proposed. Then Eliot's eyes wandered from Parker over Hardison towards Nate and Sophie and he studied the four for a long while, trying to see any hint of a deception, but all he saw in their eyes was honesty, regret and determination. So he finally questioned: "So what are you saying exactly?"

Now Parker piped up, but only after rolling her eyes: "Come on, Sparky, normally you're way smarter than this, she started, which earned her an angry growl from Quinn and an offended on Eliot's behalf "Parker" from Sophie. But Eliot didn't say anything, he simply waited for Parker to continue. And the thief did so without hesitation, because given her past relationship with Eliot, she was probably the person best suited to say this.


"It means we're moving here, so that you can finally be part of our team again," she began, but Eliot interrupted her, tapping his bad leg with his cane lightly.

"Parker, I can never be part of the team again, I'm useless as a hitter," he explained and everybody cringed at the self-loathing in his voice. But Parker only shrugged his words off and took a step closer to the team, surprising everybody by finding all the right words.

"Don't be silly, Sparky, you've always been part of the team. And without you our world wasn't right. So we have to move here, because we need our world to be right again. Please help us to make that happen."

And just like that, with Parker's simple, but honest words, Eliot's past world and present world seemed to fall into place together and Eliot knew, no matter how many hurdles might come their way, he could finally be completely happy again.




"Take care of yourself, El."

Quinn looked at his partner a little concerned, but he knew he couldn't deny Eliot to do what he wanted to do and if he was honest with himself, he didn't even want to deny his lover this. But that didn't stop him from being worried, that came with the territory of being Eliot's significant other.

What Eliot wanted to do that had Quinn worried, was Eliot's first time, since his leg had happened, back on a con. It had been six months since team Leverage had stepped back into Eliot's and consequently also into Quinn's life. It had been a rocky road with many ups, but also with some downs and a lot of fights. Quinn had taken a long time to let go of his distrust towards Parker, Sophie, Hardison and especially Nate. And he had only slowly forgiven them, when he realized that Eliot was now truly content. Not that Quinn, Sam and Eliot hadn't been happy in their own little world, but Quinn had always known that Eliot missed his team. So he had given them a chance and finally things really seemed perfect.


Eliot chuckled.

"Well, if things go wrong, I'll have the best Hitter in the world to back me up and get me out of trouble," he explained, giving Quinn a short kiss. Quinn had taken up Eliot's role as the team's muscle now, because Eliot had asked him to and Quinn could never say no to Eliot when it was about the other man's happiness.

"Second best," Quinn corrected with a sly smile and Eliot snorted, looking down at his leg, which was hidden underneath an expensive suit and only the cane was a sign, that Eliot was different.

"Not anymore, not with that leg, that's why I'm not back-up but grifter on that con," he explained, shifting a little on his good leg, because today was not the best day and his leg ached constantly. But that was ideal for the con. He was taking Sophie's grifter role on the con, because their mark knew Sophie. With his injury he had immediately won their mark's trust and they had had their in. If things worked out well, then Eliot could take over the role of grifter whenever the need arose, which would make everybody even more happy.

Eliot taking Sophie's role also solved the problem, who would take care of Sammy, while both Quinn and Eliot were working on a con. Sophie loved that little boy and spoiled him rotten whenever she was babysitting him. And Eliot let her, because he still marveled at the way his past life and his new life had fallen in place together.


Quinn didn't comment on that, he simply straightened his lover's tie, capturing Eliot's lips in a kiss.

"Still, please be careful. I don't want to lose you," he whispered. Quinn seldom showed this vulnerable side, but the moment right now called for it and Eliot showed his appreciation by kissing him once more, before a knock on their hotel room door interrupted their last quiet moments together.

"Come in," Eliot called and Nate, Sophie, Parker and Hardison entered the room, all of them with bright smiles on their faces.

"Ready to get back into action, man?" Hardison questioned, sharing their usual fist-bump for the first time in a long while.

"As ready as I'll ever be," Eliot replied, grinning at Hardison, before looking at Sophie, who had Sammy on her arms. The boy was wide awake and when he saw his daddy and his papa, he started gurgling happily.

"Dada," he squealed, extending his arms towards Eliot. The Hitter took his boy into his arms and kissed him on the cheek.

"Hey there, little buddy. Be good for your daddies and your aunt Sophie," he said, which Sammy answered with another happy gurgle and he only sniffled for a second, when Eliot handed the boy back to Sophie after Quinn had also given him a kiss on the forehead.


Nate had watched the scene for a moment, a smile on his face. After all that had happened, this had turned out better than he had ever dared to hope and he was still touched, when Eliot had explained to him, that Sammy had been called "Sam" in honor of Nate's son. He had been happier in the past months too and being the mastermind of team Leverage was finally fun again and the world was right again. So he looked at his team, a bright grin on his face, clapping his hands together and then he said: "Well then, let's go and do what we do best, let's provide leverage..."




Well, that's the end of this story, I hope you enjoyed the ride and thank you again, dear readers, for your endless patience with me *smiles happily* You all make my day with your clicks, alerts, favorite and reviews *smile* I hope you will continue reading my other stories *hopeful smile*

And stay tuned for the companion piece to this story, the background for Quinn and Eliot, which will probably be called "The Hitter Chronicles" or something to that effect *smiles*

