A/N: So I finally managed to convince my mum that writing on would improve my writing. So here we are! I hope you this chapter!

Evie POV

When I woke up, it was strange. I could feel someone's presence that was quite familiar. I slowly opened my eyes and to see Alec beside me. His eyes were pitch black. He looked at me in worry, and then he gasped. I raised an eyebrow. I looked at him for a millisecond and said,

"I thought you were gone. Jacelyn said you were in a trance and you would never wake up."

Alec smiled and said, "Never believe a thing she says."

"I have a question for you. Why do your eyes have tinges of silver,blue and red?" He asked curiously.

I shrugged, and said, "Maybe those were the emotions I went through, until I couldn't take it. Once I woke up, I could feel a huge difference. Last time, I could cause them emotional pain, but now I can actually know what they've been through, like peek through their mind, relieve some bad or good memories. So yeah, my power's kinda advanced." I said, eyes shining.

"Your eyes are pitch black, Alec. You didn't hunt, did you?" I asked sternly, trying to be angry. But I couldn't, not at the one I loved.

"Nope." He said sheepishly. I rolled my eyes. "C'mon, let's go hunt," I said. I saw him frown and sighed, "Please? Just this once?". He shook his head.

And I did one thing that surprised him. I kissed him on the cheek. "Same old you." I muttered. He grinned.

There was a knock at the door. "Come in!" I said in my bell-like voice. The door opened and Jane smirked. "Aro wants to see you, my little lovebirds.". I rolled my eyes, and made my way to the throne room.

As I entered, Aro studied me carefully. "Evie, my dear! You've awoken from your deep slumber! Quite unusual to me, you seem like Sleeping Beauty!" He joked. My spine stiffened.

"I have heard, from some of the guards that your power is enhanced?" he asked curiously. I nodded. "Could you, give me a demonstration?" he asked, but it sounded more like a command.

I concentrated hard and looked at Aro, there I saw his happy and sad memories. Killing Didyme, his own sister was surprisingly one of his happy memories. The sad memories were when Carlisle&Elezear left the Volturi.

I looked away and he looked at me in amazement. Then, Emmett,Rosalie,Alice,Edward,Carlisle and Esme appeared. Where was Bella? I thought. Aro seemed to know what I was thinking.

"Bella is with Renesmee right now, in the room that we built specially for Renesmee." Aro explained calmly. I hesitated. Aro saw my hesitation and whispered in a low voice. "Jane?". And before I knew it, I felt excruciating pain, like I was being burned alive.

It felt like every vein of mine was burning. I whimpered and croaked out, "Alec… Help…me…". Alec walked slowly to me and smiled. "I thought once you were changed into a vampire, you wouldn't be so gullible." He spat.

My eyes widened. What did he mean? I could feel Edward's shouts and protests from his senses being blocked. And the rest of them too.

"You thought I loved you? Really? It was all actually Rosaleen's mind control. Who would love an ugly vampire like you, that's lame?" Alec spat once again. His words stabbed me over and over again.

Black tears streamed down my cheek. Jane's pain was gone, now replaced by a bottomless pit. "Aww, don't cry!" Alec taunted. And before I knew it, he threw my head into a nearby wall, and everything went black.

Alec POV

Ha! She thought I loved her? Fat hope. Gullible. Useless vampire. But you do love her! One part of my mind tugged. I shrugged it off. It was all part of Aro's plan. Without Bella's shield, the rest of the Cullens were powerless against us. And when Bella sees everyone is at the Volturi, she would join too. How stupid were the Cullens?

Evie POV

When I woke up, or at least when Ale- no he gave me my senses back, I woke up in a white room. Aro was seated in front of me, smiling his cheesy grin. Chelsea was beside him.

"Hello, Evie. Are you feeling alright?" he asked innocently. A growl escaped my chest and he smiled. "Woke up on the wrong side of the bed, I see. I'm sure Chelsea would make you feel so much better! Right, Chelsea?" He said, eyes glinting with amusement.

Before I could figure out what was going on, I suddenly felt like the Volturi was my home. I mean, the Volturi is Vampire Royalty, and with such a power like mine, I should be royalty! I fought with my conscience. My anger-filled eyes changed to warm-loving ones.

"Thank you very much, Chelsea! You made me feel much better." I said.

Aro grinned. "Your rank in the Volturi will be of the same rank as Alec and Jane.". I growled at Alec's name. "The rest of the Cullens are already outside, waiting. Now there is a robe with a V pendant in your wardrobe, get dressed, and go!". He instructed.

I nodded and went swiftly.

There at my bed, sat the dark black robe. I remembered Alec telling me that the darker the colour of the robe, the higher the rank. Ugh NO! Stop thinking about him. He shattered your heart into a million pieces. Let him die. Suffer.

I vowed. A smirk played on my lips as I wore the robes.

Hanging the V pendant on my neck, I thought to myself, why hadn't I joined the Volturi earlier?

As I exited the room, I saw Bella staring at me in shock. I just smiled at her. She didn't know what she was missing out on!

As I approached the corner, I saw a list.















Huh. Missions huh? Newborn army? No problem. With Alec, there's a problem. As I walked to Jane's room to ask her about the missions, I bumped into Alec. He smirked at me and I stared at him with cold,unwarming eyes. I concentrated and relieved his worst memories. People calling them the witch twins, and all the things he hated.

He growled at me, and I smiled innocently back at him. He lunged at me, while I, simply just turned invisible to see him almost fall to the ground.

I smirked and walked away.

A/N: How was that? Review! Reviews are cookies! And I'm hungry!