Hey guys! So I'm sorry I haven't been here or updated in awhile but I was finishing up senior year and I finally graduated! So now that I have time I've decided to come back to this story and finish it up.

Word Key:

utreekov= fool/idiot
kriff/kriffing= fuck
Shinie= New clone trooper
Bantha fodder = nearly equal to bullshit
Osik = shit
A pain in the choobies= pain in the ass
di'kut= idiot
shebs= ass
verd'ika = soldier (but it's an affectionate way, almost like you would call a child)
sithpit= hell hole
Haar'chak= nearly means shit/fuck
jari'eyc = ugly
slana'pir verd'ika= get out little soldiers
Ke barjurir gar'ade, jagyc'ade kot'la a dalyc'ade kotla'shya= train your sons to be strong, but your daughters to be stronger.
Shiny boy= slang for arc trooper or commando
Bug slut= an insult
Ni copad at kyr'amur gar. a Ni liser't.= I want to kill you, but i cant.
alor'ad = captain
ad'ika = little one

mir'osik= dung for brains

k'uur= hush
cyare = love
osi-yaim = useless despicable person
gar cuyir = you are a
ad'gotar = sex
vod = sister
cyare = admire/love

"So do we move out to Ryloth tomorrow then?" Rio played with the excess fabric of the large sleeping shirt she'd been given when Demon Company had arrived on Corescant as their layover station before heading to Ryloth on new assignment.

Tula's eyes were unfocused as she replied. "Yes… I must say I wish they'd said something earlier so I'd have time to teach you Twi'leki."

"I doubt I'll have much time to learn." The blonde padawan murmured before adding a low, "Thank the force." She'd never liked to learn languages; it wasn't one of her passions. Tula rolled her eyes and tried to sneak a look at the clock that hung over she younger Jedi's bed. At this point, it was her Master's ninth attempt to look at the time in half an hour. "Master…" Rio decided it was probably best to start off respectfully with how sensitive the topic she was bringing up was. "Are you sure it's wise," she paused, "to see Jep when we're right under the council and the Emperor's nose?"

"No it most likely is an osik idea young one. But I can't help how I feel." The red headed woman had her head in her hands and was rubbing her eyes as she spoke. "Rio I do not condon my actions and I hope I've trained you to have better disipline than I myself do." The blonde girl didn't answer her, she didn't want to dissapoint her master by letting her know the older she grew the more out of touch the Jedi code seemed to be with reality. In fact the code seemed hypocritical to her at this point. How did they expect her to trust her men and want them to protect her if she acted like an aloof di'kut?

"Tula, you know I do not care about what you do and I'll support and protect you as every Palawan must." The commander paused as she choose her next words carefully, noticing her masters lips were beginning to turn downwards. "Just don't get caught."

"I won't, Rio. For his own sake I can't."

With that, her master walked out of her room and the last thing the blonde saw was one of her masters tattooed hands as she waved a goodbye. Rio let out a sigh and fell back into her bed, she had never been one to agree or approve of some of the Jedi rules, in fact she thought that the lack of attachment they strived for was counter productive. It was one of the reasons why Master Yoda had advised her to become Tula's padawans in the first place, because of how similar they were.

Though in hindsight, Rio had overheard Master Yoda discussing her apprenticeship with Windu, his expressed his regrets on pairing her with her Master counterpart. Granted, Rio didn't care what anyone said anymore, she had her master, her men, and Jep, they were enough of a family for her to forget basically anything the other Jedi wanted from her. Jep especially was one of the reasons why the code just fell flat to her now a days.

While he and Tula may be the ones in love, he treated her like no one else, different even than her other men ever had, he treated her like any old person and reguarded her life the same as his own. While many Jedi seemed to get off on the respect, fear, or love that came with the job description the blonde hated it. Being thrust into a roll that she never asked to have made every interaction she had with another being seem fake and insincere, especially with many other Jedi. Even now, when new shinnies were dropped into her unit they'd try so hard and be prepared to throw their lives away in order to protect her for no reason other than because it was ordered, it was something the Padawan learner found completely ridiculous.

The blonde fell back on her Jedi Temple standard bed and adjusted her black and green beaded braid, she'd be shipping out to Ryloth tomorrow and instead of worrying about Tula and Jep being found out, she'd be worried about keeping everyone alive. Rio just hoped she could.

It was 06:00 hours when she was forced up by the beeping of her comlink. Sighing and reaching out to grab it she pressed the flashing button with ease and waited for someone to talk.

"Verd'ika." Automatically, she knew it was Jep by the nickname; it was what he always called her.

"Yeah di'kut. Why'd you wake m-" She was cut off by his reply.

"Come to the barracks now." The Padawan shot up in her bed and grasp a fistful of her blankets with her unoccupied hand, something had happened and she knew it. Knowing their wasn't time, she didn't bother asking him for details and instead just barked out one of the few orders she'd ever given him.

"I'm o-on my way. Don't leave." The comlink shut off and she began throwing on her uniformed armor pants, barely remembering to clip her black hilted dual sabers to her waist before running out of the room she lived in at the temple.

She waved down an air taxi and gave him the location of the GAR trooper barracks that Demon Company resided in. The Rodian driver gave her a strange look until his eyes landed on the light sabers hooked onto her belt then she watched him gulp and start driving a little faster towards her troopers only took them about five minutes until they were in front of the large white building, Rio got out of the cab and turned to pay but the driber had already taken off down the street. Kriffing bug slut, she thought to herself, before beginning a run towards the door of the of Fox's men was at the front of the Demon Company barracks, waiting to sign incoming troops into the base. When Rio raced into the building hand already waving with the power of the force to open the access hatch to her troopers barracks, she wasn't expecting to be stopped by the Coruscant Guard.

"Excuse me ma'am, do you know where you're going?" For a second the young women was confused, while women weren't allowed into the barracks because of GAR policy, that rule didn't apply to female Jedi or their padawan learners. It was when Rio caught a glimpse of herself reflected in the shiny metal of the desk that she began to understand, she was still wearing her civies as opposed to her armor with her light sabers tucked under her shirt.

Once she realized this, all the young woman did was lift the bottom of her shirt to show the black hilts of her sabers and stated quickly, "I'm Jedi padawan Rio Tesslar, Commander of 313th Demon Company." The trooper immediately went into a military salute and began his apologies.

"Sir, I'm so sorry I mistook..."

"Commander." Rio felt his force presence even before he started talking. His black marked armor drew her attention from the corner of her eye and she turned to see Jep begin addressing the other trooper. "I'm sorry Quinn, the General and I have something to discuss."

He motioned for her to follow him inside the barracks, his helmet clutched in the crook of his arm instead of swinging from his finger tips like how he usually held it. She examined him and noticed how formal even his posture had become, until the door to the barracks shut behind her he walked in silence even though she could feel the anger and pain rolling off of him in waves.

"Jep what's wrong?" Her voice was soft, nervous if she said it any other way he'd break. His first response was unintelligible, all she could distinguish was "they" and "took her" from his muffled sobs. The words caused the hair on the back of her neck to stand on end. "Jep," Rio voice was more forceful this time and she turned him around to face her when she spoke. "Tell me what happened."

"Th-they found out about us. They took her Rio... they took Tula..." The blonde padawans eyes narrowed and her gusts clenched.

"Whoever took her, I'll kill them Jep. I'll hunt them down..." she growled.

"Rio." The captains voice was barely a whisper.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure the council and I find her and they-"

"RIO!" He yelled, "it was the Jedi and Palpatine who took her. It was your own kind."

It had taken the Jedi council two hours after she'd talked to Jep to call her in for what she presumed was her own account of their affair. And how was she planning on handling this accusation? She was going to deny it. Rio was going to deny it ever happened and say it was just standard base gossip in order to keep her Jedi Master as her teacher and more importantly keep her Captain alive and not sent back to Kamino to be repurposed. All the young woman could do was just prayed that Tula hadn't admitted to the whole thing or else the council would know she was lying. She shuttered at the thought of what they'd do to her if they caught her trying to lie. The pressure was on her to lie her shebs off enough to the Jedi counsel that they find both Tula and Jep innocent of breaking the fraternization GAR law and the Jedi code. Kriff, she thought to herself. Rio was met at the top of the temple steps by one of the always silent Jedi guards that she assumed was tasked with escorting her to the Jedi council chambers, where she assumed the entire council would be present. Of course, assuming the entire council would be present and actually walking into a room where the entire council was present was an entirely different story. The amount of sheer force power left the room feeling electric and more noticeably terrifying.

The only faces that regarded her with any sort of warmth were those of Yoda, Shak Ti, Aayala and Obiwan, the rest of the members simply regarded her with a blank stare or contempt. Well this is off to a phenomenal start isn't it...

"Padawan Tesslar, ask you a question we must." The little green aliens eyes were fixed solely on her form and as much as she tried to keep her heart rate level with the force it began to increase anyway.

"Ask away Masters." Rio answered and nodded her head respectfully in Yoda's direction.

"Was your Master breaking the Jedi code and forming a romantic attachment towards clone captain CT-4563?" Her stomach lurched with anger when Luminara's words rang out at her calling Jep by his number not name. It took the Padawan a moment to collect herself enough to answer Luminara respectfully as the rage she felt towards the woman was coursing through her body.

"No, she was not breaking the Jedi code to form a romantic attachment to Jep." The words came out crisp and clear from her mouth.

"Are you saying that your master does not encourage you to form attachments to your men?" Rio paused, she couldn't say no to that question Tula was known for making connections with her men and treating them as her friends. So in her desperation to find a way to prevail the blonde looked at Obi-wan, searching for any clues for what to say in his features but he just regarded her with a look of pain. It seemed not even he thought that Tula could get out of this mess.

"I won't lie and pretend that she doesn't encourage me to form attachments." Rio's voice came out as nothing more than a whisper. "But I think you must remember that the Jedi are changing." Every member seemed to sit or stand a little straighter at her words. "We're no longer peacekeepers, we are generals or captains. We lead men that we created solely for the purpose to be led into battle and die." Rio didn't realize she was crying until she felt the tears trailing down her neck as she faced each Master in the round room in turn. "They never asked for this, they never asked to be treated like dogs. The least they deserve for their service, of watching their flesh and blood brothers die day in and day out, is for the people who lead them to care about their lives. That's why Tula and I form attachments not for any romantic reason," her words were low and many of the Jedi council members had mouths open in shock or were regarding her pensively. "Tula and Jep have a bond of friendship and trust, no more and no less." She spat out her lie with such conviction Rio nearly managed to convince herself that her master and Captains relationship was strictly platonic. She just begged the force that they believed it.

"Padawan Tesslar," it was Mace Windu who voice stopped her in the middle of the republic cruiser ramp that was taking Demon Company, their General and Captain to Ryloth. The blonde woman looked back at him ferociously, flexing her hands and touching her light sabers instinctively. "Good luck."