Made Me Realize

Chapter 10: Regrets

At last! I could go to sleep! Hope you enjoy this chapter!

Mabel's POV

Am I really dead? I cried. I'm never going to see Dipper again. I'm never going to see Waddles. I'm never going to see my friends. I'm never going to see my parents again. I'm never going to see my beloved ones again. I'm so sorry Dipper. I wish I spent more time talking than teasing you. I wish I spent more time listening than ignoring you. I wish that we spent more time together. I wish I never went to see Pacifica. Then this would never happen. You wouldn't need to risk your life for me. You wouldn't need to waste your time finding something that people didn't even think it exists. You wouldn't need to do that just because of me!

I wish I listened to you. You were always right. I'm so stupid I didn't listen to you. I'm really lucky to have a twin brother like you. If you weren't there for me, I was probably dead from before. .

"So, are you done regretting your mistakes?" the creature said, snickering.

"Could you stop that?" I said, annoyed. It roared with laughter.

"Don't worry, my dear. You're not dead", it said. I gave a relieved sigh.

"At least not yet", it said again, giving me an evil stare. I gulped.

"You still have seventeen more minutes to live", it said, showing a sand clock.

"But I thought I still have time until sunset!" I said, alarmed.

"That's what you think", it said slowly. I was running out of time.

"I hope your twin brother make it in time to save you", it said, walking into the darkness.

"Wait, where are you going?" I called out.

"My time to talk with you is over", it said, as it began to disappear. "Good luck surviving!"

It laughed like an evil maniac and disappeared.

I opened my eyes slowly. I felt really weak. I still can't feel anything. I could see things, but not clearly. Same as my hearing. Odd machines were beeping. I saw the screen. There was a line going up and down. I heard a doctor said something about the emergency room. Maybe that's the room where I'm in now? For once I remembered about Dipper. Is he alright? Am I going to see him again?

Dipper's POV

We ran to the hospital. The bus can't drop us to town so we need to go there by feet. I don't know how Mable was doing. I hope she's still alive. I can't imagine my life without her.

"Don't worry, Dipper", Carla said, panting. "We still have time before sunset."

"I have a feeling she doesn't have that much time left", I said, panting too. "Let's hurry up!"

Carla nodded. We ran as fast as we could. I could see the hospital in the distance. We raced inside and climbed up the stairs. I opened the room where Mabel was in before. She wasn't there. Only a few nurses were there.

"Where's Mabel?" I asked a nurse inside the room with a panicking tone.

"Oh, she's in the emergency room", the nurse said. "It's in the third floor."

"Thank you", I said quickly.

We raced up the stairs again. I saw my parents sitting on a seat near a room. My mother was crying, while my father was comforting her.

"Mom! Dad! Where's Mabel? Is she alright?" I said, panicking.

"Dipper? Where were you? We're so worried about you", my mother said, hugging me.

"I'm alright, Mom. Where's Mabel? Is she alright?" I asked again, hugging her back.

"We don't know how's she's doing", my dad answered. "She's inside this room. We're not allowed to go in the room."

"Don't worry, Dad! I could help save Mabel!" I said surely.

"Really?" my mother asked. I could see her face lighting up.

"Yes, Mom", I said. "I just need to get inside and give her this."

I showed them the vial. They gave me an unsure look.

"Are you sure? The doctors said there's no cure", my mother said, worried.

"I'm sure this could help her", I said. "Trust me."

I opened the door and stormed inside. All the doctors turned to me, alarmed. One of them was Dr. Rose.

"What are you doing in here?" one of the doctors asked. "Get out!"

"Wait! I could help her!" I said. The doctors looked at me with serious looks.

"We have no time for games, kiddo!" another one said.

"Please! Just give me a chance!" I pleaded as they tried to push me out of the door.

"Wait!" Dr. Rose shouted. Every doctor turned to her with questioning looks.

"Give him a chance", she said, smiling at me. I smiled gratefully at her. The doctors let me come near Mabel.

She was really in a bad condition. I could see her face and some other parts of her body blue because lack of oxygen. Tubes were attached to her body. I really missed her beautiful face. It was now pale blue. Her hair was a mess and it didn't look as brown as before. Her eyes were only half opened.

I opened the vial slowly and carefully pour it in her mouth. I waited for a few moments. She didn't react.

"Please work", I begged in my heart. She's still not reacting. Tears started pouring out my eyes.

"Mabel, please don't go yet", I whispered, crying. "Don't leave me here."

Some of the doctors faced the ground. Some were staring at us pitifully. Carla went into the room and saw me crying. She started crying also. She came towards me and looked into my eyes.

"She's the greatest twin sister in the world, Dipper", she whispered in my ears. "You're lucky you had one."

She started to cry harder. I did the same.

"I'm so sorry for you and your sister, Dipper", Dr. Rose said, comforting me. "Let's tell this to your parents."

I nodded weakly and walked out of the room. Carla followed me out. I don't know how my parents will react, especially my mom. She'll be so depressed she'll probably kill herself.

"I'm so sorry, Mabel", I whispered, turning to her. Mabel, the sweetest girl in the world, the best twin sister that anyone could have, my only beloved sibling, was now gone.

Is Mabel really dead? Don't worry, I'll upload the next chapter soon, I promise :)

Mystery Code:

(A/N: Out of ideas again, sorry...)