Chapter 7

My mom freaked out completely. For the next two weeks I couldn't leave my room, I missed school and on the third week she sent me to my grandparents' house in Dallas just so I wouldn't see Demi don't matter what I did. I left without even saying goodbye.

After one more week of boredom my mom picked me up and we went straight to L.A. The time I was away was enough for my mom to buy an apartment and move all of our stuff there. I wasn't even looking at my mom. I was fucking mad. I don't remember being asked if I would mind leaving all my life behind and moving to a city that I have never been before and going to a completely different school.

But mostly I missed Demi. I constantly remembered the feeling of her lips against mine, her arms wrapped around me and holding me so carefully, her bright smile and even the empty eyes. I missed every little bit of the girl and it was hurting me. I was hurt and my mom didn't even cared about it.

I ended up closing myself up. Peoples in school would come to me in school trying to have a conversation and I would just nod or ignore them. I was slowly becoming that girl in the black hoodie that I used to be so scared of. I started to understand Demi, understand why she was so quiet, so empty. When the only person who should love you doesn't care if you're hurt or in pain you get insecure, you just lose your faith. I know I couldn't compare my situation with hers, but it was almost the same in a way. My mom didn't cared.

I tried to reach Demi but I failed all the times. My mom managed to cut all kinds of connection I had with the girl. My days consisted in going to school and expend the whole day lying in my bed doing nothing at all.

I thought I was never going to see the girl again until I was surprised. I was surprised by DeLarge standing in front of my school waiting for me. I don't know why but I just ran into his arms and he hugged me tight.

"It's so good to see a familiar face." I mumbled into his chest.

"I need to talk to you Selena." DeLarge said with a sad voice. I stepped away from the hug and looked at his face. He looked more broken than I was.

"What happened?" I asked felling a lump growing in my throat.

"It's Demi." He mumbled. The first thing that came to my mind was the image of her in the cage. The counter showing a 'yes'. "She's not ok Selena, she's completely broken since you left. She's doesn't sleep and barely eat. She doesn't leave her room for anything. She's not even attending to the events anymore and you know how much she loves to step into that cage." DeLarge took a deep breath and dried a tear that had fallen from his eyes. "I'm scare she's not gonna make it. I'm scared for her like I've never been before."

"Please tell me there's something I can do for her." I said holding in my own tears.

"I was hoping you could come back to New York with me and, I don't know, try to make her eat something at least."

"My mom would never let me but I'll go. I'll just pass by my place, grad some clothes and we'll go." I said without thinking twice. Demi was sick, I could just imagine her frame laying on a bed almost like a ghost.

And like that I was in an airplane heading back no New York without even telling my mom where I was going or why. But I didn't cared at all. She didn't cared. I just wanted to see Demi, hold her and kiss her until she was back to her normal self. I could sleep nor focus on anything else during the flight. DeLarge was reading a book but I could see he wasn't paying attention at all.

The taxi parked in front of the mansion and I just stormed inside, running upstairs to where I knew Demi's bedroom was. I opened the door and there she was, laying on a bed looking pale and way to skinny for a healthy person. I walked calmly to the bed and laid by her side, looking at her sleepless figure.

"Hey" I whispered. Demi's eyes slowly opened.

"It this real?" She mumbled staring at me like I was some kind of hallucination. All I did was lean in and peck her lips gently. "Why did you leaved?"

"My mom forced me. I'm sorry. But I'm here now, and I'm not leaving. My mom can send FBI to pick me up but I'm not leaving you ever again." I said stroking her beautiful black hair.

"I missed you."

"I missed you too." I smiled and pecked her lips once again. Demi leaned into me, her head resting on my shoulder. It didn't took so long until her breath became calm and even. She fell asleep for what it looked like the first time since I leaved. I just let myself relax too and fell asleep just like the girl in my arms.

Demi and I were completely opposites. The good and the evil. Two broken pieces one from hell and one from heaven. But together we were unbroken.

That sucked, I'm sorry =(