Oh my gosh, Im sorry but I cant get this out of my head! Dx I just saw Rise of the Guardians and I cant help it! I will try to update back and forth for this one and FA if anyone likes this one. :P Ok Im going to stop here and give you it. -.-

Chapter 1:Dream...

Jack slept silently in one of the free spare rooms in Santa's Wrokshop. Since last year when Pitch attacked, when ever he slept he got small and short visions of his old life, his home, his sister, his mother and father and more would come with everytime he slept.

This time though was different, he saw many different memories about one boy.


Jack was looking down at a crib with a small baby boy inside. The baby had brown hair much like his when he was alive, though the baby didnt have brown eyes. The baby's half-lidded eyes were a mix of spring green and ice blue making it hard to tell which color was more there.

Suddenly, the vision changed and he saw he was outside his home and was having a snowball fight with another boy about a few years younger then him. The boy had hair, color and cut, just like Jack's but a bit longer to where it covered the tips of his ears. A wide grin was on his face, his green and blue eyes seemed to glow with joy.

It changed again to where he was in the house sitting at the edge of a bed that was being used by the same boy. The boy's eyes were half-lidded and his nose and cheeks were bright red. The boy sneezed and laid lower into the blankets. Though Jack could tell he was sick, the boy still smiled at him.

It came to the vision he had had when he had first learned who he was, he had just got done telling his mother he would be safe when he looked over to the sick boy on the bed, who had a sad look but he still waved and gave a half smile.

It changed once more to where he was just falling into the water, he looked to the side away from his sister as she screamed his name and saw the boy standing at the edge of the lake, staring at him in horror. Just as the boy took a step forward Jack fell completely in. As he sank to the depths, he saw the boy jump in trying to swim to him. "Jack!" The boy cried though the water, swollowing the water too. Jack heard himself cry back, "Mathew!", he swollowed water as well and felt the cold and water pulling him from the boy, Mathew, and he could see it was happening to him too. He and Mathew was just inches apart before the dark over took him.

Well? What do you think? ;3 Im not sure how I want to get some bad guy in there, maybe Pitch will come back, maybe i'll make a new villian...who knows. :D R&R PLZ and tell me!