An Unexpected Family (Part 1)

This is my fanfic about Teddy Altman/Billy Kaplan. I hope you enjoy!

The chime of the bell above the door made Billy Kaplan quickly look up. He had just finished serving a table their breakfast when a tall, handsome, blond-haired young man walked into the diner. Billy made eye contact with the handsome guy before quickly looking down and headed back to the kitchen. He may have been dreaming, but he could have sworn that there was a slight spark when they had met eyes. In all of his eighteen years of living, not once had there ever been a spark like that; he had to know who this person was.

"I got the next table!" shouted Kate Bishop, Billy's co-worker at Bob's Diner, his best friend, and daughter of the multi-millionaire Derek Bishop. (Why she worked at the diner was still a mystery to Billy.)

"That's okay Kate, I got it!" Billy shouted back.

"It's a boy isn't it?" Kate said mockingly.

Billy stuck his tongue out at her and she followed him out the kitchen door to look at the customer he wanted.

"It is a boy;" Kate said quietly, "Billy's got a crush!"

"Shut it!" Billy said forcefully.

Kate just smiled as Billy walked over to the blonde's table. Kate could be so annoying at times, but Billy was okay with it because she was one of the only ones who actually knew Billy was gay. She was super cool with it and that's one of the reasons she was Billy's best friend.

As he walked over to the table he got really nervous; he was about to walk back to the kitchen when he realized that he was already standing by the guy's (no, hunk's) table. He looked even hotter up close, his blonde hair styled in the front to one side, his smooth face chiseled at the chin, and by the looks of his tight-fitting clothes and arms, his chiseled body.

"W-w-what would you like to eat?" Billy stuttered.

"What would you suggest?" the hunk said with a twinkle in his eye.

"Ummm…" Billy quietly said, "I usually order pancakes with bacon."

"I love pancakes with bacon, I'll have that," he said.

Billy smiled and walked back to the kitchen. Kate was grinning ear to ear when he got back.

"How did it go Romeo?" Kate smiled.

"He seems nice," Billy smiled back.

"Now that I think of it," Kate stated, "that boy used to go to my old school with me at Hawlhorne Academy. I wonder what he is doing here."

"Maybe I should ask?" Billy stated back.

"Maybe you should," Kate said.

When the pancakes and bacon were ready, Billy carried them over to the hunk's table.

"Here are your pancakes and bacon," Billy started, "and may I ask where you're from? You don't look like you're from around here."

"I just moved here actually," he said back, "from Hawlhorne. I'm going to be going to school here at Maplewood."

"That's where I go too actually," Billy stated.

"Cool, I might see you around then," the hunk said.

"Yeah, although I have to say there isn't a lot to do around here," Billy said.

"Well I did hear that there are a lot of superhero sightings around because the Avenger's Mansion is so close, and I'm excited to see that!" the hunk said.

"You like superheroes?" Billy asked.

"Yes I do, why do you ask?" the hunk asked back.

"You don't seem like a superhero nerd to me."

"Oh, but I am. I have tons of comics and everything."

"Cool, so do I. Who is your favorite superhero?"

"Hulk, yours?"

"The Scarlet Witch."

"She's pretty cool too."

"Billy! Come take these orders!" Bob (Billy's boss) yelled from the kitchen.

"Coming!" Billy looked back at the hunk, "Sorry, I have to go back to work. Maybe I will see you in school sometime?"

"You can count on it," the hunk said, "and my name is Theodore Altman by the way, but you can call me Teddy."

"My name is Billy Kaplan," Billy said back.

"That's a nice name," Teddy smiled.

"See you later Teddy." Billy blushed.

"See you," Teddy said as Billy walked back to the kitchen.

"I am so jealous of you right now," Kate smirked as Billy walked past.

"Shut up," Billy smiled back.

That night Billy got home to find that the twins had destroyed the living room. There were markers and crayons everywhere, not to mention all the markings on the coffee table and walls. Billy rolled his eyes and started to clean up. He was going to have to have a word with Cassy, the babysitter, tomorrow at school because she had already left the apartment.

After he got the living room clean, Billy walked into Johnny and Jack's room to find them sound asleep in their beds. They looked adorable in their racecar beds snuggled up in their blankets. The five-year-olds could be a huge pain at times, but Billy loved them dearly and would never give them away to anybody.

Billy's life had never been the same after his parents, Jeff and Rebecca, died in a car accident a year ago. At first Billy was okay with putting the twins up for adoption, but when they told him that there was no guarantee that they would be together, he couldn't let that happen. So until he became eighteen, he and the twins had stayed with Kate and the Bishops in their luxurious mansion. When he turned eighteen, he bought an apartment and had lived there ever since with Johnny and Jack. Kate would always ask him why he didn't just stay with her, and he would always reply that he wanted to do this on his own. It did help, however, that the Bishops would give him some money each month for a college fund.

Some days would be so hectic that he couldn't take it, but he always would realize that his brothers were the best thing in his life right now, and he wouldn't trade them for the world. Looking at them all snuggled in their bed right now was one of those times when he realized that.

He got ready for bed and went to his room down the hallway. He closed his eyes smiling because things were going to get better. He couldn't wait to see Teddy at school in the morning…