Given the years of travesty, the years of being alone, I shouldn't have been surprised by this. I shouldn't have been surprised that this would come. I should have seen it. Didn't they always say that 'all good things must come to an end'? Needless to say, I didn't see it coming, and I hadn't been prepared for it. It took my heart by such surprise that merely a touch had broken it.

I'd never thought he could do it, that he could take my heart when I gave it, and then throw it away when he thought it was worthless. I was worthless. I would always be worthless.

For him.

But she needed me. I'd stay for that. That was the only reason I had left.

I hope you guys are excited for this! I've been working pretty hard on it and I think I'm ready to put it up. Hopefully it's up to all of your standards. I love it. It's kind of short, a lot shorter then my other works. Jasper isn't in it a lot, because I wouldn't make her go with the Cullens because it would be forced. I don't want to force this. I knew that Belle, as my character, she wouldn't go with Jasper. Especially after what Jasper does.

I hope it meets with your standards!