The story takes place at the beginning of ME3, soon after Shepard has had the meeting with the diplomats, and been to rescue 'Eve'. I am usually a hardcore Femshep/Liara fan, but after playing the omega dlc I couldn't help but wonder what this pairing would be like. So to prevent some kind of inner conflict I am going to keep Liara out of this story as much as I can, so we will say that she has continued to stay on the shadowbrokers ship, and her and femshep have remained friends, thus leaving me to not feel guilty about the possible new upcoming romance.

This first chapter is a lot of dialogue and pretty similar to the dlc, just setting up the story really.

Also, I would like to thank Sirrocco and her story 'Breathless', her words gave me the inspiritation to try my hand at writing again

From: Aria T'Loak

Subject: It's Time

Shepard, I'm ready to discuss that pet project I mentioned when we spoke in Purgatory. Come to Dock 42 on the Citadel. A batarian named Bray will be waiting.

Shepard had received a rather enigmatic email from Aria earlier that day, which she took to meaning that now was the time to take back Omega. There was something about the self-entitled Queen of Omega that the commander found extremely enticing. Although she exuded power and importance, Shepard sensed that there was more to her Queen Bitch facade than she let on. Never one to miss an opportunity to banter with the obviously gorgeous Asari, the Commander made her way to the meeting point on the Citadel as soon as she was sure that Eve was no longer in a critical condition.

Once reaching Dock 42, it didn't take long to spot the batarian waiting for her. He stood tall, arms crossed with his eyes on the only entrance to the corridor; alert and ready for trouble. "Are you Bray?" it couldn't hurt to ask, with the amount of refugees now on the citadel, he could have been anyone. "Ah the great commander Shepard, and me without my autograph book". Funny. "Save it." She snapped back. The batarian at least had the decency to wipe the smirk off of his face. Sighing she continued, "Just take me to Aria". They made their way through the docking floor and stopped near the lift, but Bray made no move to get into it. "I am guessing this means we won't be going to Purgatory then…so where is she?" Bray just leant back against the railing behind him, once again crossing his arms with a look on his face that just screamed, 'you're going to love this'. That was when she heard the tell-tale noise of a skycar, which rose from what seemed like nowhere. Stopping in front of her the door opened to reveal Aria sat in the back seat who acknowledged her with a simple "Shepard". Raising her eyebrow at Bray he merely nodded at her to get in. The absurdness of the situation caused the corner of her lip to pull up in an almost smile as she responded "Aria". As the door of the skycar closed behind her, she took a moment to regard the Asari; "how very dramatic".

The silence between the two was comfortable, but they couldn't keep flying around in circles. Leaning back in her seat, glancing casually at the intimidating presence next to her; "so what's the plan?" Continuing to take in her form, Shepard lets her eyes linger over Arias' somewhat regal features. There was no denying that she was beautiful.

"Kick them out." With a brief half smirk at feeling the Commander's eyes on her, Aria continued "I've amassed a fleet of merc ships we're going to punch through enemy lines and invade. Once we're on omega it's a ground war, that's why I want you". Her voice sultry as she turned to stare directly into the Commander's eyes, "I only accept the best".

Shepard knew the Asari was teasing her, but she couldn't help the warmth that spread to her cheeks at the compliment. She had always found Aria attractive, who didn't? There was something about her no nonsense attitude and unavailability that Shepard was drawn to, not that it was something she could act on in reality, there were too many reasons for them not to be together. Aria didn't seem the type that would be willing to commit to one person, never mind help Shepard in her daily heroics, plus she was a ruthless criminal; but that didn't stop Shepard's all too vivid imagination. The relationship between the two consisted of not so mild flirtation coupled with the need to always outdo the other in their brief conversations. But in that moment, being so close to Aria in the confinement of the skycar, Shepard couldn't bring herself to bite back with one of her usual witty retorts. Instead she remained quiet as Aria continued to brief her on the mission, only raising a curious brow at the request that she not bring any of her teammates.

Aria smiled to herself at the sight of Shepard's subtle blushing, but made no comment. She had always found the commander intriguing, and definitely wouldn't say no if she offered herself to her. It was the words left unsaid during their teasing that increased the ever growing tension between the two, but this almost timid silence from Shepard was not something Aria was used to and she couldn't help but add to Shepard's obvious discomfort; "Let's just say, I want you all to myself".

It took great deal of effort for the commander to calm her hormones enough so that her cheeks wouldn't match her deep red hair, she was the great Shepard, fighter of Reapers, and she wouldn't be bested so easily by her temporary partner. "You didn't have to go through this whole charade just to get me on my own Aria", she winked before going back to business; "So what's the Intel on the occupation? What can you tell me about this Petrovsky guy?" Aria's eyes darkened in anger, clenching a fist she answered plainly "He's the illusive man's top military strategist and best kept secret, but all you really need to know is that he is a merciless bastard." Shepard couldn't help the small chuckle that escaped her lips, "Bastard, got it. Anything else you think I should know?" Turning to face Shepard, the Asari's expression serious; "I can tell you this. Petrovsky's invasion was precise and ruthless; he'll stop at nothing to win." Meeting her gaze Shepard adds smoothly with an almost seductive smile "Well I guess he's about to meet his match then." With a predatory grin Aria averts her eyes down to Shepard's lips then back "That kind of talk goes a long way with me." The two hold the stare for a for what seems like an eternity, silently regarding each other, waiting to see who will make the next move; when they are jolted out of their moment by the skycar coming to an abrupt halt. The door opens signalling that it was time for her to leave. Armed with the co-ordinates to Aria's fleet in her omni-tool Shepard takes a final look at the Asari before leaving the vehicle. Nodding her goodbye to Bray, she hears him say to himself "Can't wait to see what all the fuss is about."