I have no idea where this is going, but enjoy!

Fionna sighed wistfully, twirling a strand of blonde hair around her finger and petting her cat, Cake, soothingly. "He said he'd be back today," she murmured quietly, looking at the clock beside her, which read 11:43 PM. The cat purred beneath her hand, standing to rub against her, hoping for more attention. Sighing again, she pushed away Cake, standing up from the window seat and dusting herself off. She knew he tried his best to show up. Sometimes it just sucked. As she was turning around, she spotted a bright pink sleeve and squinted her eyes slightly, eyeing her fiancé in amusement as he grudged his way to the door.

"You're back!" She squealed happily, wrapping her arms around him in a tight hug as he opened the door. Dropping the suitcase, he hugged her back just as tightly, picking her up and placing her on his shoes. He kissed her forehead and pulled back to smile lightly. "What's up with the suit, by the way?" She questioned, lifting a piece of the material between her thumb and index finger, trying not to think about how pink was his color. He sighed, laughing lowly and taking her off his shoes.

"The cleaners accidentally dyed them." He explained, turning in a slow, full circle, arms outstretched wide. "I think it suits me," he laughed again, dryly, "get it? Suit?" Fionna giggled softly, nodding her agreement. Then, she held out a hand expectantly.

"Where is it?" she demanded, and he laughed again, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a pink gumball. Quickly, she snatched it from his hand, and stuffed it into her mouth. It was traditional that he brings back a single gumball for her each time he came back from a business trip. Often enough, that he earned himself the nickname Gumball. Laughing yet again at her excitement, Gumball ruffled Fionna's hair as he passed, and looking slightly guilty, he took a seat in front of the cold dinner she had set out for him hours before. He picked at it for a bit, glancing back at Fionna as she distracted herself with Cake.

"Fionna," he finally said, regret lacing his tone, "I made a mistake." That caught Fionna's attention, and she left Cake lying on the floor as she made her way to Gumball. He stood up, taking her hands into his. "You know I love you," he said, keeping her gaze as confusion lit up her expression. Fionna nodded silently, as he brushed back her bangs, softly resting his hand on her cheek. "I-" he begun, unable to continue with Fionna's beautifully innocent blue eyes watching him. In the silence, Cake grew restless, meowing impatiently at Gumball.

Having never been fond of the cat in the first place, Gumball tried to ignore her. Fiona opened her mouth as he still stood silent, but at the exact moment, Cake managed to swipe a hole in Gumball's suit pocket. A picture fluttered to the ground. Fiona's eyebrows furrowed, eyes locked on the picture. It was an ultrasound photo. The baby looked entirely formed and ready to come out. Fionna pulled her hands away from Gumball's, despite his tight grasp on them, crouching down to gently grab the photo.

"Whose is it?" She asked breathlessly, unwilling to tear her eyes from the photo. Gumball sighed quietly, walking behind Fionna and placing a hand on her shoulder. He was hoping to see her eyes again- to somehow convince him that he could find a way to solve this and still keep Fionna. Alas, her eyes remained locked on the photo.

"I... cheated." If only she had looked up a moment before he said that. Now, without a doubt, he had her full attention. "She's nine months pregnant... she'll be giving birth any minute now. I need to be here when she gives birth." He said the words slowly, gently, as if to try and take the sting away. "She'll be moving here and you can't be here when she does."

Fionna felt her heart break. In silence, with tears trying to escape, she took off her ring, studying it once more; watching the inscription in the middle of the ring. Until death do us part. A stray tear fell down her face, as she took a step forward, placing the ring into his hand, and taking a step back again. "I'm sorry," she heard him say, as she turned around. Where would she go? "It'll always be you, I'll always love you." How would she survive? "It was a mistake," Would she be homeless? "I can give you some money, to-"

"I don't need your money!" She yelled, another tear falling down her face, as she looked at him in dismay. "I don't need anything from you!" she yelled, hurt filled his gaze as she turned away, heading to their room to pack. What would be of Cake? She couldn't leave her behind. "This is my entire fault," she heard him mutter quietly in the other room, silently, she agreed with him. It was his fault after all. Soon, she was packed and ready to go. As she entered the other room, where he was waiting, she didn't look back. Not as he stood up, to give her a hug. Which, she avoided by stepping back. Not when he said sorry again. Not when Cake followed her, hissing at Gumball. Not as it started to rain, Cake quickly scurrying under the safety of Fionna's hat. And definitely not when she started sobbing.