Five Year Later

Ch. 20 Once a Upon a Timeā€¦

Author's Note: Thank you again for all the lovely reviews and support. This is the end of this story. I will be working on my current CM story for a while. I felt like this chapter was a good wrap to the story.


(Olivia's point of view)

I had been thinking about the future a lot lately. I'm an older Mom and while at times I am exhausted it does come with its advantages. I had recently got my 25 years of being a police officer in. Munch approached me about my future plans.

After speaking with Elliot and our kids I was sure of what I wanted. I felt satisfied with what I had accomplished as a police officer. I would still be available to consult on cases. Other than that I would be focusing on my most important potions being a Mom.

I wanted to be there more often for all of the kids and my grandchildren. I knew that Elliot and I would be able to have more time together as well. We could take a family vacation. I knew it would be difficult at first to not get up everyday. Unlike what I had imagined as I retire I have a family.

Everyone was at my retirement party. They took turns telling stories. There were tears and hugs. I knew I would see my best friends again. I would see them often. I wouldn't be seeing them everyday.

Elliot and all the kids came to the party. Maureen is two weeks from her due date. They found out their having another girl. Richard brought his new girlfriend to my party. It was great to be surrounded by my whole family.

"Mom." I heard Maureen scream.

"What's wrong Sweetie?" I asked worried.

"I'm in labor." Maureen answered in pain.

"Sorry everyone we need to go." I said to the crowd of people.

"I'll go get the car." Greg said nervously.

"I'll go help him." Elliot said following closely behind Greg.

"I can go take Eli, Angie, and Jamie home." Richard said as his girlfriend took Eli and Jamie's hands.

"Thank you Richard I'll call as soon as I can." I said.

"We'll be right behind you Mom." Kathleen said.

"Liz you can ride with us." Tommy said as Greg and I helped Maureen to the car.

"Mom I'm scared." Maureen said hugging me.

"Baby it'll be okay just like last time. I'll be right beside you holding your hand. And just like last time you'll get a beautiful little girl after all that pain." I responded.

We headed to the hospital. Elliot drove while Greg and I each held Maureen's hands. Elliot was driving quickly. I noticed Fin was giving us a police escort.

Maureen had just three hours of labor. She only pushed for 30 minutes. I hated seeing her in so much pain. She was too far long in labor to get any medicines though. Greg was very pale. Greg didn't pass out luckily.

"It's a girl." A nurse said happily.

"We already knew that." Greg said making us all laugh.

"She's healthy 7lbs. 1ozs. 12 inches long." The doctor said.

"Can I hold her?" Maureen asked crying.

"Go to Momma little lady." Another nurse said handing Maureen the baby.

"She's so beautiful." I said crying as I looked at my new Granddaughter.

"Thanks Mom would you guys mind tell everyone she's here?" Maureen asked me.

"We'll be back soon." I said leaving the new family alone.

"It's a little girl she's healthy 7lbs. 1ozs. 12 inches long. And the new Momma is healthy too." I announced to the room full of our family and friends.

"What's her name?" Liz asked.

"I don't know." I answered they hadn't even talked about names around me.

"Tell Maureen we'll all be by tomorrow to see her and the new baby." Fin said as he, Munch, Don, Nick, and Amanda left.

"Who's with Eli, Angie, and Jamie?" I asked seeing Richard.

"Alex and Casey came by and said they would watch them until you guys got home." Richard answered.

"Maureen wants to see you all." Greg said as we all followed him.

"Okay Papaw you get to hold her first." Maureen said handing Elliot the baby.

"Oh Maureen she's amazing." Kathleen said crying as she hugged her older sister.

"Kathleen do you have something to share?" Maureen asked.

"What? No uh not tonight." Kathleen stuttered.

"Kat go ahead and tell them." Tommy said smiling brightly.

"We're having a baby." Kathleen announced.

"How far along are you Sweetheart?" I asked excited.

"I'm three months along." Kathleen answered.

Everyone took turns hugging Kathleen and congratulating her and Tommy. Then Maureen said she didn't mind sharing her or the baby's day. I knew it would be great to have more grandchildren.

"It's Nana's turn to hold the new little one." I said turning to Elliot.

"Greg's Mom took Ellie over to your place. I was thinking the kids could all come up and meet the baby tomorrow?" Maureen suggested.

"That sounds great now what is this little beauty's name?" I asked.

"Her name is Livia Siena." Maureen said.

"Oh Sweetie thank you so much." I said as I handed Livia to Kathleen I went and hugged Maureen.

"Mom we have something for you. We planned to give you tonight. So this is from us all." Liz said handing me a box.

Inside the box was a necklace. The charm was a badge and on the badge it said Detective Mom on duty forever. I cried as Elliot put it on me. Liz was now holding the baby. I took turns hugging everyone.

"We should get home so Alex and Casey can get home too." Elliot said.

"Okay we'll be up tomorrow with the kids. If you need anything please call us." I said hugging Maureen again.

"Bye Mom, bye Dad." The kids all yelled.

When I got home Eli was still awake. I quickly told Alex and Casey about the baby. Alex had her boyfriend waiting for her so she rushed out. Casey and I talked for a few minutes before Munch showed up to take her home.

I got Eli to bed. He was getting so big. He's smarter every single day. I checked in on Angie next. She was sleeping soundly. I gave my little angel a kiss. Then I went into the nursery were Jamie and Ellie were sleeping. I heard Ellie waking up.

"Nana." Ellie said happily.

"Hey guess what?" I whispered.

"Baby?" Ellie asked.

"You've got a baby sister. We'll go see Daddy, Mommy, and Livia tomorrow." I told her.

"Lub you Nana." Ellie said hugging me tightly.

"Nighty night sweet pea." I said as Ellie fell back asleep.

"Night baby boy." I said to Jamie.

"Hey there good lookin." Elliot said as I came into our bedroom.

"I love you so much." I said kissing him.

"I love you too Liv forever." Elliot said.

"I don't think retirement will be boring at all." I said laughing as Elliot laid me down on our bed.