"This rabbit hole really doesn't have a bottom, does it?"

Francis looked up from his book and at the mumbling Englishman, "What was that, mon cher?"

Arthur lowered his book, "Just thinking aloud."

"Well, don't leave me out of it. What're you thinking about?" He placed his book mark between the pages of the book and set it down on a nearby table.

Arthur did the same and stood up. Francis was about to as well, but Arthur motioned for him to keep sitting. He walked the few steps to where Francis sat and straddled his lap. He stared into those blue eyes that reminded him so much of a sky that could lead him wherever he wanted to go.

"I was just thinking that my rabbit hole doesn't have an end."

Francis raised an eyebrow and snaked an arm around Arthur's waist, "I'm afraid I don't understand, mon amour. Care to fill me in?"

He closed his eyes for a moment, collecting his thoughts, "When Alice falls down the rabbit hole, she's reached her wonderland. The final level of it, anyways. It can't get any madder for her. Mine doesn't seem to be ending. As long as I'm with you, I just fall more and more levels down."

Francis seemed a bit hurt, and Arthur caught it in his eyes before he even said anything, "I drive you into madness? If that's how you feel-"

His words were cut short by the kiss initiated by Arthur. He smiled, "No, no. It's a good kind of madness, Francis. Each level down the hole I fall, I enter an even more brilliant Wonderland than before."

Francis his head close to Arthur and chuckled against his neck for a few moments, "You're beginning to sound mad, Arthur."

He pulled himself away from Arthur to find him pouting, "I'm not crazy!"

He kissed him again, "No, of course not. You're madly in love." Arthur's cheeks lit up, but he didn't deny it.

Then, before Arthur even knew what was happening, he was up in the air in Francis's arms. He wrapped himself around Francis as best he could so he wouldn't fall, "Git! What're you doing?"

Francis could only grin down at his little Arthur, "Guess."

In that moment, Arthur melted into Francis's blue eyes. To some, they'd be called bedroom eyes, but Arthur could never think of them that way. They were eyes filled with love directed only towards Arthur. Arthur had learned that Francis, although he was from the country of love, was actually a mess about it all. His best way of showing his love to Arthur was getting them as close as could possibly be. Those blue eyes of his would take Arthur to new heights, as high as the sky they resembled.

"But my book…"

Francis chuckled, "Don't worry. Alice will be waiting for you later. She doesn't go any further than where she's at right now. It's my turn to take you to Wonderland."

Hey there! I haven't been writing all that much recently. Both because I'm sick and I've been failing Civics... But I was sobbing over plans for LMLWI (so you can guess something bad is going to happen when I start updating that story again) and some FrUK fanfictions. I needed to cheer myself up. So I used one of my two favorite themes (Rabbit Holes/Wonderland and Heroes). I never seem to run out of unique stories for those two. I should upload more little stories I get written for those though.