
He stood there staring at the soulless blue orbs that gazed right at him, pricing his heart with a burning pain that soon flowed through his body, numbing it. Salty droplets welled up at the corners of his hazel eyes while his throat became instantly dry and hard. He took a step forward; his frame stiff and rigid, tears fell from their places and landed on the murky ground. He took another step forward before his knees buckled and he found himself collapsing right in front of the unmoving body of the girl he loved.

Her hair was now coated in mud, filthy water, and crimson liquid from her blood. Her face held an expression of both relief and pain; the two emotions she had felt before fading. Her skin was pale and by her right side a wound was visible, showing her torn flesh.

By this time, he was shaking as he slowly stretched a hand towards the young woman near him. When his hand made contact he recoiled quickly due to the coldness that the corpse gave off.

"Mer-Mercedes?" His voice cracked when he tried to call out for her. This couldn't be happening; this wasn't supposed to happen. They were supposed to kill the Black Mage and come out of this ALL alive. Mercedes wasn't supposed to die. She shouldn't be lying on the ground, lifeless and icy. She was supposed to be cheering with him and the others; she was supposed be happy and ALIVE!

"NO!" His body jerked forward on its own as he hugged the dead and cold body against his alive and warm one, streams of tears rushed down his face as he cried out in agony.

"God, no...P-please n-n-no…." He screeched out. "Come back…please d-don't leave me, Mercedes!"

The figure he held made no motion to respond and when Evan felt someone touch his shoulder; his head jolted around and glanced up at Phantom and Aran. Both male heroes held a sorrowful face for both their friend in pain and their friend no longer alive.

"Evan, there's nothing we can do." Phantom whispered sadly. He understood what it was like to lose the one you love. "She's gone."

"No, she's not! She'll wake up soon, she's just sleeping." He wheezed out, his hold on the elf queen stiffened.

Aran growled at the boy's behavior. Mercedes was not only a good alley, but she was also a great friend and if the blonde ever saw this it would distraught her. She wouldn't want Evan to be crying over her death, she'd want him to be happy about the Black Mages end.

"You're only making it worse by lying to yourself!" He snarled. "Now stand up and get a hold on yourself!"

Evan didn't move he sat there, still trembling as he cradled the dead queen. Though the tears still fell, the brunette did not make a sound, his sobs were silent. Having enough, Aran went forward and gripped Evan's collar before heaving the boy to his feet, forcing the unsupported figure to hit the ground.

When the small form made a connection with the ground Evan shrieked loudly and desperately tried to get out of the taller man's grip to check if the carcass was anymore damaged then it had already been. Aran grasp tensed when the brunette struggled to get away, he wasn't going to let go anytime soon.

"Let me go! Let me go!" He yelled at the top of his lungs, his struggles grew stronger. "Let go of me!"

"Ahhhhh!" Aran release the kid when the boy's Dragon appeared by his distressed Master's side. Mir and Evan glared angrily at the two, but neither attacked. Even though Evan was upset, he would not attack his alleys. Instead he turned back to Mercedes and went to her lifeless body's side.

As Aran and Phantom moved towards the boy a voice spoke up. "Leave him alone."

Luminous approached the others and glanced at the anguished hero. "He'll learn soon enough that she's not coming back, but for now…let the boy grieve."

The other two peered at Evan and nodded before turning on their heels and leaving. Luminous took another glimpse at the successor and then he too left with the others.

This….wasn't supposed to happen. Mercedes should have lived. She wasn't supposed to die.