Red Lightning
S4E7: Malice in Wonderland Pt. 2: Grievous Bodily Harm

Deep above the earth, inside the moon, sat the Council of Deities, a collection of, well, deities who had put a lot of time and effort into Planet Earth, & didn't take too kindly to superpowers turning up on their creation.

"Well, this is an unexpected development." Seth, God of All Creation, said as he drummed his fingers against the table.

"Yeah, who could've seen superpowers coming, I mean really." Hodge Podge, God of Change & Exchange said.

"Great, new ways to laugh at me." Death, Herald of Wayward Souls grumbled, rubbing his temples.

"I still say we destroy the wretched world. What use are pitiful humans to me?" Satobia, the Red Legend, growled.

"Now that is a policy I feel I can really get behind."

Every god and Demi-God in the room turned there heads, to see Vaughn sitting at the end of the table.

"Who are you?" Seth demanded.

"The Names Vaughn, Vaughn Carpenter." Vaughn chuckled.

The name was met by fear in some gods and disgust in others. His great evil sent Dimita, the Yellow Legend, into a fury. She stood up and waved her cat-o-nine tails at him.

"Filthy, disgusting mongrel, I'll…"


Vaughn finger extended into a spear, piercing Dimita's head, breaking her body and causing her spirit to fall to earth.

"Boom! Headshot!" Vaughn giggled in delight.

"Filthy dog!" Satobia shouted brandishing his axe. "I'll smite you were you stand."

Satobia ran at Vaughn, who extended his arm and swiped the red god across the neck, killing his body and causing his spirit to fall to earth.

Vaughn was suddenly at the business end of a scythe.

"Go ahead, punk!" Death said, his scythe glowing red hot. "Make my day!"

Vaughn chuckled. "I've always been a fan of yours, Reaper. The way you can drive even the strongest of people into doing horrible, horrible things, just at the mere mention of your name!" He growled as he grabbed the red hot scythe, and snatched it away from Death, before impaling Death's chest with the pole.

Vaughn was now armed with Death's Scythe.

Before anyone could stop him, he sliced each and every god on various places. Each god fell to earth, and with his slaughter complete, Vaughn threw the scythe over his shoulder, opened a portal, and returned to earth.

Kimberly was having a difficult year. First and foremost was her power. People could now fly, shoot lightning or turn invisible.

She could turn any food she touched into cake, whether she wanted to or not.

Now, this was a serious problem. It had been fun for the first hour. Now she was already putting on weight, but she had begun to fear for her dental health, and not mention that her enforced diet would surely bring other complications, like Diabetes.

However, ignoring that, her main concern was her best friend. Real Vaughn Carpenter.

Looking back now, his parents must've had incredible foresight to make his legal first name Real, because almost a year ago, there was a storm.

Something happened. Vaughny's shadow, came to life.

At first Kimberly was quite enamoured with the shadow. It was brash, fun-loving and mischievous. All the qualities she loved in Real Vaughn.

But then, things turned sour. The shadow had a sadistic streak as long as the Nile. He had no remorse, no empathy, compassion or restraint. He brutally murdered people either on whim or just because somebody looked at him funny.

Now, the reason Vaughny didn't notice that his shadow was walking off on it's own and killing people was that he was conveniently, oh so conveniently, blind.

"Hey Kim?" Real Vaughn called out, distracting her from her thoughts. Kim turned and saw him fumbling around, obviously in an attempt to find something.

"Yeah Vaughny?" Kim responded, walking quickly towards her blind friend. "What's the matter?"

"I can't find my cane, and we're supposed to meet Mike & Sonika in a few minutes, right?"

"You're stick is right here Vaughn." Kim said as she passed Vaughn's cane back to him.

There was a knock at Vaughn's front door.

"You go see who it is. I can't." Vaughn smirked, pointing to his circular black glasses.

That was Vaughn, always waving his disability in front of other people to get what he wanted.

Kim went to the door while Vaughn made his way to the living room, to try and find his shoes.

Opening the door, Real Vaughn and Kim's good friends Mike and Sonika stood in the doorway, looking panicked.

"We need to talk!" Mike said.

"It's Shadow of Vaughn's. He is the crazies!" Sonika stressed.

"Look, at first we could handle it. Watch Real Vaughn, abduct an unsupervised Super-Psycho, dispose of a body…" Mike trailed off, before breathing inwards through his scarf. "But now Vaughn's Shadow says he's gonna exterminate the entire country."

Kim was briefly taken aback. Exterminate the Country. Ludicrous. But, as she had feared, Vaughn's shadow was getting more and more powerful by the day.

"Do we tell Real Vaughn?" Kim asked.

"Vaughn's Shadow would tear us to bits." Mike warned sternly.

"Buts," Sonika said solemnly. "We is Vaughn's friends."

Conner was dying. He could feel it.

Having no need for oxygen, he wasn't drowning, nor was he bleeding out.

But, suspended underneath the cold, dark water, Conner could feel himself dying. His already broken body was being crushed by the pressure, and water was filling every wound.

The music, there very essence of his power and being, was dying. For the first time in his life since the storm, there was silence.

He senses slowly abandoned him, soon leaving him only his sight. He noticed something in the water, coming closer and closer. Conner knew this oncoming object was benevolent, to protect and rescue him. It was an angel.

"Mum?" Conner whispered as he fell unconscious and the object grabbed him and began to swim upwards.

Yumi shot out of the water, clutching her prize.

"Conner!" Yumi said as she swam his lifeless carcass to the beach. "Oh please don't be dead, please, oh please don't be dead!"

After Vaughn's attack Yumi had been searching underwater for hours. She knew Conner could survive underwater, but she didn't know the extent of his injuries or if Vaughn had killed him on the spot and just dumped him in the ocean.

Yumi reached the beach with Conner's corpse. Laying him out on the sand, she gingerly inspected the gaping hole in his chest, and in horror, realised he was silent.

"No…" Yumi said. "Conner, you're not allowed to die. We can't win without you. Peach Creek needs you. England needs you. I need you."

Yumi's blue hands quietly closed Conner's eyelids, and she quickly found herself crying into his cold chest.

"Shout to all my lost boys. We rowdy" She whispered quietly, a familiar tune infiltrating her head. She was on the brink of sobbing, but she sucked it up and continued. "Shout to all my lost boys…"


Yumi looked up to see Conner faintly griping her hand, and her swampert ears pricked up to hear a faint beat.

She looked as Conner's eyes fluttered open.

"Hey," Conner said. "I think I owe you one."

"CONNER!" Yumi exclaimed, throwing herself into Conner's chest. "I thought you died."

"So did, I," Conner said as his head fell back on the sand. "So did I"

Conner's injuries had healed faster than Yumi had expected.

The two hurried across the now pitch-black Peach Creek. With The Vigilantes gone, Vaughn was free to spread his darkness all over the city. Nobody was safe. The only reasons that anybody was still was that Vaughn hadn't found them yet.

"C'mon, this way." Yumi said, heading to the Financial District.

"Y'mean we're not going to The Bounce?" Conner asked.

"Vaughn sank the Bounce." Yumi said, with a hint of grief. "None of you were there to protect us."

Conner hurried after Yumi, but this comment stabbed at his innards. He felt…ashamed…of how he wasn't able to kick Vaughn's incorporeal arse.

Conner had only been defeated once before. And he was grateful for that. Double-D helped knock some sense back into him. But Vaughn has no such noble purpose. If Conner lost again, the world would lose.

"Hey Conner, we're here." Yumi said, distracting Conner from his thoughts. There were at the beach, in the Financial District, which was better cared for much more than the Industrial District beach.

"Hey Hey Big Boy, long time no see."

"Percy?" Conner asked as his ears recognised the campy tone. "It's been too long."

"What can I say Hun, when you're as big as I am, it's hard to keep a social life." Percy said, Conner sensing a smile. "Now get yourself inside me, before that Psychopath catches you."

Suddenly, the ground around them sank deeper and deeper, and then Yumi pulled Conner into one of Percy's numerous huts, and the Percy himself sank beneath the waves.

"Guys," Yumi said. "I brought Conner."

There was a look of hope on everybody's face. Conner took note on everybody gathered in the room. The Subway Vigilantes, The Underground, The Thugs & The Skinheads. All united against the threat of Vaughn Carpenter.

"Great." A woman with orange curly hair said, folding her arms. "Now we can get started."

"Hey, you're thingamajig aren't you?" Conner asked the lady, who seemed to growl at that address.

"My name is Lee, I'm Marie's sister." Lee answered. "Anyway, I think you know the reason why we're here."

Elisa raised her hand.

"Uh, is it because there's a shadow monster going around and chopping up people?" She said.

Lee sighed as she pinched the bridge of her nose.

"Yes Elisa, perfectly correct." Lee sighed. "Now, I'm not going to pretend I'm one of you. I'm not going into battle with you, but I am going to say that I have experience with Vaughn. I haven't met him, otherwise I wouldn't be here. But I will tell you this. He has no weaknesses that I know of, and if he eats even the tiniest morsel of you, there's are a chance he'll assimilate your power."

"Yeah, but we have Conner now!" Croyd and Sadie said in unison. "We're gonna kick his ass!"

"Not you two. No kids!" Conner snapped.

Kevin took this chance to interrupt. "He may be an incredibly power Super-Psycho, but I believe he can be overpowered by sheer physical force."

"So, what, we're just gonna throw ourselves at him and see how long it takes for him to get tired?" Milo questioned.

"Pretty much." Chuckled Liverpudlian.

"Hey, we can do this." Yumi said, shutting Liverpudlian up. "We have Conner, we can't lose."

At the back of Percy, Future Fungus motioned over for Johnny 2x4.

"Yes?" Johnny said. "What do you want?"

Future Fungus took a breath. "I want you to go to the future and hide. My time powers can send you there."

"What, no. I'm needed here." Johnny argued.

"Look, let's just say I have a personal stake in your survival. Besides, I can do anything you can do, plus more." John said.

"Look man, I don't know who you are but…"

Johnny 2x4 vanished in mid sentence as John sent him 4 years into the future.

"I'm sorry, Johnny. But I need you to live." John said.

"STOP RIGHT THERE!" Nathan shouted, catching the burglar's attention.

"Oh shit! It's Shining Fury!" He said to himself in a mix of shock and fear.

The two were standing on top of a building in Lemonbrook's Meatpacking District. It had months since Nathan had left Peach Creek. Lemonbrook, despite not having any real population of Super-Psychos, and a much higher rate of "human crime", and thanks to Nathan, the city had been pretty much cleaned up overnight.

"I'm giving you to the count of John-3-16 to put back that stolen property." Nathan said threateningly.

The burglar took one look at Nathan's glowing form and bolted.

"Why do they always run?" Nathan asked himself. Nathan created two steam scoops out of light and manifested them in-front of the burglar, blocking him.

The burglar yelped and tried to run I the opposite direction, until he realised he was heading right for Nathan. He turned around and ran again, only to realise he was heading for the light constructs.

Not once did he think to move sideways and run.

"Okay! Okay! I surrender." The Burglar cried, dropping to his knees. "Please don't send me back to Peach Creek. I worked so hard to get out."

"Why, what's wrong with Peach Creek?" Nathan asked.

"There's a monster!" The Burglar silently wailed "He's gonna kill us all!"

"Yeah right. Peach Creek has more superheroes than the Tories have Voters."

"But he's killing them!" The burglar sobbed, shitting himself at the thought of being sent back. "He killed Flashpoint…Quarterback…PixelFace…Overload…"

"Hector." Nathan silently thought to himself. He jumped to The Burglar and created a Dinosaur out of violet light.

"Tell me what happened to Overload."

"Oh I can answer that for you."

Nathan turned around to see a woman dressed in a military uniform.

"Greeting, Nathan Justnathan. And before you start, yes, I know who you are. My associates and I know who every Super-Psycho is, was and will be."

Nathan raised an eyebrow at her. He didn't like the sound of that. She continued.

"My name is General Harmer." She said. "The entire country has come under threat of a single Super-Psycho. Vaughn Carpenter, who appears to be an unusually powerful Umbrakinetic Transmorph."

"That's the guy who killed Overload?"

"You mean your friend, Hector B. Railway?" Harmer asked with a raised eyebrow. "He is considered deceased, but his body has not yet been recovered."

Nathan's fist tightened. He may not think much of this superhero vs supervillain thing that those guys in Peach Creek were so big on, but Hector was, quite possibly, his best friend.

"What do you want from me." He growled.

"Vaughn is a living shadow. Our boys down in the labs figure that a bright light should fry him, much like a real shadow." Harmer said, pausing to allow Nathan to get himself up to speed. "So, I need you to use your powers on potentially the most dangerous mass-murderer alive."

Nathan didn't even think twice. His best friend, the man that helped him defeat his brother and reunite with the love of his life, had been killed. And he wanted to get even.

"I'll do it!"

Conner, Kevin, Vicken, Rolf, Ami & Yumi, The Chameleon, Jamie, Sketchy, Kafka Burrowing Owl, Future Fungus, Harlequin Bondage, Widescreen, Milo, Gordon, Elesa, Keith, Crystal Claws, Big Guy, Liverpudlian and Runner.

20 Super-Psychos, 3 Cyborgs. They all marched forward down Rethink Avenue, each ready to face the most evil and unthinkably powerful Super-Psycho yet.

"VAUGHN!" Conner shouted, the volume of his voice loud enough to crack all the nearby windows. "WHERE ARE YOU!"

"I'm right behind you!"

Everybody spun around to see Vaughn as a 2-D shadow, stretched over a nearby building.

"That's Vaughn!" Milo shouted in shock and horror.

"That's my name, don't wear it out." The Shadow Monster said, his voice deep and booming due to his size. Vaughn walked off of the building, causing a colossal thud when ever he took a step.

"Wow! So many little people!" He said with an eerie smile. "Now…who do I eat first!"

"WE'RE GOING TO STOP YOU, VAUGHN!" Conner shouted, his amplified voice cracking all the nearby windows.

"Stop Me?" Vaughn repeated. "BWAAHAAHAA!"

The laughter was powerfully disturbing, and everybody felt their nerves shatter and small bones snap. Some nearby crows dropped out of the sky, dead.

"Tell me, how do you intend to stop me?" Vaughn boomed, bending over. "Look at me, I'm Tall as a Tree!" Vaughn squealed in delight as he stampted on a few cars, trying to get away.

"GET HIM!" Conner shouted as he flew into the air. Everybody charged and Vaughn, knowing full well that they didn't stand a chance.

Kevin started with a low sweep from a hundred meters, his rubber leg extended and wrapped itself around Vaughn's giant ankle. But the second Kevin's rubber body made contact, he screamed in agony. Kevin's powers had been neutralised by Vaughn's presence, and now his body was stretched unnatural, and his body could feel it.

"You look fun…" Vaughn bent over and picked up Kevin, squeezing him like a stress ball, listening to Kevin go crunch in his palm.

"Ow." Was all Kevin could muster.

"I know, I was always a whizz at cat's cradle." Vaughn proclaimed as he entangled Kevin in his claws, and began to play stretch.

The sound of cracking and crunching rattled as Kevin was wound around Vaughn's talons, in such a manner it spelled out "Blood".

"Please…no more." Kevin moaned.

"HEY! PUT HIM DOWN!" Vicken shouted. She slammed her hands onto the pavement, and watched a rows upon rows of arms flew upwards from the pavement, eventually travelling up Vaughn's body, pulling and punching at anything they could grab.

Vaughn grunted and dropped Kevin, causing the tortured rubber man to bounce slightly when he hit the ground.

Vaughn moved a single claw to his eye, and dug into it, pulling out one of Vicken's arms, making a pop sound as Vicken's real arm was dislocated, and crushing it between his fingers.

Every single one of Vicken's cloned arms cracked, including her original. Bending forcibly at an unnatural angle.


"YOU BROKE MY ARM!" Vicken shouted in pain.

"You are correct, my dear. And now, for my next trick, I shall crush you under foot!" Vaughn boomed theatrically.

Vaughn raised his foot high in the air, ready to crush Vicken.

At the Industrial District on the other side of Peach Creek, Marie was on Percy, accompanied by Beater "Barracuda" Jones, shred guitarist for the band "Brandon and Aquatic Super-Psycho. Marie was dressed in scuba gear whilst Beater was in regular trunks.

"So, you ready?" Beater asked, taking the headphones off of his neck, revealing a pair of gills on his neck.

"Yeah, but you're sure that the Bounce is here?" Marie asked.

"Hells yeah." Beater responded.

"Good. Because Doub-um-Flashpoint told me about this thing he kept behind the bar at the Bounce." Marie explained as she put her rebreather in her mouth.

"Okay then, just take my hand and we'll dive." Beater said, holding out his hand. Marie took it and the two jumped into the cold seawater.

Beater, being able to breathe underwater, swam ahead, guiding Marie down to a nearby source of illumination.

It was defiantly the Bounce. Marie signalled Beater, and tried to tell him to be careful. Hector had loaded the Bounce with god knows how many contraptions, and chance are they'ed be waterproofed.

Marie and Beater carefully entered the sunken building through the large hole in the roof Double-D made when he punched Vaughn. Safely inside, Marie was beheld a glowing light.

It was a man, or at least, Marie assumed it was a man. He was glowing a brilliant blue, dressed in ethereal armour, and in the right light, it looked like he had wings growing from his back.

He said nothing, he did nothing. He was just, floating in the water. Marie noticed what he was standing over. The Black Box.

Beater apparently didn't see the man, or if he did it was no interesting sight. Marie beckoned him towards the man, but Beater merely swam through him, failing to register the armoured man.

Marie got his attention to the object the ghosts figure was standing over. The Black Box.

Marie didn't really care much for the Superhero nonsense she all too often found herself involved in, but she did know that the black box was pivotal whenever Double-D and his friends got beaten up.

Unable to reach it herself, she instructed Beater to get it. The fish-man did so, swimming up to Marie and handed her the box. Marie looked up again, and the glowing man was gone.

However, she did notice that the box was warm. Beater grabbed her by the elbow and began to pull her upwards.

Both of them broke the water surface and headed for the docks.

Vaughn stomped and it looked like Vicken was done.

But there was a massive sonic boom, followed by a blue energy bubble. Techno music boomed as it shattered all the nearby windows and street lamps.

"Take me up to mars, on the back of shooting stars! Supercharged!" Conner sang as he levitated upwards, pushing Vaughn's foot away from Vicken.

Conner broke away, catching Vaughn by surprise. Conner was then surrounded by a fiery blue aura. Flying high above the ground, his threw his hands skywards. To everybody's shock and awe, two gigantic drumsticks materialised out of blue energy.

"I had no idea he could do that." Cameron remarked to Winnie, who merely nodded.

"I'm gonna clear the atmosphere! There's a party up in here! Been waiting light years!" Conner boomed as the air rippled and Vaughn was pounded by an onslaught from the drumsticks. Conner flew around Vaughn, too fast for Vaughn's clumsy giant claws, and Conner occasionally blasted Vaughn with his speaker.

"Take me into orbit! We've been waiting for this!" Conner shouted, hitting Vaughn with another sonic boom.

"Alright," Liverpudlian shouted. "We've got him on the ropes."

Liverpudlian bounced up and, with the force of a freight train, roundhoused Vaughn in the shin, causing the colossal shadow to faulter. Rolf followed suite, sliding a building into Vaughn's back, pushing him to the ground, allowing Ami & Yumi to hit him with a fire and water combo special.

"Waiting for the countdown! You can hear the bass pound." Conner shouted as he smashed Vaughn's back in with the two giant drumsticks.

Future-Fungus actually ran up Vaughn's legs, spreading seed pods and slowing down time to avoid Vaughn's attempts to grab him. Running up Vaughn's shoulder, John jumped, and Cameron swooped in to catch him, and the two flew away before a huge jungle began to sprout from Vaughn's shadowy body, giving him extreme mobility issues.

"Show me what's up, up there! Breathing with no air! Show me that I have got a space in the stars!" Conner's voice rang like a bell, creating a huge sonic boom that blast Vaughn into the ground, allowing Runner to extended his wrecking-ball head and wrap his chain neck around Vaughn's ankle.

Rolf & Big Guy took charge and grabbed the chain and using their incredible strength, dragged Vaughn along the ground, allowing Conner's giant drumsticks to beat Vaughn on the stomach.

"ENOUGH!" Vaughn shouted in rage. He collapsed into a 2-D shadow and glided away, and reformed several blocks away, but due to his massive size, he was still heard and seen by all those present.

"Nice attack, DOO-DOO HEADS!" Vaughn said, causing Conner a slight sting the moment the shadow spoke. Vaughn grinned.

"But I still have a few tricks up my sleeve." Vaughn growled. A portal opened up in the palm of his shadowy claw, and soon Miku Hatsune had materialised in his hand.

Miku screamed.

"C'mon Conner, be a superhero. I dare you!" Vaughn taunted.

And with that he threw Miku up in the air. She screamed as Vaughn held his stomach due to the laughter.

"Miku!" Conner shouted as he darted high into the air to catch her.

"Not so fast!" Vaughn shouted as he shrank down to human size and lunged, somehow ending up on Conner's back.

"Get off of me!" Conner shouted. Vaughn shook his head, and a huge, bendy spike materialised from Vaughn's crotch area. Vaughn thrusted, impaling Conner in the thigh. Vaughn began to gyrate his hips, stabbing Conner repeatedly in the lower belly, pelvis and upper thighs. Conner kept flying, but everyone could hear him screaming.

Cameron took off and tried to help Conner, but Vaughn's shadowy tentacles lashed at him from above, stunting his ability to fly. Cameron fell, but was caught by Elesa's giant hand.

Conner, though bleeding and in horrendous pain, maintained course, ready to catch the pop-star.

Vaughn was having none of this, though. His snake like body slithered onto Conner's front, and his hand morphed into a rock. Before Conner could stop him, Vaughn bashed the sonic warrior in the speaker, sending Conner hurdling to the ground at full force.

Conner hit the pavement, creating a huge concrete ripple. And to the young man's horror, Miku fell beside him. Being a poor, squishy human, Miku's body exploded in a cascade of crimson, soaking Conner in gore.

Vaughn landed at Conner's feet, standing over the fallen superhero.

"We'll, I gotta admit, that body of yours can take some freakin' punishment," Vaughn said as he held the stunned and speechless Conner by the scruff of his neck, hoisting his beaten and bloody form above the ground.

"I'd really like to give it a whirl." Vaughn said, his tentacle tongue licked a droplet of Miku's blood off of Conner's face. Vaughn's shadowy body morphed into a long syringe, and plunged into Conner's shadow.

Conner's pupils dilated and turned white, and his veins expanded and blackened. His teeth went sharp and his tongue extended and his aura of blue energy turned dark purple. All off Vaughn's inflicted wounds healed away.

Everybody was shocked, however, because the music had gone silent.

"Conner?" Cameron asked, concerned for his friend, stepping forward towards Conner.

"Conner" stuck his palm out, and his palm opened to reveal a small woofer inside of it. The possessed sonic youth blasted Cameron with pure sonic energy, destroying the owlman's body and killing Cameron on the spot.

"I'm sorry," "Conner" said in Vaughn's strong Lancastrian accent, as both of Conner's giant flying drumsticks pointed menacingly at the group of Super-Psychos.

"But Conner ain't here no mo'!"Vaughn giggled. Now everybody knew that Vaughn had reached checkmate. He had taken their queen, and now had every possible piece pointed at the king. And he knew it.

"Y'know," Vaughn said, rubbing his hands all over Conner's skin. "Despite it being a bit of a step-down from my old body, I could get used to this. I mean, somehow, this one survived me. And I really doubt that sincewd all your plans hinged around this one, he's more powerful than all of you put together."

"So what if he is?" Yumi shouted, catching Vaughn's acidic glare. "Conner may have better superpowers, but he isn't the best of us. Not by a long shot. We all took a stand against you and everybody like you, to defend our home, every single day. Conner isn't powerful because of his powers. It's because he is a good person, something you will never ever know. Thats what makes us all powerful. This is what makes us Superheroes."

Vaughn rushed at her with inhuman speed and slugged Yumi in the gut, forcing her back into the crowd.

"Alright!" Vaughn said, grinning ear to ear. "Let's see what you 'Superheroes' can do against me. I invite anyone who thinks they can stop me to try."

Vaughn turned his speaker to the sky and blasted out a message.


Unbeknownst to Vaugh, that message rattled all across the globe, until in the middle of the greatest desert on the planet, underneath a sand dune, a fist burst out of the ground.

[Next Time on Red Lightning]

"You let me down Conner." Miku's voice rang inside his head. "I needed you and you let me down. Vaughn was very keen for you to know that."

"Make me like Double-D." Marie wished, as she felt the crimson electricity flow from the Black box and down her arm.

"I KILLED QUARTERBACK, NAH NAH NICKI NAH NAH!" Vaughn taunted as he ate bits of Eddy's hand.

"PREPARE FOR GORGALOR!" Gorgalor roared as his shark-like form rampaged down the streets.