KhaalidaNyx, challenge accepted ;) I hope you and everyone else enjoys this chapter! I'm sorry for the wait.


It has been two weeks since Hermione and Tom had shared their first kiss, and on the outside so much has changed. Everyone was awfully surprised when they had walked in to the Great Hall the following day hand-in-hand; Tom had been amused, but Hermione felt as though the room's temperature had suddenly rose. She had tried snatching her hand away, but he just held it tighter and smiled at her discomfort.

Slughorn has been annoyingly cheerful about them being 'together', though. He has arranged a Slug Club meeting for Friday evening and has even kept them back after class, telling them that they will most definitely be the next 'power couple' in the Wizarding World. Tom's eyes had lit up at that, but Hermione has a feeling that he was taking his Head of House's words too literally. That had tightened her resolve to do what she can to stop him. If he understands love he won't carry out the acts he will commit in the future, so all she has to do is get him to fall in love with her…

Easier said than done.

But, the good news is that Lucretia was right – that book has managed to get itself in to Tom's hands, and he has even proceeded to read it in front of her a few times. It seems that the words, however, only want to appear for him, because when she pretended to pay idle interest in its contents the pages were as empty as they had been the first time she had held it – the only words that show for her are Cadmus Peverell. This frustrates her greatly, but she is working on something that may help, although she has not told the others yet. She wants to be sure before she dives in to anything, at this point, especially because they are not too fond of plan 'Tom-sil Tennis', as Ignatius has started calling it. This, of course, in his own words, refers to her 'pretending to be a loving girlfriend to the evil and unworthy-of-love Tom Riddle, A.K.A Lord Voldemort A.K.A (on the outside of the Gryffindor common room) you-know-who.'

And Ignatius is right, because Hermione's feelings for Tom are feigned. She has a connection with him, of course, because of the fake memories that they share, but she has never wanted to go out with him or anything. He was horrid to the other children when they were growing up and he has been horrid to her, too. The thought of having a real relationship with him makes her feel sick – especially when she pictures the pale, snake-like man that he is going to become – but she knows that the best way to solve this problem is to keep her friends close and enemies closer. Besides, he fancies her, whether he realizes that or not… And despite everything I just said, the thought of the 'gorgeous' Tom Riddle liking her,out of everyone, sends tiny black butterflies swirling through her stomach. She has caught some of the Slytherin and Ravenclaw girls watching her resentfully as she walks down the corridors holding hands with him, and each time a blush of glee has covered her cheeks. Hermione Granger has never been envied, before. It's quite flattering, in an odd way, although she would never admit it out loud. She is above teen dramas.

"Yeilah," Yeilah calls, and Hermione turns to see the black-haired Hufflepuff speed-walking towards her on the corridor; her yellow-and-black tie sways with her footsteps. "I wanted to talk to you about…" She looks around to check for Slytherins and then adds: "About you-know-who."

"Ok, now?" Hermione glances down the corridor that leads to the dungeons with uncertainty. She should go to potions, but Yeilah may have something important to tell her; she's a smart girl and wouldn't suggest skiving a lesson for something miniscule. Hermione's future memories chide her for even considering this, but her newer self knows that Slughorn won't really care. If she tells him that there was an accident after her Care for Magical Creatures class it'll be ok. He won't go asking Grubbly-Plank about it. It's not a secret that they don't exactly get on.

"Preferably, because… Well, just come along, I'll explain it all in private."

"Alright," She sighs and then rushes along after her, ducking as Peeves attempts to hit them with one of the flaming torches that are usually kept in stands on the school's walls. Once they've escaped his mischievous attack they head further up in to the castle until they reach the sixth floor, where there is an entire block of empty classrooms. Hermione remembers reading about this in Hogwarts: A History. There used to be around one-hundred people in each year at the school, but after the muggles attempted to wipe out all witches and wizards those numbers were obviously cut. Due to this the school only needs one or two teachers at the most for each subject, which has resulted in classrooms that used to bustle with life to remain cold, dank and empty. Upon entering one the stench of rotten wood and damp fills the air, causing Hermione to crinkle her nose in distaste.

"Lovely choice of meeting places, Yeilah."

"Oh shush, this is all I could think of."

Hermione notices for the first time that they are not alone. Her brown eyes scan the classroom and eventually land on a girl with thin, mousy brown hair and big hazel eyes. She keeps wringing her hands and admires Hermione with trepidation, and stands as though ready to flee at a moment's notice. Something about the girl stood in front of her has Hermione feeling extremely guilty, but why?

"'Mione… This is Teresa Bruckshanks. Teresa, this is-"

"Hermione Granger," The girl squeaks, "Y-Yes. I know. We have Transfiguration together."

Hermione does not recall ever seeing this girl in Transfiguration, but she nods her head as though she does. The girl's eyes seem to brighten ever-so-slightly at this, which does nothing but twist the blade of guilt piercing her chest deeper. What is making her feel this way?

"What… Why are we here?" She asks in an attempt to distract herself from that horrible feeling.

"I told you about Teresa, remember? She's the Ravenclaw that I said would help us."

"Oh! Yes, of course."

"We got Dumbledore to…" When Yeilah physically cannot finish that sentence Hermione fills in become the secret keeper, "So I thought that Teresa could explain why she'll help."

The Gryffindor's eyes land on the Ravenclaw's once more, who is now wringing her hands even faster than before. Hermione feels like telling her to go somewhere she feels more comfortable but, unfortunately, the information that this girl possesses may help in the end.

"I-In second year I liked Tom," She almost whispers, her eyes wider than ever, "People don't usually notice me, though. I'm not really talkative. But he noticed me," Her cheeks turn pink, "He said he liked me and I was so happy. But it was all one big lie; all because he knew that my dad worked on Knockturn Alley. He wanted something…"

"What did he want?"

"A locket. He said it was big and gold, and it had an amber stone and an S on it. He said it belonged to an ancestor and he really needed to find it, a-and I wanted to help, so I went with my Dad to work and looked for it, but I couldn't find it anywhere. I asked Mr Burke-"

"Wait," Hermione holds up a hand to stop the girl, "Your father works at Borgin and Burkes?"

"Y-yes, he owns part of it. I barely ever see him, though. He's not much of a dad. In fact I didn't even take on his last name because my mum wanted me to have nothing to do with him… But you're not interested in that." The abruptness of that comment has Hermione's cheeks burning in shame.

"Sorry, y-yes I am, carry on."

"So, I asked about the locket and he told me he'd sold it to a wealthy woman. I went through the records and found that somebody called Hepzibah Smith had bought it. So I told Tom, and the next day he just stopped talking to me. He's never even looked at me since…"

Teresa's eyes are glistening with unshed tears. This girl really is a poor sight; Hermione feels that blade of guilt twist just a little bit more as she silently curses Tom. How could someone be so cruel as to manipulate such a vulnerable girl? Oh, but of course, he is going to become Lord Voldemort. She had almost forgotten…

That snaps her out of it.

"Teresa, thank you so much," Hermione says with a polite smile, "You've been a big help… But I don't know if you're capable of helping us. I don't want you to get upset again-"

"Oh, please, Hermione. I want to help. I want my own back on him."

She knows that this could prove to be disastrous; allowing someone who was once emotionally attached to help. But there is something about this mouse of a girl that Hermione sympathises with. Besides, how better to get back at him than this? The ultimate betrayal.

"Alright then, but we'll have to take you to Dumbledore. Leave your common room an hour before curfew and meet us by the Fat Lady portrait. I'll ask the Professor to meet us."

"Where were you during Potions?"

Tom's voice has Hermione turning away from her rather delicious dinner to see that he is stepping over the bench to take a seat beside her… At the Gryffindor table. They are getting strange looks not only from the Gryffs and the Snakes but the 'Puffs and the 'Claws, too. Hermione narrows her eyes at him, feeling slightly irritated at his lack of concern for what others think.

"My head was troubling me again. I went up to the infirmary… Why?" She smirks, "Did you miss me?"

"Oh, of course," He replies with a roll of his eyes before reaching out to scoop some mash potato on to his place. Hermione grabs his hand before he can.

"What are you doing?" She demands.

"Well, dear, at dinner people tend to eat."

"Yes, darling, but Slytherins tend to eat at the Slytherin table."

"Does it state that I cannot eat here?" Hermione thinks back to her copy of Hogwarts: A History and then shakes her head as she realizes that it doesn't, "Well then."

"Tom, you can't eat here! People are staring-"

"Used to it," He replies with a shrug.

"Don't be so arrogant," She snaps, but this does nothing but amuse him further. In the end she sulkily accepts that he is going nowhere and carries on eating, praying that her housemates will stop staring soon…

"Have you completed your Potions essay yet?"

He chuckles as she remains silent.

"Oh, the silent treatment? We'll see how long that lasts…"

That just makes her more determined to not speak with him.

After dinner is over they have three and a half hours until curfew; Hermione wishes that it was sooner, because she really doesn't want to spend any more time than she needs to with Tom, but to keep the pretence up she knows that she has to. So, rather than heading up to the common room with her friends she allows Tom to walk with her through the darkening hallways until there is no one around. She knows where they are going as soon as they pass the Bloody Baron; the Astronomy tower. Usually this is off-limits unless a lesson is going on, but being the head boy gives Tom the ability to get out of trouble when needs be. Once they reach the top Hermione releases his hand and walks over to the balcony; resting her weight on her hands as she admires the setting sun.

"I like it up here," Tom whispers, shocking her with his sudden closeness. His lean arms snake around her waist as his lips pause beside her left ear, "It's peaceful… And seeing as you're not speaking to me I thought I'd bring you up here. I'll be able to enjoy the quiet."

"And if I've decided I'm speaking to you again?" She whispers, turning slightly so she can look in to his eyes. He is smirking brilliantly.

"Then I've won."

Realization dawns upon her and her expression must be amusing because Tom laughs before falling to the ground, lying down on the cold, stone slabs below their feet. Hermione returns her attention to the scenery before them as her mind wanders off to the happenings of earlier on. She wonders if he ever brought Teresa up here. How many girls has he used to get what he wants? Is he using her too? Hermione knows that the last thought shouldn't bother her, but she finds that it does. Yet isn't she doing exactly what she doesn't want him to be doing? Is she not just as bad?

"Do you hide away up here often?" She asks.

"No. I usually come up here when everyone is at the Quidditch pitch, or the library. It depends on how much homework I've received."

"Don't you ever attend Quidditch games?"

"No," He raises his eyebrows whilst propping himself up by his elbows, "Do you?"

"Har—I mean, my friends force me to go. They are on the team, after all."

"I wouldn't know. I don't care much for sports. They are pointless."

"Not completely," Hermione shakes her head, "Perhaps to you but not to them."

"Pointless," He repeats, smirking ever-so-slightly as she glares at him. She just rolls her eyes after noticing that and falls to lay beside him.

"Do you just enjoy irritating me?" She asks, feigning tiredness.

"Of course I do, my fiery little Gryffindor."



"If you ever call me that again I will kill you."

When Hermione finally does make it back to the Fat Lady portrait Teresa is already waiting outside, so Hermione calls out the password and allows her to enter. Dumbledore is already sat in front of the fireplace.

"Good evening," He says; blue eyes twinkling as he smiles warmly at them.

"Good evening, Professor Dumbledore," Teresa replies. Hermione notices that, as soon as she sees Dumbledore, her shoulders slacken slightly. In fact, her entire body seems to relax. Another pang of sympathy hits her: The only person that this poor girl feels comfortable around is their Transfigurations teacher.

As Dumbledore explains everything to her, Hermione finds herself wishing that she could take Teresa's pains away. What was it that she left out of that story? Tom must have done something else to her to make her this timid and distrusting. And all for a locket? What makes this locket special enough for Tom to destroy this girl's confidence? She knows that she should not care so much, and that she should focus on the bigger problems at hand, but Teresa literally has nothing to her and Hermione finds it one of the most heart breaking sights she has ever seen.

"Thank you for letting me in on the secret, Hermione," The Ravenclaw says as they stand at the doorway of the Gryffindor common room. She seems to have some more brightness to her eyes, now that she's conversed with Dumbledore, "I'll do whatever I can to help."

"Thank you, Teresa," Hermione replies, giving the girl a short hug, "Thank you for telling me about what happened with you… I really appreciate it."

"You're welcome. I'll see you tomorrow," She whispers, climbing out of the paintings doorway, "Have a good night."

"You too; and be careful on your way back to your common room!"

"I will be!"

"She will appreciate this more than you can imagine," Dumbledore murmurs as Hermione comes back in to the light of the fireplace.

"What did Tom do to her? To make her act this way, I mean?"

"I am afraid that is not my tale to tell, Miss Granger. But I do believe with time Miss Bruckshanks may just tell you herself. Please do continue to show her kindness, it really is a shame to see someone so lovely go without friendship."

"I will," Hermione promises, and then glances at the girl's staircase. Dumbledore sees this and stands, realizing that it really is time for bed.

"I do think it is time we settled in for the night, don't you?" Hermione nods and the Professor smiles, "Sweet dreams, Miss Granger."


No one hears the screams that pierce a particular area of the castle, that night.