Hello again! Here is my second Criminal Minds fanfic! Let me know what you think!

"Is everyone ready?" Hotch asked.

The team nodded, although Reid didn't look tos sure.

"Is everything all right, Reid?" Hotch asked, "Are you having second thoughts on the location?"

"No, I am positive that we're at the right location. It's just, something doesn't feel right," he responded.

Reid just shook the feeling off. They began to make their way toward the entrance of Perenelia Mansion, which was easily over triple the size of Rossi's mansion. The team had been hunting down a serial killer who called himself The Riddler. He left a riddle at each murder scene that would give a hint to the next one. Luckily, Reid had been able to figure out the riddles very quickly. The answer to the last riddle led the team to Perenelia Mansion, an abandoned mansion on the outskirts of Plano, Texas. The team was distracted by the giant clock at the top of the mansion. It seemed to be counting down the time they had left to save the next victim, Vanessa Pearson.

The team stopped a few feet from the door to wait for Hotch's signal. He nodded to Morgan, who proceeded to kick the door down. Everyone entered the mansion. It was eerily silent except for the occasional shouts of "Clear!" They had scanned all the rooms on the first floor except for one. The team regrouped and barged into the room together. What they saw stopped them dead in their tracks.

Vanessa Pearson was strapped to a chair with electrical wires attached to it. The chair was set on a stage with the spotlight on Vanessa. The team was easily able to see that she was terrified. She had tear stains down her cheeks and was breathing heavily. Morgan and Reid began to run to her to free her.

"No! Don't!" she screeched.

Everyone was confused, and they all jumped when a voice came over an intercom.

"You will do as I say, or Miss Vanessa will die," a demonic sounding voice instructed.

The door leading to the room slammed shut. The team could hear a lock clicking into place.

"Place your guns and cell phones on the stage and remove your Kevlar vests,"

The team did as they were told. The lights flickered, then all of their things were gone.

"It's a pleasure to be hosting the famous BAU team,"

"What do you want?" Morgan demanded.

"I want to test you," the speaker began, "I want to see if the BAU is as intelligent as everyone thinks. I plan to do this through my little game. If you can get out of the mansion, you will get to live. If not, you will never see another day."

"How can we get out?" Rossi asked.

"Simple, I will give you a riddle, if you can solve it correctly and give me the answer, I will let you move on to the next room. If you can make it through all of the rooms in the mansion, you will get to live. Just to warn you, the riddles will get harder the further you get. I guess that shouldn't be a problem, considering you have the young genius, Dr. Spencer Reid among you. "

The team seemed a bit unnerved after hearing the rules from the unsub. The way he disguised his voice demonically made him seem inhuman. What really haunted them is the fact that he only called out Reid by name.

"Are you ready to start the game?"

At first there was a lack of a response. Then Vanessa started screaming in agony as electrical shocks coursed through her body.

"Stop!" Hotch ordered. "We are ready to play your game."

A door at the side of the stage opened up. The team started toward the door.

"One last thing," the demonic voice hissed over the intercom.

The team stopped to hear what the unsub would have to say.

"Good luck."

There's the first chapter! Please Read and Review!