AN: So once again I am starting a new story. I couldn't help it though, with the new promo for Glee; Actually and watching Kurt get slammed into the lockers, and the main speculation of what if the Glee club never happened and I have always wanted to make a soulmate story. So here I am writing my take on it, hope y'all like it.

Okay, I have fallen in love with soulmate fics, and here is my version of it. The soulmates name is written on the wrist, similar to a tattoo. There is no set age when one meets their soulmate; they can meet at any age. So there is just a tiny history of the soulmates in this story.

Disclaimer: I don't own Glee; if I did it would be a completely different show!

Kurt was walking to his locker, when he was greeted by a locker slam from, Finn Hudson, supreme asshole of WMHS. "Morning fairy." He greeted as Mike Chang handed Finn a blue raspberry slushie and dumped it on Kurt's head.

"Not again." Kurt moaned watching the letterman jackets disappear around the corner. He grabbed the extra clothes from his messenger bag and ran to the closest bathroom to change. He was seventeen years old, and yet high school was his personal hell; everyday he was greeted by a toss in the dumpster outside, then the locker slams so hard that lockers tended to open from the force, and of course slushie facials. He quickly ran into the bathroom seeing Finn round the corner and smirk.

Once safely inside the bathroom, which smelled, Kurt slid down onto the floor and cried. It had always been like this ever since they discovered the name on his wrist and everyone turned on him for having a guy's name on his wrist. He was no different he was still the same kid they grew up with, true he had always been different than most guys, but the moment the jocks found out he was gay; he soon found out just how homophobic Lima, Ohio truly was.

The name on his wrist glared at him, Blaine Anderson. Kurt had spent countless hours dreaming about the name on his wrist. What was Blaine like? Was he cute, yeah that question was stupid he really shouldn't care about looks? Was he older or younger? He knew it was stupid, that in time he would meet his soulmate and be happy, so he took the abuse from his classmates, ate lunch in the bathroom; he tried his best in classes, and was always careful not to be noticed.

He stepped out the bathroom, late for French, as usual. He hid in the back sitting next to Tina Cohen-Chang, soulmate to the annoying jock Mike Chang. She used to be nice and stand up for Kurt, but well shortly after she met Mike things changed, she became a stuck up bitch. Rachel Berry smirked at him; of course she would be smirking she was head cheerleader and the soulmate of Finn Hudson star quarterback of McKinley and the Satan to his Hell.

The bell rang and Kurt hurried off to lunch only to be greeted by a fist in the face. "Hello fairy." David Karofsky snarled at him, Karofsky made Finn and Puck seem like puppies in comparison. Kurt coughed slightly and Karofsky laughed, Finn, Mike, Puck, and Sam flanked him. This wasn't going to turn out good for Kurt.

Punch after punch collided with Kurt's small frame and blood oozed out of his nose. He felt the blade of a knife press against his wrist, over the name and blood slowly dripped onto the ground. The sound of someone hitting the floor echoed across the school. A lemon slushie was dumped onto Kurt's lifeless form as cheers and high fives were exchanged by the jocks that left Kurt for dead.

Sue stood in her doorway watching the whole thing, she felt bad for the normally sweet boy, and she remembered his mother who was once Sue's star cheerleader. "Kurt, honey, can you hear me?" She said getting down on her knees to look at him, he looked dead. She called 911 and stayed with Kurt until help got there.

Across town Blaine was sitting down for lunch with Jeff, Wes, Nick, and David. "So how has your day been?" Wes asked taking a bite of his salad.

"Crappy, I am tired, and my wrist keeps itching." Blaine groaned rubbing his right wrist.

"That means your soulmate is in trouble dude." Jeff said patting Blaine's back.

Soon the pager's beeped and Blaine, Wes, Jeff, David and Nick rushed down into the ER. "Kurt Hummel, Seventeen year old male, brutally beaten at school, he's lost a lot of blood." The EMT's voice declared as Kurt was rushed into a room.

Wes winked at Blaine, whose long awaited soulmate was in front of him; granted the circumstances could have been different. However Blaine looked absolutely murderous, he gently lifted the boy's right arm and turned it over, the name was ledgeable, but just barely. Blaine Anderson was scrolled out on it, mixed with blood.

"Sweetie you're in the hospital, we will take great care of you. Can you squeeze my hand if you understand?" Blaine asked gently as Jeff attached an IV to Kurt's other wrist. It was weak but Blaine could still feel it.

"The father is in the waiting room, one of you might one to talk to him." A blonde nurse said from the doorway.

"Later, we are trying to save a life, now you have legs tell the father we will update him the moment his son condition is stable." Jeff said to her as he handed Wes gauze. It was obvious the kid would be needing surgery, due to the significant amount of blood loss.

Blaine held Kurt's hand as Nick put a breathing tube down the brunette's throat.

Twenty minutes after the initial assessment, Blaine and Nick were sent to talk to the father, as Jeff prepped Kurt for surgery.

"Family of Kurt Hummel?" Nick asked as a guy in a baseball cap stood up. "I'm his father."

"Okay, follow us."

"Please tell me if he is going to be okay? He is the only thing I have left."

Blaine stopped at a door and held it open for Kurt's father. "Hello, I'm Dr. Blaine Anderson." He smiled slightly at seeing the recognition cross Burt's face. "This is my colleague Dr. Nick Duval." He said shaking hands with the man and sitting down.

"Burt, now let's get on to my son." He demanded eyeing Blaine suspiciously.

"I'm sorry Mr. Hummel, but Kurt has significant injuries, can you tell us how he got the bruises on his back?" Nick asked eyeing Burt intently, he seemed to really care about his son, but anything could have happened.

"Bruises, what bruises?"

"The ones on his back some look old, while other's look really fresh. They cover his entire back; we were thinking you might have some clue as to how they got there." Blaine said sweetly.

"I'm sorry kid, I wish I knew, but I really don't; and aren't you a little young to be a doctor?"

"Yes, but I graduated early, private school and all that. Do you know that your son is being physically abused at school?"

"I had my suspicions, but he never outright told me."

"I'm sorry, but I am needed in surgery. Think you can finish up here Blaine?" Nick asked sending Burt a smile and rushed out of the room heading towards surgery.

"So Kurt sustained some nasty injuries, but I think he will recover easily enough, however the emotional trauma might be a bigger hurdle to get over." Blaine said suddenly nervous about being in the same room as his soulmate's father.

"Someone seems nervous. So I assume you are Kurt's soulmate, and how old are you?"

Blaine pulled up his long sleeve and slid his arm across the table on his wrist; Kurt Hummel was etched into his skin. "Twenty-One is my age."

"So you are my son's soulmate, just a warning Blaine I own five shotguns and well you hurt my son; I am not afraid to chase after you with one. Am I understood?"

"Yes you are understood, so tell me about my soulmate."

"Kurt is very strong-headed. He loves musicals of any kind, he dreams of Broadway; he loves fashion; so you might not mention you are his soulmate dressed the way you are. I don't want Kurt having a heart attack at your fashion choices, now tell me about yourself." Burt demanded staring at the shorter guy.

"Well despite dressing in scrubs, I actually have a fashion sense, I have an older brother who is an actor, my parents are jerks, and I have been in Kurt's situation before."

"What do you mean, been in his situation before?"

"It was after a dance, my date and I were attacked. It was a long time ago." Blaine said honestly he had gotten over it; well as much as you could after you were attacked. "I am going to check and see how Kurt is doing, just chill in here and I will be back shortly; hopefully with good news."

Blaine went to the desk and Wes was perched on the desk. "Hey, so have a nice chat with boyfriend's dad?"

"Not my boyfriend." Blaine snapped back.

"Not yet, but it's inevitable. So it was worse than I initially thought he had a large cut on his forehead and so brain bleeding along with massive internal bleeding, the worst I have seen in my career and he is in a coma, he also has a fractured vertebra in his spine, and Blaine his back looks horrible I don't see how he has been able to sit or lay on anything without screaming in pain. To be honest I am really surprised he made it off that table, at least we know he is strong; and all we can do now is wait. Wes said patting Blaine's back.

"Poor thing." Blaine declared dabbing at his eyes. "Come on we have to tell Burt."

Blaine half dragged Wes to the office Burt was waiting in. "Hello Mr. Hummel, I'm Dr. Wes Montgomery, I was the one who performed Kurt's surgery. " He said smiling gently at the man in front of him feeling bad for the news he was about to drop into this father's lap. "Kurt's injuries are very severe, I don't sugarcoat anything so, his worst injury was the brain bleed which I have managed to stop, but it will have to be closely monitored. He also had massive internal bleeding, due to a ruptured appendix, spleen, kidney, and both intestines. He has a fractured vertebra in his spine, and his back isn't skin color it is a medley of purple, blue, black, and yellow. Kurt is currently in a coma so I honestly can't tell you the effects the brain bleed will have on him, he could not remember anything, or could be paralyzed, but those are worst case scenarios. Kurt is in the ICU and we will be monitoring him frequently, but he is still in a delicate state and not in the mood for visitor, yet, Jeff, Blaine, Nick, or I will come find you when we know more, and when you can visit Kurt. In the meantime why don't you go to the cafeteria and eat something. Wes said gently and giving Burt a reassuring pat on the shoulder.

Burt smiled and went in search of the cafeteria, he wasn't hungry but it sounded better than waiting in the room longer, he was sick of staring at the wall, the desk, and Blaine's overly gelled head.

Blaine smiled and followed Wes out of the room, he was in charge of Kurt watch, not that he minded. He walked to the ICU and sent Jeff a smile as he entered room 4. Kurt looked pale and sick and attached to lots of machines; Blaine sat on the edge of the bed and took Kurt's better hand in his own.

A blurry glasz colored eye slowly opened and Blaine felt something squeeze his hand. "Don't try and talk you have a tube down your throat, which is helping you breathe. We need to leave it in for a little while longer, I know it's slightly painful and really irritating but it's necessary."

His eyes slowly started to water, and he slid his hand out of Blaine's. "Sweetie look at me, okay? It hurts but I promise you Dr. Montgomery, will remove it soon." He said gently as Jeff and Wes walked into the room. "You're in the hospital; do you remember anything that happened? If you do blink once." Blaine said grabbing Kurt's hand once again as he blinked. "There is no use fighting me, you need comfort right now, and Dr. Montgomery is going to remove the tube since your vitals seem decent."

"I need you to tilt your head back and squeeze Blaine's hand. Jeff is injecting a muscle relaxer into your IV, but I need to stay as still as possible." Wes said looking at the teenager, "Hi Kurt, I am one of your doctors, and I am the one who did your surgery, now let's get this tube out of your throat." He gripped the tube and pulled it out as Kurt held onto Blaine's hand for dear life.

Kurt let out a cough and tears streamed down his eyes. "OW!"

Blaine laughed and Kurt smiled, "so nice to finally have you awake, I'm Dr. Blaine Anderson, and how are you feeling?"

"B-Blaine a-Anderson, please tell me you are not lying, and that Finn did not put you up to this." Kurt stuttered wanting this to be real.

Blaine held out his right wrist that had Kurt's name on it. "I would never lie to you, now can you tell us what happened? I know it hurts to talk so if you just want to rest its fine too."

"R-rest." Kurt whispered laying his head back on the pillow.

"Can we get you anything else?" The blonde asked from his spot beside Wes. "I'm Jeff, your nurse."

"Another blanket would be nice."

"Coming right up." The blonde said getting Kurt a blanket fresh from the warmer. "How's that?"

"Perfect, thank you."

"You're welcome; if you need anything let me know." Jeff said walking out of the room with Wes at his heels.

"So you're my soulmate." Kurt whispered turning onto his side to face his gorgeous soulmate.

"Let me guess not what you expected?"

Kurt laughed but it sounded more like a wince, "Not really, you're better than I expected."

Blaine stared at him with his hazel eyes and smiled, "go to sleep sweetie, you just had major surgery and you need to rest."

"Stay with me." Kurt begged holding onto his hand tighter.

"I am not going anywhere." Blaine whispered kissing Kurt's hand.

Kurt eyes fluttered shut, and Blaine was peacefully watching the rise and fall of Kurt's chest. Jeff came in periodically to check on them. Blaine was almost asleep when the heart monitor flatlined, he looked at Kurt and started CPR, "stay with me sweetheart I just met you and I refuse to lose you." He growled as Jeff, Nick, David, Wes and another nurse ran into the room with a crash cart.

"Move." Wes growled grabbing the paddles and shocking Kurt. Blaine watched the monitor with bated breath, no change.

AN: Oh cliffhanger! So please review and tell me what you thought?