After reading interview with the guardians I got so inspired that I imagined having a talk show with the guardians. Don't expect too much, it's just for fun!

Me: Hey folks welcome to a brand new episode of Randomness talk show! Introducing the special guests of today from Rise of the Guardians!

The door opens and steam shoots out from steam jets. When the steam clears, a jolly North is revealed.

*Applause from audience*

North:Thank you, thank you! (Waving his hand around)

Me: Nice to meet you North, please take a seat.

*stands up to shake his hand*

Me: Next up, let's introduce...

The door opens and steam shoots out again. A delighted tooth fairy appears.

Tooth: Hey everybody! I have been waiting for this day! Come on, give me big, wide smiles! Show me your white teeth!

Tooth excitedly zipped around the audience.

Me: *clears throat* nice to meet you tooth, please have a seat.

A reluctant tooth sits down.

Me: Okay, next up is Sandy!

The door opens again and a dazed Sandy appears.

*some awws from the audience"

Me: come here little guy, looking as cute as usual! Wait, no! Don't fall asleep yet! The show hasn't even started!

*A dreamy looking Sandy floats over to his seat.*

Me: Next up is the adorable, big, bunny! Let's welcome him!

The doors open yet again and Bunnymund appears.

*some squeals from the audience*

Me: Welcome, Bunnymund! Nice to meet you in person. You look taller, and fluffier!

*squeals from the audience*

Me: last but not least, we welcome the coldest guy on the planet!

The steam doors open and a haughty looking Jack appears.

*Loud fan girl screaming from the audience and me*

Jack blows snowflakes at the audience, making them scream even more.

Me:*on the verge of nose bleeding* let's welcome Jack! *screams again*

Me: *tries to calm down* I find one thing really ironic. Why is the coldest guy on the planet also the hottest?

*more screaming*

Me: I'm so sorry guys but I'm a really huge fan of Jack. Okay, now I have question for Bunnymund.

Bunnymund: shoot me.

Me: why is it that you don't like riding North's sledge? Is that a hint of your fear of heights?

Bunnymund: Me? Oh please no.

North: Oh yes he is! *eyes twinkling*

Bunnymund: the sledge is just too fast for me. I prefer travelling by land. Air as a form of travel for me is just too..

Jack: fun! The wind takes me wherever I want!

Tooth: I agree with jack, air is such a convenient way of travelling! You cant depend on tunnels to travel across the seas, right?

Sandy: *give thumbs up*

Bunnymund:...*looks uncomfortable*

Me: okay, let's not pressurise Bunnymund anymore. Now a question for tooth. Why do you love collecting teeth so much?

Tooth: teeth? Did I just hear teeth? The very word drives me mad! I love shiny teeth, broken teeth, baby teeth all kinds of them! Oh oh and jack's teeth are the best! *zips over to Jack and checks his teeth out*

North: tooth! Hands out!

Tooth: *looks embarrassed* sorry. But his teeth sparkle just like freshly fallen snow!

*Fangirl cheering*

Me: *enjoying the sight of jack's teeth until I realised that everyone was staring at me* Okay, next question. Sandy, why can't you speak?

Sandy:*lots of images forming*

Me: whoa, whoa! Slow down.

Bunnymund: It's probably because he isn't actually alive, like the rest of the guardians.

Sandy: *angrily forms images at Bunnymund *

North: calm down Sandy. He means that you don't really have any flesh and blood, but is just made out of sand.

Me: Yeap, Sandy, don't take it to heart.

Sandy smiles. (I resist the urge to pinch his cheeks)

Me: Next question is for North. How does one make it to the naughty or nice list?

North: It's really easy. Be nice to others, good to your parents, and you'll be on the nice list. Naughty list? Just be bad and break all rules. It's really simple. Speaking of naughty list, I remember someone who broke the record. That person is right here with us now.

Me:*feigning ignorance* who is it? I really want to know?

*fangirls screaming as they already know the answer*

Jack: *Cough, cough*

Bunnymund, Sandy and Tooth stares at Jack.

Jack pretends to look away and fiddles with his staff. (Guilty look)

Me: Okay now a question for Jack. Why are you so hot?

*fan girls screaming*

Bunnymund; tooth, north, sandy: Whaaaaat?!

Jack: *trademark smirk*

Me: omg I can feel the temperature rising!

Me: I was just kidding about the previous question. Okay this is the real question. Do you have a girlfriend?

Bunnymund: this question is the same category as the previous one!

North: *grumbles*

*fangirls crane their neck to hear*

Jack: let me think... *teasingly*... No.

Me and fangirls together: Hooray!

Me: okay i know this is such a stupid question but I can't contain myself. Sorry to all non-jack fans!

Me: Hey Bunnymund remember Sophie when she first snuck into the warren?

Bunnymund: yes, and very clearly in fact. She was such a sweet little thing. *reminiscing old days*

Jack: Rare seeing bunny like that.

North: Bunnymund secretly has a soft spot for children.

Tooth: all guardians are the same, we all love children.

Sandy: *nods head in agreement*

A Fangirl suddenly stands up among the audience.

Me: yes?

Fangirl: I would like to ask Sandy to show his powers off for a while.

Sandy: * nods and conjures up a golden ball of sand and fires it off*

The sand lands on a mirror and reflects into random directions.

streams of sand hit tooth, north and Bunnymund.

They collapse onto the ground. Bunnymund was dreaming of dancing carrots, tooth about teeth, and north about presents and elves.

Me: oops sandy, you better watch out with that sand!

Jack: this seems rather familiar, it reminds me of the time when sandy also knocked out the same three and we had to fight pitch on our own...

The entrance door burst open and black sand flood inwards. The audience scream, not fangirling this time, but in fear.

Pitch floats towards us with a menacing look on his face.

That's when I suddenly got an idea.

Me: everyone don't be sacred! Don't believe in pitch and he can't harm you!

I wasn't sure if my crazy idea could work, but it was worth a shot. Soon, Pitch disappeared from sight.

Hurray! Everyone cheered.

Me: looks like the talk show can't continue with the other 3 guests asleep, so we shall end here today.





Me: I never knew my yawn was so infectious! Anyway, that's all folks!

Hope you enjoyed the talk show!

Please follow/favourite if you want another chapter and comment for questions to ask the characters!

This is an entirely fan made fan fiction.

Pls support rise of the guardians by watching it in cinemas tvym! I think I have reached the stage of being a die hard fan! I tried to get the McDonalds toys but I was too late! :(((