
Update Alert!: I have an unfortunate tendency to get ahead of myself sometimes and publish things without thoroughly planning where I'm going with it (hence the complete abandonment of my other fics). However, because this story is my baby, instead of abandoning this, I had to go and research and brainstorm intensively to make this work. Therefore, after all that rambling, my alert is that I've had to change a few tidbits in what I've uploaded already and make a HUGE change to Jo's story in order to make sense of my plot... Sorry. I won't ruin it for you now and tell you what it is, because I'm sure all of you will see it soon enough.

A loud, ominous boom sounded when a streak of lightning slashed across the dark sky. Ripples of slate clouds rolled along as the rain came down in sheets, drowning all the small plants on the ground. The wind howled in the leaves of the trees, chasing away any warmth the forest creatures could hold. The moon, shaded by the dismal clouds, could not give out any light of guidance.

Luna Lovegood sat by the window next to her bed, tracing the trickling rain on the pane with her fingertips. A clear line trailed behind her finger as she drew the shape of a heart on the fogged windowpane. Sitting back and viewing her handiwork, she leaned forward again and blew a light draft to erase the marking. She pulled her legs into her and wrapped her arms around them, keeping all the body heat left in her to herself as she had already lost much to the cold, stone sill she was sitting on. She heaved a sigh and watched the trees in the Forbidden Forest dance to the wind and rain. She wondered what it was like to be one of those trees, so still yet so lively. No one in the world would judge what a tree looked like. It could change colour, and people would think it beautiful. It could shed, and the snow would envelope it in its glory. It could bud, and the birds would sing its celebratory song. If only she could be a tree...

Slowly, she let her legs unfold and stepped off the windowsill. She tiptoed to her bedside table and took off her Butterbeer cork necklace. She climbed into her bed and drew the starry, blue curtains close. Lying down, she stared up at the ceiling and thought of tomorrow. Maybe, just maybe...

A/N: Yes, indeed I am attempting at another fic. I probably shouldn't be but this has been in the works for a while. I'm the most proud of this piece because I've tried my hardest to stay true to all the characters and facts Jo created. Feel free to let me know if I got anything wrong or if you feel any of my main characters are straying from who they are. I have a few more chapters ready to go up but I won't post it until I get a good feeling about where this is going (as in feedback and whatnot) so please let me know!