* I don't know the name of Thranduil's wife, so I'll call her Merita

* I'm pretending Legolas has 2 brothers called Rolen and Thorel

Thranduil laid his head back against the chair and closed his eyes. He had done a lot of work for the day, and he needed rest.

A knock sounded on the door. Groaning, he said, "come in."

His wife, Merita, opened the door and walked in. She smiled gently. "Are you still working?" She asked. "If you're free, perhaps you might want to come and join us for a picnic."

Thranduil raised an eyebrow. "A picnic? With who?"

"Me and Legolas." Merita clarified. "Thranduil... Your son is only five years old. You need to spend more time with him."

Thranduil nodded. "I know, and I want to, I really do. I don't have much time on my hands, though, I'm afraid. I suppose I can come on the picnic now, though. I finished all of the work as of yet."

Merita sighed. "Alright, I shall go and get Legolas prepared then. Don't be late, meet us by the Gardens."

Thranduil smiled at his servants as he made his way down to the Gardens; they were in the palace, but a picnic in them counted as a picnic outdoors nonetheless. When he reached them, he found Merita collecting flowers and Legolas helping her nearby.

"Thranduil," she greeted when she spotted him. "Legolas, your Ada is here."

Legolas grinned and ran to Thranduil. "Ada, look! I found those red roses." He said, holing them out to his father.

Thranduil smiled and took the roses. "They're beautiful, Legolas."

They continued to collect some flowers before they finally got hungry, and sat down on the grass. Legolas grabbed a sandwich hungrily and started eating it.

"Legolas," hissed Thranduil. "Eat properly! Merita, look at him eating his food like a dwarf!"

Merita rolled her eyes. "Let him, Thranduil. He's only five."

Legolas continued eating, too hungry to listen to his parents conversing. Once he was finished his sandwich, he grabbed a spoon and the bowl of soup his mother had poured for him earlier. He started eating it as well, his stomach growling from hunger. Thranduil was enraged by his son's behaviour.

"You're a prince, Legolas!" He hissed again. Legolas looked up at him innocently, confused. Thranduil grabbed his spoon and Legolas, getting caught off guard, spilled the entire bowl of soup over himself.

Merita gasped softly and picked Legolas up urgently. Legolas' eyes watered and he covered his face in his mother's chest, turning away from Thranduil.

Thranduil's eyes met his wife's and only saw frustration in hers. He exhaled slowly and rubbed his temples.

Merita sat on her bed, refusing to look at Thranduil.

"Merita, love," Thranduil began. "Did you not see the way he was eating?"

"I don't understand you." Merita murmured, standing up. "When Rolen and Thorel were children you were patient with them and you excused them for everything they did! You used to have fun with them, Thranduil. Why is Legolas any different?"

"He isn't." Thranduil replied. "Not at all."

"Everyone can notice it. Thranduil, watch your actions towards him." Her eyes watered. "I fear that if I die, he will be abandoned."

Thranduil immediately grabbed her shoulders. "No, Merita. You will not die anytime soon! You will not die before I leave these lands. Do not think about death. Please. And what do you mean, Merita, by he will be abandoned?"

Merita scowled. "Our sons are young men, they have a future ahead of them and they certainly have no time to raise their youngest brother. You are also always busy. I fear for Legolas, Thranduil. Who will look after him?"

"Legolas will have grandchildren of his own before you die. In fact, his grandchildren will have grandchildren. Worry not, Merita. Free yourself of this needless worry." Thranduil reassured her, squeezing her shoulders.

Merita wiped her tears. "You know, the reason he was eating so foolishly today was because he was unbelievably hungry."

"Why is that?"

"He would not eat all day just so he could eat with you during the picnic." Merita explained, chuckling. "He was so excited to show you a surprise after the picnic, too. He was planning for it for weeks now."

Thranduil closed his eyes guiltily. "Why doesn't he show it to me now?"

"He is asleep."

"Well, tomorrow we can go into the forests together if you would like." He offered. "I will prepare him a surprise of his own to make up for what happened today. We can have a better picnic tomorrow, and we can even stop by the river."

Merita smiled. "That is very thoughtful." She mumbled. "Yet… is he not a bit too young to enter the forests? Danger lurks there."

"We will be there for him, no monsters will dare come near."

Legolas smiled to himself as his mother combed his long, golden hair. He swung his legs back and forth impatiently. "Nana," he called.

"Yes, tithen-las?"

"Is Ada really doing this for me?"

Merita chuckled. "Of course he is. We will enjoy our time today and you will not spill your soup like yesterday. I promise."

Legolas nodded excitedly and jumped down from the chair once his mother was finished. He was all dressed up and ready to go. When he opened the door, he saw his Ada walking towards them. Thranduil smiled and picked him up.

"Pen-neth, are you ready for our picnic?" He asked. Legolas grinned, nodding. "We will go into the real, deep forests today. You will see bigger trees, more animals and maybe even the river."

"The river too?" Asked Legolas eagerly. "Nana took me there before, and it was beautiful! I want to visit it again!"

Thranduil looked at Merita, puzzled. Hadn't she mentioned that Legolas was too young to go in there? "Merita?"

"Yes, we have been there once before." She admitted. "Rolen was with us, though, with his patrol party."

Legolas pulled at his father's hair. "Ada, come on! I want to go to the forests with you! You know, one day, I want to become a brave warrior like you. I will enter the forest without any guards and I will be able to protect myself and save the kingdom!"

Thranduil laughed. "Legolas, no one should enter the forest alone, regardless of how brave they are. Do not worry; no monsters will dare attack you anyway. You are Legolas, after all, and you have an entire kingdom willing to protect you."

"I want to be king like you." Legolas said enthusiastically. "Can I?"

"After Rolen and Thorel." Thranduil answered. "But if they have kids, and their kids have kids, then you won't."

"That is okay." Legolas mumbled. "Rolen and Thorel are brave. They will rule better than me. They have more experience."

Thranduil laughed again. "You speak so wisely for an elfling."

"He is much smarter than you would think, Thranduil." Merita declared, an edge to her voice.

The three of them set off to the woods, until they found a warm, green spot where they were able to relax and sit for the rest of the day. Legolas played around with a ball, climbed the trees, and pulled at Thranduil's hair as his parents spoke of parent and kingly matters.

"Nana, Ada, can I go chase my ball over there? It is too far and I kicked it too hard." Legolas asked, seeking permission to go out of their sight.

Merita automatically shook her head and stood up. "Leave the ball, Legolas. I will go fetch it for you."

Thranduil stood up with her. "Let me go."

"Let us all go for a walk!" Suggested young Legolas. Merita chuckled and held his tiny hand in hers, as Thranduil held his other tiny hand in his huge, warm ones.

Legolas suddenly stopped.

"What is it, tithen-las?" Asked Thranduil worriedly.

Legolas' lips trembled and his eyes began to blur. "It is the sound of a monster."

Merita frowned. "Monster? Where?" She asked.

"Nana! Run!" Cried Legolas.